I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 167 God of War Xingtian, I am the only enemy

Chapter 167 God of War Xingtian, I am the only enemy

Ancient mountains and seas.

The authority of the way of heaven is manifested, and everyone can become a god.Therefore, at this time, the power of immortality has not yet been achieved, and they are all hidden in the mountains and rivers.There are only a handful of people who have achieved great success, passed on their names to the ancient times, and joined the Human Emperor's camp.

Yang Gang stood on the ground, listening to the command from the sky, a magnificent voice came:
[Sacred Edict of the Human Emperor: There is a god beside Zhuolu, named Erlang Yang Jian.Talented and handsome, wisdom bestowed by heaven... Today there is the Nine Nether God of War, Xing Tian, ​​who is raging in the mountains and seas. 】

"The God of War, Xingtian, is I the only enemy?"

Yang Gang couldn't help but froze on the spot.

all of a sudden.

The sky was bursting with wind and thunder, and the light of the gods manifested. In Yang Gang's dull eyes, strands of great ideas fell on him.

[Imperial title: Erlang Yang Jian is the god of mountains, seas, heaven and earth, who is in charge of fighting, and the name of the god is "Xiansheng".Listen to the heaven and the earth, and tell all living beings. 】

The majestic voice spread throughout the fields, resounding from all corners of the world.

At the same time, he went far into the heaven developed by Haotian, and drifted to the demon realm of the earth...

a time.

All living beings in the world know that a new god has been added to the human emperor's camp, his name is 'Yang Jian', and the name of the god is Xiansheng Zhenjun.

As a result, Erlang's reputation as a sage and true monarch spread throughout the mountains, seas and heaven and earth.

The human emperor's decree in the sky turned into a ray of light and fell into Yang Gang's hands.

A voice sounded next to his ear, "In addition to this god name, I will lend you another divine power, which can overturn the sky and seas, and fight the Nine Nether Demon Gods. Protect the luck of my human race, remember, don't abuse it! Hurry to Zhongji, duel Xing Tian!"

at the same time.

The roar of the avenue, the strange appearance of falling flowers, the auspiciousness of dragon and phoenix singing, a powerful force suddenly emerged from Yang Gang's body, and he stretched out his hand to crush the void in front of him.

When the foot was lifted and collapsed, the mountains and rivers trembled and the river flowed backwards.

"This power..." Yang Gang finally understood at this moment how powerful the mountains and seas of this world, the power of the heaven and earth imperial body, are!
"No wonder, no wonder everyone wants to confer gods, no wonder everyone wants to deprive the position of emperor, the authority of heaven! Such supreme power, just give a little, it is boundless power!"

"The Human Sovereign who controls such power is absolutely invincible head-on. The only way to compete for the Human Sovereign's throne is to deprive him of his luck and grow his own luck by various means."


Yang Gang didn't know.

Not just anyone can confer the title of Great God.Talent, ability, and disposition are all indispensable.

Otherwise, the Dao will add to the body, the body will explode and die in an instant, the soul will be wiped out, and it will fall into samsara and perish forever.

What's more, Human Sovereign also borrowed him a piece of supreme divine power.This cause and effect must be paid back.

How to return it?Naturally, he killed Xing Tian, ​​the God of War who was raging in the Zhuolu Field at this time!

That's it.

Yang Gang stood on the ground, quietly experiencing the supreme power of the divine way of heaven and earth, and the charm of the great way in advance.He knew in his heart that with this experience, no matter the future or future generations, it will be of great benefit to his practice.

Until the end, all the power suddenly turned into a bunch and merged into the third eye between his eyebrows.

The golden eyes of the three eyes were shining, and they suddenly looked into the distance.

"The emperor invites me, I dare not refuse. Since I am destined to be involved in this vortex, let Yang Jian's name be in the mountains and seas ahead of time... and write my own chapter!"


Zhuolu Plain.

A huge ax turned into the size of a mountain, suddenly fell down, and chopped thousands of Xuanyuan tribe soldiers into meat.

"let me!"

A god general shouted angrily and came to fight with two spears in his hands, but was blocked by the shield of the owner of the giant axe, and then swept across with the axe, flying far into the sky.

"Ha ha ha ha"

It was a strong man with a height of eight feet, a rugged face, eloquence, and a bare upper body. He looked at the empty land in front of him, waved the magic soldier in his hand, and laughed heartily.

"The Xuanyuan clan is not my enemy!" The deep voice resounded in all directions.

The Human Sovereign camp in the distance was in an uproar.

Waves of fairy light and divine power flew out and landed on the body of the god of war Xing Tian, ​​but only sparks splashed from the starting point, and his body was completely intact.

But all the gods looked at each other in blank dismay, facing such a crazy Xing Tian, ​​they were helpless for a while.

"This Jiuyou God of War has a sanctified body. In the battle formation, we are indeed unrivaled."

"How can this be good?"

"The Demon Lord of Nine Serenities has not yet come out. Could it be that the Human Emperor is going to do it himself for Xing Tian?"


A majestic voice came from the Human Emperor's camp, "All the gods and generals of the immortal family, who can be the opponent of Xingtian?"

All the ministers in the hall were silent when they heard the words.

It's not that Xing Tian is invincible, but it's that the gods and gods who can compete with him at this time have their own opponents.

Even if you have time, you may not be able to win the battle.

God of War Xingtian, really strong!
The sound of drums beating in front of the battle came.

The Nine Nether Demon Army advanced aggressively, and the god of war Xing Tian held his relatives, killing Wushuang, and there was almost no enemy under his command.

Three days in a row.

He actually beheaded ten gods who were appointed by the Human Emperor, and his power was terrifying, causing the Human Emperor's battle to retreat steadily.

For a while, the Emperor's camp lost its morale.

"Xuanyuan Renhuang, come out and die! Xing Tian will be the master today, and take your head!" A loud shout came from afar.

Only then did everyone suddenly realize that the mighty Xing Tian had already reached the front of the Emperor's formation.

"Your Majesty the Emperor."

All the gods and courtiers turned their heads one after another.

However, Xuanyuan Renhuang in the account remained silent.

He seemed...waiting for something.

next moment.

Then I saw Xing Tian's figure jumping high, holding a giant axe, which turned into the size of a mountain, and slashed heavily at the Human Emperor's camp.

This time.

If there is no one to stop, the Human Sovereign's side will definitely lose face and the morale of the army will be shaken.

"His Majesty."

All the gods and courtiers turned their heads again.

"Hahaha, who dares to fight me!" Xing Tian laughed wildly, arrogant.

Seeing that this shocking giant ax was about to fall on the Human Emperor's tent.

Just at this critical moment.

In the distant sky, a bright golden light suddenly lit up.

"God of War Xingtian, I will fight with you." With a clear and loud voice, accompanied by a bright golden knife light, he rushed towards the giant ax in midair.

Intense rays of light shone in all directions, dazzling and eye-catching.

Everyone subconsciously closed their eyes.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a handsome young man wearing silver armor and holding a three-pointed two-edged knife standing in the sky.

He stood in the air and stopped in front of the Human Emperor's tent.

The cloak flutters behind him, fluttering with the wind.

A fighting spirit that is not inferior to the god of war Xingtian spontaneously erupts, and people can't help but instinctively feel a sense of awe in their hearts.

In the Emperor's tent.

Xuanyuan finally raised his head and smiled slightly.

waited so long.

The person he was waiting for finally came!

"Who are you!"

Xing Tian shouted suddenly, with a rare dignified look on his face.

at the same time.

Heaven and Earth, Human Emperor, Chiman, the heavenly realm, the earthly realm, and the fairy mountains on Mount Buzhou... The gazes of the three realms, all those who pay attention to this great battle, are all looking at the majestic figure in the sky. Silver Armor God General.

I only heard him holding a weapon, staring at Xingtian, and slowly announced his name: "I am Guan Jiangkou, Erlang Xiansheng and True Monarch—Yang Jian. I heard the name of Xingtian, the God of War, and I am here to fight!"

"Okay, okay, you are the fighting body, the holy and true emperor Yang Jian, whom the Emperor of China just granted? Okay, okay... Eat me with an axe!" Looking at the handsome Yang Gang, Xing Tian suddenly laughed wildly.

The laughter did not end.

He suddenly split open with an axe, as if opening the sky, breaking through the void and the avenue.

The momentum came out suddenly, but it was upright and magnificent.

"Good come!"

Yang Gang was not afraid, wielding the three-pointed and two-edged sword, his figure was like lightning, and his tiny figure flew in the air, fighting frantically with Xing Tian's eight-foot-high body.

With this attack, Yang Gang has already used his true abilities, Fen Tian, ​​Shan Hai, Yuan Shen... The seven-style saber techniques and supernatural powers have been completely integrated into the three-pointed and two-edged sword, and they have never seen their true colors.

In this way, under the attention of the Three Realms, Yang Gang made his first appearance in Shan Hai Ji Zhong.

It also started from this day.

The name of "Erlang God Yang Jian" was officially displayed in the mountains and seas.

And his opponent in the first battle was Xing Tian, ​​the Nine Nether God of War who left a great reputation in history.

Boom boom boom!
Rays of light exploded in the sky, Dao rhyme emerged, and divine power manifested.

All living beings in the world have never imagined that this little god Erlang, who used to be inconspicuous, would have such power when he appeared on the stage.They never imagined that a god general who had just been awarded the title could show a strength that was evenly matched with Xing Tian.

in fact.

Originally, with Yang Gang's cultivation base, he would never be able to fight against Xing Tian.

This is the blessing of the power of heaven and earth, and the blessing of the power of the emperor.

It is also Yang Gang's own ability, with unlimited potential, but his lack of cultivation before is far from being able to exert one or two abilities.

Don't say anything else.

That terrifying martial arts alone was enough to make many god generals under the emperor's command feel ashamed.

"He has only practiced for a long time, but he already has such abilities. His martial arts are exquisite, and he has embarked on a completely different path from our rough martial arts."

"It's really unimaginable that the sword technique can be used like this!"

"Although this son is still young, with this martial art, he is qualified to start a sect!"

Of course they don't know.

The way of heaven in the later generations is not manifested, and the world can only study martial arts and fairy arts. Although it is not enough to leapfrog to fight, it can still make up for the gap by one or two points.

But the key to the final victory of the two sides lies in their respective magical powers and strengths.

Right now.

"Okay! Good swordsmanship! In terms of martial arts alone, Xing Tian is not as good as you! Hahaha" Xing Tian, ​​the god of war, suddenly held a huge axe, and stepped back. Yang Gang was wondering, but he saw his body suddenly swell, and he used Fa Tianxiang ability.

For an instant.

Its figure turned into a mountain, thousands of feet high, but its speed and agility were not bad at all.

This is the real law of heaven and earth.

Song Youque, the Heavenly Sword of the later generations, just learned a little superficiality from the Supreme Heavenly Sword, which is the difference between cloud and mud.

"Eat my ax—Xing Tian!"

In an instant.

The extremely terrifying giant ax fell towards the top of Yang Gang's head, as if an ancient sacred mountain descended from the sky, and also like the first divine ax when the world was first opened in the ancient times, as if even the "sky" could impose punishment!

"not good!"


Xing Tian's supernatural power was used, and all the living beings watching the battle were sweating for Yang Gang.

Faced with such an axe, none of them dared to say that they were sure to take it.

And at this time.

But he saw a figure suddenly rising above the flat ground.

"Is it the same as heaven and earth? I will also..." A clear voice sounded.

As soon as Yang Gang's figure rose, he suddenly turned into a thousand-foot figure in an instant, and the magic three-pointed double-edged sword in his hand turned into a sky-slashing blade, and met the giant Xingtian axe from bottom to top.

With this axe, mountains and seas trembled.

This knife shocked the hearts of all living beings in the three realms.

The golden light all over the sky, and the gray shadow of the ax covered the sky and the sun, as if it wanted to divide the entire Zhuolu field of hundreds of millions of miles into two!
(End of this chapter)

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