I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 150 Where is my Chentangguan Wanshui Army!

Chapter 150 Where is my Chentangguan [-] Navy Army!

The shrine fell to the ground and fell apart.

The crisp sound seemed to hit everyone's hearts heavily.

"You all forced me, you all forced me..." Yang Tianyou's eyes were bloodshot, and his gaze seemed to be crazy: "Kill, kill, kill! Everyone on Kuaiji Mountain today must die, all must die!"

Then, he turned his gaze to the city of Shengjing.

"Yes, kill you all! This way no one will know that I did it. No one... I am still the Zhongyong uncle of Dazhou, no! I am Zhongyonghou, Zhongyonghou! From now on I will still be Zhongyonggong, even ...even King Zhongyong! Hahaha"

Yang Tianyou smiled crazily, with a smug expression on his face, "Yang Gang, you bastard... and Lan Caiyi, you bitch! You will pay the price... Hahaha you, you will pay the price soon Already!"


"Kill kill kill!"

Numerous figures of evil spirits poured out from the gate of the Nine Serenities, each of them had a strong aura, at least in the realm above the real world.

at the same time.

The evil spirit hidden in the river also moved.

These demons are the elite of Jiuyou, each of them is usually hidden in the dark corners of Dazhou, and their cultivation base has at least reached the fairyland.

Countless evil spirits raised their sharp blades high, with cruel eyes, rushed into the ancient place where the gods were conferred on the fairy mountain in Kuaiji, and crazily massacred the people who participated in the ceremony of edicting the gods.

This is the place of God.

Breath and immortality repel each other, so most of the people present are Dazhou officials with low cultivation.

In addition, many guardian gods on Kuaiji Mountain were raided on their shrines. No one would have thought that this loophole would cause today's catastrophe.For a time, Da Zhou Fang retreated steadily, and he was no match for many Sha Demons at all.

The imperial edict ceremony came to an abrupt end.

Countless people were massacred by the evil demon, shrines were destroyed one after another, and the power of godless incense and gods immediately spread to the world.

The splattered blood dyed the rocks, trees, and shrines red.

Nine Nether Demons are afraid of the power of the divine way.

The Great Zhou Zhengshen who was stationed at Kuaiji Xianshan, after his aura weakened, didn't he fear the Nine Nether Devil Qi like a snake and a scorpion?

"It's over!"

"It's all over!"

"If Kuaiji Xianshan is breached, Da Zhou's foundation of the divine way that has been prepared for thousands of years will be destroyed in one fell swoop!"

"Even if we don't die today, the Holy King will be wrathful, and we will be in a place of eternal doom!"

Just when the people of the Great Zhou fell into despair.

In the sky above Kuaiji Xianshan, there were bursts of thunder suddenly.

Everyone raised their heads subconsciously.

I saw thunder clouds billowing in the sky, a cloud of thunder and calamity that was not inferior to the power of the Kuaiji Immortal Mountain to seal the gods emerged out of thin air.

"Who... Which Tianjiao is crossing the immortal calamity?"

"It's such a terrifying aura, the wind, fire and thunder are coming together, and the colorful catastrophe... This is the catastrophe of the five declines of heaven and man! But the figure in the catastrophe cloud... seems to be enjoying it! Who is he..."

"Why do I think his figure looks familiar?" A Jiangnan official who had participated in the Qingyun battle hesitated.

"Wait, I got it!"

"It's him!"

"Youth Qingyun, sword demon Yang Gang!"

"It's him? Why did he come to Kuaiji Mountain?"

on top of the mountain.

Yang Tianyou looked at the robbery cloud that suddenly appeared above his head, and his complacent expression froze for a moment.

"Yang Gang...how could it be you, you rebellious son..."


An exclamation sounded from the crowd.

"not good!"

"The powers of immortals and gods repel each other, and the strong power of immortality brought by this immortal calamity has made the righteous gods even more powerless!"


A "Xianjun" righteous god who was fighting the demon in the sky shouted angrily: "Yang Gang, why are you here, leave quickly!"

The figure in Jie Yunzhong sat cross-legged, with a blood-red long knife on his knees, and closed his eyes without saying a word.

The strong power of the immortal way and the heavenly tribulation scattered the power of the divine way and fled in all directions.

at the same time.

No one found that it was in a river at the foot of Kuaiji Mountain.

Originally thousands of miles away in the Qiantang Water System, Yang Gang's Divine Incarnation, who was supposed to be in the Qiantang water system, was hiding in the water and secretly absorbing the scattered power of the Lordless Incense and Fire Divine Dao.

Perhaps the one who benefited the most from today's catastrophe is Yang Gang's incarnation of the divine way.

"Yang Gang!"

An official who knew Yang Gang looked at the sky in astonishment, and roared angrily, "You...are you also on the same team as Yang Tianyou? Could it be that you...your past enmity are all faked?"


"How could this be?"

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar all around.

"Ahem~~~ Everyone, I misunderstood, I misunderstood."

In the sky, Yang Gang, who was silently going through the tribulation, finally couldn't help breaking his defense.

He got up and looked towards Kuaiji Mountain, showing a smiling face, cupped his hands and said, "Mr. Yang happened to be here today, and suddenly felt a sense in his heart, and couldn't help it...so he crossed the catastrophe here. I'm really sorry for disturbing the gods."

He kept clapping his hands and apologizing.

It's just that smug smile on his face that really makes people want to punch him in the face.

"What can't help it, you are obviously harboring evil intentions!"

"Quick, get out of here! We can't take it anymore!"

The ten Great Zhou Zhengshen in the sky roared angrily.

Even though they have the strength comparable to that of an immortal, their cultivation is not self-cultivation, and their actual use is actually far inferior to that of the weakest immortal.Now that the shrine has been broken, and his strength is ten to five, Yang Gang will have another immortal calamity on his head...

The berserk pure yang thunder calamity power was almost strengthened several times in Kuaiji Mountain, the place of true gods.For Yang Gang, it was an enjoyment, but for them it was a painful torment.

As soon as Yang Gang appeared.

Not only the gods of the Great Zhou regarded him as an enemy.

Even the evil spirits and Yang Tianyou in the mountains are facing the enemy one after another.

"Why is he going through the catastrophe here? Yang Tianyou, did you leak the news?" A Demon Venerable said coldly, turning to look at Yang Tianyou who was also shocked and angry, with killing intent in his eyes.

"My lord, there is absolutely no such thing! The conflict between me and this rebellious son is irreconcilable. And..." Yang Tianyou hurriedly explained: "It seems... that there is only one person here."

"Alone?" Mozun raised his head and looked at Yang Gang in surprise.

His eyes flickered, and his expression was slightly dignified.

His name is Mo Wu Ding, the realm of the earth fairy.

Mo Wuyan, who disappeared inexplicably a while ago, is his brother.

Yang Gang's sudden appearance today gave him reason to suspect that he had fallen into the opponent's hands.

But from the looks of it, Yang Gang really seemed to be alone today.

Is he really so big?
Right now.

Yang Gang finally survived the calamity of the fairyland.


A mellow and perfect meaning enveloped his body.Yang Gang only felt that the vigorous Zhanqing Zhengang in his body had reached a certain critical point one after another, and then underwent a qualitative change, transforming into pure mana one after another.

This is the end.

After his physical body reached the fairyland, his strength was greatly improved again.

"This feels...comfortable!"

Yang Gang clenched his fists, held the Blood Drinking Demon Knife, and slowly got up.

Step by step in the sky, he walked towards the Kuaiji Xianshan battlefield.


A [-]-foot-long saber slashed towards the side of the Shamo like a galaxy falling to the ground.

He actually seemed to want to face thousands of Nine Nether Demons alone.

"Are you really so arrogant?"

Mo Wuding said calmly: "It's just right, I will kill you today, and then I will win the body of Lan Caiyi."


Mo Wuding shouted loudly, and went to meet Yang Gang's sword light.


Yang Gang looked at Mo Wuding who took the initiative to meet him, and a trace of astonishment flashed in his eyes.But the Blood Drinking Demon Knife in his hand did not hesitate for a moment, it swept across the sky in an instant, and landed on a three-pronged steel fork in Mo Wuding's hand.

The crisp vibration spread throughout Kuaiji Xianshan.

Shocked everyone's eardrums.

next moment.

Ga La ~ ~ Ga La ~ ~
Mo Wuding, who was in the realm of Mozun, the three steel forks in his hand shattered inch by inch, turning into countless fragments and piercing his face and chest.Then, the light of the saber suddenly condensed into one, and slashed heavily on Mo Wuding's chest.

Just heard a scream.

The mighty Mozun Mo Wuding didn't even use the Earth Immortal's Longtai Dharma, he was hacked half to death by this knife, and fell back to Kuaiji Mountain at a faster speed than before.

This knife is called Qing Yun.

It is the combination of strength and will, which is most suitable for Yang Gang's current situation of being sanctified and unparalleled in mana.


Countless people, gods, and demons looked at Mo Wuding in astonishment on the ground, and they were shocked.

Until a helpless voice sounded: "Brother, I'm already in a fairyland. You at least... respect me?"


Mo Wuding lay on the ground, raised his upper body.

He pointed at Yang Gang 'you' for a long time in astonishment, but he couldn't say anything.

How could he never have imagined that he, who had condensed the Dharma of the Third Divine Bridge and stepped into the Dragon Terrace, would be so vulnerable in the face of this sword demon who had just stepped into the fairyland?
"You, how many life stages have you awakened? How many layers of divine bridges have you built?" Mo Wuding finally said in horror after a long while.

"How many floors? Not many, just five, six, seven and eight... However, I don't have time to build the bridge of heaven and earth." Yang Gang walked into Kuaiji Xianshan step by step, and stood in front of Mo Wuding.

But because of this, he was also surrounded by a large number of evil spirits, surrounded by eerie and strange figures.

"and also……"

Yang Gang didn't realize it, and said something that completely drove Mo Wuding crazy, "Your strength is much worse than your brother Mo Wuyan. To kill you, even before I stepped into the fairyland, I could only kill you." Need a knife."

While speaking, the Blood Drinking Demon Knife was slowly drawn out.

A strong sense of oppression immediately made Mo Wuding's heart shudder.


But he sneered and said: "Hmph, the power of words. Even if you really have the strength comparable to that of an immortal, today... you will never come back!"

"Kill me!"

Mo Wuding gave an order and retreated.

Immediately, countless evil spirits surrounded him, and swords and guns approached 360 vital points around him.

"Boom boom~~~"

Frantic vigor erupted, with a knife and a sword, Yang Gang and Sha Mo were both physically strong, so they naturally chose their best fighting style.

Mo Wuding retreated to the rear, looking at Yang Gang who was under siege.

Immediately sneered, "Hmph! This time we have eighteen Demon Lords, a hundred True Demons from the Immortal Realm, and four Nine Nether Gates that can pass through [-] demon troops. And you...you are the only one here."

"I see what you are fighting with my Nine Nether Earth today!"

"Who said I'm the only one here?" Yang Gang's faint voice suddenly rang in everyone's ears.

"What do you mean?"

The demons around couldn't help but froze when they heard the words.

Right now.

Yang Gang suddenly turned his head and faced the big river below the Fairy Mountain in Kuaiji.

He yelled: "The demon is raging, slaughtering my gods in the south of the Yangtze River, where is the [-] sailors at Chentangguan?"


In an instant.

One hundred thousand shouts in order gathered into a huge wave like a landslide and a tsunami, lifting the thick clouds in the sky and shaking the world.

next moment.

In the shocking eyes of the world.

Above the big river, the water vapor cloud and mist suddenly dispersed.

Majestic and majestic Great Zhou warships with sharp edges and corners appeared, carrying a full hundred thousand Chentangguan water troops, lost the cover of the mist formation, and floated on the surface of the river.

Hundreds of thousands of fearful gazes all looked at Kuaiji Xianshan.

next moment.

Li Jin was dressed in gilt battle armor, holding the exquisite pagoda in his hand, and holding a sword in the other, floating into the air.

Facing thousands of demons, he shouted loudly: "Kill!"

One hundred thousand sailors raised their weapons and shouted angrily, "Kill, kill, kill!"

all of a sudden.

The strong murderous aura is like a substance, breaking through the layers of clouds and mist, and heading straight to the land of conferred gods on the Xianshan Mountain in Kuaiji.

The countless figures in the mountain were rushed to this side, and my heart was shocked.

Even the ten Great Zhou Zhengshen seemed unable to bear the terrifying army's evil spirit, their divine bodies twisted and twisted, and looked at the river in surprise.

The one hundred thousand sailors that suddenly appeared.

This scene completely shocked everyone, gods and demons on the mountain.

Eighteen Demon Lords, a hundred True Demons from the Immortal Realm, and an army of ten thousand demons pouring in from the four gates of the Nine Nethers...all of them froze in place, each holding their weapons, helpless.

Ten thousand against one hundred thousand, what would they win?

Holding the blood-drinking magic knife, Yang Gang stood quietly in front of Mo Wuding and Yang Tianyou.

He smiled and said, "You have a ten thousand demon army, and I have a hundred thousand elite sailors... Now, are you qualified to fight with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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