I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 158 The Calamity of the Wheel Chapter, Sanctification of the Flesh

Chapter 158 The Calamity of Reincarnation, Sanctification of the Flesh

[Current chapter: The three lives of Emperor Shi, the calamity of reincarnation. 】

[When the sun is shining, the mountains and seas mark the year.After going through many hardships, Shi Huang solved the calamity of returning to the source of the three lives, and finally reborn, set foot in reincarnation as he wished, and entered the sea of ​​suffering to seek the eternal way on the other side. 】

[By the mountains and seas, a fairy jade pendant was born with a spirit, and wanted to imitate the power of the Stone Emperor and experience reincarnation...]

The golden crow was swimming in the sky day after day, and the moon toad was pounding medicine hard every night.

Like a pair of Cowherd and Weaver Girl, countless days and nights meet again and again, and separate again and again... they can never exist at the same time.

The essence of the sun and the moon gathered on the high cliffs of the East China Sea, a piece of jade pendant full of immortality.

Yang Gang watched everything silently, letting the time go by.

In this world, he once again experienced countless years of time and age.

It's just that the Stone Emperor Dao fetus is missing by his side.

"After so many years, I don't know how Brother Monkey has lived outside, and how many disasters he has caused..." Yang Gang thought silently, the years in Shanhai are too long, and he has forgotten that he has spent them here How many years.

these years.

On the rocky cliffs, there are often dragons going out to sea, flying clouds and spreading rain.There are colorful luan birds sitting on the rocks by the sea, looking at the morning sun and singing.The ancient immortals sat and discussed the Tao, and talked about the past and the present...

And he still doesn't know what the world of mountains and seas beyond the cliff is like.

I only know that there is only one sun in the world at this time, which is completely different from the ancient world where the Guanghan Immortal Prison was ten days across the sky.

Yang Gang also knew.

The time when I was about to be born... was coming.

After absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon for countless years, he gradually realized the mystery of his own body.

The fairy jade pendant was originally reincarnated from the stone emperor himself who actively invested in reincarnation.

The method of engraving the stone emperor's previous life inscribed naturally.


He knows that this is not enough, it is not enough!
If that method of enlightenment could easily make the body holy, Shihuang would not voluntarily give up his previous life and experience the calamity of returning to the source of three lives.

For these years, his body imitated the stone emperor's womb, and every hundred years, he trembled slightly, as if he was breathing or fetal movement.

The path he was about to take was the same as that of Emperor Shihuang, but completely different.

He needs to cultivate a human body first, and then be reincarnated, turning the body of the fairy jade pendant into a body of flesh and blood.Then he practiced another real method of physical sanctification engraved on the second birth of him and Shi Huang.

"My first calamity in this life should be the calamity of reincarnation."

"Then, how do I reincarnate and transform into three lives in one life? Where is the reincarnation in this world?" Yang Gang thought silently.


When a ray of sunshine in the sky shines on the body.

Suddenly, a strong aura of heaven and earth flashed across Yang Gang's body, and his heart moved, knowing that his chance to be born had come!
On the ancient stone cliffs of the East China Sea, a white fairy light suddenly rose, illuminating all directions.

A fairy jade pendant gradually turned into an illusory human form.

Thunder surged in the sky.

The spiritual beings of heaven and earth become enlightened, and they should experience many disasters.

This first catastrophe is a heavenly catastrophe.

A series of lightning strikes on Yang Gang's body, and he immediately used the method of the Stone Emperor's previous life to temper his body, and suddenly a powerful aura emanated spontaneously.

for a long time.

Yang Gang finally emerged from Mu Jie and turned into a complete human form.

I saw that his whole body was as white as jade, without beard or hair, as if carved from a piece of jade, not a body of flesh and blood.

The aura is equivalent to that of a fairyland, with a body born of jade and jade, which is extremely powerful and immeasurable.

"Sure enough, the method of becoming enlightened in the Stone Emperor's previous life is flawed! It may be very precious to some heaven and earth spirits, but it is not my way!"

Yang Gang moved his body.

"Sanctification of the flesh is the path I should take in this life!"


He raised his head, and saw above the mountains and seas, ancient and rare birds and animals gathered in the air, staring at him with brilliant eyes.

For some ancient beings, it is a great opportunity for the spirits of heaven and earth to become enlightened.

This is his second calamity, the calamity of all living beings.


Countless rare birds and beasts, ancient immortals and true cultivators, frantically launched a battle for competition.

Yang Gang has become the sweet pastry in the eyes of all living beings, a future fairy magic weapon.


Yang Gang snorted coldly, stretched out his hand to catch a white tiger with wings growing on its back, and tore off his wings with a 'tear' sound.

The white tiger groaned in pain.

Yang Gang held his pair of wings, his arms were like knives, and cut off the tiger's head directly.

Then he looked at a creature that only wanted to compete for him, "Kill!"

A bloody killing unfolded above the East China Sea.

As a part of the stone emperor's previous life, Yang Gang thoroughly demonstrated what it means to have unlimited potential and invincibility physically.

Even in this ancient era, when all living beings could easily awaken the fifth and sixth generations of the Mountain and Sea Era, he still met gods and killed gods, slaughtering thousands.Even the earth fairy realm in this world is like a chicken and a dog, unable to resist a single blow.


He encountered a hydra hidden in the depths of the East China Sea.

It was an existence stronger than the dragon clan, and even more invincible than the immortal king. Its fleshy body spread out, and it was as large as a hundred miles.In front of him, the nine-headed demon saint of later generations is a great-great-great-great-grandson.

Yang Gang was exhausted in the battle, unable to match the Hydra's natal supernatural powers, and finally fled back to the cliff.

As a result, when he tried to go west, he encountered a flying god tiger, coveting his fairy body.

In desperation, Yang Gang fled again.

In this world, his body full of celestial powers is a walking peerless treasure that everyone covets.

And the opponent's supernatural power...

Yang Gang frowned and thought, "It seems that ordinary supernatural powers cannot compare with the natural supernatural powers transformed from the power of a lifetime!"

years later.

In this world where there is endless fairy energy with just one breath, Yang Gang's jade body has become a great body, which is comparable to the fairy king in this world.


It is the immortal king of this world, not the immortal king of later generations when the great wisdom is not revealed.

After gaining the ability to protect himself, he began to walk among the mountains and seas, and gradually understood the current situation.

At this time, the world is divided into three parts, and the three emperors coexist.

There is a Haotian who returns from [-] kalpas and uses Buzhou Mountain as a pillar of heaven to open up the heavens and become the emperor.

Known as the ancient demon emperor Jiehua Taiyi, he established the demon domain in Yangu, the ancient sunrise land, and was called the emperor of the land.

There is the Xuanyuan family who ruled the land, ascended to the position of Supreme Emperor, conquered all tribes in the mountains and seas, and became the Emperor of Humanity.

In the world at this time, humans and gods live together on the earth, and only a few Taoist immortals really ascend to the heaven.

Therefore, the authority of heaven belongs to the emperor.

The human emperor can confer the title of god of heaven and earth, with supreme majesty.But the emperor's power is also coveted by others, and there are constant wars and disputes on the earth.

The ancient era of mountains and seas deserves its name.

But these have nothing to do with the current Yang Gang.

He already felt that his situation was not good.

The more he digs out the origin of the fairy jade pendant and cultivates himself, the more he feels that his head is rigid, as if he is about to turn into a stone jade again, and experience endless years of wind and rain.

This may be the home of a stone.

But Yang Gang was not reconciled.

Ten years later.

Yang Gang went through hardships and kept searching, and finally found the ancient reincarnation land.
It was an ancient world that was located under the endless land, in a vast and unknown place. It was within the heaven and the earth, but it didn't seem to exist between the heaven and the earth.The living will not be found, but the dead will come by themselves...

Look at that dark portal.

Yang Gang gritted his teeth.

He resolutely plunged in.

The gate of reincarnation rippled gently, setting off a weak wave.

This is his third calamity in this life, the calamity of reincarnation.

[When the robbery rises and the robbery ends, there is a time, and you will change your life against the sky and you will eventually become an adult.The calamity of reincarnation - the end of the calamity. 】

this moment.

Time seemed to stop gradually.

Yang Gang's long and short life has finally come to an end.

The land of Qingqiu.

In the cave, Yang Gang let out a breath slowly.

And at this time, Mingjie Changhe also began to settle.

[You rebelled against Yin and Yang and reversed reincarnation.Sitting alone on the cliffs of mountains and seas for thousands of years, you will eventually become a road.Like a small stone, silently thrown into the vast picture scroll of mountains and seas.Comments: Getting to know mountains and seas for the first time. 】

[A white opportunity has been converted (not triggered), the accumulated quantity: one (white)]

[Through the current "robbing chapter", you can keep the opportunity and save it until the end of the first life.You can also choose to pick up. 】

[You participated in the study of the previous life and experienced reincarnation.Comprehend the method of Shi Huang's previous life to become enlightened, and comprehend the method of Shi Huang's second life to become holy in the physical body, and have a little understanding of the way of physical cultivation. 】

[Evaluation: Dao heart is firm. 】

[Accumulation in previous lives transforms the power of participating in research for 1000 years. 】


In the 1000 years of Shan Hai Ji, countless boring and wonderful memory pictures are clearly displayed in front of Yang Gang.

Many details that he hadn't noticed in the past also surfaced before his eyes one by one.

"These 1000 years of memory and the comprehension of the method of physical sanctification are the most precious this time!"

in the cave.

Yang Gang opened his eyes with a happy smile on his face.

Countless memories of the method of sanctification of the Nine Tribulations flowed through his mind like running water and were quickly absorbed and digested.

After a while.

Yang Gang's eyes flashed brightly.

He took out the fairy jade pendant hanging around his neck, and opened his mouth to spit out a stream of pure mana.

In an instant.

Wisps of strong fairy spirit reappeared after tens of millions of years.A series of mysterious dao rhymes, like the inscriptions of ancient characters, emerged on the surface of the jade pendant.

This is the method of Shi Huang's previous life.

The fairy jade pendant has finally returned to its original form.

"It's no wonder that I have been unable to understand the function of this 'ordinary' jade pendant for so long. It turns out that only by practicing the method of the Stone Emperor can I unlock its true nature."

"With this jade pendant by my side to constantly comprehend, my future physical body cultivation path will be like a smooth river!"

"White chance? I think it is a hundred times stronger than the current Xianjun's golden chance and Xianjun's three-color chance! The Stone Emperor returns to the Yuan with three lives, and everything related to him is too deceptive!"

"Perhaps this is the only way to deceive the world, even the Dao of Reincarnation! If not, I would not be able to reincarnate in the mountains and seas,"

Yang Gang said with emotion: "I owe Brother Monkey a lot!"


"In the next life, who will I be reincarnated into?"

thought here.

Anticipation welled up in Yang Gang's heart, he didn't even care about taking a break, and directly entered the river of fate again.

But I don't know dozens of miles away.

A group of fox demons are riding the clouds and flying towards here happily.

"Grab that man, grab that man...I can already smell him!"

"It's so fragrant...It must be delicious after being caught and stewed."

"Nonsense, I finally met a person, how can I just stew? I want to marry him, I want to be like the story in the story, the scholar and the fox demon lady... Hehehe, hehehehahaha"

"Brother, you are public!"


in the cave.

Yang Gang's mind has already sunk into that strange wooden carved fish.

[Currently you can enter the robbery chapter: life grows hate]

[The relevant past life (Lan Caiyi) is not activated, whether to choose a past life at random and start reincarnation. 】


Yang Gang couldn't help being stunned.

Then fell into thinking.

The super-large-scale connection of the Shanhai Era to the previous life is indeed like a story line that runs through the front and back, and the names of every character that appear in it are not aimless.

If you choose to enter at will without being associated with them, it may be difficult to interact with them and participate in those historical events.

Many things will be missed in vain!

"In this life, I have not been able to grow up under my mother's lap. This life in the Shan Hai Ji... I can't miss it no matter what!"


Lan Caiyi's past life has been unable to enter because of mental damage.

"What's the secret about mother?"

Yang Gang slapped the Blood Drinking Demon Knife, and immediately, a black and white twin lotus flower emerged from the handle of the knife.

With cold eyes, he stared at the twin lotus and said: "Bai Lianhua, I have given you enough time. If you don't tell me about my mother back then, today...is the time of your death!"

(End of this chapter)

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