I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 147 Anti-bone No. 2, Yang Jian was born

Chapter 147 Anti-bone No. [-], Yang Jian was born

[A divine sword condensed with the power of incense and fire fell from the sky.A vertical eye loomed between your brows, and you immediately saw a general sitting in the clouds. 】

[You manifest the body of Yang Jian's divine way, and use the three-pointed and two-edged blade forged by the power of the divine way in your hand to fight vigorously.Thousands of gods and heavenly soldiers fell, and you fell into siege.In the sky and on the ground, there is no way to escape. 】

Yang Gang frowned.

Looking at the derivation of the long river of fate, but can't do anything.

In this situation, it would be the same ending if he entered it by himself, right?
Great Zhou's divine power is supreme.

He has usurped the position of Chen Tang's guard for 20 years, and he has committed a heinous crime, which must be suppressed with thunder.

After so many past lives, Yang Gang already understood that today must be a situation of ten deaths and no life.

Covering the unknown gaps in history, he can rewrite.But if it is a known and established ending, at best it can only be fine-tuned, leaving a seed of the future, waiting for it to take root and germinate.

"Since the long river of fate has been deduced here, it should not be so simple."

[Under the siege, the divine incarnation who has reached the level of the earth immortal uses the spear and halberd method chosen in Qingyun Pavilion to fight against the sky and the earth, shocking the heavenly soldiers and generals who came to encircle and suppress. 】

[They don't understand that since ancient times, most of the people who conferred gods are mediocre people.Why do you, a talented person like you, also set foot in the divine way? 】

A strand of memory flashed in Yang Gang's eyes.

He understood that these had become established facts and could no longer be changed.

[Suddenly, a divine light appeared in the sky.Falling on a sword of the divine way, you can see it at a glance, and you will understand that it is the supreme treasure of the divine way in the Zhenhai Tianyu. Once its power is fully erupted, it will affect the luck of the whole place. 】

[The power of this treasure is unmatched by the manifestation power of the Linglong Pagoda. 】

[A sword falls, and everything disappears.The Qinglong who has already stepped into the fairyland under your feet dies, and Bai Huaxian is implicated by luck, and dies suddenly at the same time.Li's mother and son also disappeared. 】

[Under this catastrophe, all your efforts in your life have been turned into vain.In the water of Qiantang River, a red koi poked out of the water, crying inexplicably. 】

【However.At this moment, you are laughing. 】

[Da Zhouyu Zhengshen, sitting high in the clouds, slowly lowered his head, staring blankly at the three-pointed two-edged knife stuck in his chest, his eyes were blank, "How is that possible?"】

[And you said softly: "I, Yang Jian, know more than just the way of the divine way." After the words were finished, the strong power of the world of mortals touched the love of the world of mortals in the south of the Yangtze River, and suddenly broke out. 】

[Among countless shocking gazes, you and Zhenhai Tianyu are the same God, your three-pointed double-edged sword and the Shinto sword simultaneously turned into a wisp of green smoke and dissipated in the sky and the earth. 】


Yang Gang let out a long sigh, feeling lost in his heart.

Even though we know that people are mortal, the people they met in the previous life all died in the long river of history.

But he still felt a little uncomfortable for not being able to protect the people around him.

"That's all. In the past, I was unable to protect you. In this life... I will never repeat the same mistakes!"

[When the robbery rises and the robbery ends, the world of mortals keeps cutting. 】

[Your shrines to the Holy Lord and the True Monarch in various places in the south of the Yangtze River have been destroyed one by one.Despite your preparations, the shrines hidden deep in the mountains have been found out one by one.Da Zhou has thoroughly studied the Shinto of Incense and Fire, and will not let your Shinto body have a chance to recover. 】

[However, the Shinto luck in several places in the south of the Yangtze River has also paid a heavy price, and it will be difficult to recover for thousands of years in the future. 】

[Time is long, thousands of years in the blink of an eye. 】

[Under the water of the Qiantang River, a red koi hides in the cave at the bottom of the river, worshiping a statue of a god with a green dragon on its feet day and night.Gradually, his whole body was full of spirituality, and his scales turned into gold. 】

"I see."

Yang Gang looked at Mingjie Changhe's last reminder, and finally understood.

"Going against the sky, karma will pay off. All chances and coincidences are fate's arrangements... My efforts in this life have not been in vain!"

"All the threads are connected, past life and present life, because that huge net that spreads across nine heavens and ten places will surely link us together in the future."

"But where did this destiny come from? It exists in the Northland, in the Qingling Cave, and in the south of the Yangtze River... But why, I didn't feel this force in the ancient world?"

"Could it be... the Holy Monarch?"

Just when Yang Gang was thinking about "fate" silently.

Jiangnan, Zhenhai Tianyu.

The Qiantang River has been raining continuously for several days.

At noon that day, the river suddenly burst its embankment and flooded hundreds of miles.The Jiangdi Cave Mansion, which had lost the protection of the destiny koi, finally could no longer hide it, and was exposed to the world again after thousands of years.

At this time, the government is organizing people to fill up the embankment.

Suddenly someone exclaimed: "Look, there is an ancient shrine here."

"Hey, this statue looks like it's thousands of years old, and it's not damaged at all!"

"Isn't it an upright god who lost his incense and faith in the past?"

The eyes of everyone looked around.

Immediately, he saw a majestic statue with a resolute face, holding a three-pointed two-edged knife, one foot on the ground, the other lifted, stepping on a flying green dragon.

A majestic breath rushed over.

There was a surge of admiration in everyone's hearts, as if seeing a god in a fairy tale.

Suddenly a human said: "Hurry up, hurry up, kneel down! Maybe this is some righteous god, who is about to recover! As the first batch of believers, we will worship and make offerings to the gods. We will enjoy the blessing of incense and incense in the future, and bless future generations!"


The figures were overjoyed and knelt down respectfully.

Looking at the plaque on the shrine, he read: "The believers in Qiantang pay respects to... Yang Jian, the holy and true king."

Right now.

In Shengjing, thousands of miles away, Yang Gang suddenly had a feeling in his heart.

There seemed to be a little divine light flashing between the brows, turning into an illusory eyeball.


Scenes by the waterside of Qiantang in the south of the Yangtze River immediately appeared before my eyes.


Yang Gang thought about it.

For a moment, thousands of thoughts flashed through his mind.

At this moment, he didn't know whether he should admire himself, or the long river of fate, or perhaps himself in the long river.

Actually secretly built the shrine under the river and let that koi guard it.

Thousands of years later, the big koi became the destiny koi, and led Li Xiaoyu to the dragon gate.And he also left a piece of incense, a chance to recover.

"Well, I always feel like something is missing..."


The god statue in the shrine trembled slightly, as if strands of divine power gathered together, and recovered a portion of divine power in the blink of an eye.

"The idol has appeared!"

"Meet Xiansheng Zhenjun!"

"Meet Xiansheng Zhenjun!"

Seeing this, the nearby people immediately kowtowed and were ecstatic.

The gods are clear, and everyone's life will be better in the future!

For some reason, thousands of years ago, it is said that after a great war, the gods in the south of the Yangtze River did not like to appear.Seeing a revived god today, everyone naturally spared no effort, devoted their sincerity, and asked for the protection of the god to let this rainstorm pass quickly.

Otherwise, everyone in Qiantang this year will have no harvest.

Spring thunder surged, and the sky suddenly rained heavily.

It seems that the recovery of this god on the ground has aroused the wrath of the heavens in several regions in the south of the Yangtze River.

It was pouring rain.

A big man in a coir raincoat turned his head inadvertently, and suddenly stood up, "No! The river broke its embankment again, hurry up! Run!"

"That's too late!"

"It's over!"

"Today I will stop waiting!"

The violent river water suddenly destroyed the embankment, and countless people poured into the river bed to repair the embankment.

Its momentum is fierce, its speed is fast, and it is in front of you in the blink of an eye.

Everyone wanted to escape, but it was already too late.



"Son, run, run! Our father and son can't all die here, leaving Xiaoping and the others as orphans and widows!"

"Father, it's too late..."

The river water was like a blue dragon, drowning countless figures in the blink of an eye.

Right now.

Suddenly someone turned around and knelt on the ground.

Shouted: "Sage and true king, please! Please show your holiness and save us!"

"Please! Help us!"


Countless desperate figures seemed to have found a glimmer of hope, and knelt down in front of the shrine one after another.The sound seemed to be contagious, and suddenly all the figures around, even those who couldn't see the situation in the shrine, knelt down one after another.

"Pray for the Holy Lord to show his spirit, and save us!"

"Please! Help us!"

"Xiansheng Zhenjun is merciful and merciful, bless Jiangnan!"

In this moment of life and death.

Streams of strong mortal incense power, like substance, fell on the statue of the holy and true king.

Looking at this scene, Yang Gang felt a warm current surge in his heart.

"The sky is full of disasters, but no one abandons their loved ones to escape. The hearts of the people in Jiangnan are really simple! It seems...it's time for me, Yang Jian, to come on stage today to save the world!"

Mind a move.

all of a sudden.

Thousands of miles away in the shrine, a bright divine light emerged.

The statue of the holy and true monarch suddenly moved at this moment.Pieces of lime fell off his body, and the golden lacquered statue seemed to be turning into a living flesh and blood in an instant.

Yang Gang's mind changed.

Already in the dark, he threw himself into this statue and controlled his revived divine incarnation.

at the same time.

His body in Shengjing is full of divine light, and it seems that he will transform into the body of 'Yang Jian' at any time.

However, Yang Gang's thought immediately dispelled the divine power on his body surface.

This is the center of the Great Zhou, so you can't make any noise indiscriminately.This incarnation of Yang Jian's divine way is one of his important trump cards in the future!

"The gods appear!"

"The gods really appear!"

Shouts like landslides and tsunami immediately resounded along the banks of the Qiantang River.Hundreds of thousands of people raised their heads happily. At the moment when the flood was approaching, a glorious figure jumped out of the shrine.

I saw him stepping on the green dragon, holding three pointed and two blades, and swung forward.


Seemingly boundless, it turned into an invisible giant wall, forcibly stopping the violent flood.


A majestic deep drink.

The god waved his long halberd again, and suddenly saw the river change course, actively avoiding the figures of countless people along the way.


"We... are we actually saved?"

"Quick, everyone kneel down, thank the gods! Thank you Xiansheng Zhenjun!"

All the figures were shocked, kneeling on the ground respectfully, and worshiping the body of the god in the sky.

The power of countless mortal incense suddenly flew towards Yang Gang like fireflies.


There was another deep drink.

All of a sudden, figures flew out of the flood, and they were the first batch of people who were washed into the river before.

"God, this is the real god! With compassion, bless the people..."

"In the past, those gods who only ate incense but refused to manifest their spirits, what are they?"

"I... from now on, I will worship Xiansheng Zhenjun devoutly. It is he who saved the lives of our whole family!"

"Today, there are still gods in the south of the Yangtze River! God bless me Qiantang, God bless Qiantang!"

"Tomorrow, I will definitely invite a statue to go back and enshrine it at home day and night!"

On February [-]th, Qiantang flooded.

A god was born to save the people from the fire and water.

Overnight, countless statues of gods were enshrined in the home, and the incense of the holy and true monarch was at its peak.

Thousands of years ago, the Shinto luck that was dispersed in Zhenhai Tianyu began to gradually recover.

three days later.

The third day of March is getting closer and closer.

Officials from the Great Zhou also reported to the Immortal Court that the wild god who defeated the luck of the Jiangnan Shinto thousands of years ago...has recovered.

Dark Yang Jian finally appeared in the world!
And this time.

The news about the Stone Emperor's present life also spread to Shengjing.

When Yang Gang received the news from Jiang Jiang, he couldn't help but feel a little stunned.

"Born against the bones, the Stone Emperor was born... This evaluation is a bit interesting!"

"However, the stone emperor's reincarnation is actually him? 500 years ago, that mythical genius who went deep into the realm of a hundred thousand monsters alone, trying to kill millions of monsters... and died in the end!"

"And in this life, he unexpectedly reincarnated as a..."

(End of this chapter)

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