I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 141 All the saints are in the sky, the great Confucianism kneels all over the ground

Chapter 141 All the saints are in the sky, the great Confucianism kneels all over the ground

Yang Tianyou looked at Yang Gang, as if looking at a lunatic.

"You want to overthrow the laws that have been established by Dazhou for countless years? You are crazy, you are crazy... You are as crazy as your mother! You crazy, what are you doing!"

"Why should I?"

Yang Gang stood quietly in the center of Zhenbao Pavilion, as if standing in the center of heaven and earth.

"I don't rely on anything. Just rely on me. I am a citizen of Dazhou and a part of Dazhou. I am in Dazhou and encounter injustice. I am qualified to have the law amended. I have encountered injustice in this world, so I am qualified-- —Please pray.”

"Let the world change course for me, let the mountains and rivers reverse for me!"


At this moment, the sky seemed to be thundering, and the wind and clouds were stirring.

However, everyone's attention was drawn by Yang Gang, and they didn't notice this abnormality.

Only Hanxiang quietly raised her head and looked at Qingyun Mountain.

"Ha ha ha ha"

Yang Tianyou suddenly laughed wildly.

"Do you really think that you are a mythical genius and can do whatever you want? Hahahaha, let me tell you, this great week, the nine heavens and ten places... besides you, there are countless mythical geniuses!"

"None of them can, so why do you think you can change the laws of the Great Zhou and the rules that the ancient sages and sages set for the world?"

"I can't."

Yang Gang shook his head honestly.

He suddenly raised his head, squinted his eyes and looked at the sky: "But they——can."


Everyone raised their heads subconsciously.


Everyone squinted their eyes together, only to feel that there seemed to be a light that was more dazzling than the sun in the sky, illuminating the whole world.


The rays of light are so peculiar, against the projection of this sage, they are like the guiding lights of the human race, illuminating the road ahead for the world.

"This, this, this..." The Minister of Rites Gao Chunyu's lips trembled.

"They are..." Cheng Zhufeng took a long breath and stood up tremblingly.

"..." Yang Tianyou stupidly opened his mouth wide, but couldn't make any sound.


Just listen to 'plop'.

Cheng Zhufeng, the censor of the Sanfa Division, knelt on the ground, almost throwing his body to the ground.

"Disciple, pay homage to Patriarch!"

"Gao Chun and pay homage to the Patriarch!"

"Meet the patriarch!"

One figure after another, they knelt on the ground one after another, as if they were meeting a saint.

Do not!
At this moment, the phantom in the sky they are seeing is the countless sages who have existed in history throughout the ages, set up their hearts for the world, and set up their lives for the people!
"Meet the saint!"

Cheng Zhufeng, Gao Chunhe, all the Great Confucians of the Zhou Dynasty all knelt on the ground, with tears in their eyes, unable to control their emotions.

These exist in the sky.

It is Yang Tianyou's mouth, the rules established for the world, the ancient sages and saints!
Their portraits are enshrined in the homes of these great Confucians one by one.

In this world of the great week, the theory of reason, law, heart, and Mingwu mathematics all come from the classic articles written by these real sages.

Among the people present, only these great Confucian scholars are qualified to call them patriarchs.

but they...

Why are you here today?
Is it...

A series of eyes looked at Yang Gang who was silently saluting to the sky in amazement.

I just heard Qingyun's clear voice, which resounded throughout the city at this moment, "Disciple Yang Gang has encountered injustice. He can't serve a mother, and he can't establish a family. Being shackled by unfair laws, I feel that the students in the world are unwilling."

"Therefore, disciples ask for holy vows!"

"May all the students in the world be benevolent."

"May all the people in the world be righteous."

"May the nine levels of the three realms, the nine streams of the three religions, all be treated fairly."

"All things are born, reproduce and progress. Even the moss on the steps knows spring and summer, and keeps climbing up."

"The law of the way of heaven should also be continuously improved, instead of being eternal and unchanged, becoming a ruthless iron law."

"Therefore, disciples ask for holy vows!"

"With the help of all the saints, I hope to change the laws of the Great Zhou and the etiquette of the human race. May the saints stop the fall of the sky and bring peace to all generations for the Great Zhou!"

The clear voice echoed in the city of Shengjing.

this moment.

The bustling and noisy Da Zhou Xian went to the holy capital, and it seemed that the mute button was suddenly pressed.

Everyone listened quietly to Yang Gang's voice.

May all the students in the world be benevolent.

May the people of the world be righteous.

May the nine ranks of the three realms, the nine streams of the three religions, all be treated fairly.

Countless ordinary Limin people seemed to have heat surging in their eyes at this moment.

It turns out that in this world...is there really someone who really cares about them?

It turns out...the saints in the sky, those saints who left legends in the long river of history, have not disappeared.

They are still with us, watching us over our heads!


The entire city of Shengjing suddenly became extremely noisy at this moment.

Countless figures frantically rushed towards Changting Street and Zhenbao Pavilion like a swarm.

With a state of awe and worship, I looked at the brilliant projections of sages in the sky.

"Meet the saint!"

"The second bull of the Wang family, pay homage to the ancestor of the saint!"

"Grandpa, you said that the sage has come out, will Doudou also be able to embark on the road of cultivation in the future?"

"Yeah, Doudou, I hope... we see hope!"

"Mother, with the justice of a sage, the third son of the Chen family should not be able to marry me by force, right?"

"No! No! Let's go, boy, let's invite the saint...to do justice!"

At this moment, Shengjing was completely in chaos.

However, everything is so orderly.

A wave of positive public opinion seems to have condensed into a huge net of the world of mortals, condensed into a powerful force, and tightly shrouded the heads of countless powerful dignitaries in Shengjing.

Squeeze down that incomparable authority that has been rich and glorious for generations!

A majestic voice, like Hong Zhong.

It sounded on the Treasure Pavilion.

"If the sky is unfair, there will be sages born."

"If there is a deficiency in the laws of the Great Zhou, we will make up for it."

"Everyone, follow me and continue to debate this...the debate of reason and law!"


Countless promises resounded throughout the universe.


Seeing the projections of sages one after another, they walked into the Zhenbao Pavilion step by step, and sat in the positions where the great Confucians sat before.

In an instant.

Everyone only felt that countless dharmas, principles, rhymes, and laws of heaven and earth seemed to be blooming in front of their eyes.

Inside the Treasure Pavilion.

The people who participated in today's conference felt their eyes glaze over, and their hearts were infinitely amazed and shocked.

This is the saint.

They were either born in ancient times or died in the wilderness. They were either weak and powerless during their lifetime, or they understood the principles of heaven and earth, and they became saints once they were extraordinary, or they were once powerful gods.

But no matter what, when they become sages with their own principles.

Each of them is a god on par, a supreme existence standing above the ninth level of the Three Realms.

Even though what they came here today... was just a projection.

fairy garden.

Lingxiao Palace.

The eternally sitting figure quietly looked ahead.

That lofty gaze finally fell to the world at this moment.

It landed on the Treasure Pavilion.

for a long time.

Shengjun shook his head slightly and remained silent.

If Taibai Xingjun, who is familiar with Shengjun, is here, maybe he will know that Shengjun seems to have a little... trouble at this time.

The saints came to the Treasure Pavilion.

The boss of the Zhenbao Pavilion was so pleasantly surprised that he fainted right now.

But all the great scholars in the hall looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling a sense of loss in their hearts.

The way the saints looked at them just now...was it disappointment?
They are great scholars.

Let the sages enshrined in the hall of the home, who are righteous day and night, and learn from themselves...disappointed!


Cheng Zhufeng sighed, lost his mind.

"Could it be...is the old man's persistence all these years wrong?"

No one could answer his words.

All the great Confucians at this time have fallen into self-doubt.

A hundred saints come to the world, arguing with each other about Confucianism.

There is no such thing as great Confucianism like them here.

The result of Yang Gang's case... I'm afraid it's going to turn around completely!

"Brother Yang, tell me, are we wrong?" Gao Chunyu looked at Yang Gang, saluted respectfully, and asked for advice.

at this moment.

He is not the Minister of Rites of the Great Zhou Dynasty, but a student who studied diligently on Qingyun Mountain when he was young.

"Perhaps, it's not your fault."

Yang Gang shook his head lightly, and said, "It's this world."

"Perhaps, it's not the world that's wrong. It's the rules and regulations that have been fixed in your hearts by the rules of the world."

"Although I am not as knowledgeable as you."

"However, I know that everything in this world is improving."

"So, legal principles should be the same!"


Yang Gang's words were like a thunderbolt, which exploded in the hearts of all the great Confucians.

Should the jurisprudence of Dazhou, which has stagnated for countless years, also improve?

At this moment.

Although Yang Gang has never studied on Qingyun Mountain, in the hearts of everyone, he seems to have inherited the principles of the saints.

Establish a heart for the world, and a life for the people.

That's what the sages are doing.

And he...Yang Gang, has already walked ahead of everyone - for the sake of the saint, continue to learn!
in the corner.

Yang Tianyou was completely stunned in place.

Looking at the dazzling Yang Gang, why...why is it that he, a useless person trapped in the cage of the Yang Mansion, got the approval of all the sages with a few casual words?
Why... he, a waste who has no resources and no way of practice, can awaken his previous life, and even...become an unattainable mythical arrogance, Qingyun youth?

Yang Tianyou roared in his heart.

Unwillingness and jealousy are like snakes and scorpions, gnawing at his heart frantically.

this moment.

Deep in his heart, there seemed to be traces of black air growing out of thin air.

Looking at Yang Gang's eyes, scarlet and black.

Outside the treasure house.

Countless people waited quietly.

What a spectacle, the saints said.

It actually appeared in this ordinary Changting Street today.

They looked forward.

Looking forward to Yang Gang's complete victory, looking forward to the discussion of the saints, which can change the legal structure of the Great Zhou, and change the majestic nine heavens and ten earths... the will of the holy king!
Let this world return to the world of the common people.


Is it really that easy?
Yang Gang shook his head slightly.

The three wishes he made, now, there is still a long way to go!

The clear spirit is like a mirror-like sea of ​​consciousness.

Suddenly, like a mirror, 'gala, gala' shattered into pieces, almost completely broken.

Yang Gang couldn't help rubbing between his brows wearily.

Use the hearts of the people to coerce the holy will.

Guide foreign aid and read countless materials.

He even entered a previous life, where he sat for a lifetime, thinking about this game for decades, calculating all the power he could borrow.

In this game, he was the chess player.

The person playing chess may be the Law of the Great Zhou, or it may be His Majesty the distant sage.

It was never that loyal uncle Yang Tianyou!

Every step today is like walking a tightrope on a cliff.If you make a slight mistake, or miss any point, you will lose everything.

In just a few days, he almost exhausted all the wisdom of his past and present lives!
So far.

His love-severing Dao heart finally reached its limit completely.

"In the future, I must be a reckless man!" Yang Gang made up his mind secretly.

Time goes by.

All the sages came to the Zhenbao Pavilion, no one thought that this discussion would not stop for three days.

Different from what ordinary people see.

Some of the great Confucianists present faintly understood.

As far as the eyes of the saints are concerned, what they deduce is the pattern after a hundred or ten thousand generations.

Three days and nights.

It's really fast already!
(End of this chapter)

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