I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 165 The Birth of the Artifact, the Great War Begins

Chapter 165 The Birth of the Artifact, the Great War Begins

"Ancient artifact?"

Yang Gang frowned, and continued to read.Only to find... no more?

This is the end of the derivation of fate.

"Sacred weapon? What magical weapon, Mingjie Changhe, please explain it clearly to me!" Yang Gang was infinitely curious, wishing to pinch Mingjie Changhe's neck and question him.

But helpless.

At this moment, he finally understood the pain of reading novels in fragments!
The next time we enter the Shanhai Ji, it will definitely be the world-shocking Zhuolu Great War, sweeping countless powers from the Three Realms, Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.The mountains and seas tremble, and catastrophe is approaching.The family lived on the edge of Zhuolu, so they were bound to get involved.

"But I didn't have the life-level Hongchenyu of the Lord of the Nine Nethers, so I rashly got involved in this catastrophe..." Yang Gang thought in his heart, "Instead, it is the fourth catastrophe 'Conferred God Catastrophe', with the fate of Qingqiu Fox Immortal Connected, the good should outweigh the bad.”


Yang Gang couldn't help rubbing his brows sadly.

He said with emotion: "It would be great if I could be a reckless man who doesn't think about anything like Brother Monkey!"

In the ancient times of this world, many great powers and historical events were all plausible and inconsistent with what he remembered, so Yang Gang couldn't help thinking carefully about the pros and cons.

Otherwise, if you make a mistake, you will end up in pieces.

He didn't even dare to bet whether Mingjie Changhe would give him a chance to start over.

Although the long river of life reminded him that he had changed the fate of the family.But Yang Gang could feel that he did not survive the second catastrophe, nor did he enjoy the benefits brought by the second catastrophe.

Nine kalpas sanctification, the body is immortal, if it were so simple, Shihuang would not have been sunk in the sea of ​​samsara, seeking for life in samsara.

"The next battle of Zhuolu should be the third calamity. It corresponds to the Nine Nether Demon Lord..."

in the cave.

Yang Gang dragged his chin, thinking quietly.

Although he really wanted to know what the ancient artifact was, he would not rush into the Shan Hai Ji before thinking through all the pros and cons.There are too many causes and effects involved in this, and he has already learned some lessons for having evil thoughts about the 'Heaven Knife' before.

"The nine catastrophes corresponding to the sanctification of the nine catastrophes may not end with one and begin with another, but instead overlap with each other. The catastrophe of reincarnation is the simplest catastrophe, which tested my understanding. "

"As for the battle between the emperor and the great catastrophe of conferring gods, you need more heart and courage...to be able to succeed in the catastrophe. Unless your own strength can crush everything, you must be careful with every step."

"Once I make a mistake, it will be beyond redemption."

"It is very likely that my mother will be taken away by the Heavenly Court, and she will be under the peach mountain forever, and I still have to go through the disaster of splitting the mountain to save my mother."

"So, have I really changed my destiny?"

Yang Gang thought further and further.

Then, there was a flash of inspiration in my heart.

"I understand!"

He clapped his hands suddenly.

"The Supreme Heavenly Knife is something that exists in later generations and has a huge impact. I can't destroy this existing thing, otherwise it will touch the taboo of heaven and cause..."

"However, what about things that don't exist in future generations? Like my father and elder brother, if I didn't exist, they might have died in this calamity."

"Understood, fully understood!"

Yang Gang stood up excitedly and walked step by step.

"The way of heaven drinks and pecks. There is life and death. I can't touch things that are destined for future generations. But things that don't exist in future generations may be left behind. This is the long river of fate and the way of heaven left me a glimmer of life."

"This is the key to the sanctification of the Nine Tribulations!"

"This is the real thing—crossing the catastrophe!"

Figured it all out.

Naturally, you can enter the Shan Hai Ji and take the initiative to meet the upcoming battle of mythology.


There are some things that Yang Gang wants to confirm with Qingqiu Huxian.Otherwise, without the Nine Nether Demon Lord's life rank, and without the traction of the life rank river, he might bump into the south wall in a daze.

As a result, he just walked out of the cave.

Then I found that the atmosphere in Qingqiu today seems a bit strange.

The little foxes who usually liked to crawl around on him were gone, and there was a bloody smell in the valley.

"What happened?" Yang Gang thought.

Could it be that Qingqiu fox fairy, what happened again?
"Grandpa, Grandma Fox, please come over." A vixen cautiously stepped forward.

As soon as Yang Gang heard it, he knew that today's Qingqiu Hu Immortal should consider himself his husband.

"Oh. I'll go right away."

Yang Gang nodded, pondered for a while, and finally walked towards the core of Qingqiu, the valley where the fragments of the Conferred God Platform were placed.

along the way.

He finally understood why the little foxes were gone, and the valley was filled with the smell of blood, because they were all eating.

"Strange, how can Qingqiu have so much blood food? Could it be that an outsider came..."

After a while.

The figure of Fengshentai and the nine-tailed little fox appeared in front.

However, Yang Gang saw a figure that shouldn't appear here.

Huge body, half-human, half-snake, covered in purple scales, nine heads very similar to the great god Xiangliu in ancient times, but exuding a coldness and viciousness.

Turning his head suddenly, Qi Qi looked at Yang Gang.

"It's really you!"

The nine-headed demon saint's aura erupted, and he seemed to be about to kill Yang Gang.

"Hey, Mr. Xiang is here! Come quickly, come and see, this is the god-son I recognize..." But at this moment, a crisp voice sounded from the Conferred God Stage, and the aura of the Nine-headed Demon Saint froze suddenly. into nothingness.

"Master, Mr. Xiang..." The Nine-headed Demon Saint looked at Yang Gang in astonishment, his eyes glazed over.


Yang Gang held his head high, swaggered past the Nine-Headed Demon Saint, stood in front of the Conferred God Stage, and said with a smile, "Mother... that Grandma Fox, what do you want me for?"

"Heck~~ My grandson heard that you came to Qingqiu, so naturally he wants to see you."

The little fox smiled, turned to the Nine-Headed Demon Saint and said, "Little bug, come quickly and call me Grandpa."

"Uh... grandpa, grandpa?"

The Nine-Headed Demon Saint was stiff all over, and stood there blankly, looking at Yang Gang in disbelief.

"Grandson, don't you say hello to grandpa?" Yang Gang looked at him with a smile.


After a while, the Nine-Headed Demon Saint finally came to his senses.

Hearing this, he yelled: "You villain, how dare you pretend to be the husband of the fox fairy, I will kill you!" As soon as the words fell, he couldn't wait to kill him.


Kill Yang Gang in front of Qingqiu Fox Immortal?


A squeak.

I saw the nine-tailed little fox whose white fur all over his body exploded, glared at the nine-headed demon saint angrily, and then opened his mouth to vomit.


The entire Fengshentai was overflowing with divine light, and a boundless power directly imprisoned the nine-headed demon saint in place.

His knees softened, and he immediately knelt on the ground.

Sure enough, he made a greeting ceremony to Yang Gang!

"Grandma Fox..." Nine-headed Demon Saint raised his head and looked at Qingqiu Fox Immortal in disbelief.


The little fox was full of light, and turned into a seven or eight-year-old Lolita Fox Fairy. He put his hips on his hips and scolded angrily, "You little bug, how dare you do anything to my father, are you getting impatient?"

After using the power of the Conferred God Platform, she seemed to be in an unstable state again, and increased Yang Gang's identity by one generation, changing from 'husband' to 'father'.

"Father... Daddy?"

The nine-headed demon saint knelt on the ground, under tremendous pressure, but looked at Yang Gang and Luoli Huxian, and then was completely dumbfounded.

"Grandma Fox, you have been deceived, you have been deceived..."

But the little fox didn't believe it at all.

With a direct swing, he was knocked out of Qingqiu Valley with boundless power.

Jiao shouted: "You little bug, get out of here, kneel outside Qingqiu and think about it! When will you figure it out, come in and recognize your grandma fox! Hmph~~~"

"Grandma Fox, you were really deceived by him..." The nine-headed demon saint turned into a streamer and flew out, the voice came from afar.

"Daddy, do it obediently!"

The little fox turned around and looked at him smugly, as if waiting for a compliment.


Yang Gang scratched his head, and finally gave a thumbs up: "Grandma Fox, that's awesome!"

"Hee hee hee~~"

The little fox was overjoyed immediately.

Yang Gang was a little worried.

Her state changed day by day, it was too difficult to figure out.

What if one day... She returns to the state where she met at the beginning, and remembers that she once called a man 'Sang Gong' and 'Daddy'...

Don't you want to become angry and kill him?
"How about leaving?"

Yang Gang thought about it, and finally decided to wait.

If we leave now, the Nine-headed Demon Saint will be guarding outside, isn't it because someone entered Shekou?

"Grandma Fox..." Yang Gang said.

"Daddy." The little fox called sweetly.

"Uh...well, I have some problems."

Yang Gang organized his language, and then asked: "Do you still remember the confrontation between the Ancient Human Emperor and the Nine Nether Demon Lord in Zhuolu? Who won in the end? The process of their fight..."

"Of course I remember!"

Before Yang Gang finished speaking, the little fox smiled triumphantly, sat on the edge of the stone platform shaking his tender feet, and said, "At that time... Hey, who won at that time?"


The smile that had just risen on Yang Gang's face froze for a moment.


I shouldn't expect a fox who has been forgetful for tens of thousands of years!

The little fox had a bitter face, scratching his head from time to time to think hard, but he still couldn't remember what happened at that time.

Yang Gang couldn't help being a little disappointed.

"Forget it, don't think about it if you can't remember it." He sighed, turned and left.

"But—" the little fox's voice suddenly sounded from behind, "I know where Chi Man was sealed in the end!"


Yang Gang turned his head and blinked.

Chi Man was finally sealed...

Doesn't that mean that he still failed in the end?
a day later.

Yang Gang and the little fox have already finished communicating, but the nine-headed demon saint is still kneeling outside Qingqiu.

After a day of recuperation, Yang Gang sorted out his thoughts, and finally entered Shan Hai Ji Zhong again.

[Currently, you can enter the chapter of robbery: life and death, the battle of Zhuolu. 】

[Related previous life (Blue Caiyi) has been activated]

[The relevant previous life (Jiuyou Demon Lord) is not related, and entering the previous life will suffer great karma, please be cautious, cautious! 】

"let's start."

With a thought in Yang Gang's mind, he immediately entered the world of mortal fish.

[When the sun is shining, the mountains and seas mark the year.The little god Erlang is based in Shenzhou and has a small reputation.However, when the catastrophe is about to begin, even those who have attained the Dao, the immortals, and the great gods of the ancient times will also choose to enter the heavens to avoid the catastrophe.If you get involved rashly, if you make a mistake, you will be crushed to pieces. 】

[Chi Man, the leader of the Nine Nether Tribe, assembled 81 ancient demon gods under his command, including Chaos, Luohou, Qiongqi, Taotie and other ancient beasts...]

[At that time.Haotian secretly helped Chiman, and sent a Zhuqinglong to join the Jiuyou camp, under the alias of Gonggong, the god of water. 】

[Human Emperor Xuanyuan also got the help of Xuannv, please bring out the Red Lotus Underlord, make him the god of fire, and be in charge of the world's karmic fire. 】

[The two sides gather in the wild of Zhuolu, and a big battle is about to start, vying for the throne of the emperor and the authority of heaven. 】

[At this time, on the bank of Zhuolu, you have just received from your mother that ancient artifact that is destined to be famous in the three worlds...]

The light in the sky gradually dissipated.

Time and space change, and everything that is illusory in front of you gradually becomes real.

Yang Gang looked at Yao Ji in front of him, and a pendant like the eye of the sky that she handed over.

"This is an artifact from ancient times. It can be combined with what you think in your heart and change your shape. If the idea in your heart is strong enough, it will become stronger."

"If you are like mother..."

Yao Ji's voice did not fall.

The Sky Eye pendant in Yang Gang's palm suddenly burst into divine light, gradually extending into a spear-shaped weapon.

In an instant.

An earth-shattering divine light flashed in the sky of Zhuolu Field, shaking the assembled camps of Xuanyuan and Jiuyou.

Yang Gang stared blankly at the weapon in his hand, and couldn't help being dazed.

(End of this chapter)

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