I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 152 I am Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun——Yang Jian

Chapter 152 I am Erlang, the True Lord——Yang Jian

in the eyes of the public.

The battle in the sky was only for a moment, but in fact, I don't know how many rounds have passed.

As the light in the sky faded, it seemed that there was a phantom of a lotus flower with twin pedicles flashing past. .

The golden light of the divine way and the black light of the magical way blended in harmony, turning into a body of half a girl and half a mature woman. The golden light and black light kept flashing on her body, as if fiercely competing for control of her body.


"What exactly happened?"

Everyone's eyes were dull, and the figure looking at the sky sometimes changed into a girl with a glass body, and sometimes turned into a mature woman covered in black lines.

For a moment, even the surviving Nine Nether Shamo was dumbfounded.

"Ah—" the strange existence roared in pain, and finally merged.

She opened her eyes suddenly, and stared at everyone in the mountain with a completely strange look.

Everyone's heart trembled.

This look...is so strange!

Sometimes he is compassionate, like the most benevolent god in the world.Sometimes it seems to be possessed by evil spirits, even more evil than Jiuyou evil spirits.When the two exist at the same time, there is another kind of inhuman ruthlessness and desirelessness.

"Brothers, why do I have a bad feeling..."

"This method, why is it a bit like the way of the ancient Buddha that disappeared in the long river of time... Bishamonten?"

"What is that?"

"Destroy humanity, save all spirits... At that time, he was condemned by all beings in the world, implicated Buddhism and Taoism, and was expelled, and finally disappeared in the long river of time."

"I've heard that Da Zhou's way of ordering the gods today is partly derived from the ancient gods of heaven and earth, and part... is derived from it."


At this moment, the strange existence's eyes turned cold, and it temporarily solidified into the Sha Demon form.

In an instant.

Black lotuses all over the sky emerged out of thin air and fell into the bodies of all the creatures present.

ah ah ah...

A scream sounded, and countless figures fell to the ground in pain and howled.But all the demons in Jiuyou looked blank, Hei Lian didn't cause any harm to them!

next moment.

The soft divine light gave birth to blossoming white lotuses everywhere.

into the body of the people.

Ahhhh... Countless evil demons rolled on the ground, screaming wildly as if they were being burned by flames.

However, the people and gods of Dazhou raised their heads blankly from the ground. They were hit by the white lotus, and their bodies healed instantly...


Did not wait for them to show joy.

Another black lotus fell down.

ah ah ah...

Countless screams resounded through the sky.

People, gods, and demons are constantly falling into pain and comfort, pain and comfort... They are almost dying, and their souls are at a loss.

After a while.

One by one the figures knelt down on the ground, worshiping the sky devoutly, muttering to themselves.

"what's the situation!"

"They...they were saved!"

"Quick, stop her!"

"It's too tormenting! This thing is neither a god nor a demon. The Liuli God Lord and the Black Lotus Demon Lord have been taken away by unknown existences at the same time! If this continues, all of us will die today. No! It is more painful than death! We You will lose yourself and become her devout believer!"

"Who can save us!"

"Help! Let me die, I'd rather die!"

"Your Majesty, please save us!"

Hundreds of thousands of sailors, demons, and countless people, gods, and demons all lay on the ground and howled miserably.The existence of that non-god and non-demon is too terrifying, it is like a domain-like infection of the world.

"Which passing Shangxian Great God..." Just as the voice came out, it suddenly froze.

He stared blankly at the sky.

A majestic figure appeared above the sky at some unknown time.He looks like a clay statue, but also like a body of flesh and blood, with a resolute face, holding a three-pointed and two-edged knife, with one foot on the ground and the other stepping on a flying green dragon.

Seemingly completely unaffected by the white lotus and black lotus all over the sky, he grabbed 'her' by the neck,


A light gasp, like a young girl and a mature woman, with infinite charm.

A pair of ruthless eyes looked over, sometimes benevolent, sometimes crazy.

Sometimes... heartless and desireless.

Her vermilion lips parted slightly: "I am the Holy Mother of the White Lotus (Black Lotus), where are you?" The two voices were layered on top of each other, which seemed extremely strange.

Yang Gang looked up and down the strange existence that he easily captured in his hands.

He lowered his head, as if thinking about something.

And this time.

Someone in the mountains finally recognized his identity.

"Isn't this the Qiantang River, the wild god that was just excavated?"

"What's his name?"

"This wild god seems to be called, called Xian..."


A cold gaze looked over.

The person who spoke was suddenly shocked, and he lowered his head and dared not make a sound.

Yang Gang looked stern.

The wild god... is also what you can call it?

Yang Gang turned his head.

Gazing at the Holy Mother of Shuanglian, the resounding voice resounded through the sky, "I am the God of the Ancients, Guan Jiangkou Erlang is the Holy Lord——Yang Jian."

The sky seemed to respond.

For a moment, the thunder was rolling, as if a divine punishment was about to fall.


Just now Yang Gang had passed through the celestial calamity, and the heaven and the earth sensed that no matter how furious this thunder tribulation and heavenly punishment was, it could not fall.

"Old God?"

The Madonna of Shuanglian's expression suddenly became serious.

Lei Jie's response made her believe Yang Gang's words.

And after hearing the phrase 'Ancient God', those who said Yang Gang was a wild god just now fell silent.

The ancient myths no longer exist in the world after the sun burned the sky and the mountains and seas collapsed.

If Yang Jian, the sage and true monarch, really revived the ancient god, it would not be a crime at all to use Yang Ru's body to restore the divine way thousands of years ago.You must know that the current Great Zhou Divine Dao originated from the ancient Heaven and Earth Divine Dao.


The Madonna of Shuanglian has one body and two faces, but there is no look of fear.

Because... she also originated from ancient times.

Although only a trace of memory has been awakened, it has already demonstrated extraordinary power.

"Capture my dharma body, what should you do?" asked the Holy Mother of Shuanglian.

"No problem, I just see you...a little uncomfortable." After Yang Gang said, he clenched his hands tightly.A force that looks like a god or a fairy, completely different from the divine way in this world, suddenly erupts.


The Madonna of Shuanglian's expression changed drastically, and her little face immediately flushed red.

This power... No wonder he couldn't be saved by himself, or even completely unaffected by his own power.

This Erlang Xianshengzhenjun is simply her natural nemesis!

Yang Gang clenched his palms little by little, and looked at the Virgin Mary with strange eyes.

Like exploring, like greed.


Yang Gang's expression changed slightly.

"Giggle~~" There was a faint smile and panting, layer upon layer.

The Madonna of Double Lotus turned into a lotus with twin pedicles and escaped from Yang Gang's hands.

"This method looks like a fairy...you are indeed the god of the ancient heaven and earth!"

With a turn of her figure, she re-formed into a double-faced form in mid-air.

'The body of the imperial seal of the ancient world? '

Yang Gang's expression remained unchanged, as if he had expected it long ago.The blood-drinking magic knife in his hand was transformed into a three-pointed two-edged knife and slashed forward.

The weapon that looked like a knife but not a knife, a halberd but not a halberd, fell, as if it had the ability to seal the space, and slammed heavily on the chest of the Shuanglian Madonna.


A shrill scream pierced the sky.

The Shuanglian Virgin's originally relaxed look could no longer be maintained.

She was stunned and said: "How could it be, how could you obtain such powerful martial arts at the same time by awakening the ancient gods? How much memory have you awakened..."

"How come? I practiced it."

The three-pointed and two-edged knife in Yang Gang's hand pointed obliquely at the ground, and flew towards him covered in silver armor, as if an ancient god descended into the world.


The Holy Mother of Shuanglian became more and more unbelievable, "You and I have no past body, we can only inherit the past memories, how can we practice again in this world?"

"You can't, it doesn't mean I can't."

Yang Gang's expression remained unchanged.

But from the words of the Holy Mother of Shuanglian, I got a lot of ancient information.

It has been broken since ancient times.

Even if one awakens the ancient fate, it is difficult to completely awaken all memories.

But they have lost their ancient physical bodies, and their talents are gone, so it is difficult for them to practice again in this world!
The three-pointed two-edged knife fell on the head of the Madonna of the Double Lotus, and she could no longer maintain a state of ruthlessness and desire. She was full of negative emotions and turned into the form of the Madonna of the Black Lotus to flee crazily.


How could he escape the net of the long halberd in Yang Gang's hand?

But for a moment.

She groaned miserably, and was completely suppressed by Yang Gang's halberd, unable to move.

"This catastrophe is gone, please return to your place quickly and re-establish the divine way of heaven and earth." Yang Gang glanced at the many gods of the Great Zhou around him, and then disappeared in the sky of Kuaiji Xianshan in a flash.

Everything finally settled down completely.

Everyone on the Dazhou side heaved a sigh of relief.

Li Jin's feet softened and he fell to the ground.

With a wry smile on his face, "Unexpectedly, really unexpected, today is so exciting."

"What kind of existence is the ancient god?"

The officials of the gods and gods of the Great Zhou Dynasty all smiled wryly when they heard the words, and shook their heads and sighed.

Jiangnan Wild God?

Unexpectedly, it was actually supported by an ancient god!
After today, who would dare to call him a wild god?

The position of the god of this sage and true monarch is probably more orthodox than all the gods of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and it is granted by heaven and earth.

Starting today, the Jiangnan Shinto and even the Dazhou Shinto must bear the affection of Erlang Xianshengzhenjun, who saved the foundation of the Dazhou Shinto and eliminated this catastrophe.

of course.

There is also Yang Gang who was also trying to turn the tide before.

It's just that no one would have guessed that Yang Gang, Yang Jian...the Tianjiao of the Great Zhou Myth, the God of Heaven and Earth in ancient times, actually came from the same person!
a long distance away.

Yang Gang carried the dejected Virgin Mary of Shuanglian and flew towards Shengjing at high speed.

His expression pondered, as if he had been like this since the first time he saw the Shuanglian Madonna.


A compassionate and childish voice sounded, "My God, what are you trying to do by arresting me?"

Yang Gang heard the words.

Slowly looking down at the three-color glazed body of the girl in his hand, he smiled and said, "I want you...to help me practice!"


The Madonna of Double Lotus's expression changed, and she turned into a mature and graceful black lotus form again.

"I don't like you very much...you just change around when you have nothing to do." Yang Gang frowned slightly, and before the Holy Mother of Shuanglian could speak, he suddenly raised his hand and stabbed.

The strong power of sitting and forgetting slashed on her altar.

The Madonna of Shuanglian has stars in her eyes, her black body fades away, and she turns into a holy magic body of the three treasures of glazed glass.

"White lotus."

Yang Gang suddenly said.

(End of this chapter)

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