Chapter 163


The golden armored god in the sky will be furious.

Looking at the tiny figure below, a sneer could not help but appear on his face.

A half-grown boy who dares to attack him with a hatchet?Really ignorant!
"Excessive appearance, die!"

In an instant, the Golden Armored God will hold a huge broad knife and face Yang Gang's brilliant knife light.The boundless majesty of the gods immediately suppressed the entire mountain.

And on the ground.

When Yang Gang saw that the Golden Armored God General took out the broad knife, he was stunned for a moment.This knife is so familiar...


The Yaoji couple exclaimed.

Just when Yao Ji was about to break the seal regardless of everything and use the ancient artifact.

However, the situation in the field changed.

Two brilliant sword lights collided in the air.

Yang Gang's saber light turned into a silver pistol, instantly breaking through the golden armored general's saber light.


The Golden Armored God General's expression changed drastically, and he was slashed on the body by a knife when he was caught off guard.

The sky is golden, and the earth is shaking.

A huge figure, like a meteorite, crashed down on the mountain peak, and immediately gravel flew and dust filled the sky.

Everyone stared blankly at the figure of the half-grown boy on the ground, with blank and shocked eyes.

"He... he actually defeated the giant spirit general?"


"Absolutely impossible!"

"Giant Spirit God General, who has practiced for 5000 years as an Earth Immortal, was granted the title of God of Heaven and Earth by Haotian God. His status is comparable to that of a fairy king, but he was defeated by a young man who has practiced for less than ten years? Are you kidding me!"

"Besides, what he's a hatchet???"

At this moment, let alone the heavenly soldiers and generals in the sky.

Even the members of the Yang family on the ground stared blankly at Yang Gang.

Yaoji and his wife looked at their son and suddenly felt a little strange.What kind of son against the sky did they have!To be able to defeat the gods in more than ten years, this talent... If you worship a famous teacher in the future, will you be able to pay it back?

The eldest brother Yang Zhen was even more dumbfounded. The younger brother who has practiced for more than ten years is already so strong?Thanks to him laughing at his younger brother before, there is absolutely no way to succeed without a teacher!

Only the younger sister, Xiao Yang Lian, held her head up in admiration, applauding non-stop, "Yes, yes, the second brother is so good, beat that bad guy! The second brother is the most powerful!"

Everyone present froze in place.

But Yang Gang didn't.

He could feel that the golden armored general who had been slashed was not dead, his physical body was unusually strong.


Under everyone's attention, Yang Gang took the initiative to walk towards the mountainside step by step with the hatchet in his hand.

The rocks shook.

A tall figure struggled and staggered out of the mountain.He looked at Yang Gang who was approaching, and said in disbelief, "You... Who did you learn your swordsmanship from?"

"Who did you learn from? Of!"

With a mysterious smile on the corner of Yang Gang's mouth, he looked at the broad knife in the hand of the giant spirit general.That is, tens of thousands of years later, the magic sword that was passed down in the Northland - the Giant God Clan, the Supreme Heavenly Sword.

and so.

It is not wrong to say that Yang Gang's sword technique was learned from the giant spirit general.If there is no pressure from the heavenly sword Song Youque, how can he comprehend the peerless sword techniques to the utmost, and finally practice them one by one to the level of martial arts supernatural powers?
This is blue out of blue and better than blue!
"You—" the giant spirit general's expression darkened, and he immediately felt a strong contempt in Yang Gang's attitude.

His knife skills are very strong.

But compared to this boy, he was still a little bit worse.

The other party said that his sword skills were inherited from him, isn't this humiliating him!

"Since that's the case, don't blame the god for bullying the small and showing his true skills!" After the words fell, the giant spirit god suddenly swelled up like a blow, turned into a mountain, and slashed at Yang Gang.

"Look at my supernatural powers—Giant Spirits!"


Everyone felt a powerful force.

The physical body of this giant spirit general... has reached the level that can move mountains and mountains!
"Compared to the flesh?"

Yang Gang held a hatchet in his hand and smiled slightly.

The Giant Spirit God General is also practicing physical supernatural powers, even surpassing martial arts, and reaching the level of Dao supernatural powers.But Yang Gang was not surprised by this.

Song Youque, who was so talented back then, meant to move closer to this aspect.

But compared to the physical body, he is not timid at all.

Now relying on the natural physique of the son of a goddess, he has practiced the method of physical sanctification to the first kalpa, and he is about to try the power of physical sanctification!

"Come on, fight!"

Yang Gang yelled loudly, and his figure turned into several tens of feet in an instant, facing the giant spirit general.

Boom boom boom!
A burst of roar resounded through the Guanjiangkou.

Countless people raised their eyes to look at the two huge figures on the mountain, their eyes were blank and astonished.

When did two gods come to their remote and peaceful mountain village?
In the sky.

Yang Gang and the giant spirit god will come and go, and the battle is full of joy.

Every time the two sides fight, it is a real head-on collision. Yang Gang can feel that although the opponent is in the realm of the earth fairy, he is much stronger than the so-called fairy-level monsters he encountered before.

Even the body of the fairy jade pendant before his reincarnation is a line stronger.


This is the power of orthodox inheritance!

After cultivating to this point, Yang Gang finally realized this.

the other side.

The expressions of the giant spirits and generals who were fighting were also constantly changing, feeling the powerful power of Yang Gang's sword, from contempt at the beginning, to solemnity, and finally horrified in their hearts.

in a blink.

The two have already fought for thirty rounds, their blood is surging and their fighting spirit is full of enthusiasm.

Everyone was also fascinated by it.

for a long time.

Another fifty rounds in a row, the Giant Spirit God General couldn't fight for a long time, he couldn't help feeling a little anxious.He had a vague feeling that the son of Yao Ji seemed to be practicing with him.

"How did this kid practice? In just ten years, his abilities are even stronger than my 5000-year physical supernatural powers? You are simply a monster!" The giant spirit god couldn't help feeling a pressure.

The Heavenly Emperor ordered that Yaoji was finally found this time, if things go wrong, how will his position in the heavenly world be stabilized in the future?
Right now.

The giant spirit god swept his gaze.

Inadvertently seeing the expression of the three thousand heavenly soldiers he brought, his expression suddenly sank.

He shouted: "You idiots, did the God bring you here to watch a show? Yaoji's family is right there, hurry up and catch them!"


"As ordered."

All the heavenly soldiers returned to their senses one after another.

Then they raised their weapons and swarmed towards Yaoji's family.

"You be careful."

Holding the pendant on her chest, Yao Ji stopped in front of her family with a dignified expression.

The breath in his body surged, and the power that had been sealed for more than ten years finally began to unseal little by little.

In the sky.

Yang Gang's eyes fell, and his expression suddenly became extremely cold.

In front of his face, trying to arrest his family.

"You... are looking for death."

"Want to leave?" Ju Lingshen sneered, only when Yang Gang wanted to rescue his family, he stopped in front of Yang Gang.

So at the same time.

A token appeared in his hand.

Yao Ji controls the ancient artifact, which God Haotian naturally expected long ago, and gave a command talisman to restrain it.

As long as Yao Ji uses the artifact, she will be captured.


There was a loud roar in the sky.

The giant spirit god who was blocking Yang Gang's body suddenly felt a powerful force, and he was directly thrown away.Subconsciously, he hit Yang Gang with the talisman originally aimed at Yao Ji.

A powerful imprisoning force directly locked Yang Gang in the air.

And on the ground.

Yao Ji finally unlocked the seal of her own power, and for a moment, the sky was full of divine splendor.

One after another divine light flew into the camp of three thousand heavenly soldiers, and then there were countless screams.Goddess Yaoji, the younger sister of the Emperor of Heaven, if she hadn't chosen to seal herself out of scruples, how could these heavenly soldiers and generals be humiliated?


After breaking the seal, Yao Ji, who easily repelled the heavenly soldiers, looked more and more worried.This time the seal is released to release the divine power. From now on, their family may face the endless pursuit of the heavens!
"This artifact..." Yao Ji subconsciously held the pendant in her hand, and looked at Yang Gang in the sky with a thoughtful look in her eyes.

Just about to help him break the imprisonment of the Jade Emperor's Token.



Yang Gang in the sky let out a deep shout.

A golden light shot up into the sky, reaching up to the nine heavens and descending to the nether world.

Just like the Stone Emperor was born back then!

The golden light broke through all the illusions in front of him, and the imprisoning power in front of him was easily torn apart as if destroyed.

Yang Gang stands in the sky, surrounded by divine light, like a god of mountains and seas, with a golden celestial eye erected between his brows, shining brightly, emitting a golden light that reaches the sky.

Three-eyed eyes, natal supernatural powers.

On this day, it finally appeared between heaven and earth for the first time!

All the natural gods, immortals and great powers in the blessed land and cave all turned their heads to look at the golden light in the sky, with strange expressions in their eyes.

" another stone emperor born?"

"Natural supernatural powers, fighting against the Three Realms. People who are sanctified in the flesh are born good at fighting. After today, the Three Realms will make waves again!"

"One stone emperor alone has disturbed the peace of the world and demon realm, and now the battle between human emperors is in full swing... Alas, troublesome autumn, troublesome autumn!"

"Brother Dao, let's go to the heaven to avoid the limelight and abide by the Jade Emperor's rules and precepts?"

"Go too, go too~~~"

a time.

Because of Yang Gang's commotion, there were many celestial beings on the earth with floating minds, soaring to the heavens and joining the camp of Haotian God.

The power of heaven is increasingly tilted towards the heaven.

Drain the estuary.

In the small mountain village, the giant spirit stared blankly at the third eye on Yang Gang's forehead, and stood there in a daze.

A natal supernatural power that actually broke through the talisman bestowed by the Jade Emperor himself?

You know, this is a magic talisman bestowed by the Jade Emperor himself!
It contains great power, even Yaoji can't compete with it, why is it broken by a golden light from the Celestial Eye?

"Where did your supernatural powers come from?"

Holding the magic talisman in his hand, the Giant Spirit God couldn't help but calm down a bit.

Comforting myself in my heart, it is just the power of a command talisman, and when I completely explode the power of the command talisman...

"Where does my supernatural power come from?"

Yang Gang looked at the sun slanting west in the sky, smiled slightly, but didn't answer.

His eyes fell on the Jade Emperor's Token in the hands of the Giant Spirit God, and he murmured softly: "I said, since I'm here, Yang Jian's tragic life... will not repeat itself!"


The third eye on his forehead began to shine with dazzling golden light.

The giant spirit general looked shocked.

The command talisman in his hand just floated up, and he wanted to completely release the power of destiny bestowed by the Jade Emperor.

Then he heard: "Golden Wu shines on the sun, breaks the golden light."

The third eye on Yang Gang's forehead was completely opened, and the three eyes looked directly at the giant spirit general at the same time.


A golden light covering the sky and the sun instantly filled the giant spirit god's field of vision.

The first round of dazzling sun appeared in the sky, as if the ancient golden crow had reappeared in the world, and it turned into the sky on the second day.

For a moment, the whole world was flooded with endless golden light.

(End of this chapter)

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