I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 153 Let my old grandson go out! 【Day 2】

Chapter 153 Let my old grandson go out! 【Day [-] day】

"Huh? White lotus??"

The Holy Mother of Shuanglian, who had turned into a holy state, couldn't help being slightly taken aback when she heard the words.

Then he suddenly understood that the other party was referring to his white lotus body.

"From today on, you will be called Bailianhua."

Yang Gang pointed at her and said.

"Hmph." A trace of humiliation flashed across the eyes of the Holy Mother of the White Lotus, and then all emotions turned into ruthlessness, looking at Yang Gang quietly.

Seeing her appearance, Yang Gang nodded in satisfaction.

Referring to the method of Tiandao Song Youque, he practiced the way of sentience and ruthlessness, and he has entered the fairyland level.But there is still a long way to go before getting out of the ninth world and building the ninth-level invincible road of Shenqiao.

The strange shape of the Shuanglian Virgin fits perfectly with his way of practice, and it is simply a pie that fell from the sky.

"How about the knife just now?" Yang Gang asked.

"This knife?"

The Holy Mother of the White Lotus recalled it carefully, and then said in amazement: "What a strong power of sitting and forgetting, you...you want to use my body..."

The voice did not fall.

Yang Gang suddenly raised his hand and struck again.

This knife is full of complicated power of the world of mortals.


The Lingtai of the Holy Mother of the Double Lotus hummed, and then the white lotus on her body dissipated and turned into the form of the Virgin of the Black Lotus.

"Black Lotus, what about this knife?" Yang Gang asked with a smile.

"You~~~" The mature woman panted lightly, looking at Yang Gang in horror.

"You actually want to use my twin body to practice supernatural powers! You...you are so vicious!" The Holy Mother of the Black Lotus said angrily.

"I am vicious? You seem to be a twin, but you are the combination of the Liuli God and the Black Lotus Demon Lord. In fact, you have swallowed and seized the consciousness of the two... May I ask whether you are vicious or I am more vicious?"

Yang Gang sneered and said: "Since the ancient times, you have been struggling until now, and you have finally created two bodies suitable for containing you. Two personalities, but actually only one consciousness. Your calculations are really far-reaching!"

"You, how did you know?" The Holy Mother of the Black Lotus looked horrified.

"Guess." Yang Gang said.


The Madonna of Black Lotus couldn't help being taken aback, her heart pounding.

In this world, is there such a smart person?

He was my natural nemesis,

But he entrusted me so much to keep me by his side... when the time comes...

"Looking at your appearance, you are very unconvinced? Come on, let me give you a gift." Yang Gang said, taking out a red dust fish from his arms, and the power of immortals and gods poured into it .

Then, under the eyes of the Holy Mother of Shuanglian's resistance, he stuffed it into her mouth and slapped it down.

The Shuanglian Virgin's throat suddenly swelled, her figure crazily changed between a girl and a mature woman, and she swallowed the mortal fish unwillingly and with pain on her face.

"Don't try to struggle."

Yang Gang's warning voice sounded, "This little fish contains my immortal power, if you try to expel it, it will explode directly inside your body."

"What will happen then, I believe you know very well!"

"You—I will definitely kill you!" The Virgin of Shuanglian's eyes were ruthless, as cold as frost.

She traveled through the ages, how had she ever suffered such humiliation?
She will definitely avenge this revenge in the future!


Sheng Jing.

Changting Street, Yang Mansion.

The night was dark, and everyone in the Yang Mansion fell into a deep sleep. They still didn't know that Yang Tianyou, the protective umbrella above their heads, had been ambushed thousands of miles away.

Yang Gang stood quietly in the courtyard where he had lived for 17 years.

Silence for a long time.

Then cast a fire.

Turn around and look at the brightly lit Yang Mansion.


The torch was lit immediately, and Yang Gang said softly: "Mother, the cage and the evil swamp that have trapped you for 17 years will disappear today..."

The voice fell.

Suddenly, figures appeared around Yang's residence one by one.

Just as the hidden Yang family shadow guard was about to move, a sharp arrow shot out of the darkness pierced his chest.

Jing Zhaoyin, the Ministry of Criminal Justice, Dali Temple... One after another, judicial offices in different costumes came out of the darkness, and the Yang Mansion was surrounded by water.

next moment.

There were exclamations and angry shouts.

"You... what are you going to do?"

"This is the residence of the Marquis of Zhongyong! Do you know what you are doing? Who gave you the courage to break into the residence of the Marquis!"


Only ruthless swords and disgusting eyes responded to them.

Colluding with evil spirits in an attempt to destroy the foundation of Da Zhou's divine way.With such a serious crime, Yang's family can't even think about getting rid of it today.

After a while.

The entire Yang Mansion was emptied.

The flames in the small courtyard became more and more intense, gradually spreading around.

Yang Gang stood quietly in the fire, as if the people around couldn't see him.

"It's all over."

He sighed, turned and left.

on the way.

Han Xiang's figure stood quietly at the entrance of Changting Street, just like the scene when he left Yang's mansion with his mother that day.

But now everything has changed.

The once prosperous Yang Mansion was completely over.

The two looked at each other.

for a long time.

Han Xiang avoided her eyes subconsciously, and said softly, "You didn't get carried away by hatred, but handed them over to Xianchao for judicial trial. Yang Gang, you really grew up..."

"Thank you auntie."

Yang Gang walked up to Han Xiang and smiled.

If not for the woman in front of them, their mother and son might have been buried in a barren mountain a few years ago.

"Are you going to Liangjie Mountain?" Han Xiang asked.

"After I leave, mother will take care of my aunt for the time being." Yang Gang nodded.


Han Xiang nodded slightly.

The two separated at this point, but they had a tacit understanding without mentioning Hanxiang's apprentice Yang Chan.

After one night.

The accusation of Yang Tianyou colluding with evil spirits, collaborating with the enemy and treason spread throughout Shengjing, causing a sensation.

Everyone in the Yang Mansion was judged by the laws of the Great Zhou, and their heads were rolling.

And after this night, no one in Shengjing has ever seen that radiant girl——Yang Chan.

Changting Street Courtyard.

Yang Gang and Jiang Jiang sat in the yard.

"During this time, I have carved enough red dust fish for half a year. You have to help me take care of the shop. This shop is the foundation for a future family!" Yang Gang said.


Jiang Jiang nodded slightly.

"Remember not to fight with Bai Suqing, if you want to fight, kill her directly, don't give her a chance to stand up!" Yang Gang said.


Jiang Jiang nodded slightly.

"Pay attention to the movement of those evil demons in the demon guarding ground, don't let them run out of the ground. I always feel that they have some plans for my mother." Yang Gang said.


Jiang Jiang nodded slightly.

"Let me kiss you." Yang Gang said.


Jiang Jiang nodded slightly.


She suddenly widened her eyes and subconsciously protected her long legs.

"No! Not yet!" Jiang Jiang suddenly panicked, and the image of the cold and world-weary Yujie was shattered at this moment.

"Oh? Then when can it be?"

Yang Gang smiled.

He had already stepped into the fairyland and digested the blood of the Golden Crow between his brows, so naturally he would not be amplified by the power of the world of mortals as before.

However, the appearance of Jiang Jiang's aloof image after breaking the defense made him a little bit happy.

"Wait, wait for you to come back."

Jiang Jiang's face was rosy, he got up a little bit, and then suddenly quickened his pace and fled outside.

"wait me back?"

Yang Gang said loudly.

"Hmm~~~" A thin, mosquito-like voice floated from the air.


The sun is shining brightly and the breeze is blowing.

In the eastern sky, the golden crow flies across the sky day after day.

"let me out!"

"Old Demon Emperor, let me out!"

A cry spread all over the world.

The incomparably majestic Mount Liangjie stands at the junction of the human race and the demon realm. Recently, there has been a gathering of wind and clouds, and great demons and immortals have come from all over to observe the suppressed stone monkey king.

At this time, Liangjie Mountain can be described as a mixed bag, with people and demons with various purposes in mind.

The Demon Emperor's talisman suppressed it, and the Stone Monkey King struggled crazily day by day.

The dao rhyme that erupts from time to time seems to make people go back to the ancient times, and it makes people comprehend some avenues and supernatural powers from time to time.

Two Boundary Mountains are dozens of miles away.

On the wide avenue, a long procession came.

This is a caravan that often walks in the world of demons and humans. There are human races, various demons, real gangsters, primordial gods, and even fairyland powerhouses to protect them.

A swordsman in black was at the end of the caravan.

Quietly listen to the discussion of the people in the same industry.

"Have you heard? The Stone Monkey King, what a miserable life at the foot of Liangjie Mountain!"

"How to say?"

A tiger demon said: "His Majesty the Demon Emperor seems to hate the Stone Monkey King so much that he is fed copper juice, gold and iron every day, and released sky thunder to strike him, trying to obliterate his spirituality."

"And the Stone Monkey King is also unruly, and he hasn't stopped struggling for a day. Tsk tsk, if he is really allowed to break free, I'm afraid it will really turn the world upside down!"

"how is this possible?"

"The power of the demon emperor is comparable to that of the sage king of the human race. When a command talisman falls, even the fairy king will be suppressed. With the current ability of the stone monkey king, I am afraid that it will be impossible to escape after 500 or 5000 years of cultivation!"

"It's not the Demon Emperor himself, that's not certain!"

"I heard that in recent days, friends of the Stone Monkey King from the past came to rescue from time to time, but they all returned without success and suffered heavy casualties. I don't know if it's true?"

"It's not only the monster race, but also the human race... and many people have come to help!"


Many people and monsters looked at Yang Gang.

This new addition to the team is said to be a swordsman who is going to the Demon Realm to find his relatives.

"Why are you looking at me? I'm a real man, and I'm really just going to Qingqiu Demon Realm to find relatives. If you don't believe me, look at it..." As he said, Yang Gang lifted the clothes behind his butt, and suddenly a white foxtail flew in the air Shake it.

"Hmm~~~" The eyes of everyone hesitated for a moment, and then became trusting.

"With your handsome face, you can tell that you have the half-demon blood of the fox clan."

"True Astral Realm... It is true that if you go there, you will die. I heard that there was even an earth immortal in the human race a few days ago. He was the best friend of Sun Fan, the arrogance of the human race, and he also fell in Liangjie Mountain."

Yang Gang smiled slightly.

His art of painting skin has been perfected, and it is impossible to see through it without ordinary clairvoyance.

Continue to prick up a pair of fox ears to listen.

He also wanted to know why Sun Fan still made many of his friends miss him so much after his reincarnation.

"Brother, why is it that Sun Fan is reincarnated as a monkey, and the human race still persists in him?"

"This is going to be 500 years ago. Do you know why Sun Fan entered the demon realm alone and killed [-] demons with his sword?" A human primordial spirit said leisurely, with a flash of admiration in his eyes.

"Why?" Everyone and the demon were puzzled.

Although they have been traveling together in the Demon Realm all year round, they still don't know the news that just came out.

At this time, the majestic Liangjie Mountains were finally within sight.

Lightning flashes in the sky.

Violent roars resounded through the sky.

"let me out!"

"Old Demon Emperor, let my grandson go out!"

In the sky, figures with powerful auras surrounded the sky of the towering Liangjie Mountains.

From time to time, fights seemed to break out.

Yang Gang looked up for a while.

Reaching out to hold the fairy jade pendant in his arms, and a carefully carved small fish in the world of mortals.

"Brother Monkey, I'm coming!"

(End of this chapter)

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