I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 155 Divine Bridge 5th Layer, Peerless Monster

Chapter 155 Shenqiao Fifth Layer, Peerless Evildoer


"Who are you?"

The Stone Monkey King sized Yang Gang up and down, looked behind him, scratched the monkey's face and said, "No, where are you evildoer?"

"Actually, I'm human."

Yang Gang shook his butt, and the snow-white fox tail swayed behind him.

"you are human?"

The Stone Monkey King tilted his head, looking puzzled.

"Yes, I am a human. My tail is just for convenience. If I were a human, I would not be so easy to get here." Yang Gang explained: "Our time is running out. Let us take advantage of the real powerhouse of the monster race to get here." I haven't arrived yet, Brother Hou cooperated with me, and together we overturned these two mountains."

He looked up at a golden token on the top of the mountain.

Ancient characters are engraved in it, and various auras of avenues flash.Turning the two mountains into one, firmly suppressing the body of the Stone Monkey King.

But even with the weight of the ten thousand zhang holy mountain on his body, he couldn't crush the Stone Monkey King to death, which showed that his body was strong.

If the natural strength of the Stone Monkey King is combined with his own strength, it may be possible to overthrow the two mountains and break the seal in one fell swoop to escape the predicament.

"You also want to save my old grandson?" His eyes flashed, and he fixedly looked at Yang Gang.


Yang Gang nodded.

"Heh~~ The evildoer is not trying to lie to me."

The Stone Monkey King looked vigilant, "My old grandson can see that you are not human at a glance! In the previous life, you fox clan deceived my old grandson and ruined my reputation. In this life, your fox clan tricked my old grandson to flee to Liangjie Mountain , was finally suppressed by this ancient god mountain."

"Say, what is your purpose?" The Monkey King bared his teeth with a fierce look on his face.


Yang Gang couldn't help being stunned.

Unexpectedly, he was dressed as a fox and a half-demon, which was self-defeating, and the Stone Monkey King misunderstood him.

The Stone Monkey King glared at Yang Gang with an angry face.

With his ability to awaken seven lives, and half of them are the stone emperor's previous life, if there is no suppression by the indestructible Liangjie Mountain, how can a mere demon emperor's talisman suppress him?
Right now.

"A half-demon in the fairyland dares to act recklessly in Liangjie Mountain, my demon realm!" A resonant voice resounded in the sky.

next moment.

There was a strong wind, and a black cloud floated from the distant sky, turning into a huge black bear spirit.The breath on his body is extremely violent, and he is a demon king comparable to an earth fairy!

A giant palm pressed down hard.

Compared with the previous one, this black bear spirit is like his grandpa!

Yang Gang, who was struggling with his brain, couldn't help being annoyed, and raised his hand with a saber, and the light of the saber, like mountains and seas, was almost supernatural, and burst out.

"A mere little demon, die to me!"

The black bear spirit laughed, and manifested a huge Dharma statue in the air, and the bear's paws were like a giant city, pressing down hard.

Everyone looked up at the sky, and a huge bear's paw broke and flew into the sky.

The black bear spirit let out a scream, and its breath rapidly weakened.

"This is the Tianjiao of the fairyland of the human race, hurry up, go and invite the Black Wind Demon King!" He escaped and turned into a black smoke to escape quickly.

Yang Gang didn't chase him either.

Turning to look at the Stone Monkey King, the tail on his body melted into a wisp of smoke.

"Brother Monkey, I'm really a human race, do you believe me now?"


The Stone Monkey King turned his head and ignored him, looking sullen.


Yang Gang couldn't help scratching his head, speechless for a while.

Self-defeating, self-defeating!

Brother Hou has been deceived so many times by the Fox Clan, and he happened to take on the appearance of the Fox Clan.

How can this be good?

Silence for a long time.

Yang Gang said helplessly: "Brother Monkey, I'm really not a demon. Your piercing eyes, look at me with your piercing eyes!"

"What piercing eyes?"

The Stone Monkey King couldn't help turning his head, and said in amazement: "You fox demon, you want to frame me again?"

"Don't you have sharp eyes yet?"

Yang Gang looked helpless.

Since Brother Monkey doesn't cooperate, he can only rely on himself.

Just about to move.

A gust of wind came from the sky, black clouds floated in, and strange monsters danced in it. The first one was a black bear with a height of only one foot, holding a steel fork, staring straight at Yang Gang's figure.


Yang Gang's face darkened, and his eyes were slightly dignified.

The breath of this demon king is like a mountain, completely different from the earth fairy he has seen before.

There are nine layers of heaven and earth bridges in the fairyland, and every time you climb a layer, your strength will change drastically.Especially after the fourth heaven, there has been an unprecedented qualitative change...

The breath of the black bear spirit made him feel an unprecedented pressure.I am afraid that at least the fourth life was awakened, and the Shenqiao Quadruple Heaven was built before stepping into the level of the Earth Immortal.

"Bold and half-demon, dare to hurt my brother of the same clan, I will die!"

The black bear spirit shouted angrily.

He rode the black cloud, and the steel fork in his hand went straight to Yang Gang's face.

"not good!"

On the official road, the old man in the Yuanshen Realm looked terrified, "Hurry up, let's go! This is the Black Wind Demon King of Heifeng Mountain. He has already entered the Dragon Terrace for 2000 years. Today, this kid... will definitely die!"

"He walked with us just now, don't let him implicate us!"

A group of people turned around and left, not even going to the Eternal Demon Realm, praying in their hearts that Yang Gang could hold on for a while longer.

As for whether he can survive... he can't blame others for his own death!

"Bold little black, what's your name!"

Yang Gang laughed loudly, happy and fearless.

With the long knife in his hand, he cut out five light swords in a row.

The melodious sound of gold and iron colliding spread throughout Liangjie Mountain.

The two figures turned into red and black streamers, crazily meeting in the air, bursting with vigor.

Once again the people who surprised the audience.

The people and demons around watched with joy and wondered about Yang Gang's identity. He could fight the long-famous Black Wind King alone with his nameless body.

You know, he is an old demon who has lived on the border of the Liangjie Mountains for more than 1000 years!
Not long after the rise of Yang Gang's name as Sword Demon, Liangjie Mountain is far away, and not many people here know his reputation.

"This little fox... um~~~" The Stone Monkey King scratched his head and looked at Yang Gang suspiciously, his eyes half-believing.

Is he... a real person?
Bah, bah, how could my old grandson admit his mistake!

Even if, even if I admit it wrong, I have already been a demon in this life, and I have nothing to do with that shitty human race!
"Hmph~~ I'm so annoying!" The Stone Monkey King couldn't help but thumped the ground.But he remembered some human fairylands who died because of him in recent days.

The sky trembled, and the clouds hundreds of miles around were wiped out by the fight between one man and one bear.

Fentian, Shanhai, Yuanshen... Yang Gang used all his swords and swords with all his strength, and felt refreshed for a while.It had been a long time since he had encountered such a formidable enemy, and the Great Zhou Immortal Dynasty didn't know what was going on, each of the strong men in the fairyland hid like cats.

The Yaozu of the audience around looked dignified.

This strange human race is so powerful that it is even comparable to the demon king in the realm of Longtai Dharma!

"Okay, okay, you little human race has such strength! That's great!"

The black bear laughed loudly.

Then his expression turned cold suddenly, full of murderous intent.

"Eat me a black wind palm!"

In an instant.

The sky was overcast and cloudy, and a black wind appeared out of thin air, blowing Yang Gang's figure to this side, and he couldn't stand still and fell to the foot of the Two Realms Mountain.

"Hahahaha" the black bear spirit laughed triumphantly, and threw the steel fork towards him.

This treacherous black bear spirit.

Where is this palm, it is clearly Heifeng magical power!
"Dare to hurt my fellow clansmen. If I kill you today, I will cut your corpse into thousands of pieces. Hmph, don't you want to save that monkey? Lord Xiong, I will not feed him iron pellets with copper juice from now on. Lord Xiong will feed him shit! Hahahaha." He laughed smugly.

"Black bear spirit, you are courting death!"

When Yang Gang heard this, his eyes turned cold.

In the middle of the air, the light of the saber suddenly converged, and then exploded suddenly.

A great sun rose from his hand, turning into a scorching and shocking sword light.

Burn the sky with a knife!

After entering the fairyland, he experienced the burning calamity of the ancient world time and time again, and his knife completely turned into a supernatural power.

at the same time.

There seemed to be a phantom of the divine bridge of heaven and earth, flashing over the altar above Yang Gang's head.

"There is only one Shenqiao?" The black bear spirit was stunned for a while.

Fen Tian slashed heavily on the black bear spirit's weapon, he raised his arm, and felt an extremely hot breath pouring into his body, and he almost couldn't resist it.


Yang Gang carried the knife on his body, and the knife was so violent that the black bear spirit kept retreating.

The people on the ground were completely stunned.

What's the matter, you are a mere fairyland, not only can you kill ordinary earth immortals, but you can also beat an old demon king who has lived two thousand families?


The black bear spirit was completely angry.

With a flash of inspiration above the head, it showed one, two, three, four, and the quadruple divine bridge connecting the heaven and the earth.The aura of precious light on it seems to penetrate deep into the void, absorbing the avenue of heaven and earth.

all of a sudden.

The aura of heaven and earth around him surged like crazy.


The quadruple divine bridge turned into layers of dragon terraces, falling into a boundless and illusory sea of ​​bitterness.


The strength of the four realms of Black Bear Jinglongtai broke out completely, and he attacked Yang Gang fiercely with a fork.

"There is only the Quadruple Divine Bridge?" A suspicious voice suddenly sounded in the sky.

I saw Yang Gang standing in the void, looking at the steel fork in front of him, shaking his head with some dissatisfaction.He seemed... a little dissatisfied with the fact that he could only match up to a Shinkyo fourfold.

"You! Go to hell, go to hell, go to hell!" Hearing the words, the black bear spirit was furious.

You are a Shenqiao Yizhong.

Facing him, the Great Demon King who has stepped into the realm of Dragon Terrace at the fourth level of Shenqiao, he has already fought evenly, so he is still not satisfied?

What a shame!
What a shame!
"Why do you, what do you do! Little human half-demon, die to me!"

"I'm different from you."

Yang Gang said quietly.

Facing the black bear spirit in the air, he slowly slashed out.


The Black Wind Demon King's heart throbbed suddenly.

On the altar above the head of the human race, there were five different appearances of the divine bridge at the same time.Among them are the ice and snow scenery in the north, the wonders of mountains and seas, the Qingling Cave, the fairy mountain outside the world, the red dust in the water town in the south of the Yangtze River, and... a mysterious world with an ancient atmosphere, but people can't look directly at it.

"You...you have just stepped into the fairyland, and you have already awakened to the Fifth Life Rank!"

The black bear spirit exclaimed and roared in disbelief.

Not to mention him, at this time, outside the two worlds of heaven and earth, everyone who saw this scene became stunned.

This is... actually another peerless evildoer comparable to the Stone Monkey King?

Even the Stone Monkey King stared at the Fifth Life Rank above Yang Gang's head with brilliant eyes.

"Hmm~~ This little fox is interesting! I kind of believe he is a human race. But compared to my old grandson's seventh life rank...it is still a bit worse." The Stone Monkey King couldn't help but smiled triumphantly, but forgot that Seven The self of Shiming rank has been reduced to a prisoner.

Not to mention that with Yang Gang's ability, as long as he has a suitable past life, he can easily awaken the Ninth Life Rank!even more.

"Huh! No!"

At this time, everyone was shocked to find that there were five lives on Yang Gang's altar, but only one of them was completely condensed into a sacred bridge, which penetrated into the void and absorbed the inspiration of heaven and earth.

The other four lives are very illusory, and even the ancient prehistoric one has not yet fully awakened.

With such talent and strength, it is no wonder that he is still dissatisfied even though he rivaled the Black Wind Demon King who has awakened the fourth world.

"Look, this knife is called 'Shanhai'!"

Yang Gang's voice sounded.

in an instant,
There was a strong wind in the sky and the earth, and layers of terraced fields appeared in the surrounding clouds for hundreds of miles.

Yang Gang slashed down with a knife, and a burst of supernatural power emerged.

Hei Xiongjing's eyebrows twitched, and he felt a scene of mountains and seas in ancient times rushing towards his face.


The Stone Monkey King raised his head suspiciously.

He seemed to have seen this breath before.

Yang Gang's face was calm, the long knife in his hand suddenly sped up, and hit the black bear spirit heavily, cutting him into the Two Realms Mountain together with his weapon.

The world was silent for a moment, and then there was an uproar.

The onlookers and demons looked at Yang Gang in astonishment.

Today, the shock he has brought to everyone time and time again is really too much.

The mere Shenqiao Yizhong actually defeated the Black Wind Demon King who had practiced in the Longtai realm for more than 2000 years.

What exactly is this for?
For a moment, everyone felt that it was outrageous to the extreme.

Could it be... because of his magical powers?
Shanhai Yidao, what kind of supernatural power is it?
"Brother Monkey, how about my knife?" Yang Gang turned to look at the Stone Monkey King.

Looking at the sluggish expression on his face, he couldn't help but smile.

There are not many opportunities to act aggressively in front of Brother Monkey!

"You, you are..."

The Stone Monkey King looked at Yang Gang in a daze.

His eyes fell on Yang Gang's chest, the fairy jade pendant thrown out of his clothes by the fierce battle just now.

Scenes of past memories flowed before my eyes.

On the banks of mountains and seas, on top of rocky cliffs.

A stone fetus that has been bred for countless years, and a jade pendant that gradually grows spiritual wisdom.

"You...you are the brother who accompanied me back then...the fairy jade pendant!"

(End of this chapter)

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