I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 160 My Name is Yang Jian, Qingqiu Confers God

Chapter 160 My Name is Yang Jian, Qingqiu Confers God

Qingqiu Mountain.

Green water and green mountains, beautiful scenery, the little foxes all over the mountains looked at the naked human beings beside a stone platform in the center of the valley, their eyes were shining brightly.

"Grandma, you said earlier that your surname seems to be Su?" a fox demon said cautiously.

"You too, don't you remember?"

Qingqiu Huxian looked puzzled.

"I should, remember?" Fox Demon said cautiously with a confused face.

"That's right, I don't even remember, and you certainly don't either!"

The white-haired little fox had a proud expression on his face, his head held high, completely forgetting that there was Yang Gang beside him.

"Qingqiu Fox Immortal?"

Yang Gang's heart skipped a beat.

In my mind, I recalled a bright name in the long river of fate.

The long knife in his hand was ready to move.

Of course, he didn't want to look at the white fox with a knife, but wanted to carve a mortal fish as a gift to him.

He is doomed to have no chance to get in touch with the existence of the Holy Monarch, the Demon Emperor, and the Demon Lord of the Nine Nethers. This Qingqiu fox fairy who seems to have a problem with his brain can give it a try.

"By the way, that villain, what name do you want?" The little white-haired fox finally remembered Yang Gang at this moment, and turned to stare at him.

"Well. My name is..."

Yang Gang covered his vital parts with both hands, and said, "My name is Yang Jian."

"Yang Jian? Write it down."

The little fox stared, and said fiercely.

"Huh? Oh oh."

Yang Gang only felt a powerful coercion rushing towards his face, which was infinitely stronger than the nine-headed demon saint he met before.

I can't help but feel a chill in my heart.

Honestly write down 'your own' name.

He thought to himself: This Qingqiu fox fairy is also a character left over from the ancient times, right?Fortunately, she doesn't seem to be very malicious, but what do you want her name to do...

Right now.

"Yang Jian, Yang Jian, listen to my orders! Make you a god!" The little fox lay on the stone platform, chanting.

One stroke at a time, the little paw wrote down the word 'Yang Jian'.


A strange light flashed across the Conferred God Altar, as if a long river flashed by, and the word 'Yang Jian' was engraved on it.


In the long river shining with thousands of lights, there seems to be a figure of a silver-armored god walking slowly, who is about to combine with the word "Yang Jian".

A snow-white fox's paw suddenly appeared and wiped out the word 'Yang Jian', and the strange appearances all over the sky disappeared immediately.


Qingqiu Fox Immortal nodded with satisfaction: "As expected, you did not lie to me, Grandma Fox. There is indeed Yang Jian in this world."


Yang Gang couldn't help but wiped the sweat from his forehead.

What kind of stone platform is this, and it has such a miraculous effect?
However, the Qingqiu Fox Immortal seemed to be restricted by this too, staying on the stone platform and unable to come down.


Qingqiu Fox Immortal's gaze changed, and suddenly became extremely cold, "The name of Yang Jian is not yours. Tell me, what purpose do you have for coming to my land of Qingqiu?"


Yang Gang's heart skipped a beat and his tongue fell open.

"Can't tell, can you? Hehe, kids, let's eat him tonight!" The little fox laughed triumphantly, his eyes glowing with strange spirits.


"Eating people!"

"It's a pity to eat it, why don't you give it to my old lady and squeeze it for hundreds of years..."

A group of Qingqiu foxes immediately surrounded them, staring at them.Some foxes even turned into charming human figures, as if they wanted to ravage Yang Gang severely before eating him.

"and many more!"

Yang Gang held the knife in one hand and protected the ground with the other, and roared.

"Wait, how dare you lie to Grandma Fox and kill me to eat meat!" The little fox fiercely stared at the strange fairy jade pendant on Yang Gang's chest.I said in my heart: "Well, why do I always feel like I have seen it somewhere?"

all of a sudden.

A group of female foxes and male foxes crawled all over Yang Gang's body. He tried his best to thrust left and right, but unfortunately, the aftereffects of the fog still persisted, and he was unable to break free at all.

Fox paws touched him one by one, crazily stuck, it was okay if it was a female fox, but it was fine with a male fox.Those who are good at the art of transformation, turned into all kinds of charming female vixen, and the soft little hands made his skin crawl.

If they are allowed to continue.

I'm afraid Yang Gang is going to lose his virginity today, but also to 'lose his virginity'!
"Wait! Aunts, wait a minute!"

Yang Gang suddenly roared, startling the foxes all over him.

They looked at him suspiciously.

"You are the first person in this world who dares to lie to us Grandma Fox. After all, what last words do you have?"

"This, that... Actually..."

Yang Gang looked troubled.

After a long while, he finally shook his butt with shame on his face, and a fluffy tail grew slowly behind him.

"Actually... I am also a fox."

Yang Gang's face was flushed, and he changed into a tail with the skill of painting skin, and said helplessly: "This time I came to Qingqiu, I came to find all the aunts and grandparents to recognize their ancestors and return to their ancestors!"

"Huh? Huh?"

"Ah, he is also a half-demon fox?"

"I touch it, it's so soft, the tail of a shemale fox is really different from us!"

"Good sister, let me touch it, let me touch it too!"

A group of vixens were clamoring and crazily stroking Yang Gang.


He took a long breath, and stood there with a look of hopelessness, covered in foxes.

His grandma's, today is too unlucky!
Yang Gang wanted to resist, but he was powerless. The second formula of the Qiankun Bracelet might be able to fight against ordinary immortals, but it was hard to say against this strange Qingqiu fox fairy.

Due to the situation, he can only bear the humiliation for a while.

You stinky foxes, don't give me a chance to get revenge, I'm fucking your grandma...

"Stop all!"

A scream rang out.

A group of vixens were suddenly startled, jumped away one after another, and prostrated themselves on the ground.

On the Conferred God Stage.

The little fox with its nine tails wobbled for a while, and fixedly looked at Yang Gang's tail.

After looking at it for a while, I still couldn't see it through.

A strange look flashed in her eyes, "Strange, is he really a trace of my fox clan's blood? No wonder there is a trace of closeness in Baibai, um, that's all, since he is of the same clan, let's not embarrass him!"

The little fox said with his arms crossed.

"Yes, thank you Grandma Fox."

Yang Gang suddenly heaved a sigh of relief, and loosened the Qiankun bracelet on his wrist.

Although these fox demons are good at the art of change, they don't see through the ability of change.This risky gamble finally allowed him to get away with it!
Next, how to escape from the claws of these fox demons?
This land of green hills is really a bit evil!
And just when Yang Gang was deeply trapped in Qingqiu Mountain.

His deeds in Liangjie Mountain were also passed back to Shengjing City through the mouths of everyone.

Yuan Tianshi slapped the coffee table with his palm, causing water to splash everywhere.

"This kid... Didn't he just come back after taking the Tongtian Shentie? Why did so many troubles happen for nothing!"

"I just knew... I just knew that these mythical arrogances don't have a fuel-efficient lamp!" Yuan Tianshi got up and walked, talking to himself, his face full of helplessness.

"Didn't you inform Qingyun Sword Immortal, who is always in the demon realm, and go to protect him secretly?" Doumu Shenjun sat firmly on the side with tea, with a dignified demeanor and awe-inspiring power.


Yuan Tianshi raised his head and let out a long sigh, "Then Li Chunyun, I shouldn't have let him take action! These three thorns, I will be pissed off by them sooner or later!"


Doum Shenjun calmed down and took a sip of tea.It is in stark contrast to Yuan Tianshi who is furious.

Ginger House.

In the stone forest in the backyard.

A figure leaped vertically and horizontally, trying to practice marksmanship.

"Jiang Jiang, Jiang Jiang... There is news about Yang Gang!" Jiang He's voice came from outside.

The figure in the stone forest is certain.

Jiang Jiang turned his head abruptly with a joyful expression.

Suddenly, he restrained his smile again, pretending to calmly stand in place with his gun in hand.

"How is he?"

"This Yang Gang has made a big commotion again." Jiang He looked helpless, and then told Yang Gang's deeds in Liangjie Mountain one by one.

Jiang Jiang's brows became tighter and tighter.

One hand gripped the spear tightly.


The shadow of the gun danced, and she was like lightning, swinging the gun vigorously in the stone forest.

"Uh... Jiang Jiang?"

Jiang He looked at Jiang Jiang blankly, not knowing why.

In the end, he had no choice but to leave, muttering in his heart: These two people are able to walk together, and they are really out of their minds.

for a long time.

The shadows of guns all over the sky stopped suddenly.

Jiang Jiang quietly looked at the sky.


"He has already been able to kill the Dragon King in the East China Sea. In the Demon Realm, the Earth Immortal...goes farther and farther. But I am still the Primordial Spirit." Jiang Jiang's expression flashed with fear, "In the future, he will definitely kill the Immortal Lord ,even……"

"I'm useless anymore, I can't protect him anymore...then what's the point of following him?"

"I will never be the same as my previous life again! Definitely!"

Say it.

Jiang Jiang seemed to have made up his mind.

the next day.

The customers who came to the Hongchen Diaoyu shop were shocked to find that there was a new shopkeeper.A woman in red greeted the guests who came to the door with a face full of reluctance.But Jiang Jiang, who came to the store every day, disappeared without a trace.

Three days later.

A message spread throughout the city of Shengjing.

Bai Suqing of Weiyuan Duke's Mansion has been promoted to the fairyland!

Also on this day.

A battle post was sent to the White House.

Jiang Jiang, the evil god of Doubu, wants to challenge the fairyland dragon girl with the realm of Yuanshen.For a while, the situation in Shengjing rose again.

And this time.

Yang Gang from Qingqiu also encountered some 'trouble'.

"Grandpa! Grandpa!"

"Grandpa, don't run away!"

"Grandpa, Grandma Fox asked you to go to bed..."

Shouts of 'Grandpa' filled the mountains and plains, making Yang Gang's head full of black lines, and he tried to escape from this fox hole in a panic.

The fifth day in Qingqiu.

He soared to the sky, doubled his status, and became the only grandpa here.

The cause of the matter is this.

On the second day after Yang Gang came to Qingqiu, there was a sudden change in the Conferred God Platform, and the nine-tailed white fox was enveloped in the heavenly light.


After she experienced Nirvana, she became smaller again. After waking up, Qingqiu Fox Immortal seemed to have lost a lot of memory, and directly recognized the only "person" here as her husband.

Because of this, Yang Gang's status doubled, and he was promoted to the only grandfather in Qingqiu.

Those vixens in Qingqiu are really outrageous.

Qingqiu Fox Immortal asked them to call them Grandpa, but they actually did, without any doubt.

"No! This land of Qingqiu is too evil!"

In the forest, Yang Gang gritted his teeth and said, "I can't stay here any longer. If I become as stupid as them, this life will be completely over!"

However, the curse of Fengshentai still exists.

Yang Gang didn't have any "accidents", he was discovered by a few little foxes in the forest, and then he was easily captured by a fox spirit in the realm of the earth fairy, and sent back to Qingqiu Valley.

"How can I resist this strange luck!" Yang Gang said helplessly.

These days, Yang Gang already understood that the stone platform where the Qingqiu fox fairy was located was called the Ancient Conferred God Platform.Although it is only a fragment, it has a part of the ability to confer the divine way.

Qingqiu Fox Immortal's practice method is also very strange, it seems that she can go through the calamity of Nirvana again and again, and resist the invasion of time, but she will forget part of the memory, which makes her nervous, which is an alternative method of reincarnation.

Moreover, the Fengshentai was in the hands of the little fox, and there was a trace of the power of luck and divine way, which could change a person's fate for a while.

These days, Yang Gang has also seen monsters in the Eternal Demon Realm come to ask her for luck from time to time.

If there is no corresponding magical means, I am afraid that I will not be able to escape the claws of that little fox for the time being!
As a result, when he returned to Qingqiu Valley again.

Facing him, he saw a little loli about seven or eight years old sitting on the Conferred God Stage, with nine snow-white foxtails fluffy on his back.

She looked at Yang Gang, wiggled her fox tail, and called out sweetly, "Daddy!"


Yang Gang's eyes darkened.


On the fifth day of being an undercover agent in Qingqiu Land, I became the grandfather of the Qingqiu Fox Clan!

The voice just fell.

On the Conferred God Stage, a ray of divine light enveloped him.

"Fengshentai listens to my orders and confers father Yang Jian as the God of Mountains, Seas, Heaven and Earth!" The little fox's delicate voice sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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