I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 170 3-pointed 2-edged knife, the new Emperor of Heaven

Chapter 170 Three-pointed two-edged sword, the new Emperor of Heaven

"Xing Tian, ​​I finally found you!"

Yang Gang's expression froze, and a killing intent flashed in his eyes.

He hates people coming back from the dead the most, jumping around repeatedly!
Continue to watch the derivation of the long river of fate.

【At that time. 】

[Xing Tian was beheaded by you, and all the divine powers he had cultivated for thousands of years were lost, leaving only his strong physical strength.And you have lost the divine power of the Human Emperor, and your strength is far inferior to that of the Zhuolu Battle back then...]

[You and Xing Tian had a great battle, and found that the other party's physical strength was so strong that he was not an opponent. 】

"Not an opponent? How could this be? Although my physical body is not as good as Xing Tian's in the long river of fate, but I have mana, so I am not an opponent of Xing Tian's physical body?" Yang Gang was slightly stunned, and he was a little unconvinced.

Although I lost the power borrowed by the Emperor.

But Xing Tian was beheaded and lost all his divine power!

Everyone is standing on the same level, so why can't I beat you?

"Could it be that Xing Tian who has lost his head is the complete Xing Tian?" Yang Gang suddenly had a thought in his heart.

this moment.

He can't wait to enter Shan Hai Ji again and fight Xing Tian to the death!

This time, he swore that he would never leave a body for his opponent again!
And the long river of fate is still being deduced.

[In the next year, you and Xing Tian fought repeatedly to hone your body.It was only then that Xing Tian guarded the remnant body of Chiman, the demon lord of the Nine Serenity, all day long. Although he lost his head and lost his divine power, his physical supernatural powers gradually entered an unbelievable realm. 】

【Nine Tribulations of Sanctification and the Second Tribulation Haven't Passed. Under equal circumstances, you will never be its opponent. 】

【One year later. 】

[You finally understand what is the nine kalpas and what is the sanctification of the body.Overcoming the unyielding will in Xing Tian's heart, and the supernatural power to regenerate his flesh and blood gradually evolved a hint of immortality. 】

[And you finally understand, what is the second eon of sanctification after nine eons. 】

Memories of 30 years flooded into Yang Gang's mind like flowing water.

at the same time.

But in his mind, he was replaying the Yang Mansion. In order to save his mother, he worked hard step by step, crossing the Northland with a firm and unyielding will, and defeating the Heavenly Sword.Finally, on Qingyun Ferry, swept away all the enemies and boarded Qingyun.

Filial piety moves the sky, and Qingyun enshrines the gods.

"I understand!" Yang Gang suddenly opened his eyes.

The whole body shook violently.

All of a sudden, the sky in Qingqiu was turbulent, and there was a faint idea of ​​the Great Dao manifesting.

Yang Gang sat cross-legged, the Taoist rhyme manifested all over his body.

The flesh body gradually gave birth to an endless charm, and a tyrannical breath emerged spontaneously.

"If the will in the heart is not destroyed, the will in the body will not be destroyed! I finally understand..." He took out the Blood Drinking Demon Knife, swiped it on his arm, and immediately a piece of flesh fell directly.

Yang Gang's expression remained unchanged, staring at his arm.

A powerful will seemed to merge into the flesh and blood body at this moment.


Countless flesh and skin in the wound on the arm squirmed crazily, growing back little by little as if spiritual.

in a blink.

His arm was intact, flesh and blood reborn.

This powerful healing ability is many times stronger than the previous Golden Body of the Demon God of Hundred Tribulations.Even Yang Gang had a vague feeling that as long as his head wasn't beheaded, he could slowly grow flesh and blood.

In Shan Hai Ji, Erlang God Yang Jian didn't even comprehend the supernatural power of rebirth of flesh and blood, but in reality he comprehended it ahead of time.

If the Stone Monkey King saw this scene, his eyes would widen and he couldn't believe it.

He asked Yang Gang to practice the way of physical sanctification, but he didn't let him practice so fast!

After all, you are the Emperor of Stone, and I am Emperor of Stone?
"Brother Monkey, Brother Monkey, I'm afraid you would never have imagined that I would have such an encounter, right?" A faint smile appeared on Yang Gang's face.

"It turns out that the second of the nine eons of sanctification is actually the rebirth of flesh and blood... and the third is the indestructibility of the will. That Xing Tian realized this mystery only after I beheaded his head."

"The me before, I actually thought about it." He looked at his intact arm and muttered to himself:

"When I was in Qingyun Pavilion that day, I actually understood these principles. I integrated a trace of will into my physical body, making flesh and blood come alive, stepping into the extreme of power, and my physical body is like a fairyland."

"Originally, I wanted to go through the second catastrophe of nine catastrophes and realize the unyielding meaning of rebirth with flesh and blood. It should be through the process of Yang Jian splitting the mountain to save his mother, and filial piety moving the sky."

"However, because I came and went against the sky, I finally saved the family from this catastrophe. But because of this, I also lost the opportunity to comprehend the 'characteristic' of rebirth of flesh and blood."

"The cycle of cause and effect, one drink and one peck, can be said to be destiny!"

Yang Gang thought about it, but didn't feel any regrets.

In his heart, as long as the family is safe and sound, so what if he experiences many difficulties and setbacks?

And the characteristic of rebirth of flesh and blood, didn't he finally comprehend it?
Isn't the unyielding will cultivated in the cage and the evil marsh of Yang's mansion better than Erlang God Yang Jian splitting the mountain to save his mother?

In this life, he has already experienced those catastrophes in the Yang residence.In the mountains and seas, he will never let his mother suffer the death of her husband and son, and be sealed under Taoshan by the Emperor of Heaven for thousands of years.

"Mother~~~ I miss you." Yang Gang turned his head to look in Da Zhou's direction, feeling a sense of longing in his heart.

He beat himself to death in the Eternal Demon Realm.

I don't know if the mother who just drank the water of Wangchuan in the holy capital is okay?
Could she have forgotten everything, the painful experience in the past, and even... her most precious son?
"It's okay to forget, it's okay to forget."

A forced smile appeared on Yang Gang's face.

"That experience, even the gods will fall into madness. It would be best if they could forget it." So what if they forget it?As long as he is still by his side, he will always be Lan Caiyi's son.

This is an indelible family affection that has been reincarnated for tens of thousands of years!

"Wang Wang Wang~~"

A little fox came in from outside the cave, imitating the barking of a dog.

"Little Yu'er, are you here?"

The sorrow on Yang Gang's face dissipated and he smiled slightly.

He beckoned.

Immediately, the little fox kicked on the ground, rolled into his arms coquettishly, barking.


Yang Gang scratched its chin, this is the youngest vixen in Qingqiu, with snow-white fur, not yet transformed, but he likes to play with him very much.

Even its name was given to it by Yang Gang.

"Wang Wang~~"

The little fox raised his head in comfort, and then opened his mouth to spit.

Actually spit out a piece of platinum-colored metal shards.

"what is this?"

Yang Gang's heart skipped a beat.

Could it be that golden opportunity of his that came to the door on his own initiative?
"Wow woof woof woof..." The little fox kept his head on his head, acting coquettishly, but he hadn't learned how to speak yet.

Yang Gang couldn't help but smile.

He pointed his finger at its little head, "You little bastard, if you don't work hard every day, you will be skinned and worn as clothes sooner or later!"

Then Yang Gang picked up the metal fragments and observed them carefully.


The moment he picked up the metal shard, his brows raised suddenly, and the divine power of heaven and earth sealed by Qingqiu fox fairy in his body seemed to sense it, and it flowed out along his arm.

Wisps of bright light gradually emanated from the surface of the metal fragments, as if they were about to turn into a gun-shaped weapon.

"This is……"

Yang Gang grasped the handle of the weapon.


A strong feeling of joy came from the metal fragment.

"It's really you, the three-pointed two-edged knife!" Yang Gang's eyes froze suddenly, and he looked at the phantom of the weapon in his hand in astonishment.

The metal fragments vibrated with joy, as if reunited with their master who had been separated for tens of thousands of years.

Yang Gang couldn't help being stunned.

A golden chance unexpectedly brought him the ancient artifact in his hand in the ancient mountains and seas.

Despite its current state, it's just a fragment.

this means……

"Mountains and seas collapsed, piercing the sky and the earth, the three-pointed double-edged sword... finally broke!" Yang Gang looked at the phantom of the weapon in his hand, and said in surprise: "What happened in the end of that catastrophe? This ancient artifact of yours has been turned into pieces?"

"Emperor...Haotian...or should I call you...His Majesty Shengjun?"

The fragments of the artifact trembled slightly, and there was a blurry picture.

However, Yang Gang watched carefully, but found that he looked down on the scene at all.

"Little Fox."

Yang Gang said suddenly.

"Wow, woof, woof~~" The little fox Xiaoyu looked up like a dog barking, with a cute appearance.

"Go, find me two more pieces of this kind." Yang Gang said, and the river of destiny in his mind suddenly ignited two golden causal opportunities.

"Wang Wang~~"

However, the little fox was at a loss.

Then, under Yang Gang's gesture, it raised its paw and made a difficult gesture, indicating that the place where it found this thing, there is no such thing anymore.


Yang Gang sighed in disappointment.

"Forget it, ancient artifacts are hard to come by. Now I have stepped into the second catastrophe of physical sanctification, and when I reach the fourth and fifth catastrophes, and build the fifth stage of the bridge, I may be able to rival the nine-headed demon saint..."

"Not necessarily." Yang Gang shook his head, "In ancient times, the way of heaven was manifested, with sufficient vitality, and practice was ten times and a hundred times easier than it is now. But now I have only stepped into the fairyland. I am afraid that you still have some shortcomings in confrontation."

"There are nine-headed demon saints guarding me outside. If I want to leave Qingqiu, I still need to work hard!"

Today it is today.

Only then did Yang Gang understand how difficult it is to be physically sanctified as Brother Hou said.

He also saw that he was the reincarnation of the fairy jade pendant, so he thought he had a chance, right?

Probably in his heart, even if he can cultivate himself into a flesh body and become a saint, it will be 500 years later!
thought here.

Yang Gang couldn't wait anymore, he wanted to enter the Shanhai Jizhong to see the final collapse of the mountains and seas, the reason for the ultimate connection between heaven and earth.

Enter the next catastrophe: the catastrophe of conferred gods.

But before that.

He still needs to defeat an opponent, Xing Tian, ​​the Nine Nether God of War whose physical body has evolved a hint of immortality.

"This time, I won't let you have another chance to be resurrected!"

After thinking about it, Yang Gang's mind sank into the river of fate.

Immediately, a piece of information emerged.

[Currently, you can enter the chapter of robbery: life and death, the battle of Zhuolu. 】

[Related previous life (Blue Caiyi) has been activated]

[The relevant previous life (Jiuyou Demon Lord) is not related, and entering the previous life will suffer great karma, please be cautious, cautious! 】

[When the sun is shining, the mountains and seas mark the year.The name of Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun Yang Jian resounded throughout the mountains and seas.The catastrophe has passed, and the world enjoys peace for a while. 】

[In the northern wilderness, a handsome and handsome god of fighting is trying to study the method of sanctification of the flesh. 】

[The ancestral land of the emperor, Xuanyuan Qiu. 】

[This catastrophe that swept across the world exhausted Xuanyuan Renhuang's mental strength.The aged Human Sovereign chose to abdicate the throne, and walked into Xuanyuan Hill silently, following the path of reincarnation...]

[The position of the Emperor of Heaven, the authority of the Dao of Heaven, is passed on to the new emperor, the Zhuanxu clan. 】

(End of this chapter)

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