I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 148 2 Boundary Mountain, Qiankun Bracelet

Chapter 148 Two Realms Mountain, Qiankun Bracelet

"In this life, that legendary genius named Sun Fan unexpectedly reincarnated as a...monkey!" Yang Gang's eyes flickered, his expression thoughtful.

The news outside has gone crazy.

It was an exceptionally gifted monkey, who had awakened seven lifetimes in succession, and rose rapidly with the Eternal Demon Realm.

Then at the most critical moment, the seventh world——the stone emperor himself emerged.

Not only the identity of Sun Fan in the previous life was exposed, but the identity of Emperor Shi was also exposed.

Following that golden light, all the mighty men of the nine heavens and ten earths recognized his identity.

The legend of the Stone Emperor also originated from them.

It's just more news, but Yang Gang doesn't know.However, he was still very curious about the reincarnation of the stone emperor who had intersected in Mingjie Changhe, but was only a white Mingjie.

"You have to ask someone."

Yang Gang was about to leave for Qingyun Pavilion.

'knock knock'

Two crisp knocks on the door sounded outside the courtyard.

"Master Yuan?" Yang Gang looked in surprise at a middle-aged Taoist in Tsing Yi in front of the courtyard.

He wanted to go to Qingyun Pavilion, but he didn't expect the celestial master of Qingyun Pavilion to come directly.

"Come late at night and take the liberty of disturbing me."

Yuan Tianshi stood in front of Yang Gang and smiled helplessly.

"I have seen the Celestial Master."

Yang Gang saluted and asked, "I don't know why the celestial master is here?"


Then he greeted Yuan Tianshi to sit down and started making tea on the stone table in the yard.

"Do you know about the recent birth of the Stone Emperor?" Yuan Tianshi took the initiative to ask.

"Of course I heard about it."

Yang Gang was slightly surprised.

The Stone Emperor was born, why did Yuan Tianshi come to him late at night?

"Then you know that in his previous life, he was Sun Fan who was famous in Qingyun Pavilion 500 years ago." Yuan Tianshi said again.

"I know it too."

Yang Gang replied, thinking: It really is because of Sun Fan's identity.

"What the Celestial Master did today is related to this?"

"Alas..." Yuan Tianshi couldn't help shaking his head slightly, and then took the initiative to tell the story about the Stone Emperor.

"This part of the past has to start from the source."

"The legend of the Stone Emperor originated from ancient times."

"That was a history of annihilation. The sun burned the sky, mountains and seas collapsed, the heavens became unstoppable, reincarnation faded away, and the ancient myths were broken..."

"Huh?" Yang Gang's heart skipped a beat.

The sun burned the sky, and mountains and seas collapsed.The history of oblivion...

No wonder, no wonder the past lives of Guanghan Immortal Prison and Stone Story were so strange.

Tianshi Yuan continued: "If the timeline of this world is divided into sections, ancient myths, ancient myths...after the collapse of mountains and seas, there will be medieval fairy tales and modern modern times."

He paused, then said:
"Nowadays, the Great Zhou Immortal Dynasty rules nine heavens, ten lands, and half of the heavens. Most of the top surviving powers in the world were obtained in the Middle Ages. And the powerhouses that people are familiar with today are mostly acquired in the 1 years of modern times."

"For example, I attained the Tao 7000 years ago."

"The legend of the Stone Emperor existed in an annihilated period of ancient history, and there are only a few records in ancient books. 'He was born rebellious, fighting against the sky and the earth.' When he was born, there must be a golden light that reached nine heavens and ten earths."

Following Yuan Tianshi's narration, a magnificent worldview gradually unfolded before Yang Gang's eyes.

As the Great Celestial Master of Qingyun Pavilion, he has attained Taoism for 7000 years, so he obviously knows a lot of secrets.

Tianshi Yuan continued: "According to the reliable information I have received, Sun Fan died in the Eternal Demon Realm 500 years ago, and was finally accidentally reincarnated as a monkey."

"It's fine if it's just a monkey."

"Who would have thought that when he was born, he would show his extraordinary talent. After practicing for more than 300 years, he would awaken six lifetimes in a row. These six lifetimes have penetrated the ancient and middle ancient times, and he is only one step away from returning to the ancient times, which is earth-shattering."

"Although it is only a fairyland now, it can fight against heaven and earth as the sixth generation, and is invincible in the eternal demon realm."

"You can be invincible just after becoming a fairyland? Then the Eternal Demon Realm is also..." Yang Gang was slightly surprised.


Tianshi Yuan shook his head slowly, "The Eternal Demon Realm is not only not weak, it is even very powerful! It is a large heavenly realm, comparable in size to hundreds of heavenly realms, half the size of the Great Zhou Immortal Dynasty."

"The demons in the Eternal Demon Realm are different from the demons in the Great Zhou Territory."

"The reason why the monkey is extraordinary is because of its sixth life."

"The difference stems from the ancient world and the present world, which are different..."

"Heaven and earth, is it different?" Yang Gang suddenly showed an expression of listening attentively.

"Yes, it's different."

Tianshi Yuan said: "The reincarnation of heaven and earth manifested in ancient times, and the third and fifth awakenings in the fairyland are just common. Moreover, the previous life of every creature was almost a powerful one at that time."

"In ancient mythology, the fairyland can be called great power. It can be said that the fairyland walks everywhere, and the earth fairy is not as good as a dog! At that time, there was no weak creature."

"But now, the fairyland awakens the first life, the second life rank, and the ninth rank of the heaven and earth bridge, and it is too late to complete the construction. Due to the limitation of the thousand-year life span, I can't wait to be promoted to the earth immortal."

"Only a fairy who has practiced to live for ten thousand years can be called a great power."

"That monkey is really extraordinary. He awakened for the sixth life, fought against heaven and earth in the Eternal Demon Realm, killed the fairyland like a dog, and beat all the immortals howling. Then he took over the mountain and became king, calling himself the 'Stone Monkey King'."

"Stone Monkey King?"

Yang Gang lowered his head, thinking silently.

Yuan Tianshi continued: "Because of this, he caused a great disaster."

"Half a year ago. The Stone Monkey King listened to the slander of his subordinate ghosts and plundered all the demon dragons in the Tianshui Demon Territory, killing hundreds of thousands of dragons. This angered the Eternal Demon Emperor and ordered the monkey to be strangled."

"It sent out eighteen demon kings, all of whom are strong among the earth immortals. There are four, five, and six divine bridges, and Dharma statues are built on the dragon platform, covering the sky and the sun."

"In the end, the Stone Monkey King was forced to abandon his cave and escape from the Demon Realm. In the end, he was still completely surrounded by the heaven and earth net at the junction of the Eternal Demon Realm and the Great Zhou Immortal Dynasty."

"With no way to go to heaven and no way to go down to earth, that monkey was completely cornered, and finally awakened to the seventh life——Shihuang Mingjie."


It was what Yang Gang and others saw before.

A golden light pierced the sky and the earth, shaking the Three Realms.

"The stone monkey is indeed amazing. When he awakened from the previous life of the Stone Emperor, he completely changed his character. He killed the Eighteenth Road Demon King and fled. Afterwards, the Demon Emperor ordered to continue besieging the Stone Monkey regardless of the cost."

"The other side sent a big demon king as an envoy, carrying the demon emperor's token, to suppress him at the foot of the famous two-world mountain at the junction of the human and demon worlds, and he will never turn over."

"Have they succeeded?" Yang Gang asked hastily.

"Successful. Even though it was initially awakened to the Stone Emperor's Order, it was still unable to resist the power of the Demon Emperor, and was completely suppressed at the foot of the Two Realms Mountain." Yuan Tianshi sighed.

"Then why is it just suppression, but not execution?" Yang Gang asked strangely.

"Because, the Demon Emperor also obtained the Tao from ancient times, and once had a great enmity with that Stone Emperor!" Yuan Tianshi's expression suddenly became serious.

He said: "It is said that the Stone Emperor has no father or mother. He was raised by nature and should not have a previous life. But he forcibly turned into a three-life stone with great perseverance, great opportunity, and great fortune. Walk out of the body of samsara, in the sea of ​​suffering samsara, realize the eternal Tao.”

"It can't be destroyed, it can't be killed... Even the Demon Emperor can only be suppressed forever! Don't let him enter reincarnation, and have a chance to turn around!"

"I see!"

Yang Gang's eyes slightly narrowed into a slit, hiding the light in his eyes.

In this way, all the clues are connected.

half year ago.

It was he who activated the past life of "Story of the Stone", but because the tribulation of returning to the source of three lives was too weird, it took more than half a year for the Stone Monkey King to awaken the stone emperor's previous life order.

The only strange thing, perhaps, is why he was in Shengjing, but a red dust fish sold in a small stall could travel hundreds of millions of miles and appear in the eternal demon realm.

"The reason why the master came to me that day?" Yang Gang couldn't figure out the connection between Sun Fan's previous life 500 years ago and the current Stone Monkey King.

"I would like to ask you to take a trip to the Two Boundaries Mountain. Retrieve a lost treasure for me in Qingyun Pavilion——Tiantian Shentie."

"Tiantian Divine Iron?"

Yang Gang was puzzled.

Yuan Tianshi explained: "Yes. It is a treasure that can be reincarnated with the soul, at least from ancient times. It has the power of ever-changing, contains the way of heaven and earth. In the hands of Sun Fan in the previous life, it is a sword that can kill thousands of demons. Excalibur, in the hands of the Stone Monkey King, is an indestructible gilded iron rod."

"The invincible... gilded iron rod!" Yang Gang's heart roared.

so similar!
The Stone Monkey King in this life is so much like the rebellious figure in his mind who has been resisting and fighting against the world all his life!
The two worlds of past life and present life are like a mirror.

Could it be that the evolution of the world has its own paradoxical process?
Monkey, Nezha, and me, Yang Jian... the Big Three of Anti-Tian, ​​are they going to gather?
In the fairy tales of the previous life, these three people were more rebellious than the other, causing the world to be restless.But this life...it should be fine.

The monkey is far away in the demon realm.

Li Xiaoyu, the future devil boy, is still practicing obediently in Chentangguan, his father is kind and his son is filial.

And myself... Although Shengjun has far-reaching calculations, and his eyes are pretending to be three realms and nine heavens, he has no grievances or enmities with himself, and there is no need to confront him!
Yuan Tianshi looked at Yang Gang's expression, but thought he was hesitating.

So he said: "Although the journey here is far, it is actually not dangerous. The heaven-reaching iron is plain and unremarkable on the surface. Only the immortals in Qingyun Pavilion know its mystery. I give you a treasure... to subdue it. "

As he spoke, he took out a bronze bracelet with cloud patterns wrapped around it, giving off the air of fireworks.

"This treasure is called the Qiankun Bracelet. It can capture all things and has the ability to imprison. It is a powerful thing in my great week. When you go to the foot of the two realms, you can hit the stone monkey on the head, and you can kill him." The God-Breaching Iron in his brain shook out."

"However, this treasure belongs to the supreme treasure of the Immortal Summit, and it is only temporarily borrowed for your use. After the matter is completed, it needs to be returned to Qingyun Pavilion."


Yang Gang's outstretched hand immediately froze in the air.

He thought to himself: "You great heavenly master, you are so stingy!"

Yuan Tianshi couldn't help laughing and said: "Of course, if you are willing to go, I will not be stingy in Qingyun Pavilion. I promise you that you can borrow this treasure three times in the future. At the same time, I can give you thirty mother spirits in advance and three hundred catties of fruits Essence, three thousand catties of quenching liquid."

"These resources can help you sanctify your body, step into the fairyland, and be enough to cultivate to the fourth and fifth levels of the Shenqiao."

(End of this chapter)

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