I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 151 Beheading Yang Tianyou on the Conferred God Stage

Chapter 151 Beheading Yang Tianyou on the Conferred God Stage
No one thought that the [-] sailors in Chentangguan would appear in the Kuaiji Xianshan with divine soldiers.

"how is this possible……"

Mo Wuding opened his mouth and finally realized, "Mo Wuyan, you traitor!"

"It's only now that I realize it, it's too late!"

The voice fell.

The blood-drinking magic knife in Yang Gang's hand suddenly slashed down.

"No—" Mo Wuding opened his mouth and yelled in horror, he was already seriously injured, but he couldn't dodge that gorgeous knife no matter what.Just hearing a 'poof', the demon's head flew high.

Scarlet blood splashed on Yang Tianyou's face.

He stared at this scene in a daze, and a sense of despair, powerlessness and madness surged into his heart in an instant.


"Destroy evil spirits, punish treacherous evil!"

"Chentangguan water army, come up in formation and surround the entire Kuaiji Mountain for me. Today, no Shamo will escape!" Li Jin's steady voice sounded.

One hundred thousand sailors set off ten huge waves like a tide, forming ten large formations, encircling Jixian Mountain from the sky and the earth.

The situation suddenly reversed two levels, because Yang Gang's arrival completely changed.

Yang Tianyou stood still in place.

I only feel the voice in my ear, the picture in front of me. Sometimes it suddenly becomes so far away, and sometimes it seems so close to my eyes, it seems so illusory and distorted.

"This is not true... this is not true..." Yang Tianyou muttered to himself, on the verge of collapse.

"All of this is true."

Holding the blood-drinking magic knife, Yang Gang walked step by step towards the culprit who caused his mother and son's 17 years of suffering.

"Really. Huh?"

Yang Tianyou was shocked.

He raised his head and looked at Yang Gang blankly.

"And now, it's all over."

Yang Gang said calmly.

Raising the magic knife in his hand, his eyes were full of murderous intent.

"No, Ni, Yang Gang...you can't kill me!" Yang Tianyou was suddenly awakened by the overwhelming killing intent, and stepped back step by step in horror.

"Why can't I kill you? 17 years of suffering, 17 years of torture..."

Yang Gang stepped forward like a cat playing with a mouse with a knife in his hand, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "I wanted to ask why all this happened. But when I was finally able to kill you with my own hands, I suddenly felt... ...All of this is not important anymore!"

Yang Gang smiled silently, the blade was stained with blood, and the smile on his face seemed more evil than that of Jiuyou Shamo.


Yang Tianyou retreated step by step to the edge of the Conferred God Platform, his foot lightened, and he almost stepped on the air and rolled down the mountain.

"No, you can't kill me! I am Zhongyonghou of the Great Zhou, you are not qualified to kill me!" At the end of his life, Yang Tianyou suddenly remembered something, and shouted angrily:
"Yes! I'm still your father! I'm your father, you can't kill me!"

"It's unacceptable for a son to kill his father! You can't kill me!" He kept repeating this sentence.

Yang Gang's movements froze, and there seemed to be a slight hesitation in raising the magic knife.

"Hahaha, yes, anyone can kill me, but you can't kill me!" Seeing this, Yang Tianyou laughed wildly triumphantly, "If you kill me, you will be cast aside by etiquette, and you will be ridiculed by the whole world! "

"You will be ridiculed by the world!"

He smiled idiotically and tears seemed to come out, "Don't you want to leave your name in history? Don't you want to amend the law and become a saint on Qingyun Mountain..."

"You can't kill me, you can't kill me, hahaha, hahahahaha"

Yang Tianyou laughed wildly.

The people around looked at him with disgust and disgust.

This Yang Tianyou has gone crazy.

Being forced to this point step by step by Yang Gang, he finally went completely crazy.

Perhaps, this is the best punishment for him.


Yang Gang felt that this was not enough.

Far from enough!

The 17 years of misery of their mother and child, living like pigs and dogs, Yang Tianyou even wanted to put them to death.

Can you let go of this sea-like deep hatred if you are crazy?

The Blood Drinking Demon Knife suddenly appeared and landed on Yang Tianyou's shoulder.

Yang Tianyou, who was in the Yuanshen Realm, suddenly lost his knees, and fell to his knees with a 'plop'.

Yang Gang's cold voice came from beside his ear, "You are worthy of being my father just because of the dirty blood in your body?"

"You, what do you want to do, don't you...do you really dare to kill me?"

Yang Tianyou's eyes were bloodshot, and he looked at Yang Gang in disbelief.

Seeing the bloody long knife on his shoulder raised high, he wanted to struggle, but found that the violent murderous intent was like a mountain, and he couldn't move at all.

"If you kill you, even if you bear the eternal infamy, you will never be reborn, so what?"

Yang Gang stood behind Yang Tianyou, like a ruthless executioner, holding the butcher's knife high.

Another impartial and selfless judicial god, full of justice, judged: "On the third day of March, the loyal and brave uncle Yang Tianyou colluded with Jiuyou, colluded with the enemy and betrayed the country. Killed my Dazhou officials and slaughtered my Dazhou gods. The crime... When punish!"

The voice fell.

He raised his blood-drinking magic knife high and cut it down suddenly.



Two unfamiliar voices suddenly sounded in the sky.

"No!" Yang Tianyou completely collapsed, his eyes widened.


The bloody long knife scraped across his neck.

A bloody head suddenly flew high, and fell to the ground with a plop, rolling round and round in the soil, covered with dust.

Blood splattered into the sky.

Yang Tianyou's head was covered with blood and dust, and his eyes were wide open, full of unwillingness and panic.

Then, finally lost the last trace of spirit.

The third day of March.

Yang Tianyou, the Zhongyong uncle of the Great Zhou Dynasty, who colluded with the enemy and betrayed the country, was beheaded on the Fairy Mountain in Kuaiji, on the stage of conferring gods!

this moment.

Everything on Kuaiji Fairy Mountain seems to have slowed down.

Everyone subconsciously turned their heads.

Looking at the scene of the son killing his father on the top of Kuaiji Mountain, the land of conferred gods.

His eyes were shocked and absent-minded.

He... really did it!

Two figures, one gold and one black, flew towards this side quickly, as if they wanted to stop Yang Gang.

However, it was too late.

Yang Gang slowly raised the blood-drinking demon knife high, and stepped on Yang Tianyou's head. The murderous intent in his eyes seemed to be able to shatter the sky, and a erect celestial eye loomed between his brows.

An aura of justice and grandeur, like the ancient heaven, loomed in it.

this moment.

Yang Gang, who killed Yang Tianyou, had a sense of righteousness all over him.

It stands on the top of Kuaiji Mountain like a judicial god representing judicial justice and the way of heaven.

Everyone in the sky and the ground watched this scene in a daze.

"So what if the son kills the father?"

Yang Gang raised his head, looked at the two flying figures, and his heart filled with joy: "Yang Tianyou treacherous and collaborating with the enemy, he should be punished. This is judicial justice, and the way of heaven is selfless."

"You..." He glanced at everyone on Kuaiji Mountain, and asked slowly, "Who has any objections?"

There was an uproar.


Facing Yang Gang's gaze, everyone subconsciously lowered their heads and dodged.

Son kills father, who has an opinion?

Not to mention that Yang Gang and Yang Tianyou had already severed their father-son relationship, and the mother of the Yang family had also been on the Qingyun Pavilion ferry, clearly stating that he was not of the blood of the Yang family.

Now, for the sake of the majesty of the Great Zhou, Yang Tianyou, who is collaborating with the enemy and treasonously, is executed, who has an opinion?
Who dares to have an opinion!
If there is an opinion, it is to be an enemy to Yang Gang, to the [-] Great Zhou navy behind him at this time, to the laws of the Great Zhou, and to the justice of the people's hearts.


In fact, in their hearts, there is more of a hint of coolness and a hint of admiration.

This Yang Tianyou deserves to die!

Yang Gang took the risk of being judged by the world and even being criticized by later generations to forcibly kill Yang Tianyou, which can be said to be very satisfying!


He also led one hundred thousand Chentang water troops to save all the people and gods on the mountain.

Which of them would have a problem with him?
In the sky.

The golden-glowing figure froze, stopping halfway, revealing the figure of a 13-year-old girl.She is full of brilliance from the divine way, with a solemn treasure appearance, and the three-color glazed light is wrapped around her body.

It is a god of incense and fire comparable to a fairy.

"See Emperor Liuli."

In an instant, the ten righteous gods of the Great Zhou saluted the god with the three treasures and glazed body together.

Her status seems to be higher than that of the ten Great Zhou Zhengshen.


Liuli Shenjun looked at Yang Gang and couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

And this time.

The rapidly approaching black light also revealed in Yang Gang's eyes a barefooted woman in a black robe, with strange black lines on her face, neck, and ankles, and her aura was comparable to that of a glazed god.

the last moment.

The powerhouses of the two gods and demons finally came long overdue.

But at this moment.

No one can stop the situation in Kuaiji Mountain.

"Break my Nine Nether Plans, you will die today."

The black-robed devil looked at Yang Gang, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"Devil Lord Black Lotus, if you want to kill him, ask me first!" A childish voice sounded from behind.

Liuli Shenjun pulled the golden chain on his waist.


A golden chain connecting her and the black lotus devil's waist was tightened, and the black lotus devil's body froze, and he could no longer approach Yang Gang.

"You—" Demon Monarch Black Lotus turned her head and glared at Divine Monarch Liuli.

Two figures, one gold and one black, crashed into each other in the sky, bursting out with intense rays of light.

on top of the mountain.

Yang Gang silently put away the Qiankun bracelet in his hand.

"Both Shendao and Jiuyou really hid their backs. It's a pity that they are evenly matched and restrain each other... In the end, they took advantage of me."

The two gods and demons in the sky are entangled together.

Under the command of Li Jin, the [-] water army killed [-] demons and retreated steadily.

The remaining seventeen demon venerables and one hundred real demons gradually fell into a desperate situation. With the cooperation of the ten righteous gods and the water army, they could not escape at all.

Today's victory is set!
Yang Gang put away the Qiankun bracelet, turned around and left with the blood-drinking magic knife on his shoulder.

The matter here is over.

But the Yang Mansion in Shengjing is still living a prosperous life.

It's time for him to collect debts!

"Senior brother Li, I leave the matter here to you." Yang Gang and Li Jin said.

"Don't worry, this place is safe!" Li Jin nodded in agreement, and said with emotion: "At first I thought I could repay my kindness, but unexpectedly it was a great achievement. Junior brother Yang, I owe you more and more!"

"Haha, it's okay."

Yang Gang shook his head and said, "But I can't teach the little fish for the time being. I will come back in a year and take him to the East China Sea to retrieve the big fish."

"it is good."

Li Jin thumped Yang Gang's chest, "Farewell!"

"Don't let it go!"

Yang Gang nodded.


The figure turned into a streamer and flew towards Shengjing.

After a while.

His figure suddenly turned around and plunged into a surging river.

Meet with the incarnation of 'Yang Jian' who has long been hiding in the river and silently absorbing the power of the divine way.

The two completely different figures slowly merged into one at this moment.

Yang Jian's body is like a set of golden skin, covering Yang Gang perfectly like flowing water, hiding his true face.

It is difficult to paint the bones of a painting fairy.

Yang Gang uses an alternative method of the divine way, using himself as the bone and the incarnation as the skin, combining the ways of immortals and gods into one.

Achieved a unique body of Yang Jian.

all of a sudden.

A ray of golden light shot out from between his eyebrows, and shot towards Kuaiji Xianshan hundreds of miles away.

The situation in the mountain was immediately imprinted in his eyes.

The supernatural power of the Celestial Eye that he had been longing for had finally come true!

The fusion of the physical body and the divine incarnation is the real full version of 'Yang Jian'!
What Yang Gang wanted in his heart was never an external incarnation, but an identity 'skin' that could hide himself and perfectly display his own strength.

Right now.

In the sky, two rays of light, gold and black, were frantically entangled, as if devouring each other.

The aura of gods and demons blend together, and no one can get close.

"not good!"

"This black lotus demon monarch is in a state of desperation, and wants to die with the glazed emperor!"

"It's broken! If they are allowed to continue, Kuaiji Xianshan will be in danger!"

"Where is the sword demon? Why is he missing?"

"It...he seemed to have left just now!"

 The next 2 chapters will be written and posted together at night, did you enjoy watching Zhan Yang Tianyou?I will explain the secrets of the Yang family and Lan Caiyi later, everyone has a monthly pass to vote for!

  Don't forget to follow up and subscribe!
(End of this chapter)

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