I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 156 Overturning the 2 Boundary Mountains, Suppressing the Eternal Demon! 【Day 3】

Chapter 156 Overturning the Mountains of Two Realms, Suppressing the Eternal Demon! 【Day [-]】

"Big brother."

Yang Gang couldn't help but took a step forward, 'tears filled his eyes'.

"Second brother."

The stone monkey king's eyes were red and shining with splendor.


"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhse of the old grandson!" stone monkey king suddenly shouted, the body under the mountain of the two worlds bulge as if trying to break free.

Immediately, the mountains in the two realms rumbled, the ground trembled and the mountains shook, and pieces of gravel were splashed.

"Brother, what's wrong with you..."

Yang Gang took a step back subconsciously, with a 'confused' face, and asked with some guilt.

"Ah, what's wrong with me? Come here, my old grandson is going to beat you to death with a stick!! If it weren't for you back then, how could my old grandson's third life be congenitally deficient and end up struggling in the cycle of reincarnation... "The Stone Monkey King looked mad and struggled hard, but was pinned down by the Liangjie Mountain and couldn't escape.

"Uh... this..."

Yang Gang took two steps back with a guilty conscience, and tried to defend himself: "Didn't this younger brother be impulsive? If we let the vicissitudes of life be allowed to change, we might not be born at this time..."

It's just that the words spoken are so pale and feeble.

The scene where brothers and sisters respected each other just now suddenly turned into brothers turning against each other, which made people laugh and cry.

half year ago.

Yang Gang opened the long river of fate, and entered the first past life, which is the story of the stone.

According to Yang Gang's guess, he should use the fairy jade pendant as a proof to reincarnate the real spirit in a secular family for the second life.

After countless years on the rocky cliff, the Taoist fetus was conceived.

In the end, because Yang Gang was worried that his mind would be obliterated by long-term rigidity, he smashed through the stone tire and let the stone monkey come out ahead of time, which is for the third life.

It's just that Shi Huang's first transformation into three lives was too weird, what happened to him after that, Yang Gang couldn't re-enter his previous life, and he didn't know at all.


When the Stone Monkey King heard the words, he was immediately discouraged and said: "That's true. If I have been transformed into a stone fetus until now, the glimmer of inspiration I finally conceived has long been wiped out by the Dao of Heaven and Earth."

"Maybe I was born early, it was originally in my plan as the stone emperor..."

That being said.

He raised his eyes and gave Yang Gang a sideways look, but he still looked a little angry.

"Hmph! When I fully awaken in my life, I must overthrow the mountains of these two realms and kill the demon emperor. Then, beat you well..." He thought for a long time, and finally said discouraged again: "Forget it!" I can't get out now either. Seeing that you are so nostalgic, you still want to save me, that's all... My old grandson thinks he is unlucky."

"Huh... That's good, that's good, Brother Monkey doesn't blame me."

Yang Gang couldn't help imitating him and scratching his head, and said, "Then Brother Monkey, how about I rescue you now?"

"Help me? It's too late."

The Stone Monkey King glanced at the distant sky and snorted.

In the direction of the Eternal Demon Realm, clusters of demon clouds and black mist are overwhelming and rolling in.

Thousands of monsters loom in it, beating gongs and drums, and they are menacing.

Not to mention the aura of primordial spirit and fairyland, there seems to be quite a few who are comparable to the Black Wind Demon King.There is even... there is a majestic hydra sitting on the golden throne.

The aura on his body is extremely strong, and he is indeed a fairy.

Yang Gang subconsciously touched the Qiankun bracelet on his wrist.

The Stone Monkey King said in his ear: "You go. Even if you monster races don't come, with our current abilities, we can't break the seal of Liangjie Mountain. Unless..."

"Unless what?" Yang Gang said hastily.

"Unless you build the Five Heavens and Earth Divine Bridge, and your body is sanctified. And I will also fully awaken the third stone emperor, and step into the realm of the earth fairy with the power of the seventh."

The Stone Monkey King lay on the ground with a sluggish expression.

Obviously, I don't think these two things can be achieved easily.

It's okay for Yang Gang to build the five heavens and earth bridges, but it's extremely difficult to become a saint in the flesh.

But he wants to awaken the seventh life, which is countless times more difficult than before, and his seventh life is still the third life of the Stone Emperor, which belongs to the ancient mountains and seas period.

However, Yang Gang did not believe in evil.

Turned around and flew towards the sky, landing in front of the Demon Emperor's order talisman.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, a golden light shot towards his palm.

Yang Gang stretched out his hand to clap.

Suddenly, a huge force came, which made him take three steps back.

"What a powerful supernatural power. This demon emperor... can do this with a command talisman?" He thought in his heart, and stepped forward again with perseverance.It's just that with his strength in this matter, he can't even get close at all.

Yang Gang, who has been going smoothly for so long, is the first time he has encountered such a setback.

"Hey...you still can't underestimate the heroes of the world!" He couldn't help but sigh helplessly.

Who is the demon emperor?

It is a living fossil that has lived from ancient times to the present.

If his talisman could be removed so easily, Yuan Tianshi would not have asked Yang Gang to take the treasure of the Qiankun Bracelet to save his life.

After a while.

Yang Gang's figure landed in front of the Stone Monkey King again.

At this time, in the distant sky, the figures of countless monsters are getting closer and closer.

"Let's go, don't stay here, you're wasting your life." The Stone Monkey King waved lazily to drive Yang Gang away.


Suddenly something was pressed by Yang Gang on the furry palm of the Stone Monkey King.

"What is this?" He couldn't help but ask, looking up.

"A small greeting."

Yang Gang said: "Brother Monkey, believe me. I will come again in a month! Then, it will be the time when you are born! In the future, our two brothers will join hands to sweep down the Eternal Demon Realm and overthrow the Demon Emperor's Heavenly Palace! Turn him upside down!"

"Why bother?"

The Stone Monkey King shook his head and smiled wryly, "No matter how talented you are, you can't do it, it's impossible."

"I owe you this."

Yang Gang said firmly: "Do you believe me?"

"Ok, I will wait for you."

The Stone Monkey King's heart suddenly ignited with passion, and he stretched out his right hand, "If you can rescue me, if you are in trouble in the future, you will be poor for nine days and ten places, and my grandson will die!"

"wait for me!"

Yang Gang stretched out his hand to clap.

With a 'snap', the two palms clashed heavily.

At this moment, the two evildoers who were naturally rebellious reached an agreement on an offensive and defensive alliance.

"The mythical genius of the human race, the sword demon Yang Gang. You dare to violate the forbidden area of ​​the two worlds of my monster race, and you should be punished for your crime!" A magnificent voice sounded in the distance.

in a blink.

The Yaozu's camp has reached tens of miles away.

The people around watching the battle, the idlers from the monster race and so on all retreated immediately.

Then he looked at Yang Gang's figure in surprise.

The mythical pride of the human race?

This sword demon, Yang Gang, is actually a mythical arrogance who, like the Stone Monkey King in his previous life, has a long history on the Qingyun Rank?

Sword Demon...

No wonder his way of the knife is so powerful, every knife is a supernatural power!
After today, the name of Sword Demon will probably resound throughout the Demon Realm!
And at this time.

There was a clatter of rocks above.

A black bear shook its head and stood up in a daze.

The Black Wind Demon King who was driven into Liangjie Mountain just now is not dead!

"Then I'll give you another ride!" Yang Gang, who was already a little depressed, suddenly became angry, flew up with a knife, and slashed fiercely on the neck of the dazed Heifeng Demon King.


The black bear spirit's eyes were full of disbelief, and his head flew high.

The remnant body fell from the mountainside and crashed in front of the Stone Monkey King.

Yang Gang turned his head and looked, those monsters were already in sight, and suddenly there was smoke under his feet, and he was about to slip away.

Suddenly the Stone Monkey King shouted, "Wait."

"Brother, what else is there?" Yang Gang paused.

"You take this bear heart away."

The Stone Monkey King grabbed the black bear meticulously, and immediately took out a bloody heart.

He smirked and said: "This black bear family is really hateful. They torture my grandson every day. You ate his heart for me to vent this hatred! This bear heart is a great tonic. If you eat it, at least it can condense the second level Shenqiao. Leave the meat to my old grandson, you take this bear heart and go!"

"it is good."

With a flash of Yang Gang's figure, he took the head-sized bear heart from the Stone Monkey King's hand, and flew towards Da Zhou.

"Where to run!"

The hydra screamed angrily, its head full of disgusting pimples danced wildly, suddenly got up from the throne and turned into a purple light, and flew towards Yang Gang himself.

"Come after me! Nine-headed worm!"

Yang Gang turned his head and smiled provocatively.


Hydra was furious.

This ridicule can be said to be full of hatred.

He snorted coldly, and his figure suddenly accelerated.


An extremely strong pressure weighed heavily on Yang Gang.

This is the pressure that belongs to the realm of Xianjun, and he has never experienced it.

The space between the sky and the earth seemed to suddenly become sticky, and Yang Gang's speed was getting slower and slower, but the hydra chased after him like lightning.

"Hiss~~~It's not good!" Yang Gang's heart turned cold, and he subconsciously touched the Qiankun bracelet on his hand.

The realm of the immortal king, controlling the power of life and creation, comprehending the avenue of heaven and earth, and the fairyland are already an insurmountable gap.


Hydra shouted angrily.

This human genius dared to challenge the majesty of a fairy, and he will pay the price today!

The whole journey has been smooth and smooth, and when the real strong man of Da Zhou is hidden from the world, Yang Gang still underestimated the heroes of the world after all.

As the saying goes, it's too much!
However, if he wanted to rescue the Stone Monkey King, it would be a matter of time before he faced the real powerhouse of the Eternal Demon Realm without using the Qiankun Bracelet on him.


The Hydra opened its mouth and spit out all its heads, and immediately nine beams of purple light fell directly behind Yang Gang.

"Since there is no escape, the only option is to fight!"

Yang Gang suddenly turned his head.

The blood-drinking magic knife in his hand buzzed and trembled, and it was the first time he confronted a powerful immortal-level power head-on.


Hong Chen slashed out suddenly.

this moment.

Yang Gang's mana, energy, and primordial spirit immediately poured into the Blood Drinking Demon Knife, turning into a huge and stunning blade light, facing nine brilliant purple lights.

The first ray of purple light faded away.


Yang Gang's saber light was also instantly extinguished.

He couldn't help sighing, his breath rapidly weakened.

Peak's sword can only kill a ray of purple light, and the fairyland is still too reluctant for the fairy king!
"Out of control."

The Hydra sneered, but his heart was a little shaken.

Eight purple lights suddenly hit Yang Gang from all directions.

This son is the legendary arrogance of the human race, and must not be left behind!

crucial moment.

Yang Gang's hand has already touched the Qiankun bracelet.

A sword light suddenly floated in the sky.

Dangling, it seems to be extremely slow, but in an instant, the purple light is separated.

Jian Guang turned around.

The eight purple lights suddenly disappeared.

"Sword Immortal Qingyun, Li Chunyun!" The hydra roared up to the sky, his face livid.

"What's the matter?"

A middle-aged swordsman in Tsing Yi, with a flowing green beard under his chin, carried a long sword on his back, and floated from afar with a cloud of auspicious clouds under his feet.

He took two sips from the jug in his hand, while digging his ears, with an impatient look on his face.

"Hey, isn't this the nine-headed demon saint? Why, if you can't beat me, you will bully the little brother with the big one, bully my little brother?"

The nine-headed demon sage was furious when he heard the words.

"Li Chunyun, you have repeatedly invaded my demon domain, killed my demon clan, and ruined my good deeds today! Do you really think that there is no one in my demon domain?"

"Huh? Is there someone in your demon domain?"

Li Chunyun looked puzzled.

"Don't use your tongue, let's fight!" The nine-headed demon saint was ridiculed one after another, and couldn't bear it any longer. Nine short swords formed from his back, and they all rushed towards Li Chunyun.

"Brother Li."

Yang Gang spoke out at this time.

"It's okay, leave it to me here, you go first." After the voice fell, Li Chunyun flew away, and his whole body suddenly turned into a sword light.

"Nine-headed worm, you bullied the reincarnation of my apprentice, and you want to bully my little brother, today Li will behead you to drink!"

a time.

The situation of the world changed suddenly.

Two strong men in the realm of immortal monarchs launched a world-shattering battle on the edge of Liangjie Mountain.

"Uh~~" Yang Gang was holding a red dust fish in his hand, and he couldn't say the words of thanks in his mouth.

And this time.

A large group of demons brought by the nine-headed demon saint in the sky have also been slaughtered.

(End of this chapter)

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