I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 144 9 Youmozun, the plan of the divine way

Chapter 144 Nine Nether Demon Lord, The Divine Dao's Conspiracy

"You." Jiang Jiang looked dumbfounded.

"Fortunately, I can control this icy air." She was about to untie the frozen Yang Gang.

Just then, something unexpected happened.

A powerful pure yang energy erupted from between Yang Gang's brows, and with a crisp 'crack-crack' sound, the ice on his body shattered into pieces.

next moment.


Yang Gang suddenly moved his hands and feet, his face was as white as a dead man, and he looked at Jiang Jiang.

"My good Jiang Jiang, I was almost frozen to death by you!"

"Uh..." Jiang Jiang looked at Yang Gang in surprise, with a golden drop of water shining between his brows, he couldn't help but counterattacked: "I let you see, but I didn't let you touch it. Hmph!"

"I didn't know that a ray of cold air leaking from this leg could almost freeze people to death!" Yang Gang said with lingering fear, "By the way, what is this cold air?"

"I do not know."

Jiang Jiang shook his head honestly: "All the cold air in that secret realm is condensed here. I have never heard of the cold air that can condense Dao Yun. Maybe it is inherited from ancient times? However, I found that my worldly power , can control the cold."

"It seems that this leg was really left by accident when you robbed the monument in the North Cold of the Path of Transformation in your previous life." Yang Gang said with emotion.

"The center of your eyebrows..." Jiang Jiang looked at Yang Gang's eyebrows and said worriedly.

"No problem."

Yang Gang casually smiled, "This drop of Golden Crow's blood was given to me by Qingyun Sword Immortal Li Chunyun last time, Brother Li. I found that putting it between the eyebrows resonates with the primordial spirit, and I can borrow its power, so I took it out and used it. "


Although Jiang Jiang didn't ask, he understood that the twists and turns were not as simple as Yang Gang said.

She suddenly pushed the box in her hand.

"Here, I'll give it to you." The woman with a cold, world-weary face looked at the long legs in the box, and even though they were probably from her previous life, she still tasted a little.

"Give it to me?" Yang Gang took the box and asked.

"The blood of the Golden Crow is pure Yang Wuji, maybe the icy air contained in this leg can protect you for a while." Jiang Jiang pursed his lips lightly.


Yang Gang did not delay.

Closing the box and putting away the long legs of Immortal Wangchen's previous life, I felt a little weird in my heart.

Subconsciously looked at Jiang Jiang's legs again.

"You, you are not allowed to look!" Jiang Jiang only felt that his gaze seemed to be able to see through his clothes, and subconsciously wanted to hide.But unless he leaves the backyard, how can he avoid Yang Gang's eyes.

"I'll just take a look, and don't do anything." Yang Gang stepped forward step by step, approaching Jiang Jiang non-stop.


After a while.

Shengjing Xiaoshashen's exclamation sounded in the backyard.

The maids of Jiang's mansion who were operating in the store heard a loud bang, and then they saw their own lady and rushed away with a door on their shoulders.

They couldn't help but looked at each other in blank dismay.

Another quiet night.

Yang Gang was leaning against the window sill, as if quietly admiring the moon.

"With that ray of magical icy air, my chances of condensing the three-eyed divine eye in the future have increased a bit. The progress in Guanghan Immortal Prison is also good. I believe that in half a month, there will be thousands more times try..."

"I have the confidence to gather all kinds of methods and develop a three-eyed clairvoyance in the ancient world."


"If I want to succeed in the real world, my cultivation may need to be mentioned again."

Yang Gang is ready to be promoted to Wonderland.

During this time, he consulted a lot of information.

If you want to truly turn these three divine eyes into physical supernatural powers, you need to raise your cultivation base to the fairyland first.It is possible to cross the divine bridge of heaven and earth and turn the stellar energy into mana.

And how to advance to the fairyland, he also has a plan in his mind.

Erlang Xiansheng, the true king, Yang Jian, naturally became a saint in the flesh, with unparalleled magic power.Now that his strength has entered the fairyland, it is time to build the bridge of heaven and earth, and convert his infinitely purified true body into mana.

"However... With my current strength, at least I have to be a fairy king to be able to bear this title!"

the next day.

Yang Gang, who was supposed to go to Qingyun Mountain to listen to the lectures under the saints, skipped the class.

He came to Qingyun Pavilion early in the morning.

"I met Mr. Li."

Yang Gang bowed respectfully to the old man sweeping the floor at the door.

"Well, here we come!"

The old man smiled cheerfully and said, "What is the purpose of coming here today?"

"Let's take a look at the 'big mouse' we caught last time." Yang Gang said.

"Well, let's go."

The old man smiled, took out a key and handed it to Yang Gang, "During this time, several of us old fellows took turns to torture it, and just didn't ask any questions, which made the mouse anxious. If you go today, it will definitely treat you For the savior, the reborn parents!"

"Thank you senior."

Yang Gang took the key and walked towards a hidden cave in the back mountain of Qingyun Pavilion.

After a while.

A dark cave, a prison made of iron.

Yang Gang looked at a man in a black robe lying quietly on the ground, who looked like a human, but had black scales on his face and back.

"Don't pretend to be dead, get up."

The sound resounded in the empty cavern.

The black-robed man on the ground moved, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"You are!"

He stood up abruptly, grabbing the iron prison with both hands.


A golden light flashed.

The man let out a scream and let go of his hands holding the iron bars.

This prison made of iron is obviously an extraordinary treasure.

His actions seemed to trigger the prison's restraint.

A ray of golden light fell on him immediately, turning into a golden chain, strangling his body tightly and tightening it bit by bit.

"Let me out, let me out...I'll say anything, please, don't torture me!" The man screamed, his body twisted and struggling on the ground, but he never dared to touch the iron bars around him. .

"A Demon Lord in the realm of the Earth Immortal can't even stand this kind of torture? You big mouse, you are really ashamed of being called a demon!" Yang Gang said sarcastically with his hands behind his back.

"Hmph! If you hadn't smashed my altar, how could this deity...ah..." The man was still screaming.

Now that the restriction of the Golden Light Prison has been triggered, the punishment will not end without a day and a night.


Yang Gang couldn't help rubbing his eyebrows.

If it wasn't for the blood of the Golden Crow back then, facing the sudden appearance of ten true demons, one demon in the realm of the earth fairy.

He might really want to run away!
Fortunately, although the other party is strong, compared to the original earth immortals in Qingling Dongtian, they are only a little bit stronger. It took time and hard work to become the earth immortal demon king.

Otherwise, he might die and be unable to return to Shengjing in time.

It was also because of this that the blood of the Golden Crow was completely inlaid between his brows.

"Tell me. How did Yang Tianyou contact you?" Yang Gang asked quietly.

"I've said it before, I'm waiting to kill you because I heard that the first mythical Tianjiao of the human race in 500 years appeared, and it has nothing to do with Yang Tianyou!" Shamo moaned on the ground.

"It seems that you still refuse to tell the truth. In this case, continue to enjoy the punishment of the immortal law here!" Yang Gang turned and left without talking nonsense.

"and many more!"

The Sha Mo behind him suddenly stopped him.

"This deity... this deity is called Mo Wuyan."

"Oh, are you finally willing to speak?" Yang Gang turned around and came back with a smile on his face.

"You promise me, after I answer your question, send me to Nether Ferry for reincarnation." Mo Wuyan said tremblingly.During this period of time, he suffered hundreds of kinds of immortal tortures, and he was already on the verge of collapse.

"You don't want to live anymore?" Yang Gang smiled.

The Nine Nether Demons came from across the world, and the true spirit was different from this world.

It is difficult to reincarnate in this world after death.

Mo Wuyan obviously wanted to return to Jiuyou and continue to reincarnate in the next life.If he can awaken his previous life, coupled with his hidden cave and resources, there will be a chance to make a comeback in the future.

"Oh, don't be hypocritical, will you let me go?" Mo Wuyan said: "Being able to reincarnate is the only thing I want. If you promise me, I will tell you everything I know."

"And, I will send you another piece of news that is enough to make a great contribution!"


Yang Gang thought for a while and said, "Okay, I swear with my heart, if you tell everything sincerely, I will send you to Nether Ferry for reincarnation."

"Okay! You said it."

Mo Wuyan nodded slowly, finally feeling a little relieved.

He looked at Yang Gang in a daze for a while, then lowered his head and sighed, "Your strength is really beyond everyone's expectations!"

"Don't talk nonsense, speak quickly."

Yang Gang said coldly.

"Okay." Mo Wuyan nodded, and said: "Yang Tianyou was actually defeated in the Beihan Tianyu, and the defeat was utter and complete. It was not at all like what he said, he pacified the Northland and regained the lost territory for the Great Zhou, making up for his mistakes."


Yang Gang showed an unexpected expression.

These news are actually similar to what he thought, the fairyland real demons of the Nine Nether Demons have come out, Yang Tianyou can calm down the Northland with a Yuanshen realm, then there will be ghosts!

Mo Wuyan continued: "At that time, he wanted to lead his army to retreat and guard the edge of the northern land. But he didn't know that we had already completely broken through the gate of Jiuyou, which was sealed by the heavenly sword and the sword demon in the old place of Sifang City 1000 years ago."

"Huh?" Yang Gang was slightly taken aback.

This incident actually has something to do with me back then?
Mo Wuyan glanced at Yang Gang, and continued: "Also, I will re-open a huge Nine Nether Gate in the place where the Demon God fell in the Great Snow Mountain, which can accommodate the Demon Lord to cross the boundary."

"After that, we secretly controlled Yang Tianyou."

"Heh, what is Dazhou Zhongyonghou... just a soft-footed shrimp! He sold Dazhou in a few words, and promised to help us disrupt the situation in Dazhou after returning to Shengjing."

"And his condition is that you die!"

"It's that simple?" Yang Gang said with a smile.

"It's...it's that simple." Mo Wuyan's eyes flashed, and he said affirmatively: "He agreed to cooperate because we had a handle on him. With these evidences alone, Yang Tianyou can be put to death."

"Whether these news are true or not, Dazhou Fairyland will find out when you go to the Northland to find out."

"I've finished my words. When will the conditions you promised me be fulfilled? I will tell you the last important news when I arrive at Nether Ferry."

"is it?"

Yang Gang smiled and said, "If that's the case, I won't let you go easily."

"You backtracked!" Mo Wuyan roared angrily.

"I don't."

Yang Gang shook his head, "It's just that you didn't explain something thoroughly."


Mo Wuyan looked bewildered.

"Aren't you going to say it? Then you stay here!" Yang Gang turned his head and left.

"Wait! Wait a minute!"

Mo Wuyan yelled from behind, but he couldn't call Yang Gang back.

His expression froze.

Taking a deep breath, he suddenly said loudly: "I can tell you my news directly. On the third day of March, at the Grand Ceremony of the Gods, my Shamo has already laid an ambush and is ready to slaughter all the people who are about to be promoted! Let them... ...completely annihilated! There is no chance of reincarnation..."


The door was closed tightly.

Locked Mo Wuyan's voice in the cave.


"Why don't you believe me! Why..." Mo Wuyan hammered the ground angrily, his face full of unwillingness.

(End of this chapter)

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