I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 171 Absolute Heaven and Earth Connection, Survival from Desperate Situations

Chapter 171 Absolute Heaven and Earth Connection, Survival from Desperate Situations
"The new emperor is the Zhuanxu clan? Could it be that...the Jue Tian Di Tong is about to start?"

Yang Gang was slightly taken aback, and felt a shock in his heart.

The Human Sovereign's lifespan is over, the news is so sudden...Yang Gang never thought of it.Is it a burden to control the authority of heaven?
In other words, human nature is like this!

And didn't it mean that the next catastrophe would be the catastrophe of conferred gods?Why did he suddenly come to Zhuanxu's family?Moreover, the reminder of Mingjie Changhe did not indicate that the nine-kalpa sanctification reached the one of Zhuanxu's family.

"No, no!"

Yang Gang's eyes flashed, and he appeared in a cold place.

The sky is full of snow, a piece of plain white.

He was sitting on a snowy peak, quietly looking at the land in the distance, a bottomless ice abyss.

Yang Gang didn't care about these things, and sat on the ground frowning and thinking.

"Could it be that the God-conferring catastrophe came after Jue Tiandi Tong? It's just that the Jue Tian Di Tong catastrophe has nothing to do with me... That's why Mingjie Changhe didn't remind me about the people involved?"

"Or... Zhuanxu's utterly mastered heaven and earth, and after the catastrophe of conferring gods, there will be a real catastrophe of annihilation in this world, causing mountains and seas to collapse. The real master of heaven and earth is yet to come?"

"Then what role should I play in it?"

Yang Gang lowered his head, thinking hard.

For a moment, I only felt that the Qingming Lingtai, which was cut off from love and Taoism, was running rapidly to the point of rigid thinking, and countless thoughts collided in my mind.

"The ancient mythology, the Era of Mountains and Seas, is indeed implicated in countless great causes and effects..." He couldn't help sighing, and temporarily gave up thinking, "I can only take one step at a time. Since this "Breakthrough" has nothing to do with me, the current matter, Let’s get rid of this scourge first!”

The glacier and snow abyss trembled for a while, as if a giant rose from the ground.

Yang Gang raised his head.

Looking forward, it seems that it can lead to the huge ice abyss of Jiuyou, and strands of killing intent almost come out of the eye sockets.


"Erlang God, Yang Jian!" A dull buzz came from the ice abyss.

next moment.

A headless god of war emerges from the abyss of the Nine Nethernesses. Its upper body is bare, its skin is dark, its breasts are its eyes, its belly button is its mouth, and it holds a divine ax and a shield in each hand.

"Erlang God Yang Jian, today I will take your head and pay homage to the devil!"

all of a sudden.

The sky collapsed, and thousands of glaciers shattered into abysses.

It's hard to imagine that this was actually caused by pure physical strength!
"Take my head?"

Yang Gang sneered, holding a three-pointed two-edged knife, and flew up, "God of War Xingtian, you are a respectable opponent. But if you want to take my head to pay homage to Chi Man, it's just a dream and makes people laugh!"

"Kill you, of course it will happen!" Xing Tian roared angrily.

The body walked without a head, and the ax seemed to be able to split the earth in ten directions, and fell towards the top of Yang Gang's head.

"If you want to kill me, I'll trade your dog's life for it!" Angry in Yang Gang's heart, he rushed forward with a three-pointed and two-edged sword, and instantly covered a distance of hundreds of miles.


The weapons in the hands of the two collided again and again, and it was ten rounds in the blink of an eye, and it was difficult to distinguish the opponent.

Yang Gang was secretly surprised.

After losing his divine power, Xing Tian really realized a trace of immortal will, and his physical strength improved to a higher level.

In Mingjie Changhe's memory, it doesn't feel obvious, but now that he really fights, his physical body is indeed a little weaker than him.

Being able to sustain it all depends on mana.

But after decades of practice, how much mana can there be?

But after a while, Yang Gang's mana was almost exhausted, and he gradually began to fall into a disadvantage.

"If you can really cultivate the magical power of rebirth from a broken limb, grow a head again, and restore your divine power, I'm afraid I'm really no match for you!" Yang Gang said coldly, and the third eye on his forehead suddenly opened.

call out--

A golden light shot out, piercing Xing Tian's body.


Xing Tian roared in pain.

The wound was full of flesh and blood, but it took a long time to heal.

Injured by the supernatural power contained in the broken golden light, even in the realm of rebirth of flesh and blood, it is difficult to recover in a short time.

With a horizontal ax sweep, he split Yang Gang dozens of miles away.

Roaring: "Even if I don't have a head, I can kill you!"


However, Yang Gang smiled slightly, turned around and left.

After his mana was exhausted, he was not interested in fighting at all.

"Uh..." Xing Tian froze on the spot for a moment, holding a shield in one hand and an ax in the other, his breasts and navel turned into a bewildered expression.

It was agreed to fight for life and death, why did the Erlang God Yang Jian run away?

the other side.

Yang Gang returned to the previous peak of the snow-capped mountain, meditated quietly cross-legged, and recovered his mana.

With a burst of golden light, he was completely exhausted, wouldn't he be asking for trouble if he continued to fight against Xing Tian?
The fact that he is not smart in the long-term derivation of fate does not mean that Yang Gang is really stupid.

a few days later.

Yang Gang regained his mana, stood up from the top of the snow mountain, brandished the three-pointed and two-edged knife, and took the initiative to enter the Jiuyou Ice Abyss.

There is no sky and no sun in this place, as if it leads directly to the Nine Netherworld, full of dense demonic energy.

Yang Gang didn't know how long he had been diving, and finally saw Xing Tian's figure sitting cross-legged on the ground on a stone platform, as if he was healing his wounds, but the sealed head of the demon lord Chi Man was not around.

"Xing Tian, ​​come to fight!"

Yang Gang shouted loudly, wearing silver armor, like a peerless divine light in the devil's abyss.


Xing Tian roared furiously, and rushed towards him holding an axe, and walked through the air with his physical strength. Although his speed was not as good as Yang Gang's, he was still flexible.

The two fell into the devil's abyss, fighting bloody battles, and the killing was inseparable.

That Xing Tian is worthy of being the name of the ancient god of war, under the pressure of Yang Gang, his martial arts gradually changed and refined, and he was indistinguishable from Yang Gang.

After hundreds of rounds.

"Go—" Yang Gang's eyes glowed with golden light, and a ray of divine power shot out from his forehead, piercing through Xing Tian's heart in an instant.

This light is extremely fast in the world, even if Xing Tian is on guard at this time, he can't resist it.

However, after losing his head, his physical body didn't seem to have a vital point, he just roared in pain, but there was no fatal injury.

"Let's go."

At this time, Yang Gang's magic power was empty, and he stopped fighting immediately, and flew out of the magic abyss.

Xing Tian couldn't catch up, so he had to roar to the sky underground in Moyuan, unable to rage.

It was a few days later.

Yang Gang once again went deep into the abyss of magic and fought against Xingtian.

After some hard work, he shot a hole in Xing Tian's body.

Then he patted his butt and slipped away.

"Yang Jian, you despicable villain, how dare you fight me to the death..." Xing Tian's roar came from behind, with blood holes all over his body, which were difficult to heal.

If this scene is for outsiders to see.

Those who knew thought that the two were fighting, but those who didn't know thought that Yang Gang was honing Xing Tian's magical power of rebirth of flesh and blood!

The panchang wars lasted for a full year.

From the beginning of anger and madness, Xing Tian almost lost his mind, and finally became silent.

Faced with Yang Gangpilai's style of play, one after another blood hole was added before healed, and his heart gradually sank.

The opponent is using his own strengths to attack the other's weaknesses, and wants to use that calamity-breaking golden light... to grind him to death bit by bit!
"Despicable! Damn!"

Drenched in blood, Xing Tian was extremely furious under the Moyuan. He chased out of the Moyuan several times, but he couldn't catch up with Yang Gang's speed.

one year later.

On the Daxue Mountain, Yang Gang sat quietly on the top of the mountain, staring at the Mo Yuan below.


"Xing Tian, ​​today is your death day!"

The voice fell.

Yang Gang stood up suddenly, his body and mind turned into a flash of lightning, and fell into the devil's abyss.

"Jiuyou Xingtian, come out quickly, today you and I will fight to the death!"

The magnificent voice resounded through the sky, full of determination.

After a year of blitz that disregarded face, he had brought the gap between the two to even.

If it continues for a few more years, maybe it can really grind the death penalty, but is that meaningful?
Yang Gang came here to practice martial arts against Xing Tian, ​​the ancient god of war, to participate in the study of the method of sanctification of the flesh, not to be a despicable villain!
If Xing Tian was really killed in this way, and the seeds of retreat were planted in his heart, he would never be able to comprehend that trace of indestructible will.


Under the demon abyss, there was a shout of anger.

Xing Tian heard the determination in Yang Gang's voice, and at this moment, a gleam of joy flashed in his heart.


Everything turned into a strong murderous intent, and the inexhaustible killing intent in the mountains, rivers, lakes and seas was overwhelming.

The melodious clash of two peerless divine weapons resounded through the Demon Abyss.

The sky is collapsing, and the sky is full of ice and snow.

Everything, all hatred and hatred will end today.


Xing Tian glared angrily, abandoned his shield and fought, holding a god ax in his big hands, facing the ax with 36 chops, using the three magical powers of killing people, destroying the earth, and killing the sky over and over again.

The power of the physical body seems to be inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

He has put all his eggs in one basket, and today he is bound to slay Yang Gang under the Demon Abyss.

"Burning the sky!"

"Mountains and seas!"

"Break the golden light!"

Facing the violent bombardment, Yang Gang didn't even have the slightest intention of avoiding it, every blow was head-on, his body trembled wildly, and the corner of his mouth was bleeding.

A whole body of magic power seems to be free of money, swaying like ink.

But for a moment.

Both of them were wounded and covered in blood.

This was the first time they had paid such a heavy price in years of fighting.

The determination to swear to kill the opponent is already as firm as iron.

"God of War Xingtian... that's all."

Yang Gang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and laughed wildly.

It was still provoking Xing Tian's anger.

"Ahhhh——today, you must die! You must die!"

Sure enough, Xing Tian was furious, and came running with an axe.

After ten thousand years of cultivation, traveling across mountains and seas, this is the first time he has been looked down upon so much!


The figures of the two suddenly swelled up, and at the same time, they used their supernatural powers of the physical body to transform into thousands of feet and slammed into each other.

Two peerless divine weapons smashed through each other's body.

The god ax cut off his shoulder, taking a piece of flesh and blood.

Yang Gang's expression remained unchanged.

The three-pointed, two-edged knife pierced Xing Tian's left hand, leaving a bloody hole.

a time.

The two ancient gods and men turned into bodies of thousands of feet, and they fought close to each other under this devil's abyss.

Pieces of flesh and blood flew down into the endless abyss under the demonic abyss.

in a blink.

In Yang Gang's body, [-]% of his flesh and blood had been cut off, and his left arm had been hacked off five times, leaving only the upper half, which fell into the abyss like a mountain.

And Xing Tian's situation is also extremely miserable, his right 'eye' on his chest was broken, thirteen ribs were broken, and a large piece of flesh and blood was dug out by Yang Gang's three-pointed and two-edged knife.

However, he is still resolute and vows to kill the enemy in front of him--Erlang God Yang Jian!

The ax fell and slashed heavily on Yang Gang's shoulder, almost cutting off half of his body.Yang Gang's three-pointed two-edged knife also pierced his chest.

This battle has reached the most critical moment.

The two ancient war gods both pushed themselves into a desperate situation, which was extremely tragic.

However, Yang Gang was so traumatized that he didn't even frown.

He silently felt the changes in his body.

A will to advance and not to retreat, to have death and not to live, gradually merged into the physical body, and merged into the meridians and acupuncture points of the whole body.

"I understand."

Yang Gang raised his head suddenly, looked at Xing Tian in front of him, and a deep smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Broken limbs are reborn, and the will is immortal.


The flesh and blood on his shoulders squirmed crazily, bones, flesh, and meridians grew like mushrooms after rain, as if they were about to grow a new arm.

At this point in the battle, Yang Gang finally comprehended a trace of indescribable artistic conception, at the end of the road——'life'!
(End of this chapter)

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