I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 159 Mystery of Life Experience, Qingqiu Fox Immortal

Chapter 159 Mystery of Life Experience, Qingqiu Fox Immortal

Light flashes.

The Virgin of the White Lotus landed in front of Yang Gang, sitting cross-legged, with a holy and solemn face, like a benevolent Bodhisattva.

But Yang Gang knew.

Her body is all black!
"If you really want to know, it's not impossible. But I want you to promise me a condition." The Holy Mother of White Lotus said softly.


Yang Gang's eyes flashed, the last demon he agreed to is still locked in Qingyun Pavilion in the holy capital.

"But I don't believe you."

Bai Lianhua shook her head with a calm expression.

"Looks like you're itchy again."

Yang Gang sneered.

The Blood Drinking Demon Knife suddenly appeared and slashed at her altar.

"Ah~~~" There was a light gasp.

The immature figure of the Virgin of the White Lotus changed, and suddenly grew rapidly, turning into a mature and charming woman.

A pair of watery eyes looked at Yang Gang, very pitiful.

"Good brother, stop beating, I know I was wrong!"

"What about you, do you want to talk?" Yang Gang said coldly, unmoved.

"Brother knows that they are twins, so why bother to ask?" The Holy Mother of the Black Lotus held her chest and panted lightly, "If you are willing to let me go back and show enough sincerity, I will tell..."


A shrill scream.

Yang Gang no longer had patience, the mana in his body was like a fairy, it rushed straight into the body of the Virgin of the Double Lotus, distorting her body, constantly changing her black and white body.


Yang Gang's eyes turned cold, as if he had made up his mind.

The Blood Drinking Demon Knife slashed down.

"Stop, I'll say it! I'll say it all!" The Madonna of Shuanglian's expression changed drastically, and she finally felt the danger of death. She opened her mouth quickly, hugging Yang Gang's feet and prostrated herself on the ground, as if she was extremely obedient.

"I don't have the patience to waste any more time on you."

Yang Gang looked coldly at the holy woman at his feet, and said solemnly: "If you find out that you have half a lie, you will definitely be wiped out!"


The white lotus leaned on the ground, her petite body trembling.

"Tell me, what's the secret about my mother?" Yang Gang said in a deep voice.

"This starts from 17 years ago. The identity of your mother is actually... Shengjun's younger sister." Bai Lianhua raised her head slightly, and said pitifully.


Yang Gang grabbed her by the collar abruptly and held it up in front of him.

"What did you say? Say it again!"

"I said... Actually, she is Shengjun's younger sister. And you are not the son of Yang Tianyou." Bai Lianhua said with certainty.

"My mother, is Shengjun's younger sister? I... am not Yang Tianyou's son?"

Yang Gang let go of his hand, his mind buzzing.

No matter how he guessed, he couldn't imagine such an ending.

But how could Shengjun's younger sister be reduced to living in the Yang Mansion, living such a life that is not as good as a pig or a dog?For a moment, Yang Gang also harbored a trace of hatred towards the Holy Monarch.

"You lied to me!"

Yang Gang stared at the white lotus, his eyes bloodshot.

"I didn't lie to you, you listen to my explanation first..."

Bai Lianhua took a step back in panic, and said in a soft voice: "That Lan Caiyi can be said to be Shengjun's sister, or not. Now I am neither a god nor a demon, and I don't belong to any party. It's okay to tell you everything. "

"That Lan Caiyi, that is, your mother, is actually the... younger sister of the Holy Monarch in one of the millions of kalpas."

"What do you mean?" Yang Gang frowned.

"The practice of the Holy Monarch is as ancient as it is today, and it is completely incomprehensible to ordinary people. It is completely different from the ordinary life awakening life. I only know that he came from the Tao before the collapse of the ancient mountains and seas."

"With hundreds of millions of thoughts, he threw himself into reincarnation, and experienced 600 million kalpas in the world of mortals."

"Ordinary people can only awaken one life or two, at most nine lives. But he is ingenious, and he has experienced hundreds of millions of catastrophes at the same time. Such great power, such deep scheming, nine heavens and ten earths, besides the mysterious Demon Emperor, there is also the Nine Nether Demon Lord, who dares to fight against it?"

"So..." Yang Gang gradually understood.

"So Lan Caiyi's identity is said to be Shengjun's younger sister, but in fact it is just the younger sister of one of his billions of thoughts. There are so many billions of lives, you say Shengjun will have kung fu, and take care of such a 'sister' Life or death?" Bai Lianhua sneered.

"I understand."

Yang Gang nodded silently.

Then continue to look at the white lotus.

Obviously, if everything is as simple as that, Lan Caiyi is not worthy of Jiuyou Shamo's love for her.Also, she just said that she is not the son of 'Yang Tianyou'.

"However, there is an extremely secret matter that no one knows about. Even Shengjun himself doesn't know..."

Bai Lianhua said: "Looking back on Lan Caiyi's previous lives, one of them...she is the younger sister of the Emperor of Heaven. My younger sister!"

"The Emperor's... sister?"

Yang Gang was stunned again.

So going around and around, Lan Caiyi is still the younger sister of a Heavenly Emperor or a Holy Monarch?

And this time, it goes back directly to ancient times!

Based on the news he learned when he was walking in the outer area of ​​the mountains and seas.

To be named the Emperor of Heaven is the honor of the Three Realms.

The authority of the Dao of Heaven lies in people, that is, the Emperor of Heaven.

If the authority of the way of heaven lies in the sky, then the emperor is the emperor of heaven.

As for which Celestial Emperor's younger sister Lan Caiyi was at that time, I am afraid that she will have to go back to her previous life, and then enter the Shan Hai Ji, and she will know it by herself!

Seeing his expression, Bai Lianhua couldn't help nodding with satisfaction.

"Stop acting, you have no emotional desire at all."

Yang Gang said coldly: "Tell me, how did you find out my mother's secret?"


Bai Lianhua snorted coldly, and continued: "Is this important? She is well protected by you now, and the Nine Nether Shamo can't succeed at all. This is my bargaining chip to save my life. I will tell you everything. With your character, you will definitely kill me."

Yang Gang's expression suddenly sank.

"No, no, but I can tell you how to treat her." Bai Lianhua hurriedly said, "What do you think of this deal?"

"Okay, you say."

Yang Gang nodded slowly.

In any case, let's heal mother's injury first.

As for the future, I will make good preparations for this disobedient twin lotus.

"Tell me first, why am I not Yang Tianyou's son." Yang Gang said expressionlessly.

In fact, I was a little nervous.

He was not Yang Tianyou's son, and he didn't have the other's dirty blood in his body, so he was naturally overjoyed.

But who is his biological father?
"Your mother, in this life, was a rich lady who fell in love with an ordinary scholar and gave birth to you." Bai Lianhua glanced at Yang Gang, and suddenly smiled: "Coincidentally, that scholar's name is also Yang Tianyou."

"..." Yang Gang frowned deeply.

Following Bai Lianhua's narration, I instinctively felt something was wrong.


She only heard her say: "Then, the identity of your mother's previous life was discovered by the Nine Nether Shamo. In order to protect you, your father died tragically at the hands of the Shamo, and has already been reincarnated."

"Although your mother was pregnant with a rare treasure, she was seriously injured. At the last critical moment...she was saved by an old man passing by."

"That old man, you should know, is the old master on Qingyun Mountain."

"Old Master, saved mother?" Yang Gang murmured.

"Yes. She has been protected by the old master for several years, and the Nine Nether Shamo can no longer succeed. Then they learned that she had fallen into a half-mad state due to serious injuries and heartbreak, so they hatched a conspiracy."

"So they colluded with Zhongyong Hou Yang Tianyou, pretended to be a scholar Yang Tianyou, and lured the delirious Lan Caiyi to come out of the mountain. The price Shamo paid was to help it maintain the stability of the Northland."

"As a result, you all know what happened next."

"Lan Caiyi foolishly hugged you and came to Yang's Mansion. Seventeen years later, you have grown into a mythical arrogance of the Zhou Dynasty. But no one knows where that rare treasure is anymore." Bai Lianhua stared at Yang with flickering eyes. Astral.

Then he said regretfully: "If they hadn't always wanted to keep your mother and son, wait for the whereabouts of the strange treasure, and kill you early... I wouldn't have ended up where I am today."

"Different treasure..."

Yang Gang thought silently, with a sneer in his heart.

Bai Lianhua didn't even want to say the name of that rare treasure, but he knew that it must be related to Lan Caiyi's ancient life.As long as I can cure my mother, I will enter Shanhaiji and reincarnate as her son.

Everything will be figured out.

"Continue to talk about how to heal my mother's injury." Yang Gang said.

"If you want to cure her, it's easy and difficult to say, you just need to go..." Bai Lianhua said, and suddenly turned her head to look outside the cave.

at the same time.

Yang Gang also turned his head, a golden light flashed between his brows.


A few miles away, a group of fox demons came into view.Judging from the direction they were traveling, it seemed that they were heading straight for this cave.

"Something is coming, I seem to smell a bad smell." Bai Lianhua said.

"It's a group of vixens."

Yang Gang nodded.

Suddenly he reached out and grabbed the white lotus, and slapped her behind her.

Immediately, the holy woman let out an exclamation, which turned into a ray of light and penetrated into the handle of the Blood Drinking Demon Knife.

Yang Gang turned around and walked out of the cave, holding the blood-drinking magic knife and waiting quietly.

He completely forgot that he was naked at this time, and he didn't even have any clothes.

"I want to know if what Bai Lianhua said is true. If you enter her previous life, you may be able to completely control her weaknesses. Now... what are these foxes going to do?"

After a while.

A group of fox demons came to the cave noisily.

"Wow! What a handsome man!"

"It's a man, it's a man! Sisters, catch him!"

A group of fox demons were yelling and excited, as if they had never seen anyone before.

"Oh! Why is this person so shameless? He doesn't even wear clothes. It's so embarrassing!" A vixen covered his face with his paws, but a pair of watery eyes appeared between his fingers, staring straight at Yang Gang. waist down.

"Hahaha, I'm going to be the lady fox in the storybook!" A male fox roared and rushed towards Yang Gang.


Yang Gang subconsciously covered his crotch, his brows twitching.

With a wave of the long knife, the 'perverted' male fox was sent flying.

After that, the blood-drinking magic knife danced continuously, and slapped back a group of foxes who rushed forward.But there was no killer.

He could feel that this group of unreliable foxes didn't seem to have any murderous intent, they looked innocent and innocent.

It seems that they just want to catch him back.

"Where are you monsters from? What do you want to do? Here...where is it?" Yang Gang asked repeatedly.


The group of nervous fox spirits didn't pay attention to his intentions at all, and they turned into their true colors one by one. They were all blue-skinned foxes who were about ten feet tall, and whose cultivation had reached at least the primordial spirit and fairyland.

Yang Gang's expression darkened.

This group of vixens seems to have a very complicated background.

"Sisters, get out of the way and let my mother come!" At this moment, a red fox with three tails on its back jumped out, and opened its mouth to Yang Gang to spit out a stream of pink gas.


Yang Gang immediately held his breath, and the wind of the knife was like an abyss, forming a wave of air in front of him.


At this moment, his feet flickered inexplicably, and he stepped on a stone.

Suddenly, like a chain reaction, the breath in the body suddenly changed.A gap appeared in the light of the knife in front of him, and a gust of fresh wind blew in, and the fragrance hit his face.

Yang Gang's feet softened.

He wobbled and fell to the ground, with his feet in the air.

"It's broken..." He couldn't help widening his eyes, with an unbelievable look on his face, the word 'outrageous' flashed in his mind, and then he felt in a daze as if he had been tied up by a group of fox demons.

I do not know how long it has been.

Yang Gang gradually woke up and opened his eyes.

Suddenly, he was taken aback by a fox face that was so close at hand.

"You're awake!"

The snow-white little fox was lying on the stone platform, with nine fluffy tails, staring at Yang Gang curiously.

"who are you?"

Yang Gang subconsciously covered his lower body.

Feeling that there is no abnormality in the body, I can't help but breathe a long sigh of relief.

"Hmph, who am I? Hey, who am I?"

The little fox raised his head, was taken aback for a moment, frowned and thought for a long time, and suddenly said triumphantly: "I am famous, powerful in the three worlds, even the holy king and the demon emperor will bow down when they see it... ... the Qingqiu Fox Immortal!"

"My name, my name... Hey, what's my name?" The little fox turned his head and asked with a puzzled expression: "My children, Grandma Fox, what's my name?"

(End of this chapter)

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