I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 146 Born Rebellious, The Stone Emperor Is Born

Chapter 146 Born Rebellious, The Stone Emperor Is Born

"Jiang Jiang."

Bai Suqing looked at Jiang Jiang, her starry eyes seemed to be filled with endless undercurrents.

This slap was neither light nor heavy.

But it didn't seem to fall on her body, but on her dignity.

This woman who was like misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River was finally angry.

But Jiang Jiang, who is tall and tall, is a head taller than that dragon girl.Holding a spear in her hand, she proudly looked down at Bai Suqing.

In this life, she is the little evil god of Shengjing, not Zhao Ling from Beidi.With that temper, only in front of Yang Gang can he be restrained.

You Bai Suqing, if you dare to come to the world of mortals to show off your power, you must be prepared to be slapped in the face!


The spear cuts through the square inch, and the world is extremely fast.

Within six feet, no one with the speed in the world can escape this shot!
Jiang Jiang took the lead.

Bai Suqing moved her left hand.

The plain white palm turned into a cyan dragon claw in the air, grabbing at Hongchen's spear.

Since you can't hide, then resist!


A figure quietly appeared between the two girls.One hand formed into a claw, holding Jiang Jiang's wrist, and the other held a writing brush against the center of Bai Suqing's claw.


The confrontation between the two turned into a confrontation between the three.

Yang Gang's face sank like water.

He said coldly: "What do you want to do? Do you want to tear down my shop by doing it here?"

The eyes of the two women stared at each other fiercely, and their eyes seemed to burst into flames in the void.

"Jiang Jiang."

Yang Gang grabbed Jiang Jiang's arm.

Shengjing's little Shashen trembled all over, as if struck by lightning, he came to his senses and looked at Yang Gang.

He immediately lowered his head, "I... I was wrong."

"Where is wrong?"

"I, I..." Jiang Jiang stammered a little, and Bai Suqing's majesty just now seemed to disappear without a trace.

"I'll teach you a lesson when I get back to the courtyard!"

Seeing that she was speechless, Yang Gang no longer felt embarrassed.

Turning to Bai Suqing, he said, "Where are you? Do you still want to fight?"


Bai Suqing withdrew her palm, and the cyan dragon claw turned into a plain white palm little by little, and then shook her hand away.

It was just a gentle and pretty face covered with frost.

"Heh~ Contrast... the surface is gentle, but the heart is tight with arrogance." Yang Gang looked at Bai Suqing's back with a sneer on his face.

Then he took Jiang Jiang's hand, turned and walked towards the backyard.

"You, don't, I won't go..." Jiang Jiang flinched, twitching his hands like a scourge in the backyard.

However, unable to resist Yang Gang's strength, he dragged the two of them to the backyard.

"Just now...you played well."

Yang Gang rubbed Jiang Jiang's face and praised him.


Little Shashen Shengjing looked bewildered.

Didn't Yang Gang drag her to the backyard to 'punish' her?
"That Bai Suqing seems to be apologizing, but she has no sincerity at all. In her heart, she has never given in to me. That slap of yours was well done! It was very satisfying!"


Yang Gang suddenly laughed, and walked towards Jiang Jiang with a dangerous face: "Death is inevitable, but life is inevitable! I almost broke my shop, how are you going to make it up?"


Jiang Jiang looked panicked and stepped back step by step.

Last time he dared to touch his own leg, this time he had an excuse, what he wanted to do... he didn't even dare to think about it!

Little Shashen Shengjing retreated helplessly, flustered in his heart, "Why does his desire suddenly become so great...what should I do, how can I refuse..."


The two looked startled, as if they had sensed something, they turned their heads to look southwest.

The distant sky.

A golden light went straight to the heaven and earth, up to nine heavens, and down into the underworld.

a time.


The figures of practitioners floated up into the sky, looking southwest.

"Where is... the demon domain?"

"This golden light can be seen hundreds of millions of miles away. What kind of existence...was born?"

"It's so scary!"

Yang Gang and Jiang Jiang stared at the golden light in a daze, only to feel a sense of rebelliousness and beauty of heaven and earth rising in their hearts.

"What a powerful breath!" Jiang Jiang exclaimed.

"It's so familiar... the taste." Yang Gang's eyes narrowed slightly.

This golden light fell in his eyes, why did it feel so familiar?

Qingyun Pavilion.

Yuan Tianshi flipped through the ancient books quickly.

half an hour.

He raised his head slowly, and spit out a sentence: "The stone has three lives, and the man has three lives. Born to be rebellious, the stone emperor... was born!"

for a long time.

The light lasted for an hour before finally dissipating.

Everyone knew in their hearts that in this southern demon realm, there must be a supreme demon born!

As for who.

Perhaps in a few days, news will reach Shengjing.

Wait for Yang Gang to recover.

Jiang Jiang was already running away like a panicked little rabbit.

The only consolation is that she didn't walk with the door on her shoulders this time, which can be regarded as a huge improvement.

Yang Gang rubbed his eyebrows.

He let out a long breath.

Forget about emotion and then become extremely emotional, which magnified the desire in his heart countless times.However, under the influence of the Golden Crow's blood between the eyebrows, the Great Sun God always exudes dazzling brilliance after cutting off love.

I don't know if it's because the coldness of Wangchen Xianjun's leg is often used to suppress the anger of the real fire of the sun. Yang Gang feels that he is becoming more and more irresistible to Jiang Jiang's pair of long legs, which are the most amazing in the world.

He dares to swear that his nature is absolutely not like this!
"Forget it, let's go to the fairy world first. Participate in the study of the power of the divine way!"

A day passed in the blink of an eye.

However, Yang Gang has been in the world of painting immortals for a year.

For a whole year, he squatted at the West Lake to study the power of the divine way, and finally squatted down to the Jiangnan woman who was transformed into a green dragon.

He appeared directly in front of the dragon girl and threw out the Linglong Pagoda.

"Is he the little book boy from 1000 years ago?"

As soon as Qinglong had an idea, he was ruthlessly suppressed under the pagoda.

What is the painting of the West Lake, what is the infatuation with the world, all the love on the bank of the West Lake was cut off by him before it even started.

Because of Bai Suqing, Yang Gang is very upset when he sees Qinglong now.

Originally, he wanted to wait for her and the book boy to perform an epic story, and then incarnate as Fa Hai to suppress her under the 'Leifeng Pagoda'.

just now……

let me in!
This Chentang guard wants to participate in the study of Shinto!
Qinglong was completely taken aback.

In order to become enlightened, she went through thousands of years to cultivate from a green snake to a dragon, and finally rose to the fate level of her previous life and turned into a green dragon.

I wanted to go down the mountain to repay my kindness, but ended the karma of the past.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived at West Lake, he was suppressed under the pagoda by the guard of Chen Tang.

"Let me out, let me out..." Qinglong roared in the space at the bottom of the tower, but got no response.

Without any choice.

She had to practice silently in the dark world at the bottom of the tower, hoping that one day she would be able to fully awaken and break the seal.

[Associated with the previous life 'Qiantang Fisherman' - 'West Lake Painting Immortal']

[You rebelled against Yin and Yang and reversed reincarnation.Suppress Qinglong on the banks of the West Lake and cut off the worldly desires of the world.Intercept the love of his previous life in himself. 】

[Evaluation: Going against the sky, karma. 】

[A blue chance has been transformed. 】

[Currently save one (green) and one (blue) karmic opportunity, which can be claimed at any time. 】

"Going against the sky, karma will pay off..." Yang Gang recited this sentence silently.

A strange feeling rose in my heart for no reason.

I thought about it, but I couldn't figure it out.

Karma, will retribution come to me?

It was my own retribution in the previous life, which bears fruit.Or did this thing happen in the previous life, and the cause was transformed?

"Forget it, don't think about it. Don't care about her previous love and karma! Any karma falls, and I will cut off the love with a single blow!" Yang Gang thought in his heart.

One after another pictures flashed, and the fateful river began to deduce.

[You participated in the study of the previous life and experienced reincarnation.He has become more and more familiar with Dazhou's divine way and official spirit, Qingyun confers gods, divine way confers... and feels the unprecedented ambition of the holy king. 】

[Evaluation: Shinto is successful. 】

[Accumulated in previous lives, gained the power of 20 years of Shinto research. 】

【the first year.You suppressed Qinglong in the West Lake, concentrated on studying the power of the divine way, and at the same time silently practiced the immortal way.Trying to find a way to get the best of both worlds with the same ancestry and complementary influence. 】

【the second year.You have deduced the art of 'Eighteen Changes of Qingyun', and Bai Huaxian, who seems to be obedient to you, but actually harbors evil intentions, has a thought in his heart. 】

【The third year.Under Bai Huaxian's shocked eyes, you have comprehended her art of painting skin with extraordinary talent.Forge a golden body with the power of Shinto to cover up your true self.He became a divine god with boundless magic power, with supreme majesty.The way Bai Huaxian looks at you is completely unfamiliar. 】

【fourth year.You started to steal the inexhaustible power of the divine way from the Linglong Pagoda, and found that no matter how you steal it, the prosperous incense in the south of the Yangtze River can always be automatically replenished.But without the pagoda and the official seal, your power of the divine way is like water without roots, which cannot be completed. 】

【fifth year.You quietly incarnate as an unknown god, and start doing good deeds along the Chentang water system, harvesting incense and faith.At the same time, with the convenience of his official position, he quietly built shrines in remote places, and his name was Yang Jian. 】

[The tenth year.In the ancient Kuaiji fairy mountain in the south of the Yangtze River, you have to recommend "yourself" to become a god of incense and righteousness, and protect one side.Get rid of the position of wild god completely. 】

[As time goes by, you frequently manifest yourself in front of people, and the temples in various places in the south of the Yangtze River are full of incense, and the power of the divine way is growing day by day, and you gradually no longer rely on the Linglong Pagoda, which is something outside your body. 】

[No. 15 years.Li Yu grew up completely and stepped into the realm of Yuanshen.Mrs. Li's pearls are gradually yellowing, and she understands that you are righteous, and the huge gap between you will never be bridged in this life. 】

[No. 18 years.Qinglong was exhausted in the pagoda, willing to turn into a mount, and you signed a 50-year contract.When your official term is over and Kuaiji confers a god, you promise to let her go and practice the Tao. 】

【Thus, Qinglong was able to come out from the pagoda and see the light of day again.The two sisters face each other, and Huaxian transforms herself into the face of her sister, as if she is a compatriot.The painting fairy is sincerely convinced, recognizes you as the master, and helps you practice the "Painting God's Way". 】

[No. 19 years.On a whim, you turned Bai Huaxian into a green dragon, and wanted to step on two green dragons, like an ancient god.However, he found that after years of practice, he could not transform into a hundred-foot green dragon.You finally understand the meaning of 'painting the skin is difficult to paint the bones'. 】

[If you want to become an incarnation of Shinto, you have to walk a path completely different from yourself. 】

[No. 20 years.You feel uneasy in your heart, and you have a feeling that a catastrophe is imminent. 】

【Three months later, your life will usher in an unprecedented crisis.Only then did you know that Yang Ru still had a child who survived more than 20 years ago.The wooden basin drifted down the river and was adopted by a monk in a temple. 】

[After more than 20 years, he became a Dharma body of Buddhism, remembered the past, and went to Beijing to recognize his ancestors and return to his ancestors.Your identity... exposed! 】

【This day. 】

[Countless immortal soldiers and generals descended from the sky.Chentangguan is caught in endless fire and water, you fight back and try to protect Li Yu's mother and son to leave, but you find that the Linglong Pagoda is no longer in control...]

[You understand that this life will eventually come to an end.But as a holy and true monarch, how could he give up so easily?You step on the green dragon, your divine power blooms, and you shout to the sky: If you want to kill someone, you will pay for it with your life! 】

[A majestic voice fell from the sky: "Born against the bones, you will live forever!"]

(End of this chapter)

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