I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 149 March 3rd, Killing Day 【日万】

Chapter 149 The Third Day of March, Killing Day 【日万】

'Great heavenly master atmosphere! Yang Gang almost blurted out a sentence.

Thirty paths of mother energy, three hundred catties of fruit essence, and three thousand catties of body quenching spiritual liquid.These treasures can only be taken out by Qingyun Pavilion in one go. No matter how much worldly money there is, I'm afraid you can't buy a catty of the so-called body quenching liquid!

Moreover, I have three chances to use the Qiankun Bracelet. If I encounter a strong enemy that is difficult to defeat in the future, I will go back to Qingyun Pavilion to ask for the Qiankun Bracelet and throw it on the opponent's head...

Thinking of this, Yang Gang couldn't help but move.

It's just that this matter is simple to say, and I'm afraid there are still many places worthy of scrutiny.

'I have to use my brain again. Yang Gang couldn't help rubbing his eyebrows.

Yuan Tianshi looked at Yang Gang quietly, waiting for his response.

half an hour.

Yang Gang raised his head and asked, "Why did the great celestial master trust me with such a treasure? Isn't he afraid that I will accidentally fall into the demon realm like that Sun Fan?"

"Besides, since Tongtian Shentie is so important, shouldn't it be safer for you Xianjun to do it yourself?"


Tianshi Yuan couldn't help shaking his head, "I think so too. But the current situation in Liangjie Mountain is too sensitive. Back then, Dazhou also had an agreement with the Eternal Demon Realm. Above the immortal king, it is not easy to cross the boundary."

"And that Heavenly God Iron..."

He hesitated for a while, and finally said: "We only found out in recent years. It may be related to the Jue Tian Di Tong in ancient mythology... Therefore, we have to find it back."

"As for you... your character is bold and careful, which is different from that impulsive Sun Fan. We believe that you will be able to find the Shentie safely!"

Yuan Tianshi looked at Yang Gang with trust in his eyes.


Yang Gang rubbed the Golden Crow's blood between his eyebrows again.

It was only for the sake of my mother that I calculated His Majesty Shengjun a little.Why do you all think... that I am a man who is scheming and able to hold his breath?
Great Heavenly Master, I am really a reckless man!

"What about the Stone Monkey King? Wouldn't he be angry when he regained the Heavenly Iron? After all, his previous life..." Yang Gang hesitated.

"Since he has become a demon, no matter what happened in his past and present lives, he has nothing to do with Da Zhou." Yuan Tianshi's expression was cold, obviously in his eyes, the Stone Monkey King, who was suppressed by the Demon Emperor at the foot of the two worlds, has no hope of turning over. .

"This calculation..."

Yang Gang frowned again.

Unknowingly, she stretched her hand into her bosom, and grasped the fairy jade pendant that was worn next to her body.

He couldn't help thinking about the past.

In the story of the stone, the countless years of being with the stone emperor's immortal fetus accompanied him, and his own recklessness caused it to be born early...

'In the story of the stone, I got the fairy jade pendant to spend the first difficult years, and I realized the artistic conception of mountains and seas from the fairy fetus of the stone emperor, and I persisted in the north. '

'I once said that if there is a destiny in the future, I should find a way to make up for it.Now karma is involved... the karma owed back then should be repaid! '

half an hour.

He nodded heavily: "Okay, I agree. But before going to the Eternal Demon Realm, I have one more thing to do."

"What's the matter?" Yuan Tianshi asked.

"On the third day of March, Yang Gang will cross the catastrophe in Kuaiji Xianshan and step into the fairyland." Yang Gang paused every word, his eyes bright.

"Huh? The third day of March..." Yuan Tianshi showed a puzzled look, why is it the third day of March.It’s not far away to go to the land of the south of the Yangtze River, the ancient Kuaiji Fairy Mountain God’s Way to cross the catastrophe?

You must know that the aura of the divine way has always been repelled by the immortal way.

Isn't it more difficult to cross the tribulation in Kuaiji?

"As soon as this matter is over, I will leave for the Eternal Demon Realm. Don't worry, Tianshi, Yang Gang will definitely bring 'him' back..." Yang Gang said firmly at this time, as if he meant something.

"it is good!"

Yuan Tianshi agreed without hesitation, obviously not hearing the difference between 'he' and 'it'.


He swept the stone table with a flick of his sleeve.

Three things suddenly appeared on the table.

A wooden box, a stone box, and a jade box.

"This wooden box has the method of heaven and earth. It contains three thousand catties of tempering spirit liquid. You soak it day and night to help your body practice. The stone box contains three hundred catties of fruit essence, which can be drunk at any time. And in this jade box... ...These thirty paths of pure Mother Qi of all things come from a hundred thousand miles underground, and they are the perfect body-refining sacred product."

"I know that you have refined the method of body training, and these things are also suitable for you. How?"

"Thank you Great Heavenly Master!"

Yang Gang respectfully put away the three boxes and the Qiankun bracelet handed over by Yuan Tianshi.

"Come here with your ear, I'll pass on the formula for the Qiankun Bracelet to you." Yuan Tianshi beckoned with a smile on his face.

Then he whispered three formulas in Yang Gang's ear.

Said: "Every part of this formula is different. The first formula can help you subdue the demon king and the immortal. The second formula can keep you safe under the hands of ordinary immortals. The third formula... remember, only It can be used on the head of the stone monkey."

"Otherwise...the sky will collapse, and the people and monsters will be angry together, and the consequences will be disastrous! Remember?" Yuan Tianshi warned.

"Yes, Yang Gang wrote it down." Yang Gang's eyes flickered.


Yuan Tianshi immediately showed a satisfied smile, got up and left.

It seems that this time things... are stable.

Yang Gang is different from those mythical geniuses in the past. Although he is bold, he is as careful as a hair.It is indeed the best choice for him to go to Liangjie Mountain to find Tongtian Shentie.

Yang Gang stood in the courtyard, watching Yuan Tianshi's back as he left.

for a long time.

There was an apologetic smile on his face.

'I'm sorry, Great Heavenly Master.The monkey and I were good brothers who accompanied each other for countless years in ancient times.I said I would bring him back, but I didn't say I would only bring the Heavenly God Iron...'

"In this way, people have both iron and steel, and Da Zhou has made a lot of money. Shouldn't it be considered a missed appointment?"

Under the moonlight, Yang Gang lowered his head and said to himself.


He suddenly raised his head and looked at the night in the direction of Yang's mansion.

A pair of eyes flashed a strong murderous intent.

"On the third day of March, it's time to send you off..."

In the eyes of Yuan Tianshi and others, Yang Gang, who is mature and stable, always feels in his heart that he should be a reckless man!

The third day of March.

Jiangnan, the ancient Kuaiji Fairy Mountain.

I saw a fairy mountain standing in a water town, with fairy birds and beasts, and the incense is at its peak.

There are countless pavilions and pavilions on the mountain, which are extremely miniature, but they seem to be small worlds, with shrines placed on each floor and stage.

This is the core of Dazhou Shinto, and the luck of Shinto is condensed into one, and it will never weaken.But if it is invaded by other places, the incense and gods that have been arranged for thousands of years in the Great Zhou Dynasty will also be burned.

However, there are ten Great Zhou Zhengshen who are comparable to immortals to guard here, so it is natural to be safe and worry-free.

And this time.

There are crowds of people on the Kuaiji Fairy Mountain, each figure carefully avoids the original residences of the gods everywhere, and places brand new shrines one by one on the top of the mountain where the gods are conferred.

At the same time, there were also many old people who were dying and officials from the Great Zhou Dynasty...appearing around the Conferred God Altar, sitting cross-legged, waiting quietly for the Conferred God.

Da Zhou's incense and divine way, and Qingyun's Conferred God, seem to be different.

"Hey, have you heard? Today a wild god appeared by the Qiantang water, named Xiansheng Zhenjun."

"I've heard that he has the ability to divide water and suppress the sea. He calmed the flood in Qiantang as soon as he was born, and was greatly loved by the people. It's a pity that he is not the righteous god of the Great Zhou. Although he has received a lot of incense, he can't gather the power of the divine way in Jishan Xianshan. Lost [-]% out of thin air."

Everyone whispered about the most influential things in Jiangnan recently.

But they obviously don't know.

Yang Gang used the art of painting skin to condense the power of the gods and incense on his own body, and regarded himself as a 'shrine'.

The power of the divine way of transformation is no less than that of the gods on Mount Kuaiji.

And there is no weakness in which the power will drop by half if the shrine is destroyed.

"I heard that the true emperor who manifested the sage was an evil god who stole the luck of the Jiangnan Shinto thousands of years ago. The Immortal Dynasty has ordered that no family can worship his shrine."

"What's the use of ordering, the sage and true king did nothing evil. The gods in the south of the Yangtze River have not been manifested for thousands of years, and once the sage and true king won the hearts of the people, they secretly worshiped it if it was obvious. I think...it's hard !"

"Ah~~ Now that the Fairy Fairy Fair in Kuaiji is coming soon, and the fortunes of incense and luck in several places in the south of the Yangtze River have recovered, what an eventful year!"

"Okay everyone, the auspicious time has come."

There was a sound of wind and thunder.

On the Fairy Mountain in Kuaiji, thunder and lightning flashed suddenly, and a breath of pure yang from heaven and earth suddenly shot straight into the sky.

The imperial edict ceremony has begun!

And at this time.

The officials of Dazhou on Kuaiji Mountain did not know that a group of dark 'rats' were hiding in a river hundreds of miles away, watching the changing sky.

"Do it."

The leader Demon Venerable gave an order.

Immediately, countless evil breaths emerged.

In the sky around the Kuaiji Fairy Mountain, four huge Nine Nether Gates suddenly appeared, which became solid in the blink of an eye.

Changes in the sky.

It immediately attracted the attention of countless people on the mountain.

"Not good! The evil demon is coming!"

"Quickly ask the gods to protect you!"

"Hmph, how dare some demons from the Earth Immortal Realm dare to break into the important place of my Dao?"

Someone sneered disdainfully.

You know, the power of incense, fire and divine way of this Great Zhou is the most restrained against those Nine Nether Demons in Netherland!
all of a sudden.

Ten Dao's godly aura, which is comparable to that of immortals, emerged on Kuaiji Mountain.It directly suppressed the overwhelming evil aura of the Shamo.


Before the faces of the people in the ceremony of commanding the gods on the mountain showed joy, they suddenly heard ten shouts of anger.


"Ah—how dare you destroy my shrine!"

"There are traitors! Quick, guard the shrine!"

Everyone reacted one after another and wanted to protect the countless shrines on Kuaiji Mountain.


Everything is too late.

At this moment, many disguised shadow guards of the Yang family suddenly appeared on the mountain, and not only the shrines of ten righteous gods in the realm of immortal monarchs were destroyed, but even many shrines that were comparable to earth immortals were destroyed one by one.

a time.

Due to the influence of luck, not only the aura of the gods of the Great Zhou Dynasty whose gods were in Kuaiji Xianshan quickly weakened, but also many gods in various regions of the Great Zhou Dynasty were also affected, and their aura plummeted.

"Yang Tianyou!"

"you dare--"

Several angry voices resounded on the mountain.

They finally found Yang Tianyou, the loyal and brave uncle who led the Yang family's shadow guards to destroy the shrine.

His eyes suddenly revealed an incredible color.

Uncle Zhongyong...how could he, how dare he!
"Yang Tianyou, you actually betrayed Da Zhou and joined the devil's lair!"

"Ah, I killed you!"

One figure after another flew up to stop the actions of the group of dead soldiers of the Yang Mansion Shadow Guards.

"Ha ha ha ha"

"Hahahahahahaha" On the top of the mountain, Yang Tianyou's eyes were like blood, he laughed wildly and held up a shrine, which hit the ground heavily.

"Kill, kill, kill! Kill me."

"Today...don't even try to run away! Hahahaha"

Standing on the top of the mountain, Yang Tianyou was full of demonic energy, as if he had gone crazy.

"That's right, none of you can run away today." On the big river, warships sailed silently.

Li Jin stood at the bow of the boat with his hands behind his back, looking at the majestic ancient Kuaiji Fairy Mountain.

Behind him are thousands of warships and a hundred thousand sailors.

A suppressed and murderous air seemed to rise to the sky, but was locked on the surface of the river by the formation of the navy.

Li Jin looked at the sky.

There was a hint of expectation in his eyes.

"Junior Brother Yang, Mr. Li can finally repay the kindness of Longmen that day. Next... it's your turn to appear on stage!"

In the sky above Kuaiji Xianshan, there were bursts of thunder suddenly.

 Don't worry everyone, there will be another chapter later today.

(End of this chapter)

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