Chapter 161

The sky and the earth shook, and thunder and lightning flashed.

All of a sudden, the land of Qingqiu was stormy and stormy, which shocked the monsters in the tens of thousands of miles around.

"This... This Grandma Fox usually asks her to lower her luck, and it will make people pay countless prices."

"To make such a fuss today, could it be that she... is praying for the luck of her favorite grandson, the Nine-headed Demon Saint?"

"Hurry up, hurry up, I will also go to the outskirts of Qingqiu to gain some luck!"

All of a sudden, the land of Qingqiu was surging with wind and clouds, and countless monsters flew towards this side riding the monster wind.

At this time, Yang Gang was completely dumbfounded.

An illusory figure seemed to be taken out of his body by the long river of the Conferred God Platform, and countless radiances flickered in it immediately, and heaven and earth naturally produced a force of repulsion.

In modern times, the way of heaven is with people.

Now the world is covered by a web of fate.

Although the power of fate in the Eternal Demon Territory is slightly weaker, if you want to seal the body of heaven and earth, you are still going against the sky and fighting against the current fate.


The loli fox demon standing on the Conferred God Stage snorted angrily, "It's a mere fate, and the avenue has not been established. How dare you act presumptuously in my demon realm? Break it for me!"

Say it.

She opened her hand to grab it, and her tender little hand turned into a sky-supporting fox claw, grabbing towards the void of the sky.

There seemed to be a tearing sound.

Qingqiu Fox Immortal, with his supreme power, broke the fate above his head and vowed to become a god for his father.


She exhaled a breath of fragrance lightly towards Yang Gang.

all of a sudden.

Yang Gang only felt that the haze that had shrouded his head during this period of time suddenly dissipated, and there were bursts of auspicious sounds in his ears, which seemed to be the clock of the fate of heaven and earth, and he felt an unprecedented ease in his heart.


Qingqiu Fox Immortal stood on the stage of conferring gods, and said majestically to Yang Gang: "What god do you want to be conferred and where will you be conferred? Quickly tell me your name! I will confer you a god..."

"Confer the gods to Grandpa Zuzu!"

"Confer the gods to Grandpa Zuzu!"

A group of silly foxes knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing.

"Hurry up, Daddy, I'm going to be overwhelmed!" The little fox's nine tails trembled behind him, holding the sky with one hand, fighting against fate, as if he was under great pressure.


Yang Gang covered his forehead, and finally said helplessly: "Let's call it... Qingyuan Miaodao Zhenjun! The conferred land is... Guanjiangkou."

"it is good!"

The little fox agreed.

Then he raised his head and screamed, the sound shook the nine heavens, as if announcing the heaven and the earth.

"Fengshentai commanded the mountains and seas, and conferred the three realms. Today, Yang Jian is conferred the name of 'Qingyuan Miaodao Zhenjun', as the righteous god of mountains, seas, heaven and earth, and confers the land of Guanjiangkou. The sky and the earth are the evidence, and the mountains and the sea are the mirror."

The voice fell.

In the distant sky, there were bursts of roar.

Not thunder, not landslides, not tsunami, just like the response of the Dao, the mountains, rivers, lakes and seas of the world immediately remembered the name of 'Qingyuan Miaodao Zhenjun'.

all of a sudden.

At the ninth level of the three realms, all the great powers above the earth immortals sensed the name of 'Qingyuan Miaodao Zhenjun Yang Jian', and they were all stunned.

"Yang Jian, who is it?"

"In the world after the ancient times, there is someone who can be granted the title and become the god of the ancient world?"

Outside Qingqiu.

Countless monsters, big and small, looked up at a majestic and boundless silver-armored God of War figure, slowly rising into the air from the Qingqiu, sealed by heaven and earth, their eyes were dull and shocked.

this day.

The ninth level of the three realms, under the witness of the earth and mountains, Yang Gang was conferred the title of 'True Monarch of the Miaodao of Qingyuan'.

He became the first righteous god in the world since ancient times.

The light gradually subsided.

The divine body of 'Yang Jian' in the sky turned into a golden light and threw it into Yang Gang's body.

"I was forced to become a god?"

Yang Gang looked at the little fox on the Conferred God Stage, and couldn't help laughing.

Such great kindness, such karma, how will he repay it in the future?

The little fox suddenly exclaimed.

The shape changed, and he turned back into the former nine-tailed white fox, lying softly on the Conferred God Stage, and said weakly: "Daddy, I'm going to sleep again. After sleeping, I have to forget something, don't you forget me! "

Say it.

She closed her eyes.

Paths of brilliance circulated, enveloping her figure.

Qingqiu Fox Immortal was exhausted after becoming a god, and once again fell into the calamity of Nirvana.

I just don't know what state she will be in next time she wakes up?
"Alas~~" Yang Gang sighed, and stood in front of the Conferred God Stage, contemplating for a long time.

"Why did she recognize me as her husband for a while, and her father for a while? In the Shanhaiji in ancient times, what role did the Qingqiu fox fairy play at that time?"

"That's it."

Yang Gang looked out of the sky, with a frown in his eyes.

Immediately, countless monsters gathered outside Qingqiu.

"Since I can't go out for the time being, let's practice here for a while. First, I will cultivate my natal supernatural powers, so that I can come and go freely in the Shan Hai Ji. My current strength is still too weak in ancient times!"

"Not to mention overturning the Liangjie Mountain in the future and rescuing Brother Monkey."

"As for the mother's injury..." Yang Gang thought, and the incarnation of the Holy Lord and the True Monarch Shendao, who was hundreds of millions of miles away, started to act, and searched for the 'good medicine' for Lan Caiyi's injury according to the method that the Shuanglian Virgin Mary said.

The land of the netherworld, the water of the river of forgetfulness, is the name of that good medicine.

In the next few days, Yang Gang started a two-line operation.

While following the method given by the Shuanglian Virgin, explore the Netherland.While thinking about the natal supernatural power in Qingqiu, it is a pity that under the guidance of the unknown teacher, he still can't understand what is the natal supernatural power and what is the great way supernatural power.

It's just that Dao's own saber techniques have gradually transformed into martial arts supernatural powers.

Comparing the two, one is like the worldly martial art, and the other is like the magic of the gods.Although the martial art is powerful and superior, it lacks a bit of miraculous after all.

In the future, if you fight against the truly formidable powers, you will lose a few cards.

Three days later.

Qingqiu Fox Immortal wakes up.

Then she...forgot about Yang Gang.

"Hmm~~ I seem to have forgotten something again." The little fox rubbed his head, looking dizzy.

But when she saw Yang Gang, she was still a little kind.

The silly foxes in the valley also got used to Yang Gang's existence, treated him as one of them, romped and crawled on him every day.

In this way, Yang Gang settled in Qingqiu and stayed temporarily.

Qingqiu Fox Immortal sometimes remembers some things, sometimes forgets some things, all in all strange, but the relationship between the human and the demon is quite harmonious.

After stabilizing.

Yang Gang checked the changes in his body after conferring the gods for the first time.

However, I found that the strength has not increased, and the mana has not increased, as long as I can absorb an inexplicable "Dao Yun" from the heaven and the earth, like a magical power of creation.

As a result, his cultivation speed has greatly increased.

Whether it is mana, physical body, or the absorption of incense and gods.

And he also clearly felt that a boundless 'big net' enveloped the entire world, creating a suppressive force on his absorption of the 'Dao Yun of Creation'.

"If I can go back to the ancient times and confer gods in the ancient times, wouldn't my strength be able to increase by [-] times by leaps and bounds? It's no wonder that any creature in ancient times is infinitely stronger than it is now."

"What a world change!"

"But how can we break the fate above the head? Even if he is as strong as the Qingqiu fox demon, he can't do it. Who else in this world can resist this fate?" Yang Gang couldn't help but think of his trip to the Northland.

At that time, did I and Jiang Jiang cut off their fate?
"Hey, that little fox, come here." A crisp cry sounded from the Conferred God Stage.

"I'm coming."

Holding a red dust fish that has just been carved, Yang Gang walks up to Qingqiu Fox Immortal.

"What is the one you carved just now?" The little fox stared curiously at Yang Gang's hand.

"This is just a small toy."

Yang Gang shook the red dust fish in his hand, a light flashed in his eyes.

Deliberately carved on the Fengshentai for a few days, and finally caught the little fox's attention.

"Give it to me, Grandma Fox, I want to play too."

The little fox stretched out a small paw.

"Okay, here it is."

Yang Gang smiled slightly.

Under the innocent eyes of the little fox, he handed out his red dust fish.

"Hmm~~ It's fun."

The little fox lay on the ground, teasing the little fish with its paws.

Thousands of years of loneliness made her have a strong interest in anything new.

Perhaps constantly forgetting memories is also a way for her to fight loneliness!

Thinking in his heart, Yang Gang quickly returned to a cave in the valley.

Then he closed his eyes, and his mind sank into the river of fate.

Immediately, a small fish of three colors swam over freely, very intimately.

"Three-color life rank, with Qingqiu Fox Immortal's cultivation base, is he also an immortal? The gap between immortals is too big!"

Right now.

A ray of light flashed, connecting the Stone Emperor Hongchen Fish and Qingqiu Fox Fairy Hongchen Fish together.

[Previous life currently available: Shan Hai Ji]

[Shan Hai Ji: The mountains and seas collapsed, and the Nine Tribulations became holy.The emperor of heaven and earth enshrines the gods, and the emperor of heaven is absolutely connected with heaven and earth. 】

[Sanctification in Nine Tribulations: The first calamity, 'The Tribulation of Reincarnation', is the end of the calamity. 】

【Qingqiu Fox Immortal (Activated)】

[Currently you can enter the robbery chapter: Conferred God Great Tribulation. 】

"The Great Tribulation of Conferred Gods?"

Yang Gang's heart skipped a beat.

At this time.

The reminder of Changhe's fate has changed again.

[The Tribulation of Reincarnation is related to the Great Tribulation of Conferring Gods, you can reincarnate in Qingqiu, become a fox fairy, and directly enter the fourth calamity. 】

"Go directly to the fourth catastrophe and become a fox fairy? Then how many things will I miss..." Yang Gang couldn't help shaking his head, "It seems that the journey to the ghosts has to speed up."


He directly sank his mind, and began to fully control the divine incarnation of 'Xian Sheng Zhen Jun', which was comparable to the triple divine bridge fairyland.

ten days later.

Yang Gang in Qingqiu had a thought and opened his eyes.

"The water of the Forgotten River is here."

His brows and eyes were slightly opened, and there seemed to be a shining figure in it, fleeing frantically in a dark place, with countless Nine Nether Demons chasing after him.

Another five days later.

The incarnation of Shinto left Nether, appeared outside the city of Shengjing, contacted Jiang Jiang who was about to go to the East China Sea to fight Bai Suqing, and handed over the water of Wangchuan to her.

At this point, the second calamity of the Nine Tribulations of Shan Hai Ji, the sanctification, finally opened.


[Currently you can enter the robbery chapter: life grows hate]

[The relevant past life (Lan Caiyi) has been activated, whether to start reincarnation. 】

"let's start."

With a thought in Yang Gang's mind, he immediately entered the world of mortal fish.

[When the sun is shining, the mountains and seas mark the year.The fairy jade pendant has gone through many ordeals, resolved the catastrophe of returning to the source of the three lives, shed the body of the self, and plunged into the cycle of reincarnation to seek the avenue. 】

[At that time, the great way of heaven and earth was complete, reincarnation manifested, and the way of heaven was with people. 】

[Haotian returned after [-] kalpas and opened up the heaven. 】

[Because the heaven was first established, the gods still lived on the ground, so the emperor is the most honorable, and the emperor is the emperor of heaven.However, although the emperor has authority, he does not have an eternal lifespan. He follows the avenue of reincarnation and constantly abdicates and ascends to the throne, where the virtuous live. 】

[Haotian wants to take control of the power of heaven, so he sets out to take away the power of the emperor. 】

[The mountains and seas don't remember the years, the position of emperor at this time has been handed down to Xuanyuan VII.The Heavenly Emperor Haotian secretly assisted Chi Man, the demon lord of the Nine Netherworlds, to fight against the Human Emperor Xuanyuan for the emperor. A catastrophe filled the mountains and seas. 】

[The earth is full of wars, and the war continues.From time to time, there are immortals who live in seclusion and really ascend to the heavens to avoid calamity and disaster.The power of the emperor is increasing day by day, the embryonic court of heaven has just taken shape, and the way of heaven seems to have a tendency to belong to the emperor. 】

[At this time, Guanjiangkou.In a hermit's home, a baby was born. 】

"Life grows hate?"

Yang Gang opened his eyes wide, looking at the gentle woman hugging him, and the bookish middle-aged man dressed as a farmer beside him.

I made up my mind.

"Mother, in this life, I will definitely protect you and let you have a happy life!"

(End of this chapter)

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