I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 168 The Celestial Eye—Open! 【Day 7】

Chapter 168 The Celestial Eye—Open! 【Day [-]】

Chapter 164: Celestial Eye—Open! 【Day [-]】

One knife and one axe, with an earth-shattering divine light.

Under the attention of the Three Realms, they collided with each other.

The light of one gold and one gray refused to give way to each other, and the two peerless magic weapons collided wildly, one knife after another, one ax after another, non-stop.

"What a holy and true monarch, really powerful!"

Xing Tian's expression was solemn.

Yang Gang's ability is far beyond what he and all living beings in the mountains and seas expected.

The two thousand-foot figures turned into the bodies of ancient gods and men.

On the earth and between the sky, there is a crazy duel.

Both sides showed their special abilities and fought with all their strength.

"You kid, where did you learn this skill? Being irritable is really annoying!" Xing Tian couldn't fight for a long time, and gradually became a little irritable in his heart.

He never thought that there would be a person who could practice physical supernatural powers like him, and the divine power in his body was comparable to him, and even his martial arts were superior to him, so he had a faint feeling of being restrained for a while.

"The small path at the end of the day cannot compare with the power of a great god!" Yang Gang smiled brightly, and slammed the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand, hitting Xing Tian's shield.


This ancient demon god actually took two steps back with a serious expression.

His eyes fixed on Yang Gang's body, revealing a trace of surprise.

At this time, Xing Tian naturally didn't know.

Although Yang Gang's divine power was bestowed by the Human Emperor, what the Human Emperor really admires in him is his physical body that has experienced reincarnation and is based on the body of the fairy jade pendant!
Only such a physical body can bear the power of the God of War and compete with Xing Tian, ​​the God of War.


The earliest inheritance of this physical body came from their Nine Nether Demon God.

The crowd watching the battle couldn't help being surprised when they saw this, and a little bit of horror rose in their hearts.

Could it be that Erlang Xianshengzhenjun really wants to defeat Xingtian?

"So, don't blame me for being ruthless." Hearing this, Xing Tian, ​​the god of war, the expression of admiration in his eyes instantly turned into a scene of chilling.

between heaven and earth.

Suddenly a cold wind blew.

I saw Xing Tian, ​​the god of war, naked to the waist, holding the axe of Qian Qi.

Suddenly he slashed at Yang Gang three times.

"This is..." Yang Gang's expression suddenly changed.

"The first ax - kill people."

all of a sudden.

The surrounding avenues manifested, turning into a cage of heaven and earth, trapping him in it.


Yang Gang let out a roar, and the muscles of Qianzhangzhi's body exploded, and he struggled to break free from the restraints.

Finally, he swung his knife with all his strength, and resisted the shocking ax that came from the top of his head.

A strong aura of slaughter, like the source of murderous intent, seemed to be transmitted into Yang Gang's body through the weapon in Yang Gang's hand.

This ax contains endless supernatural power, if it is allowed to enter Yang Gang's body successfully.

Even if his body was sanctified, he would definitely not be able to bear it!

The golden-white color of the three-pointed and two-edged knife erupted, and the blade hummed and trembled, as if it was about to emit the power of an ancient artifact.

at last.

The killing spirit gradually dissipated, and all of them were turned into nothingness.


The invisible bondage between heaven and earth still exists.

Xing Tian's second ax has already fallen.

"Destroy the land!"

boom! !

Before the ax fell, the earth suddenly gave birth to something different.

The land with a radius of a hundred miles shattered in an instant, revealing countless gullies, as if there were countless ghosts howling in it.

The cage transformed by the power of heaven and earth, tightly bound Yang Gang's body.

He could only raise the weapon in his hand, and once again use his body to resist this shocking axe.

The melodious sound of weapons clashing spread throughout the Zhuolu field.

At this moment, the hundreds of miles of land turned into nothingness. In the dusty sky, there was only a silver-armored God of War holding the sky with one hand, waving his weapon against the relative of the divine soldier who looked like an ax that opened the sky.

This second ax, Yang Gang actually resisted again.

The eyes of all the people were stunned, this physical body, this persistent will to resist... At this moment, Yang Gang stood on the ground, his unyielding figure deeply penetrated into the hearts of all beings in the three realms.

Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun - Yang Jian.

Worthy of the name!


Yang Gang raised his head high, looking at the figure of Qianzhang above, his eyes were full of indomitable intentions.

The cage of heaven and earth?
At that time, with his insignificant body, he was still able to break through the cage and evil swamp in the Yang Mansion, which was higher than the sky and darker than the Nine Netherlands.

Now he is carrying the ancient magic weapon, the royal seal of heaven and earth, and the power of a human emperor.

Could it be that you still can't break through the cage of heaven and earth created by your mere supernatural power!

"Come on, fight!"

Yang Gang suddenly let out a roar.


The three-pointed and two-edged Ye Ye in his hand was shining brightly, as if completely inspired by the strong will in his heart, a shocking light burst out, like a great sun rising on the flat ground.


The sky suddenly shouted loudly.

When Yang Gang completely broke through the restriction of the cage around him, he raised his eyes and saw a gray ax shadow, like a god-opening axe, filled with a force that seemed to be able to kill even the world!
"To kill heaven!"

The God of War, Xing Tian, ​​came to him with an axe, and with one axe he slashed down fiercely, and at this moment, the supernatural powers of the Great Dao exploded completely.

God damn it!

This ax contained terrifying killing power.

It seems that even the avenues of heaven and earth can be killed, let alone gods?
Yang Gang looked completely dignified.

Slowly raising the magic weapon in his hand, a big sun emerged on the tip of the knife.

A dao rhyme that seemed to destroy the world condensed on the three-pointed two-edged knife.

In ancient times, ten days across the sky, the sky and the earth collapsed.

Even the world can be destroyed, let alone a war god Xing Tian?
"Burning the sky!"

The magnificent voice resounded through Zhuolu.

Then, under the shocking eyes of everyone, the three-pointed double-edged sword that contained the power to destroy the world collided fiercely with the relative of the divine weapon branded with infinite power to kill the sky.

A round of earth-shattering brilliance was even more dazzling than the sun in the sky.

Everything around was suddenly completely submerged by endless brilliant light.

Countless people, gods, immortals, and beasts in the wild of Zhuolu all instinctively retreat.

Far away from the edge of the two peerless gods.

Each one is full of emotions.

They looked at the battlefield where the two supernatural powers collided, waiting for the winner of this battle to appear.

"This world-destroying supernatural power, combined with that ancient artifact... is really terrifying!"

"Does anyone know where Erlang Xianshengzhenjun came from?"

"I heard that he once searched for famous mountains and great lakes, but returned without success. It seems that... he did not learn from a teacher."

"How is it possible? He's only twenty years old, but he doesn't have a teacher. You think he really came from ancient times, and he just observes the great sun today, and he can do whatever he wants!"

The man immediately retorted, apparently not believing what he said.

According to his understanding, this Erlang God Yang Jian must have a mysterious teacher to learn so many supernatural powers.

What is magic?
With the power of heaven and earth, master the avenue.

This is magical powers!
Even in this ancient mountain, sea and land, where the way of heaven manifests, supernatural powers are not so easy to cultivate!
Right now.

The divine light all over the sky finally gradually dissipated.

There were two figures facing each other.

Yang Gang was unscathed, holding a three-pointed and two-edged knife, pointing obliquely at the ground.

With the cloak fluttering behind him, the majesty is fierce, and the handsome and extraordinary temperament makes people feel heartbroken.

And across from him.

Xing Tian, ​​the god of war of the Jiuyou tribe, slowly lowered his shield in his hand, and took a loud step forward, shaking the earth and surging dust and smoke.

He was also unscathed and took the initiative to kill Yang Gang.


At this point in the battle, the two of them also had their chests heave and gasp slightly.


The figures of the two crashed into each other again, starting an even more tragic fight.

One after another, the swords were shining, and the ax fell.

Yang Jian, the god of Erlang, and Xingtian, the god of war in the Nine Netherworld, were gradually covered in blood, fighting endlessly.

The roar of Zhuolu's wilderness can be heard endlessly.

This battle lasted for three days without a moment's rest.

last day.

When the Golden Crow rises from the east.

With a bang.

The two huge figures fell slowly, and their figures suddenly changed into their original appearance.

Holding a three-pointed and double-edged knife, Yang Gang knelt on one knee, gasping for breath, a stream of blood slid down his forehead, rendering his handsome face even more poignant.

On the other side, Xing Tian had numerous saber marks on his body, which contained all kinds of complicated powers of the Dao of the Saber, which could not be removed even for a while with his ability.

So far in the battle, both of them have tried their best.

It's just an unyielding will, supporting these two naturally strong-willed people.

Xing Tianwu is a dry soul, and his fierce ambition is always there.

The ancient demon god Xing Tian.

That is a person who, even though he lost his head, still stands on the ground, waving his relatives and wanting to fight to the end!
How could it be so easy to defeat him?

see this scene.

All beings in the Three Realms, countless immortals and great gods in the audience, all stared blankly.

At this moment.

Even Zhu Qinglong, Honglian Underlord, Xiangliu, Nuba, the Nine Heavens Xuannv, Hundred Tribulations Demon God and other great powers in the main formation also temporarily stopped their hands and quietly looked at the two determined and resolute beings. .

Looking at them who were physically invincible, it seems that they can't even lift a knife and ax at this moment, exhausting the last bit of strength in their bodies.But he still struggled to get up, holding a weapon to survive, and resolutely slashed at the opponent.

Two sharp blades cut through the fleshy figure.

"Ah——" Yang Gang gritted his teeth, and without looking at the huge ax on his shoulder, the three-pointed and two-edged knife in his hand unswervingly pierced Xing Tian's chest bit by bit.


Amidst Xing Tian's furious roar, he threw down his shield, and holding the Qian Qi Shen ax tightly with both hands, he pressed Yang Gang's body to the ground inch by inch and fell into the ground.

this moment.

The sentient beings of the three realms watching this scene were all shaken, shocked by their powerful will.

"If this continues, both of them will die!"

"Forget it, give up!"

"Enough! This battle is over, it's enough! Xianshengzhenjun, come back quickly!"

"Without you, we can defeat Jiuyou!"

"Battle! Fight! Fight!"

A strong morale suddenly rose from the Emperor's camp.

Thousands of gods and soldiers, looking at the stubborn Yang Gang, couldn't help crying.

For the human race, he has paid enough!
They didn't allow him to continue, to bury his life here!

"come back."

A majestic but soft sigh.

In the emperor's tent.

Xuanyuan Renhuang, the Heavenly Emperor who controls the authority of the Heavenly Dao in the Three Realms at this time, spoke slowly.

The voice fell.

There seems to be a change in the world.

Among the Jiuyou tribe, a demon god also appeared.

Its glorious power cannot be judged by reason.

"Do not."

Yang Gang opened his mouth suddenly, and strands of blood fell from the corner of his mouth in an instant.


He laughed.

"I haven't lost yet, how can I give up lightly? Once I give up, there will be a second, third time... I, Yang Jian, will never, never... never give up in my life!"

Erlang God Yang Jian always has an unyielding will.


He suddenly roared angrily.

The sound shook Zhuolu, and the prestige came to the mountains and seas.

next moment.

A golden light suddenly lit up between Yang Gang's brows and forehead.

An erect Celestial Eye suddenly opened.

this moment.

In the Three Realms and Nine Heavens, the avenue resounded with a bang.

The three-pointed and two-edged knife suddenly turned into a streamer, inlaid between Yang Gang's eyebrows, and turned into a sky eye pendant.


 Brothers, every day for seven days, I did what I said, and I did not break my promise.

  It really collapsed, and the periarthritis of the shoulder broke out completely, and now I can't lift one hand.

  Today, my colleagues gave me massages five times before I finished writing the ten thousand words.Five times, five times... I really want to thank him...

  To be honest, I don't know how I persisted for these seven days.It's incredible...

  Perhaps as Yang Gang said, if you give up once, you will have the first time and the second time. How can I give up before the time comes?

  On the last day, I wanted to give up countless times.

  But, in these last few minutes, I finally did it, happy!
  thank you all!

  Ask for a wave of monthly tickets, rewards, and recommendation rewards!can it?

(End of this chapter)

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