Chapter 145

"Elder Li."

Standing in front of the Qingyun Pavilion, Yang Gang asked, "What is the imperial edict?"

"Is this."

Mr. Li dragged his broom and swept it on the ground boredly. He heard the voice and said: "Every three years, the Great Zhou will select a group of officials who are about to die, a group of well-known elders, and a group of senior officials. A batch of officials who have stepped into the practice but are not very talented, and are willing to achieve the divine way with their bodies."

"On the third day of March, go to the ancient Kuaiji Fairy Mountain to seek Taoism and enshrine the gods."

"Enjoy the people's incense and offerings, gain the power of the divine way, and protect one side. It is an alternative way to get rid of reincarnation."

"But it also completely cut off reincarnation and ruined the hope of rising in the afterlife. You can only be a god forever, and become one of the countless cornerstones of the Great Zhou."

There was a gentle breeze in front of Qingyun Pavilion, and the old man told Yang Gang about the Da Zhou's incense and divine way.

"The power of the divine way?"

Yang Gang's heart moved, and he thought of the Linglong Pagoda, the most precious treasure of the divine way in the world of Huaxian.

So he asked: "What is the difference between this power of the divine way and the treasure of the divine way of the officials of the Great Zhou Dynasty?"

"The sacred treasures of Dazhou officials need to be controlled by official seals, gather the luck of the place, and connect with the luck of the Great Zhou in every move. It is the hub of the power of the local Shinto, so it has infinite power."

Mr. Li explained:

"But that's not your own power. Once you step down, you won't have any power anymore."

"And the divine way conferred by the Imperial God Ceremony is the enlightenment of one's own soul. Although the incense to enjoy is small, it belongs to oneself. In the future, if you improve step by step, you will have the opportunity to compare with earth immortals or even immortal kings!"

"I see."

Yang Gang was thoughtful.

So what is the purpose of Jiuyou Shamo destroying Dazhou's imperial edict this time?

Thinking of this, he directly told Mr. Li the news.


The old man suddenly took a long breath and said in surprise: "Understood."

"Xianghuo Divine Dao is no different to ordinary people, but the rich red dust aura in it is very restrained to Jiuyou Shamo! They are planning to make a big deal this time!"

Mr. Li looked at Yang Gang and asked, "What is your plan? If you make good use of this news..."

"The mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind."

Yang Gang's eyes flashed, and he said: "The Grand Ceremony of my chance to become a fairy. It is also the day when Yang's Mansion will completely perish!"

"Yang's Mansion... Alas, you have committed your own crimes, so you can't live!"

Mr. Li shook his head and sighed, and said no more.

"Thank you senior for your guidance."

Yang Gang saluted, turned around and walked down the mountain.

Mr. Li looked at his back, hesitated a few times, and couldn't help shouting:

"Boy Yang, becoming a god with incense is a small way. It is a kind of restraint for you talented people. Don't go astray!"


Yang Gang beckoned and agreed.

Next, he was going to prepare for the "Ceremony of God" ten days later.

On the third day of March, the end of the Yang Mansion.

Dark Yang Jian will be born to enforce justice and clear everything.

You confer gods, I become immortal...

With such a big cause and effect, I don’t know how this group of new great Zhou gods will pay back in the future?
In the blink of an eye, it was another three days.

February twenty-sixth.

In the sky of Shengjing, a light rain began to fall.

Yang Gang leaned on the counter, quietly watching the drizzle outside the store, feeling bored.

Because of the rain today, he skipped class again.

The reason is 'there is no umbrella at home'.

The courses on Qingyun Mountain were too boring, and after only a few days there, Lord Sword Demon had already started thinking of all kinds of excuses to shirk.

The saints were angry and funny, but there was nothing he could do about his lazy appearance.Who made Yang Gang's occasional comments on the 'new law' always catch people's eyes!

in fact.

How could the saints know that he actually didn't want to see such an immature 'new law' born too early.

At this time, Yang Gang was thinking about another thing.

'Incense Shinto'

Dark Yang Jian's identity, he is ready to separate from himself.

After all, the reality is not the past life, so you can't do whatever you want.

If he can condense a divine body and put it on his body as a vest, it will be of great convenience to him in his future actions.

But Mr. Li said that the Incense and Fire Divine Dao is a small way, and if he touches it rashly, it will be harmful to him.

"The World of Painting Immortals..."

Yang Gang looked at Xiao Yu outside the store with thoughtful eyes.He planned to enter the past life of the painting fairy, go to the south of the Yangtze River to study the most precious treasure of the divine way, the Linglong Pagoda, and order the evolution of Changhe.

If he can get the best of both worlds, he can still sit on the Diaoyutai if the situation changes in the future.

"Just do it!"

Yang Gang made up his mind.

Just as he was about to move, a person came in from outside the door.

The woman is dressed in a floral white dress, with a gentle temperament and beautiful eyes. She holds a paper umbrella and steps into the store, as if bringing a misty rain from the south of the Yangtze River.

It immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the store.

"Bai Suqing?"

Yang Gang was slightly taken aback.

"Yang Gang."

Bai Suqing walked slowly in front of Yang Gang, still quietly holding the umbrella.

"Is something wrong?"

Yang Gang said coldly.

"I'm here to apologize."

Bai Suqing said quietly.

"Didn't you agree that there will be nothing to do in the future? Why are you apologizing?" Yang Gang sneered and said, "Let's go quickly. I'm afraid it's too won't be able to leave."

He glanced at the door of the store.

The figure of Jiang Jiang walked in quietly, holding the red dust spear, and stood silently aside.

Bai Suqing didn't seem to notice it, and continued: "This time I apologize, because my father and Uncle Zhongyong jointly harmed your mother before."

"Everything has been done, apology? Do you think an apology can expose all this?"

Yang Gang's eyes were cold, and there seemed to be murderous intent looming.

"I'm here to apologize. I don't expect to be forgiven by you. The Bai family has done something wrong, so naturally they have to pay it back. If you want revenge in the future, Su Qing will take over the karma. If I lose, I just don't implicate the innocent .”

Bai Suqing stared at Yang Gang, and said softly: "Also, this time I'm here to inform you that I... am going to become a fairy."

Bai Suqing is about to become a fairy.

This news not only made Yang Gang slightly taken aback.

It also shocked Jiang Jiang behind him.

How long has it been since the Three Tribulations of the Yuanshen, and she is about to become a fairy?It seems that the Candle Green Dragon Fate Rank in her previous life is about to be fully awakened!

Unknowingly, Jiang Jiang held the spear tightly, and a surge of momentum surged in his heart.

Bai Suqing is about to become a fairy, and he must not be inferior to her!
"I'll be waiting for you in Wonderland." After saying this, Bai Suqing turned and left holding the paper umbrella.

The floral dress set off a burst of fragrant wind, and walked past Jiang Jiang.

"and many more."

Jiang Jiang suddenly stopped her.


Bai Suqing turned her head slightly, looking at the woman who was even more dazzling than her ten years ago.

Jiang Jiang took a step forward holding the spear and stood in front of Bai Suqing.

Immediately, the two women with completely different painting styles evoked a strange aura for no reason.One is the evil goddess general who is a heroine, and the other is a half-dragon girl with the misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River.

Yang Gang subconsciously swallowed his saliva, feeling nervous and irritated.

"Are you here to apologize?" Jiang Jiang said coldly.

"Yes." Bai Suqing nodded slightly.

"What about sincerity?" Jiang Jiang asked.

"Sincerity?" The calmness on Bai Suqing's face was broken, showing a hint of puzzlement.

"There is no sincerity, so why apologize?" Jiang Jiang looked at her face, and suddenly raised a hand.

With the speed in the world, the slender palm slammed heavily on Bai Suqing's crystal-clear and jade-like face.

Shocked the four!

Crisp applause echoed in the Hongchen Diaoyu shop.

All the maids and guests were shocked and froze in place.

Bai Suqingsu covered her hot right cheek with her hands, stared at Jiang Jiang in a daze, with a hint of astonishment flashing in her wide eyes.

'It's over, I know it! '

Yang Gang couldn't help but cover his face, he couldn't look any further.

Why is Jiang Jiang so skillful with this slap?I always feel like I've seen it somewhere...

(End of this chapter)

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