I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 162 Heaven is ruthless, so I changed my life against the sky [Day 5]

Chapter 162 Heaven is ruthless, so I changed my life against the sky [Day [-] of Riwan]

Time flies.

Yang Gang grew up in a small mountain village in Guanjiangkou.

He has a mother, a father, and a brother.His mother's name is 'Yao', his father's surname is Yang, and his last name is Tian.The elder brother is called Yang Zhen.

And he is called Yang Jian.

A family of four lives in peace and happiness in the small mountain village, enjoying themselves in harmony.

In Yang Gang's past and present lives, the warmth that he has never felt enveloped his body and mind.But the name of the family, especially after knowing that the place is called Guanjiangkou, he who was originally cheerful began to gradually become silent.

A few years later, the parents gave birth to a younger sister for the two brothers, named Yang Lian.

Yang Gang was completely silent.

At the age of five, he sat in front of his house, looking at the big river below the mountain, and smiled wryly in his heart.

"Is this the cause and effect connection? I have won the name of Yang Jian, and I am destined to bear his specious life. People grow and hate... Yang Jian's life is indeed worthy of the words "people grow and hate!"

"I should have thought of it earlier!"

"But since I'm here, I will never let the suffering that is destined to happen become the final outcome."

"This is not the same world after all!"

Yang Gang secretly made up his mind.

Although his father and mother didn't say anything, he observed secretly and knew that his surroundings must not be simple.It's just sealing the divine power of the whole body, as if avoiding the tracking of some existence.

According to the information obtained from the Holy Mother of Shuanglian by later generations, the full name of 'Yao' may be Yaoji, the younger sister of the Emperor of Heaven.The only thing unknown is whether her elder brother is the Human Emperor, the Demon Emperor, or... the most ruthless Haotian God.

When he entered this world, Yang Gang had already seen on Mingjie Changhe's reminder that "Haotian wants to take over the power of heaven, so he set out to deprive the power of the emperor".

It is conceivable that the calamity of mountains and seas in the future will all be due to his schemes behind the scenes.

However, the current world is divided into three parts, and the power of the Heavenly Emperor has not yet reached the level of controlling everything.

As long as this is the case, he still has a chance!


Yang Gang began to work harder and harder to practice secretly.

The family lives in seclusion in a mountain village and lives happily.

But he knew that such days would not last long.

Catastrophe... is coming soon!
I hope that at that time, his strength can protect his family.

Time flies, and several years pass by peacefully.

Yang Gang is 14 years old.

In these years, he sat cross-legged in the mountains and forests to cultivate all day long, and he rarely saw a smile on his face.Yaoji and Yang Tian were both relieved and distressed, but no matter what they tried to persuade, there was nothing they could do about Yang Gang.

this day.

In the mountain forest, a young man of eighteen or nineteen, holding an axe, cut down the trees vigorously.

A middle-aged man dressed as a woodcutter stood not far away picking up firewood.

After a long time, the young man stopped the ax and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Father, we have enough firewood for today. I'll help you plow the fields. You should go back and help mother cook!"

"You child."

Yang Tian patted Yang Zhen's shoulder distressedly, and said: "You are still young, you must practice martial arts and supernatural powers like Erlang, so that you can achieve something in the future!"

"Let Wei father do the plowing. Go and ask Erlang to go home and help your mother cook together."


Yang Zhen respectfully agreed, turned and left.

Yang Tian looked at his son's back with a look of relief.

The eldest son is honest and honest, the second son is smart and enterprising, and the youngest daughter is lively and cute. His family can be described as complete and happy.If not... Thinking of this, Yang Tian's expression suddenly darkened.

Then he let out a long sigh.

On the other side of the forest.

"Erlang, Erlang..." Yang Zhen called out twice, walked to the edge of the cliff, and immediately saw the back of a young man facing the sun.

"Erlang, why are you working so hard! It's time to eat!" Yang Zhen said, walking towards the boy.

"Big brother."

The figure on the cliff turned around and looked at Yang Zhen quietly. His brows were handsome, and there was a trace of firmness in his brows at a young age, and there was a faint golden mark on his forehead.

"Erlang, you said that you want to look at the sun and practice a celestial eye supernatural power, have you succeeded?" Yang Zhen asked with great interest.

"It's coming, it's coming soon."

Yang Gang looked at the sky and said softly.

I don't know if he said that the Celestial Eye is about to be opened, or what...

But Yang Zhen only thought that he was trying to be brave again, and immediately smiled and said: "Forget it, Erlang, I haven't seen you succeed for so many years. We have no teachers, no roots, and we should honestly farm in this mountain to get married and have children. It is the right way to live a fulfilling life like father and mother.”

"Heh~~ Is it the right way?"

Yang Gang couldn't help laughing too.

No teacher, no way, no roots?
If you knew that your mother is the younger sister of the Emperor of Heaven, and that your younger brother is a master of learning, you might stare out your eyes.

If it wasn't for worrying about exposing their strength in advance and attracting the pursuit of Heavenly Court, why would the family hide in this small mountain village, and would not even hand over any skills to their children.

After a while.

The two brothers returned home.

I saw a woman in Jingchai cloth was busy inside, and raised her head happily when she heard the voice, "It's the boss, Erlang is back, go wash your face quickly, the food is about to be ready."

A beautiful and dignified face was covered with a little bit of carbon dust. At this time, Yao Ji did not look like a goddess of heaven at all.

"Mom, let us help you."

"No, no, you go out, mother will finish it right away." The two brothers couldn't help but smile similarly when they were kicked out. One went to the back room to chop firewood, and the other lit a fire for Yao Ji.

After a while, Father Yang came back with a hoe on his shoulders.

"Second brother, where are you?" Seven-year-old Yang Lian rubbed her eyes, as if she had just woken up, and called out as soon as she left the room.

At this time Yang Gang was burning the fire.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw a little girl with disheveled hair rushing in and plunging her head into his arms.

"Second brother, second brother comb my hair!" The little girl lay in Yang Gang's arms obsessively, rubbing her face.

Seeing this, Yao Ji couldn't help laughing and said, "You girl has been pestering Second Brother all day long. Xiao Jian, you should coax your younger sister first. You'll be in trouble again if you're covered in dust here later."

Little Yang Lian poked her head out of her brother's arms, made a face to her mother, put her arms around Yang Gang's neck, and said softly, "I want my second brother, huh, my elder brother's hands are so heavy, I'm not as careful as my second brother." !"

"Okay, you girl is arranging me in the back again. Let's see if Big Brother will buy you a little candy man in the future!"

Yang Zhen was watching a handful of firewood come in at this moment, and when he heard this, he was angry and laughed at the same time.

"Mother, elder brother bullied Lian Er." Little Yang Lian immediately shouted dissatisfied.

"All right, big brother is wrong." Yang Zhen pulled Yang Gang up, and said with a smile: "Big brother, come to light the fire, let second brother comb your hair, is it done?"

"Ah, big brother is the best, big brother, I want a little sugar man!" Little Yang Lian still clung to Yang Gang and couldn't get up, pouted and acted like a baby to Yang Zhen.

This little girl is actually a little sugar figure who doesn't want to part with her second brother's embrace, and also doesn't want to part with her elder brother.

"Ha ha ha ha"

The whole family burst out laughing and having fun.

After a while.

A family of five sat at the table and began to eat.

"Jian'er, do you remember what day it is today?"

Father Yang suddenly asked.

"Today?" Yang Gang couldn't help being stunned, what day is today, he really doesn't know now that he only focuses on practicing.

"You child."

Yao Ji couldn't help shaking her head, and lightly tapped the center of Yang Gang's eyebrows with her fingers.At this moment, Father Yang took out a golden lock from his bosom, put it on for him with a smile, and said, "Today is your 14th birthday!"


Yang Gang showed a dazed look, and his eyes were suddenly in a trance.

So...has he been in this world for 14 years?

What a long life!

No matter which world he was in before, he had never felt that the days were so long, yet extremely short. During the 14 years, every minute and every second is worth savoring.

But in recollection, it seems like a moment.

If Yang's father hadn't mentioned it, he would have even forgotten... This is not his current life, and he just wants to indulge in it, forever and ever...

"Come on, take this longevity lock with you. It can keep you safe and sound, and there will be no disasters in the future." Father Yang said with a smile.

"Yes, thank you father."

Yang Gang responded softly, holding the golden lock tightly in his hand.

I thought in my heart: Come on, come on, come early and come late, everything has to be experienced.I'm ready, when are you... when will you arrive?
After 14 years of practice, no one knows what level Yang Gang's cultivation has reached at this time.

Even he himself couldn't predict it.

I only know that the method of sanctification of the body and the supernatural power of the three-eyed eyes have been practiced to an unprecedented height.

He told Yang Zhen that the Tianmu was about to open, but it was actually his three-eyed eye magic power, which was about to turn into a... natal magic power.

As soon as the third eye is opened, it is when the real Yang Jian is born.

In the sky outside the hill, dark clouds floated at some unknown time.

One figure after another, riding the clouds and fog, appeared in the sky silently.

in the hut.

Yaoji's expression changed suddenly, and she looked up at the sky.

"Ma'am, what's the matter with you?" Father Yang asked with concern.

Yao Ji's face was pale, with deep worry flashing in her eyes, she was speechless.

Seeing this, Father Yang's expression also changed.

Yang Gang sat quietly, putting down the bowls and chopsticks in his hand.

"Second brother, why don't you eat?" Little Yang Lian raised her head and asked charmingly.

"Don't eat."

Yang Gang lowered his head, pinched his younger sister's face, and said softly, "Little Lian'er, will my brother take you to watch the fireworks today?"


Xiao Yanglian's eyes lit up, and she said happily: "Okay, okay, Xiaolian likes watching fireworks the most!"

The expressions of the whole family were different, only the eldest brother Yang Zhen held up his chopsticks with a blank expression on his face.

There was a sound of beating drums in the sky outside the house.

A stern voice shouted: "The Emperor has an order. Yao Ji violated the rules of heaven, and she will be crushed under Taoshan, and she will never be released!"

In an instant.

Gusts of wind fell from the sky, splashing earth and rocks, and the beams of the house collapsed.

Yang Tian, ​​Yang Zhen and his son looked pale, little Yang Lian tightly huddled in Yang Gang's arms, Yao Ji looked at the figure in the sky, smiled bitterly, and silently clutched an eyeball-like pendant in her arms.

I am going to risk everything today, and I will also send my husband and several children away.

Only Yang Gang got up silently and put little Yang Lian in the arms of his elder brother.

Then he walked to the kitchen and picked up a hatchet.

Looking at the sky, he said to himself: "Is it really the emperor? The future emperor... we are finally going to fight for the first time...."

In the sky.

A golden-armored god general looked stern, holding the Jade Emperor Token Talisman.Behind him are three thousand heavenly soldiers and generals.

At this time, the Heavenly Court was first established, and its strength was far less than that of the future.

But the ruthless and strict law of heaven has already been established in advance. With the way of Haotian God, this heaven and earth should be separated from humans and gods. Immortals and gods live in the heaven, and humans live on the earth.

As the younger sister of the Supreme Being in the Heaven Realm, Yao Ji is in charge of an ancient artifact, but she committed such a serious crime and should be punished severely.

in the hut.

Yao Ji and his wife cuddled together tightly, their expressions were miserable, they knew that what was supposed to come had finally come.

This time, their family may be doomed.

However this time.

But the couple heard an angry shout from beside them: "What kind of bullshit? The law of heaven is ruthless, so I will change my life against the sky! What kind of thing are you dare to stand in the sky and talk to my mother?"

"Give me—get off!"

The voice fell.

Immediately, an earth-shattering sword light rose from the hut in the eyes of everyone in disbelief, and slashed fiercely at the general in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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