I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 164 The Jade Emperor is furious, the battle of Zhuolu.

Chapter 164 The Jade Emperor is furious, the battle of Zhuolu.


A clear shout spread all over the place.

The golden light all over the sky suddenly turned into a beam, extremely condensed, piercing through the arm of the giant spirit god in an instant.

A force of destiny dissipated without a trace, and then a severed arm flew up.

"Break, break, break."

Yang Gang beeped three times in a row, and three big suns seemed to rise behind him across the sky, covering the sky and covering the sun, as if an ancient divine power enveloped the world.

Immediately, three golden lights shot out from the third eye on the forehead, which landed on Qihai, Sandalwood, and Lingtai.

Like an indestructible golden light knife, the golden light pierced through his physical body in an instant, leaving three bloody holes.


The Giant Spirit God was stunned, dazed, and unbelievable, and a jade talisman fell from his hand feebly.

The tall figure fell down with a bang, splashing a cloud of dust.

Eyes that were as wide as copper bells were filled with infinite unwillingness, "Can you... can you tell me... you... exactly... what state... state..."

When the voice fell, he died suddenly.

Until his death, the doubts in his heart were not answered.As for Yang Gang, he also couldn't give him an answer, because even he himself couldn't explain what level of cultivation he was after practicing the method of sanctification of the physical body.

this moment.

All the people around looked dull-eyed.Only the innocent little Yang Lian continued to applaud and applaud, happy for the victory of the most powerful second brother in her heart.

Mountains and seas do not remember the year.

On this day, the source of the giant god clan in the north - the giant spirit general, fell to the unknown small mountain village on Guanjiangkou.

The name of Qingyuan Miaodao Zhenjun Yang Jian appeared in the eyes of the world for the first time, and began to embark on a glorious life.

In this life, he is destined to let everyone remember the name Erlang God 'Yang Jian'.

"Finally dead!"

Looking at the corpse of the giant spirit god, Yang Gang was instinctively vigilant, for fear that he would resurrect like a heavenly knife and jump around repeatedly.

But obviously, he was overthinking.

In this life, there is no entanglement of fate, and the death of the giant spirit god is death.

Yang Gang couldn't help but feel a feeling of relieving hatred in his heart!
In the Northland, he and Zhao Ling were tormented by the Heavenly Sword so that they felt like dying.

"Then, this knife."

Yang Gang's eyes fell on the Supreme Sky Knife, and a thought came to his mind to destroy it.If the Supreme Sky Knife does not exist, then the giant gods of later generations...

As soon as this thought came out, Yang Gang suddenly felt a warning sign.

Suddenly, thunder and lightning flashed outside the sky, and the sky was full of divine light. The seemingly endless heavenly soldiers and generals, like mountains and seas, came towards this side at high speed.

"Not good! Heavenly reinforcements have arrived!"

Yao Ji exclaimed, and said urgently: "Jian'er, come here quickly, it's not suitable to stay here for long!"

"Yes, mother."

Yang Gang turned his head and agreed, his face was suddenly pale, his heart was beating wildly, and he felt like a catastrophe was imminent.

As soon as the thought of destroying the supreme sky knife came out, he knew it was broken.

Maybe it was noticed by Tiandao, or maybe it was inspired by such a powerful God Haotian.

Because destroying the Supreme Heavenly Sword is tantamount to completely reversing Yin and Yang, and changing the established facts of future generations.

The best result of doing this may be failure in this life, and everything will start again in this life.

The worst possibility is that he succeeds, but the ending of future generations will also be changed because of this. God knows how many "coincidences" it will take to correct everything.

The sudden celestial chasing soldiers may be the warning from heaven to him.

"It's no wonder that when he first entered the Shanhai Ji, Mingjie Changhe reminded 'the karma in this world is huge, please act carefully to avoid the backlash of karma and luck'. In the future, you can no longer act recklessly..."

Yang Gang glanced regretfully at the Supreme Sky Knife on the ground, and then joined his family.With a wave of Yao Ji's hand, a cloud of mist rose from under her feet, dragging up Father Yang, Yang Zhen, and Yang Lian, who were still mortals.

The family quickly fled for their lives in the distance.

After the death of the giant spirit general, a strong beam of light rises from the small mountain village between the heaven and the earth, and strands of inspiration are scattered and return to the heaven and earth one after another.

The mountains and seas shook inexplicably.

The Almighty who was thousands of miles away felt a sense in their hearts.

There was a god who was conferred by heaven and earth, who fell on the earth, and then entered the cycle of reincarnation to experience calamity.

Hundreds of thousands of years later, if he can awaken his previous life, he might be able to return from calamity.

If you can't awaken the memory of the whole life, you will sink into the sea of ​​samsara forever, and you will not be able to escape.

at the same time.


A cold snort suddenly came from the supreme Lingxiao Palace.

"Yao Ji violated the rules of heaven and did not want to repent. She gave birth to an evil son and killed the giant spirit of the heavenly court. The crime is unforgivable, and she should be punished in front of the Nantian Gate. The gods of the four directions, order you to arrest her as soon as possible... Take back the ancient artifact!"


In front of Nantianmen.

The four gods moved their bodies, exuding incomparable divine power, and descended from the pillars of the sky in Buzhou Mountain, landing on the ground.

And this time.

On the ground, Yang Gang suddenly felt the surrounding void vibrate.

Time and space seem to become illusory and stagnant little by little.

In an instant.

Time and space reversed.

With a flash in front of Yang Gang's eyes, he actually returned to the land of Qingqiu in the Eternal Demon Realm.

in the cave.

He opened his eyes, surprised.

"I haven't completely escaped from the robbery, why did I come back?"

[You reverse the yin and yang, reverse the cycle of reincarnation.Shining brilliantly in a desperate situation, the name of "Yang Jian" shook the mountains and seas, and embarked on the road of the rise of Erlang God Yang Jian.Evaluation: Famous mountains and seas. 】

[A golden opportunity has been transformed (not triggered), accumulated quantity: one (white) and one (gold)]

[After passing through the current "robbing chapter", you can keep the chance savings until the end of the first life, or you can choose to receive it. 】

"A golden opportunity corresponding to the realm of the earth fairy..."

Yang Gang's eyes lit up, and a gleam of joy flashed in his eyes.

This golden opportunity is the opportunity of the Earth Immortal in the Shan Hai Ji, not the current Earth Immortal.

The two are not the same!

Of course, Stone Emperor's white chance is also extraordinary.

"How to use these two chances?" Yang Gang thought silently, and then took the initiative to burn that golden chance.


A column of golden smoke ignited from the body of the three-colored little fish in blue, and threw it into the river of fate.

Next, just wait for the opportunity to come your way.

The river of fate continued to evolve, and memory pictures merged into Yang Gang's mind.

[You participated in the study of the previous life and experienced reincarnation.After 14 years of comprehension of the method of becoming holy in the second life of Shi Huang, the physical body has been accomplished.Watching the Great Sun Golden Crow on the cliff every day, participating in the study of the natal supernatural powers of the three-eyed eyes, comprehended a "golden light that breaks the catastrophe", which can restrain all falsehoods, break through the origin, and have the effect of breaking catastrophe on the supernatural powers of the physical body. 】

[Evaluation: Talented. 】

[Accumulation in previous lives transforms the power of participating in research for 17 years. 】

a time.

Yang Gang felt his brain swell slightly, and the memories of 14 years in Guanjiangkou flooded into his mind, and countless experiences about physical cultivation, such as Zhanxin's memories, appeared in his mind.


The practice of the three-eyed eye was also imprinted in my mind.

Yang Gang closed his eyes with a calm expression.

There is a golden vertical eye between the eyebrows, exuding the brilliance of the pure sun like the real fire of the sun.


The 14 years of practice experience in Shanhai Jizhong have been stored in his mind, paving the way for Yang Gang's future practice.

But he knows that this world is not the era of mountains and seas, the avenues are not revealed, and reincarnation is hidden.He still has a long way to go if he wants to practice the method of sanctification of the body in this world, and at the same time advance the three-eyed supernatural power to the natural life supernatural power.

Just like Mingjie Changhezhong's evaluation, everything is due to his extraordinary talent in this life.

The reason why he was able to practice so fast in the Shan Hai Ji was that there were no restrictions on that side of the world, and he was reincarnated as the son of Yao Ji, with an extraordinary physique, and was admired by Dao.

Can the emperor's nephew be normal?
"I hope that golden opportunity can help me achieve supernatural powers sooner." Yang Gang thought in his heart, and continued to cast his eyes on Mingjie Changhe.

17 years of research experience.

Among them, 14 years are the memories of his experience, and the remaining three years are the subsequent evolution of the long river of fate.

[The first month of escaping from Guanjiangkou.The god of heaven fell, and Haotian was furious.Your family of five is in exile everywhere, being chased by heavenly soldiers and generals, there is no way to go to heaven and nowhere to go down to earth.After Yao Ji broke the seal, her divine power was like a torch in the night in the eyes of the psychic gods in the heavens. 】

[Second month.You displayed your supernatural powers and defeated the heavenly court's pursuers time and time again. You became famous among the mountains and seas, and you were known as Erlang Xiaoshen.But Heaven's pursuers are getting stronger and stronger, and you and Yao Ji have to protect the size of your family, which is gradually stretched. 】

[The third month.You decided to take your family to Shenzhou, overcoming obstacles and fighting bloody battles along the way.It made Yaoji and Yang Tian's couple feel distressed, and Yang Zhen also started to practice hard under your encouragement.Only little Yang Lian is still carefree under your care. 】

[Fifth month.Your family entered Shenzhou and set foot in the land of mountains, seas and central plains.Here, Taoism and immortality are everywhere, and humans and gods live together.Your strength has also become inconspicuous.But many people still look at you with admiration, and the pursuers of the heavens don't dare to be too presumptuous here.You know, at this time, the way of heaven is with people, and the land of Shenzhou is the place with the most capable people in the Three Realms. 】

【one year later.You settled down in a plain called Zhuolu, and temporarily got rid of the pursuers of the heavens.After enjoying the temporary tranquility, you start to visit famous mountains and fairy lands, looking for immortals, ancient gods. 】

[Two years later.You only know that you are small and that gods are hard to find.On the earth, Xuanyuan and Chiman competed for the position of emperor, and disputes broke out everywhere. The truly powerful gods and gods in the caves of the big blessings have all disappeared from the world.And some "ordinary" people, you who have already cultivated a little, naturally look down on them. 】

【Two and a half years later, the opportunity you were looking forward to finally arrived.On the bank of Zhuolu, I met an ancient god named Xiangliu, who had a snake body and nine heads, and was in charge of controlling water.It is fighting with the great god Yushi under the throne of the Xuanyuan people, turning the land of thousands of miles into a country of floods. 】

[At that time, the chasing soldiers from the heavens arrived, but they were the four gatekeepers. You were invincible and seriously injured.At the critical moment, a water dragon appeared in Wanli Ze Kingdom to save you. 】

[The four god generals fought with Xiangliu and Yushi, just as Feng Bo came to drive away the powerful enemy.Therefore, you got acquainted with the great powers under the command of the two emperors, Master Feng Bo and Master Yu. 】

【The third year.You joined the Human Emperor's camp, got asylum, and finally changed your fate against the sky, protected the lives of Yang Tian and his son, and changed Yao Ji's fate of being suppressed forever. 】

[Later recommended by Uncle Feng and Master Yu, you have been favored by the emperor, and you have been conferred the title of god, becoming a god of heaven and earth in ancient times, named 'Erlang Xiaoshen', and entrusted with Guanjiangkou.The family was ecstatic.But you know that you are still far away from becoming the true king of Qingyuan Miaodao, Yang Jian...]

[At that time.Chiman, the demon lord of the Nine Serenities, conquered Xuanyuan Renhuang and lost nine battles. He gave birth to a hundred and eight thousand pillar demon gods, who stood at the four extremes of the wilderness and caused endless slaughter and catastrophe. 】

[Human Emperor couldn't bear this catastrophe for the creatures on the earth, the two sides agreed to start a decisive battle in the land of Zhuolu. 】

[It was also on this day that I lived in a family in the land of Zhuolu.Yao Ji has handed over an ancient artifact that has been treasured for many years to your hands...]

(End of this chapter)

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