I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 142 Dark Yang Jian, 3 Eyes

Chapter 142 Darkness Yang Jian, Three Eyes

The big day is in the sky.

At noon on the third day, the Treasure Pavilion suddenly shone brightly.

Everyone thought for a moment, knowing that the discussion of the saints was finally over.Only heard a majestic voice, "We have decided that the dispute between Yang Gang and Yang Tianyou is based on human ethics and fair judgment."

"Because of the failure of legal principles in the past, all of them are discarded in today's affairs."

"Yang Gang has been filial since he was a child, and his heart is like a bamboo and stone. When he seeks in adversity, his heart is like a green pine. He has great wishes and aspires to Qingyun. This is the most filial piety, the most pure, and the most benevolent."

"As for Yang Tianyou, he has no proper family education, and he is well aware of his evil thoughts."

The evaluation of Yang Gang can be described as extremely high.

As for Yang Tianyou's comments, there was only a few sentences.

As soon as this remark came out, there was no need for subsequent judgments, and everyone already understood the meaning of the saints.

Yang Tianyou's expression was gloomy, staring at Yang Gang.

Although he only lost a blue colored coat, he seemed to have lost everything, his expression was ashen, and his spirit was completely lost.

"Sentence: Lan Caiyi will be taken care of by her son, and she will sever all ties with Yang Tianyou from today, and leave!"

The boundless noise spread like waves to the entire city of Shengjing.

The saints decided that there was no room for maneuver in this matter.

Even the aloof saints will not refute their face in this trivial matter.

Yang Gang, this pure and filial Qingyun youth, really changed Da Zhou's legal judgment!

In an instant.

The projections of the saints appeared in the sky again.

Same as this time.

Great Zhou Xianting.

On top of the Lingxiao Palace, there unexpectedly appeared a figure with such brilliant eyes that the heaven and the earth could not look directly at it.

Shengjun looked at Zhenbao Pavilion and remained silent.


Countless people raised their heads in reverence and knelt on their knees.

The majesty of the Great Zhou Shengjun has been sitting high in the clouds for thousands of years.

His image in the minds of the Great Zhou people is no worse than any sage.

Two extremely strong wills seemed to lightly collide with sparks of thought in the void.

The voices of the saints sounded first: "I report to the sage. In three days of discussion, we have deduced a hundred generations and penetrated the loopholes in the law. It will take some time to complete the human relations and principles of the Great Zhou and integrate them into the law. "

"The sage is the lord of heaven and earth, and the three realms are respected together."

"Wang Shengjun supports our reasoning and amends the new law."

Treasure House.

Yang Gang looked at the situation in the sky, and a complicated expression flashed in his eyes.

"Amend the new law?"

The saints on Qingyun Mountain really borrowed the power of his saber!

for a long time.

The pressure of silence seemed to stop the wind in the whole world.


Shengjun spat softly.

next moment.

The majestic nine-day glorious body disappeared from the sky above the fairy court.

The pressure disappeared immediately, and everyone subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

it is finally over!
Jiang He, Jiang Shusheng, Han Xiang, and Qingyun Pavilion have the old power of the noble mansion... People standing on Yang Gang's side looked at each other a few times, and saw the excitement in each other's eyes.

It turned out to be such an ending!

The will of the saints united, and they wanted to use Yang Gang's incident to derive a new law, but His Majesty Shengjun also followed suit and chose to give in.

At this time.

An old man with white beard walked up to Yang Gang.

Lord Taibai Xing was about to speak.

A majestic voice came from among the saints, "Yang Gang, we need to go back to the mountain to continue to develop new methods. Don't forget your promise. After this incident, I will clean up my killing intent and demon nature, and I will wait in Qingyun Mountain." , waiting for you to deduce new laws together!"


Another voice said: "We have all read your poems and essays. They are very good! However, I hope that one day you will write truly shocking articles. That is the real...Long-fame forever."

The voice fell.

The traces of the saints disappeared completely.

"From now on, Yang Gang will go to Qingyun Mountain to study the classics every day, and he will live up to the expectations of the saints."

Yang Gang saluted in the direction of Qingyun Mountain.

Taibai Xingjun stood there in shock.

Staring at Yang Gang in a daze for a while, he finally sighed helplessly.

"You child, you are so courageous... you are not small!"

Say it.

He also turned and left.

The saints robbed people in front of him!

Today's game all started because of his mistakes.The old man was thinking about how to explain this matter to Shengjun when he went back.

Although Taibai Xingjun didn't finish his words, Yang Gang understood what he meant.


He is indeed courageous enough.

It's so big... How dare you plot against the Holy Monarch!
Yang Gang watched Taibai Xingjun's leaving figure, opened his mouth and looked at a note in his palm.It said: If you are willing to serve in the three law divisions, I can help you win this round.

This was three days ago.

Taibai Xingjun asked a crane to carry a note.

Shengjun... wants to train him to be a judicial god.

Like the last eight.

Let him be a god of justice and heaven in the supreme immortal court that will never fall in the future!

If it weren't for Taibai Xingjun's "unintentional help", Yang Gang would not have been able to calculate so far.

After decades of his life, he finally understood the thoughts of all parties.

Since the establishment of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the sages have used the law, the sages have retreated from the world, and the way of heaven has become increasingly ruthless.

What happened today, if Yang Tianyou won.

It can demonstrate the power of the judiciary, and the way of heaven is fair.

If Yang Gang wins.

Many things in the future... He has already foreseen.

It must be Yang Tianyou's roots and tricks that were caught out.

Then Yang Gang took charge of the judiciary.

The son judges the father, the righteous law.

On the one hand, it demonstrates judicial justice, and the way of heaven is stern and selfless.

On the one hand, filial piety moves the sky and the world.

This is the most frightening thing to think about!

The way of yin and yang, the way of the mean.

Shengjun has already mastered the game.

And now.

But the saints pulled Yang Gang into Qingyun Mountain's camp, and took the knife that Yang Gang handed over on his own initiative.

With the hearts of the people, coerce the sacred will.

Playing chess with the sky, Xiaoxiao beat half son.

And Yang Gang is big with his small.

This time, he has won!

'Pursue your magic...' That sentence is not so much a change of attitude as it is a deal.

As Yang Gang's understanding of Da Zhou deepened.

he knows.

The real reason why the saints are willing to move is because of the long steps of Qingyun falling on their heads!
The heterogeneity of the sky is gone.

This time, the legal debate has finally settled.

The forces retreated orderly from the Treasure Pavilion one by one.

The tide of people dispersed, and the city of Shengjing returned to its former peace.


Yang Gang suddenly looked at the people of the Yang family.

At this time, they were like a group of jumping clowns, preparing to leave with their tails between their legs.


Everyone in the Yang residence froze.

Yang Tianyou turned his head and said in a stern voice, "You have already won today, what else do you want?"

Yang Gang looked at Yang Tianyou with flickering eyes.

Walk towards him step by step.

"What do you want!"

Everyone in the Yang residence took a step back, looking at Yang Gang like a demon.

Inside the Treasure Pavilion at this time.

Everyone has retreated, only the Yang family and his party are left.

Looking at the bloody light in Yang Gang's eyes, they were very disturbed.

"You have ruined my Yang family, you rebellious Yang Gang, what do you want?" Mistress Lin said sharply.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to you."

Yang Gang walked in front of Lin, and suddenly raised his hand.


Crisp slaps resounded through the Treasure Pavilion.

Everyone in the Yang Mansion was stunned, and the Jiang family, Han Xiang and others also looked over.

"Next... it's time for your Yang family to repay the debt!" Yang Gang said softly, "This slap is for the interest asked for by my mother. Don't worry, I will pay the interest for the past 17 years. Bit by bit, I will ask you back ten times, a hundred times."

Lin fell to the ground, her hair was disheveled, her cheeks were red and swollen.

She suddenly shouted hoarsely:

"No! You can't do this! You can't take revenge on us! You want to go to Qingyun Mountain to study, and you want to be in front of all the saints..." Yang Gang waved his hand and interrupted Lin's words.

He looked at the woman on the ground and said coldly, "Do you think I need to maintain my image in front of the saints?"

"Do not be silly."

"The sage said: Repaying grievances with virtue, how can you repay virtue? You foolish women will never understand these truths! The saints came from the ancient wilderness, and the blood stained on their hands back then...washed your Yang mansion, and it is nothing more than that." A small stream in a great river."

"you you……"

The Lin family, Mrs. Tai, and everyone in the Yang family all looked terrified.

"You can't do this, how can you do this... Do you still dare to slaughter the Yang family? You crazy! You son of a crazy mother! Don't forget, you also grew up in the Yang family! How dare you touch us, Da Zhou His law will not let you go!"

"Do not worry."

Yang Gang still said the same words, his voice was as gentle as water, "Why use a knife to kill you? Your rotten lives are not worthy of my life."

"Quick, go back!"

"Go back and wait."

"Waiting for the family business to decline day by day, waiting for your loyal uncle... to lead you into the endless abyss!"

Yang Gang looked at Yang Tianyou, and suddenly showed a meaningful smile.


Yang Tianyou's heart skipped a beat.

With a gloomy face, he turned his head and walked away.

If he was humiliated here again, he was afraid that he would not be able to help but do crazy things!
Yang Gang looked at the backs of everyone in the Yang Mansion, calmly and gradually revealed a deep smile.

"Be patient, let me see how long you can bear it!"


The night gradually deepened.

Changting Street, underground of Yang Mansion.

With a solemn expression, Yang Tianyou walked into the secret room step by step.

for a long time.

A strange voice faintly came from the secret room, "Is it done for you to do?"


"Trash!" The strange voice suddenly became cold.

"If you can't do this, what else are you doing?"

"I agreed to your previous request." Yang Tianyou said in a voice.


"Really." Yang Tianyou affirmed.

"If that's the case, your Yang family will really be doomed." The strange voice laughed.

"If we don't do this, what awaits us will be beyond redemption." Yang Tianyou's voice suddenly became very calm, but even he himself didn't know that his eyes had already been blackened by the dense devilish energy.

"it is good!"

"On the third day of March, the imperial edict ceremony. I want all the gods of immortality present in Dazhou to be annihilated with ashes!"

Changting Street.

Hongchen Carved Fish Shop, backyard.

Yang Gang leaned against the window sill, admiring the moonlight in the sky.

I have many thoughts.

He couldn't help but think of a sentence in his mind, "the heaven and the earth all work together, but the heroes are not free when they are transported".

Because Qingyun enshrines the gods, filial piety moves the sky.

Shengjun wanted to train him to be a judicial god.

Because of what I said today.

Let the saints regard him as a successor disciple, a leader who will create new methods in the future, and an indestructible sharp knife.


It seems that no one thought that all he did was for his own mother.

"Judicial God..."

"I, Yang Gang, have never thought of being a 'saint'. Even if I really want to be in charge of the judiciary, I will be a dark Yang Jian and make my own decisions. Instead of becoming a... knife in your hands!" With a firm voice, It sounded in Yang Gang's heart.

It's over.

Yang Gang did not wash away the demon nature and killing intent brought by the sword demon body in his previous life as promised.

Instead, he just restrained his breath, making it more and more difficult to figure out.

He rubbed the hot spot between his eyebrows, which was getting deeper and deeper.


With a rush of momentum, he directly entered Hanxiang's previous life - Guanghan Immortal Prison.

In the sky.

Two rounds of big sun turned into the sky.

on earth.

An ancient god-man was fighting to kill the Golden Crow in the sky, the blood of the gods was splashed, and the Golden Crow screamed incessantly.

A big sun is crumbling.

The blood of the Golden Crow God glowing with golden light scattered on the ground like rain.

The broken moon palace in the waning moon ice crystal.

Yang Gang's eyes are like electricity, and his Qingling Tianmu is running.

There seems to be a little golden light between the brows and vertical eyes, faint outlines.

"Are... are you looking for death?" Su'e, the goddess beside her, asked in surprise.

 There are still double monthly tickets, brothers, can you pity me?
  Well, the butt is up... please taste it!

(End of this chapter)

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