Chapter 169

I saw Yang Gang's forehead raised his eyes, and a golden light shot out suddenly.

"What!" Xing Tian was stunned for a moment, and saw that golden light that had been multiplied by the Sky Eye pendant had penetrated his forehead in an instant.

The killing intent in Xing Tian's eyes suddenly turned into astonishment.

He was so exhausted that he didn't have any chance to react, his eyes went dark, and the all-conquering golden light broke out from the back of his head and shot into the boundless sky.

The eyes that were stained with divine light suddenly lost their expression, and Xing Tian's tall body suddenly knelt down on the ground.

"What...Xing Tian, ​​lost??"

At this moment, everyone was shocked.

He stared blankly at the handsome young man in silver armor standing on the ground holding three pointed and two blades.

Looking at the bright golden light between his brows, it was like a beam of sunlight passing through Xing Tian's head, connecting with the golden crow of the sun above the nine heavens.

This scene was deeply imprinted in the minds of everyone present.

The famous God of War, Xing Tian, ​​was really defeated!

Completely defeated by the newly promoted God of Fighting, Yang Jian!

"Your divine eyes... what kind of magical powers?"

Xing Tian was still alive after suffering such heavy injuries, so he asked the question that everyone wanted to know with difficulty.

What kind of magic is this?
After fighting to such an extent, he still hides such a trump card!

"Tianmu supernatural power - breaking the golden light!"

Yang Gang said slowly.


His expression suddenly froze.

I saw a blood hole on Xingtian's forehead that was blurred by the golden light, and brains, flesh and bones grew back little by little.

"Sure enough."

Seeing this, Yang Gang couldn't help smiling.

Xing Tian's physical supernatural powers have already given birth to a characteristic of rebirth of flesh and blood.This characteristic...or it is exactly what he wants, the third of the nine eons of sanctification, which can be integrated into his body's sanctification method!

Xing Tian suddenly roared, and slowly raised his head.

Still want to struggle!

Yang Gang raised his brows and his eyes flashed with golden light.

The Sky Eye pendant turned into a three-pointed two-edged knife and fell into his hand again.

Before, he was worried that he had been contaminated with too much karma of the Shan Hai Ji, so he hid half of the power borrowed by the Human Emperor in his three-eyed eyes.

But Xing Tian's ability forced him to such an extent that he had to use it in the end.

Today, since I have no choice but to show my holiness in front of people.

Then Erlang's name of 'showing the sage' and true monarch, let's carry it out to the end!
"Anyway, you, Xing Tian... are destined to die today!" The three-pointed, two-edged knife suddenly swung down, Yang Gang looked determined, and resolutely slashed at Xing Tian's head.

Since you Xing Tian is doomed to die.

Rather than dying in the hands of others, it is better to die in the hands of my Erlang God Yang Jian!
Completely fulfill my name of showing the Holy King!

Xing Tian stared angrily and resisted vigorously.


Without any hesitation, the three-pointed, two-edged knife slashed across his neck in an instant.

Countless people stared blankly at a huge head that soared into the sky.

On the neck of Xing Tian's tall body, blood sprayed out three to five feet high like a spring.

a time.

The stench was everywhere.

The entire Zhuolu Field was silent.

All beings in the world were immersed in a shock.

The ancient demon god Xingtian, who has been famous for thousands of years, was really decapitated by a fledgling little god.

It became a stepping stone for him to reach the sky.

such a result.

When Yang Gang first appeared on the stage, who would have imagined it?

"He won, he actually...really won?" A man of god who had never been optimistic about Yang Gang from the beginning murmured to himself.

In the Emperor's camp.

Nine Heavens Xuannv stands on a high platform and presides over the formation.

Looking at Yang Gang's upright figure, he was also dumbfounded, his small mouth was slightly opened, and he lost the demeanor of a goddess.

"That's right." Human Emperor Xuanyuan looked at Yang Gang and couldn't help smiling with satisfaction, "I really didn't misunderstand the person at the beginning, this last..." He clicked his tongue twice, as if he was still thinking about it.

Yang Gang's final shocking blow, beheading Xing Tian's head, even the Supreme Human Emperor of the Three Realms was a little surprised.

A huge head fell from the sky.

He was caught by Yang Gang.

He looked down at Xing Tian's head.

A pair of unwilling eyes stared at him, and he shouted: "I don't accept it! I don't accept it!"

Yang Gang sneered, and with a burst of divine power in his hand, Xing Tian's huge head was turned into ashes and fell from his palm.

He turned around suddenly.

He roared at the Jiuyou camp: "Come on! Fight! Who else!"

Countless demon gods and immortals of the Jiuyou tribe subconsciously took a step back, overwhelmed by Yang Gang's prestige, and did not dare to confront him directly.



Yang Gang looked up to the sky and laughed, holding a three-pointed two-edged knife in one hand, full of vigor and vigor.

The bright sun is in the sky, and the mountains and seas mark the year.

The Battle of Zhuolu.

Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun Yang Jian, angrily beheaded the head of Jiuyou God of War Xingtian, before the tens of thousands of troops, blocked the Jiuyou Demon Army from stepping forward for a while, and his reputation shocked the three worlds.

At this moment, the surrounding time and space suddenly became illusory and stagnant.

The breeze blowing, the battle flag fluttering...everything gradually came to a standstill.

at this last moment.

Yang Gang looked up and saw a gigantic phantom of a demon god rising from the Jiuyou camp.

In the Human Sovereign camp, the noble Supreme Heavenly Emperor of the Three Realms, holding the Eight-faced Excalibur, came driving the Heavenly Emperor's Chariot.

The battle of Zhuolu broke out completely and comprehensively!
The surrounding time and space finally stagnated completely.

"I won't give up...I won't give up...never!" A dull buzz sounded from Xing Tian's belly, and reached Yang Gang's ears at the last moment.

There was a flash of astonishment in his eyes.

The river of fate passed by in a flash.

Yang Gang returned to the cave in Qingqiu.

[You reverse the yin and yang, reverse the cycle of reincarnation.In the battle of Zhuolu, in the name of Yang Jian, Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun, you fought against Xingtian, the god of war in Jiuyou, and finally beheaded Xingtian.Evaluation: Famous in the Three Realms. 】

[Two golden chances have been converted (not triggered), accumulated quantity: one (white) and two (gold)]

[After passing through the current "robbing chapter", you can keep the chance savings until the end of the first life, or you can choose to receive it. 】

"Two golden chances...comfortable."

Yang Gang's eyes lit up, and a vertical eye loomed between his brows.

"It's a pity that the last golden opportunity has not been realized, so I hurried into Shanhaiji. This time, I have to digest the gains first... Improving the cultivation level in the real world is also important!"

The river of fate continues to evolve.

Memory pictures gradually melted into Yang Gang's mind.

[You participated in the study of the previous life and experienced reincarnation.To comprehend the method of sanctification in the second life of Shi Huang, he has devoted himself to practice for many years.In the end, he was valued by the emperor, and he was granted the title of god. He borrowed a shocking divine power to fight against Xingtian, and realized the mystery of rebirth of flesh and blood.Finally comprehended the power of the ancient artifact, enhanced the natal supernatural powers of the three-eyed eyes, and beheaded Xingtian angrily. 】

[Evaluation: Amazing talent. 】

[Accumulation in previous lives transforms the power of participating in research for 30 years. 】

【the first year.You have experienced the battle of Zhuolu, and at the last moment the emperor and the devil appeared, launching a world-shattering battle.This battle lasted for three years, and the 81 ancient demon gods under Chiman's command all died in one battle. 】

[At that time, Xing Tian's mutilated body was reborn with flesh and blood, walking headless.With breasts as eyes and navel as mouth, holding a sharp ax and a shield in each hand, he wants to fight Xuanyuan.You fly out and fight it. 】

[In the second year, the Human Emperor won a great victory, and the Demon Lord of Nine Nethers retreated underground to open up a realm called Nine Nethers.In the end, Chi Man was beheaded by the Human Emperor with the Divine Sword of Humanity in front of the gate of Jiuyou.In order to prevent it from stepping into reincarnation and making a comeback, seal its five poles in various places.The Nine Nether tribes are all destroyed...]

[At that time, you fought hard against Xingtian, and in the end the divine power bestowed by the Emperor was exhausted, and Xingtian lost his head, and gradually lost his divine power.Xing Tian heard that the demon master was dead, so he chased his head with his remnant body and fled away. 】

【The third year.The Great War ended, and the Human Emperor sealed the heaven and the earth, and rewarded the meritorious ministers.With your great achievements, you have been granted a fief thousands of miles away from the mouth of the Guanjiang River, and you can enjoy the incense for thousands of years. 】

【Human Sovereign came forward in person and said to be with God Haotian.From then on, as long as the way of heaven is in people's hands, your family will be safe and sound. 】

【fifth year.You started to look for traces of the god of war Xingtian, and set out to study the corpse of the ancient demon god and participate in the mystery of his body.Gradually gain a little...]

[The tenth year.You have never been able to find any traces of Xing Tian, ​​guessing that it may have been hidden in the place where the demon lord's body was sealed.However, the place where the Human Sovereign seals the Demon Lord is very secret, and he is the only one in the world who knows about it. 】

【You understand in your heart that if you want to find out the characteristics of Xing Tianshen's Nine Tribulations Sanctification' blood and flesh rebirth', you can only rely on yourself...】

[No. 13 years.You make friends with the Nine Heavens Xuannv, and earnestly ask for advice on the way of the formation, and you will gain a little.Travel all over the mountains and seas, continue to search for traces of Xing Tian with the method of formation...]

[No. 18 years.You have traveled all over the mountains and seas, and you are respected everywhere. All living beings know the majesty of Erlang God Yang Jian.However, you know that you are not very important, so you should humbly seek advice from various immortals and great gods to learn supernatural powers.Therefore, the name of the true king gradually gained praise. 】

[No. 20 a year.You make friends with the 'God of Fire' Red Lotus Underlord, and at the same time you know that Zhu Qinglong, whose pseudonym is 'Water God' Gong Gong, is not dead and has returned to the heavens to practice.You think of a certain story in your memory, worry in your heart, and warn the Red Lotus Lord to be careful of Haotian. 】

[Of course, the Red Lotus Underlord is arrogant and doesn't care about it at all...]

"Fire God, Water God..."

Yang Gang sat in the cave, his brows gradually wrinkled.

Although in this Shan Hai Ji, many things are completely different from what he remembered.

But the general context can still be deduced one or two.

The Haotian God opened up the heaven on Mount Buzhou, established the heavenly court, and accepted immortals and gods.And as far as he knows, the Shanhai Ji in the ancient mythology period, the final result is that the mountains and seas collapse, and the heavens and the earth are connected.

That may have happened tens of thousands of years later, and the driving force behind it must be the Haotian God.

Its scheming is unpredictable, so we have to guard against it!

[No. 20 five years.You heard that in the realm of the earth and demons, there was a stone monkey who became a saint in the flesh, fighting against the heavens and the earth, disturbing the wind and rain, disturbing the demon emperor's peace.It's a pity that the land is far away, so you have to put it aside temporarily, concentrate on searching for Xing Tian, ​​and comprehend the secret of flesh and blood rebirth! 】

[No. 20 nine years.According to the secret told by Qingqiu Fox Immortal, you have finally found a place in the Northern Wilderness that is not in the description. 】

[Just as you were about to set foot in it, a headless demon god suddenly appeared, holding an axe and a huge shield, and came to kill you.He shouted angrily: "Erlang God Yang Jian, today I will behead you to avenge the past!"]

(End of this chapter)

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