I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 166 Zhuolu has a god whose name is Yang Jian

Chapter 166 Zhuolu has a god whose name is Yang Jian

The periphery of Zhuolu.

In a hut on the shore of a lake, Yang Gang looked at a long-handled weapon in his palm.

Its length is about seven feet, and the front end is in the shape of a three-pronged knife, which looks like a knife and a fork. There are blades on both sides of the knife body. It has a unique structure.

Yang Gang thought about it.

The weapon seems to be able to change accordingly, as long as it is short.

A thought suddenly rose in his mind, it seemed that as long as he used the method of sanctification of the body, when the law was like the sky, the weapon would also become gigantic.


A smile appeared on Yang Gang's face.

Sure enough, as Yao Ji said, this is an ancient artifact that can change according to the owner's will.

What he thinks in his heart is not to be the future No. [-] God of War in the Three Realms——Yang Jian?

His own Burning Seven Swords can perfectly fit this divine weapon!
At this time, Yao Ji, who was on the side, saw the weapon transformed from the artifact.

He couldn't help but be amazed: "It's so easy to recognize the master successfully. It seems that this artifact really belongs to you."

"Jian'er, mother has never seen the shape of this weapon before, what's its name?"


Yang Gang held the weapon in his hand, looked into the distance, and his voice was ethereal.

"This weapon is called... the three-pointed double-edged sword! In the future, it will surely follow my name... and become famous in the three worlds!"


The bright sun is in the sky, and the mountains and seas mark the year.

In the ancient mountains and seas, the world was vast and boundless.

Human Emperor Xuanyuan and Jiuyou Demon Lord confronted each other in the wild of Zhuolu. The battle line was hundreds of millions of miles long, stretching across the sky, earth, mountains and seas, involving millions of immortals, tens of thousands of gods and men, and hundreds of millions of clansmen.

Such a fight.

It is far from being assembled in a few days.

After all, this is a battle about the throne of the emperor and the power of heaven.

In this battle, both sides are ready to do everything they can to defeat each other in one fell swoop.

And this preparation took three years.


On the bank of Zhuolu, a long howl sounded.

Yang Gang's sword merged into one, turned into a golden light, stepped on the waves to divide the water, and cut out a sky-burning magical power. Suddenly, the Baili Lake was divided into two, and the hot knife light filled the lake with water, and the momentum was terrifying.

lake shore.

The Yang family looked at the handsome young man wearing a silver armor cloak, holding a three-pointed two-edged knife, and a golden vertical eye shining between his brows, and couldn't help but smile in relief.

"Erlang's martial arts are getting stronger and stronger!" Yang Zhen said enviously.

"Second brother will definitely protect Lian'er!" The 12-year-old Yang Lian was still innocent and romantic, waving her small fists.

The Yaoji couple looked at each other and smiled, their faces filled with happy smiles.

Today's Yang Gang has completely surpassed her mother in cultivation, and has become an indomitable man!And their family was able to live peacefully by the bank of Zhuolu.

If the days can go on like this, they will be content.

It's a pity that the battle for the emperor is about to start, I hope Erlang can be safe and sound, and don't get involved too deeply!

for a long time.

Yang Gang stopped practicing, sat cross-legged on the lake, frowning and thinking.

It seems that he has encountered another hurdle in his practice.

For the past three years, he has been practicing silently on the outskirts of Zhuolu.

Try to integrate all the supernatural powers of the Dao of the sword into the method of the sword and halberd.

Fortunately, he was well prepared when he was in Qingyun Pavilion, and he obtained a basic outline of the world's spear and halberd technique, and practiced it in Huaxian's previous life, so it is naturally more effective now.

But what he is thinking about now is not about cultivation.

It's about this war that has been prepared for three years and is about to break out completely.

"Now I am completely on the side of the Emperor. Being protected by the Emperor's camp, I will inevitably be pulled into the Emperor's chariot and be involved in this great battle."

"There is no traction of the long river of fate. If it is too deeply involved in this great battle, then the cause and effect...is too great!"

Yang Gang has a reputation for knowing himself.

20 years of practice, compared with those great gods and immortals who have spent tens of thousands of years, their foundation is really shallow.

He has already planned in his heart that after the start of this big battle, he will only fight soy sauce on the periphery.

Now that he already knew that Human Emperor Xuanyuan was destined to win, he only needed to save himself and make some military exploits by the way.


If you accidentally meet the god of war Xingtian, the great god Xiangliu and the like, you will probably end up in pieces.

To truly shine, let's wait until the Great Tribulation of the Conferred Gods.

At that time, the name of Erlang God Yang Jian will definitely shake the Three Realms!

But Yang Gang didn't know.

At this moment, a discussion about him started in the Human Sovereign's camp in the Zhuolu Field.

The Temporary Human Emperor's Palace.

It has a roughness of ancient times, and the charm of avenues to simplicity.

At this time, the seventh emperor of the Xuanyuan clan was talking with an ancient goddess.

The two looked at the void, and their eyes fell on the ordinary family on the bank of Zhuolu.

Three years ago, the flashing light of the birth of the divine weapon shocked Zhuolu, and naturally attracted their attention.

"It was really unexpected to accept this young general at the beginning!"

Human Emperor Xuanyuan's calm voice sounded.

Immediately, the Dao in the hall manifested, wisps of the power of the Dao of Heaven were added to the void, transforming mountains and seas and myriad spirits, and interpreting the changes of various Dao.

At this moment.

Facing the majesty of the Emperor, anyone standing here must bow their heads and bow their heads, not daring to disobey.

However, there was a Nine Heavens Goddess who stood quietly in front of the Emperor, facing the supreme majesty of the heaven and earth.

The soft voice responded: "With the approval of that ancient artifact, in the past three years, he has an excellent mind and can be cultivated. If he can achieve the Dao in the future, he can be a pioneer and general of the Emperor."

The Emperor was silent for a long time.

After observing for three years, he naturally knows Yang Gang's talent, which is really good.

But now... time is running out.

The pre-war preparations for the Battle of Zhuolu have been basically completed by both sides.


He suddenly turned his head and looked at the face of Nine Heavens Xuannv that ordinary people could not look directly at.

Asked softly: "What do you think, how does he compare with Xing Tian, ​​the Nine Nether God of War?"

"Heaven and earth, ancient and present, sun and moon and fireflies, mountains and rivers and dust."

Nine Heavens Profound Girl responded quietly.

"What if we let him fight Xing Tian?" Human Emperor asked again.

"One axe, people are destroyed."

Nine Heavens Xuannv replied.

"Hahahahaha" Human Emperor Xuanyuan suddenly laughed.

"Then find an opportunity and let him fight with the god of war, Xingtian! Let's see if your vision is right, or..."

"Human Emperor."

A trace of astonishment flashed through the calm eyes of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl.

Asked: "How can he compete with Xing Tian with his current cultivation?"

"Why not?"

Human Sovereign Xuanyuan shook his head slightly, "He only needs a little training to control that divine weapon. Once his will is strong enough, he can fight against the Three Realms. At that time, I will use the authority of Human Sovereign to lend him a divine power of heaven and earth... "

"They are all people who are sanctified in the flesh. I am looking forward to it. He and Xing Tian, ​​who is stronger and who is weaker!"

Nine Heavens Profound Girl was silent when she heard the words.

Is it really okay for an earth immortal who has just attained Taoism to fight against Xing Tian, ​​who enjoys the reputation of the god of war in Jiuyou?
But she also knows.

That god of war, Xing Tian, ​​is a troublesome existence that even the emperor would have a headache.

If it wasn't helpless, why would he have such an idea, expecting a young general who has just mastered a divine weapon to face a God of War who has practiced for thousands of years.

On the bank of Zhuolu.

Yang Gang is still practicing penance.

Naturally, he doesn't know that he who wants to fish will be pushed to the fore in the future to confront the famous god of war Xing Tian.

Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, it was another half a year.

bang bang bang~~~
On this day, the Golden Crow just revealed a ray of sunlight.

The wild of Zhuolu.

Suddenly there was a drumbeat.

The bright sun is in the sky, and the mountains and seas mark the year.

The human emperor Xuanyuan defeated the demon lord Chiman and fought for the position of the human emperor.

Xuannv made eighty kui cowhide drums made by the emperor, with a shock of 30 miles and a continuous shock of [-] miles.

With the help of the Nine Heavens Xuannv, the Human Emperor Xuanyuan led his troops to fight the Nine Nether Demon Lord in Zhongji. The sky was raging with flames, the mountains and seas shook, and from time to time, immortals of the Dao Dao fell, and the ancient gods fought bloody battles.


A little god by the bank of Zhuolu, wearing silver armor, bid farewell to his family and embarked on his own journey.

This great battle has swept through nine days and ten days, and the mountains and seas are everywhere.

Yang Gang followed an elite army of Renhuang, entered from the north of Zhongji, invincible all the way, Erlang Xiaoshen's name gradually spread far and wide.

And all of this was naturally seen by Human Emperor Xuanyuan and Nine Heavens Xuannv.

The two felt more and more looking forward to it.

But what makes them weird is.

After approaching the hinterland of Zhongji, Yang Gang suddenly became cautious, just obeying orders to stick to his own area of ​​jurisdiction, never going beyond half a step, completely different from those who yearn for military exploits to become gods.

It's just that the main forces of both sides are in the middle of Hebei, but they don't care about a small junior.

And Yang Gang is in the north of Zhongji, and he hears about the battle situation in Zhongji from time to time.

When the time comes.

Human Emperor Xuanyuan set up a formation of Qimen Dunjia, and immediately ordered the soldiers to use the bones of thunder beasts to smash the eighty-faced giant drums of Kui Niu.

All of a sudden, the sound of drums was loud, the mountains and mountains of Zhuolu were shaken, the sky and the earth were spinning, and the sound of shouting for killing rose to the sky.

The demon lord Chiman then ordered the great god Xiang Liu to lead ten thousand demon gods to set up a grand formation of Wanze, flooding Zhuolu immediately, turning hundreds of millions of miles of mountains and rivers into lakes and seas.

The emperor sent his daughter, named: Nuba.

His bare feet fell, and the land was dry for thousands of miles, and the calamity of the water swamp dissipated immediately, and the thousands of nine ghost army wailed endlessly.


The Human Sovereign invites Master Feng Boyu to forcefully kill Jiuyou's one hundred thousand troops through the storm.

Chi Man was furious and shouted: "Shameless traitor, dare to kill my ethnic group!"

Afterwards, Gong Gong, the god of water, was sent to cover the wind and rain with the body of an ancient dragon, and he was ordered to go up with a lamp. A ray of sky light fell, suppressed and killed Feng Bo Yushi, and turned into a little true spirit into reincarnation.

All beings in the world were shocked.

Xuannv scolded angrily: "Zhu Qinglong, how dare you come here under a pseudonym?"

Zhu Qinglong turned into a Gonggong body, kept silent, and still controlled the wind and rain, with unparalleled power and prestige.

Xuannv turned around and said: "Please burn the evil master of the red lotus with karmic fire!"


An ancient demon god walked slowly from the formation.

He had twin lotuses on his head, stepped on a fire wheel, had four heads and eight arms, and had an evil shape. Once he appeared, he would cause a vast black and white karmic fire to appear in the wild world of Zhuolu, burning the body of the water god Gonggong.

"Ang—" Qingyin's dragon cry resounded throughout the world.

Immediately, he ordered the lamp to fight.

In the eyes of thousands of people, the two gods of water and fire fought for nine days, shaking the mountains and seas.

North of Zhuolu.

Holding a three-pointed and two-edged knife, Yang Gang cut off the head of a Nine Nether Demon God with one blow, then cut open his body, and began to study the method of his physical practice.

in later generations.

He practiced the golden body of the Demon God of Hundred Tribulations, and obtained the method of sanctifying the body of the Stone Emperor.

Yang Gang had a faint feeling in his heart that the benefits of the second calamity of the nine calamities of sanctification might be hidden in the real body of the demon god.


He looked up.

The two true gods of heaven and earth, one water and one fire, fought into the nine heavens, and the majesty of the glory made people's hearts tremble.

"What a powerful breath!"

"When will I be able to reach their level..." Yang Gang looked at the sky and couldn't help being fascinated.

Shortly after.

Then he heard the news that the red lotus underlord had become the god of fire, and that he was the incarnation of Zhu Qinglong who worked together with the god of water.

"The Lord of the Red Lotus... Zhu Qinglong... They were so strong in the ancient mountains and seas?"

Shortly after.

Yang Gang heard another piece of news.

The God of War of the Jiuyou Tribe——Xing Tian.Smash all directions in the wild of Zhuolu, the strength can be overwhelming, and no one can be the enemy.

a time.

The morale of Jiuyou's side was greatly boosted, and the demon lord Chiman entangled with [-] pillars of demon gods and many ancient beasts, with the god of war Xingtian as the vanguard, and killed the emperor's side until they retreated steadily.

When Yang Gang got the news, he couldn't help frowning.

After all, this is a battle between two armies, and the momentum boost brought by a brave and invincible God of War is really too powerful.

The god of war, Xing Tian, ​​is so brave, who on the side of the emperor can be his opponent?

"The current situation is not good! It seems that even if the Emperor wins in the end, it will not be so easy. I still have to keep a low profile..." Yang Gang sighed in his heart.

This is in this ancient time.

At this time, there are countless powers in the world, whether it is the Red Lotus Underlord, Water God, Xiangliu, or even Xing Tian, ​​anyone can crush him to death with one hand!
Being in the wild of Zhuolu, he was really afraid that some great god would accidentally drop a foot from the sky and trample him flat.

Right now.

A decree flew from the distant sky and landed in front of Yang Gang.

[Sacred Edict of the Human Emperor: There is a god beside Zhuolu, named Erlang Yang Jian.Talented and handsome, wisdom bestowed by God...]

(End of this chapter)

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