I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 157 [Shan Hai Ji], a super-large connection to the previous life!

Chapter 157 [Shan Hai Ji], a super-large connection to the previous life!
"I'm going! Slip away~~~"

Seeing this, Yang Gang quickly smoked under his feet, and his figure turned into a knife light, flying towards the sky of Da Zhou.

"Human sinners go away!"

A roar resounded through the sky.

After all, this is a monster domain, and there are not many monsters who are good at flying.Yang Gang had just flown into the edge of the two realms, when he was blocked, he had to turn his head and flew towards the demon realm.

The few birds and monsters were suddenly at a loss.

You are not playing cards according to common sense!
At this time, Yang Gang has already met a group of monsters with strange shapes.


The light of the sword burst out from the sky.

Then he was completely trapped in the encirclement, only to feel that the sky and the earth were full of demons and ghosts, and the stench was pungent.

"If you want to die, you all die with me!"

Yang Gang's eyes were bloodshot with a single blow, but holding the Qiankun bracelet, he had the bottom line in his heart, and he didn't panic at all.

If it is really impossible to escape today, he will sacrifice the Qiankun bracelet and die with these monsters!
Just at this critical moment.

Suddenly, a sword light and nine purple lights came from outside the sky, broke through the encirclement and appeared in front of Yang Gang.

Ziguang turned into nine snake heads, as if to bite Yang Gang.

Jian Guang guarded him by his side, as if to save him.

Yang Gang subconsciously held down the Qiankun bracelet.

next moment.

Jianguang and Ziguang clashed.

A radiant brilliance turned into a beam of light and soared into the sky, and the violent power swept everything. Yang Gang seemed to be in a huge wave, his clothes were torn, and he tried his best to protect himself.

However, the physical body that has stepped into the fairyland can't resist the power of the original Dao of the fairyland.

The people in the distance only felt that a huge firework had been set off on the Liangjie Mountain.

The Yaozu who besieged Yang Gang suffered heavy casualties.

A beam of sword light wrapped around Yang Gang, staggered straight into the demon realm, and soon disappeared without a trace.

The nine-headed demon saint staggered his figure and wanted to chase after him, but was entangled tightly by Li Chunyun.

A streak of sword light landed on his nine heads, as if he was about to chop off a drink.

"Li Chunyun!" The roar resounded through the sky.

This battle between the immortal monarch and the demon saint has completely fallen into a fever.

At the foot of the Two Worlds Mountain.

The Stone Monkey King ate the flesh and blood of the black bear spirit, and looked up at the sky with relish.

"Master Sword Immortal, dig under him, monkeys steal peaches, monkeys steal peaches!"

"Can you do it, Master Sword Immortal, ohhhhh~~ good! Cut off his head, and have a drink with my grandson!"



A streamside with beautiful mountains and clear waters full of aura.

Yang Gang spat out a mouthful of old blood, and lay naked on the bank of the water, gasping for breath.

"Nine-headed demon saint, I'm fucking grandma!"

There were wounds all over his body, some left by the shattered sword light, and purple light swept across traces like poisonous whips. The burning pain could not be repaired even for a while.

Except in his previous life, Yang Gang had never been injured so seriously.


Under the package of Li Chunyun's sword light, he has flown into the Demon Realm for tens of thousands of miles, and he is currently living in this unknown place, so he should be safe for the time being.

"Let's heal first."

Thinking of this, Yang Gang glanced around, and quickly found a cave, sat cross-legged on the ground naked and began to heal his injuries.

And just when he yelled out the phrase 'Nine-Headed Demon Saint, I'm fucking your grandma'.

This piece of mountains and rivers is deep.

In a valley like a paradise, a little white-haired fox lying on a strange stone platform suddenly sneezed.

It raised its head in doubt, and its nine fluffy tails swayed.

"Strange, why does it feel like someone is calling my name?"

"Hmph, wait for me to cast a curse on you!"

Say it.

The little fox was lying on the stone platform, drawing circles on the ground from time to time.

Immediately, the stone platform was filled with halos, and it murmured, "Fengshentai, Fengshentai, draw a circle and curse him, draw a circle and curse him...curse him to choke to death by drinking water, and be robbed while walking..."

"Curse him, curse him, how he curses me, I will curse him! The gods of ancient heaven and earth responded, curse him fiercely!"

Although the spell was random, strange rays of light suddenly floated into the air.

The clouds in the sky changed inexplicably.

The curse of the fox demon seems to have taken effect.

After a while.

"Alas..." The little fox sighed boredly and lay down on the ground.

"The ban of tens of thousands of years, when will it be the end... who can save me..."

The little fox was talking to himself boredly.

"Well, the next time my nine-headed grandson comes again, I will definitely tell him to go to the human race to catch a slave for fun..." It suddenly shouted, "Boys, go and have some fun with grandma!"


There was a burst of fox chirping, and the heads of blue foxes popped out all over the mountains and plains.

A few days passed quickly.

After Yang Gang healed, the injuries on his body were almost gone, but the poisonous supernatural powers left by the nine-headed demon sage could not be eliminated for a long time.

What's even weirder is that, these few days, he was always found by some mountain spirits and wild monsters, disturbing his healing.

Almost like bad luck.

"How strange!"

Yang Gang sat on the ground, pondering: "If you want to recover from the injury in a short time, you need at least one more layer of physical body. My current physical body is comparable to the second-level divine bridge in the fairyland, but it has not improved for a long time."

The resources given by Yuan Tianshi have been digested on the way.

However, it was much worse than the expected effect of using the fourth and fifth layers of Shenqiao.


"It's the consumption of my physical cultivation, which is several times more than he imagined."

"The golden body of the Demon God of Hundred Tribulations, flesh and blood creatures, combined with will, is also extraordinary in the fairyland."

"But if you want to save Brother Hou, the simple four or five levels of the bridge are definitely not enough. The physical sanctification... I don't know if walking the ninth level of the divine bridge counts as physical sanctification?"

"There is still mana cultivation base..."

He couldn't help frowning.

Turning the Sitting Forgotten Realm, a magical bridge suddenly appeared on the Lingtai, probing into the void, absorbing the inspiration of heaven and earth.

Mana recovers little by little, and a little bit of purity increases steadily.

"Slow! Too slow!"

Yang Gang shook his head, and took out the black bear heart.

His whole body was naked, and now only the Blood Drinking Demon Knife and the Demon King Xiongxin were left in his hand.

"If you eat it, will you be able to condense another divine bridge?"

Yang Gang opened his mouth wide and was about to gnaw it down.

Suddenly the movement stopped.

"I'm not a monster, I have to roast it and eat it."

Say it.

A flame was ignited in the palm of the hand, roasting the black bear's heart until it sizzled, and a smell of meat immediately spread in the cave, even drifting into the distance.

In the mountains.

A green-skinned fox sniffed, rolled its eyes, and shouted excitedly.

Yang Gang then swallowed Xiong Xin in one gulp.

Immediately, I felt a stream of thick aura bursting out of my body, rapidly refined by my own magic power in the fairyland.

In an instant.

A phantom of a divine bridge once again appeared on the spiritual platform above his head, and it solidified rapidly.

"Sure enough, it's a bear heart and leopard courage. This bear heart has condensed the essence of the demon king and earth immortal, and it can really help me condense a magic bridge!" Yang Gang said in his heart.

"However, after all, the benefits obtained for nothing have a weak foundation, and they need to be refined for a long time, otherwise a hostility will be added to the heart, and it will affect future practice!"


While refining the mana silently, Yang Gang couldn't wait to sink into the river of fate, looking for Brother Hou's previous life, which belonged to the third life of the Stone Emperor.

After a while.

Among the thousands of mortal fish, he found a small white fish that was 'ordinary'.

"Sure enough, you hid it deep enough! My monkey brother..."

[Previous life currently available: Stone Emperor Three Lives]

[Three Lives of Emperor Shi: Stone has three lives, and man has three lives.The white life stage (not fully awakened), can participate in research, can reverse the chaos of yin and yang, reverse reincarnation, and obtain causal opportunities.Now you can enter——Third World: All the seas and thousands of mountains are covered, and the nine secluded and ten categories are all eliminated. 】

"The four seas and thousands of mountains are all domineering, and the nine secluded and ten categories are all eliminated... This tone, the stone emperor is domineering! Monkey brother is domineering!" Yang Gang praised, and was about to enter it.


The shape of the small white fish in front of him suddenly became unreal.

next moment.

The river of fate shook suddenly, and thousands of rays of light flashed, emitting an unprecedented abnormality.

"what happened?"

Yang Gang's heart skipped a beat.

I saw that the little fish in front of him seemed to emit a strong suction, not aimed at his mind, but at all the little fish in the long river of fate.

The small fish in the bright river struggled to thump, but they couldn't resist the suction of the stone emperor red dust fish.

Only the Red Dust Fish above cyan, blue, and gold barely supported their figure and continued to swim in the long river of fate, but subconsciously stayed far away from the Stone Emperor Hong Chen Fish.

for a long time.

The amazing out-of-phase is finally over.

In Yang Gang's astonished eyes, a brand new Hongchen fish appeared in front of him.

It turned into the original color of wood, and it was no longer the original radiant shape.

Yang Gang sank his mind into it.

[Previous life currently available: Shan Hai Ji]

[Shan Hai Ji: The mountains and seas collapsed, and the Nine Tribulations became holy.The emperor of heaven and earth enshrines the gods, and the emperor of heaven is absolutely connected with heaven and earth. 】

[Super large-scale connection with previous lives, huge karma, please proceed with caution to avoid the backlash of karma and luck. 】

"Shanhai Ji... a super-large connection to the previous life?"

Yang Gang was stunned.

However, this is not over yet, Hongchenyu once again sent a wave of information.

[Nine kalpas sanctification: You can enter the realm of life and creation, and the body is immortal. 】

[After Jedi Tiantong, the earth was shrouded in fate, the Dao, the gods, the emperors of the four directions, the five elders of the five directions, everything was hidden.Cutting through fate can make reincarnation reappear and the gods return.Heaven and earth return to ancient times! 】

[Previous lives that can be linked: Shihuang Sansheng (linked), Lan Caiyi (not activated), Shengjun (not linked), Demon Emperor (not linked), Jiuyou Demon Lord (not linked), Qingqiu Fox Immortal ( Not connected), Wangchen First Life (not activated), Zhu Qinglong (not connected), Red Lotus Underlord (not activated)...]


Yang Gang instinctively took a long breath, almost evacuating the river of life into a vacuum.

"Stone Emperor, Sage Monarch, Demon Emperor... What kind of power are these! Hey, why are mother's past lives related? Could it be that her past life is also related to the ancient mythological era?"

"Shan Hai Ji..."

Yang Gang looked solemn, "The sun burned the sky, the mountains and seas collapsed, what secrets are hidden in that period of time lost in the long river of history?"

"Also, Stone Emperor Three Lives (connected), Lan Caiyi (inactive)... what do these mean?"

Then Yang Gang made a summary.

It is found that the past life that has been connected is only the life order of Shihuang Sansheng.

Those who are not related are: Shengjun, Yaohuang, Jiuyou Demon Lord, Qingqiu Fox Fairy, Zhu Qinglong
Inactive ones are: Lan Caiyi, Wangchen First World, Red Lotus Underlord

"Unconnected means that there has never been an intersection, and the other party does not hold my Hongchen fish. Then it is not activated..." Yang Gang said to himself: "My mother has my Hongchen fish, so it is naturally related to the previous life. Wang Chen...should be Jiang Jiang's earliest life, right?"

"They haven't awakened to that life yet, so naturally they can't activate the previous life."

"Then, who is the Red Lotus Underlord?"

Yang Gang thought for a long time.

The third life of Shihuang is a past life with a huge connection, like a huge plot, connecting the ancient times.The names that can appear here are obviously key figures at that time.

Mingjie Changhe has already reminded that the cause and effect of this world is huge, so he naturally has to be cautious.


Yang Gang's eyes fell on [Nine Tribulations of Sanctification] and [Human Emperor Heaven and Earth Confer God, Heaven Emperor Absolutely Connects Heaven and Earth].

"Nine kalpas, nine kalpas, could it be that after these nine kalpas, I can truly be sanctified physically and be immortal?"

"Go ahead and try."

The voice just fell.

There was a sudden suction from Hong Chen Yu.

Yang Gang felt his mind flicker.

Dazed and staring, a magnificent world gradually unfolded before Yang Gang's eyes.

The secrets of ancient times, the mysteries of this world, like a picture scroll spanning tens of thousands of years, finally slowly unfolded in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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