I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 172 Conferred God Tribulation, Wang Chen's 1st World

Chapter 172 Conferred God Tribulation, Wangchen's First Life

"I understand too."

Xing Tian suddenly raised his head, stared at Yang Gang, and laughed.

I saw a trace of flesh and bones on the neck were condensing crazily, as if a second head was about to grow.

If even the head can grow out, and a sea of ​​consciousness can be re-condensed, Xing Tian's supernatural power of rebirth from severed limbs may directly enter the realm of great achievement, far surpassing Yang Gang at this time.

In this battle, both sides intentionally pushed themselves into a desperate situation, using the life-and-death crisis on the verge of extinction, to comprehend the meaning of immortality.

Let the physical body that is integrated with the will and spirituality give birth to that trace of indestructible characteristics, and finally cultivate the supernatural power of rebirth with sanctified flesh and broken limbs.

At this moment.

Yang Gang already understood the implication of immortal will.

The rebirth of a broken limb is not an ordinary way to repair an injury and regenerate the body's flesh and bones.

Only when a limb is severed and re-grows within a few breaths, can it be regarded as the real rebirth of the severed limb, and can it be regarded as the true cultivation of this supernatural power of physical sanctification!
Yang Gang's will has been tempered and tempered, and finally achieved this.

And his opponent, the god of war, Xingtian, was about to cross that threshold under the huge pressure, grow his head again, and regain his peerless supernatural powers.

"Do you also understand? It's a pity...it's too late." Yang Gang's voice fell.

Xing Tian's expression suddenly sank.

Then Yang Gang's arm suddenly grew and grew again.

"You..." Xing Tian was horrified.

This Erlang God Yang Jian has only practiced for so many years, and he comprehended this flesh and blood supernatural power a little faster than him.

And it was this line of difference that caused a complete reversal of the battle situation.

next moment.

A golden light shot out from Yang Gang's three eyes, which fixed Xing Tian's body of a thousand feet.He grabbed Xing Tian's arm violently, and tore it apart under Xing Tian's unstoppable gaze.

A residual arm broke off and fell into the devil's abyss.


Xing Tian roared in pain, his dull voice resounded through the Northern Wilderness, shaking the snowflakes in the sky thousands of miles away.Flesh and bones grew wildly on his neck, reaching the position of his mouth in the blink of an eye.


Yang Gang tried his best to tear it apart again. At this time, his strength seemed to skyrocket, but Xing Tian had no strength left to give birth to his head.

He immediately carried the divine ax on his other arm, and they fell into the boundless abyss together.


Jiuyou God of War roared angrily, but to no avail.

Yang Gang's physical body and mana turned wildly, directly grabbed Xing Tian's legs, and tore them apart forcefully.

"Die!!!" Yang Gang's shocking roar resounded through the world and spread into the distant sky.


Xing Tian's thousand-foot body was torn into two halves, and the screams stopped abruptly.

The remnant body of the ancient demon god who was divided into two halves was thrown into the Nine Nether Demon Abyss powerlessly.

And this time.

Xing Tian's head finally fully grown.


Losing his body, his solitary head floated in the air, staring blankly at Yang Gang in front of him slowly raising the three-pointed two-edged knife.

"God of War Xingtian, if I can behead your head once, I can behead you..." Yang Gang laughed loudly, and slammed down with the knife, "...the second time!"

The blade of the ancient divine soldier slashed heavily on Xing Tian's head.


One of the heads of the Jiuyou God of War, Xingtian, was completely destroyed.

The will, which contains the meaning of immortality, is completely plunged into the boundless darkness, and the body and spirit are completely destroyed.

The thunder surged, and the Dao's inspiration manifested at this moment. It seemed that the Dao of Heaven also sensed that an ancient god who had practiced for thousands of years fell in Beihuang.

The sun slanted to the west, falling on the ice and snow mountains and rivers.

On the little scarlet blood that fell on the snow-white earth, there was a sense of tragedy of a hero's end.

The God of War, Xing Tian, ​​has traversed the mountains and seas for tens of thousands of years, and finally fell into the unknown corner of the Northern Wilderness.

Except for Yang Gang, except for the way of heaven, except for the eternal sun in the sky, no one knows about it.

His immortal will, after all, is still extinguished...

"Rebirth of flesh and blood, rebirth of severed limbs... as long as the body is not sanctified, it will eventually... die." Yang Gang looked at the desolate land of the Northern Wilderness and muttered to himself.

The surrounding time and space suddenly became illusory.

Last minute.

Yang Gang's gaze suddenly turned to Mo Yuan.

A thought flashed in my mind, "The Nine Nether Demon Lord Chi Man is dead. Then, who is the Nine Nether Demon Lord in the future...?"

[When the robbery rises and the robbery ends, the mountains and seas seal the gods and cut the cause and effect. 】

Yang Gang's expression froze, and he landed on this line of words.

The calamity of the Zhuolu Battle is finally over!
The fateful river began to settle.

[You rebelled against Yin and Yang and reversed reincarnation.Searching all over the mountains and seas, and finally in the bitter cold land of the Northern Desolation, he beheaded the God of War, Xingtian, destroying his body and will, and cutting off cause and effect, making Jiuyou completely lose the chance to make a comeback.Evaluation: Zhibi Jinjian. 】

[A golden opportunity has been converted, a three-color opportunity has been transformed, and the accumulated quantity: one (white), one (gold) and one (three-color)]

[After passing through the current "robbing chapter", you can keep the chance savings until the end of the first life, or you can choose to receive it. 】

"It's another golden chance, there are four in total, and I don't know if it is enough to gather the fragments of the three-pointed double-edged sword? There is also a three-color chance... This time, participating in the battle of Zhuolu is a big profit!"

Yang Gang sat cross-legged in the cave, with a hint of joy on his face.

The God of War Xingtian, Zhen Nai also gave away the 'golden' boy!

It's a pity that he is completely dead, otherwise he can help me assemble a complete three-pointed two-edged sword!

Yang Gang thought with some regret.

The river of fate continues to evolve.

One memory picture after another merged into his mind.

[You participated in the study of the previous life and experienced reincarnation.Comprehend the method of sanctification of the second life of Shihuang, experience the battle of Zhuolu, and repeatedly fight against Xingtian, comprehend the first calamity of physical sanctification: turning a stubborn stone into gold, the second calamity: rebirth of flesh and blood, and the third calamity: rebirth of severed limbs.With his own strength, he killed the God of War Xing Tian in the Northern Wilderness, hiding his merit and fame deeply. 】

[Evaluation: Wisdom is unparalleled, strength can confer gods. 】

[Accumulation in previous lives transforms the power of participating in research for 3000 years. 】


Yang Gang stared at Mingjie Changhe, and was taken aback for a moment.

3000 years?
This time is too long, isn't it too outrageous?

Could it be that in the next 3000 years, nothing major will happen in the world of mountains and seas?
Of course not.

The long river of fate began to be postponed.

【the first year.You beheaded and beheaded Xingtian, and retreated in Beihuang for a year, and your physical body has achieved great supernatural powers, and your power is endless and endless. 】

[At the same time, I understand that although Xingtian understands a trace of immortal will, he seems to be missing something. Even if he has immortal will, his body will be destroyed, and he will not be able to preserve his will after all. 】

[You start to think about the follow-up changes of the fourth catastrophe of the Nine Tribulations of Sanctification...]

[Although the god of war Xingtian died, his demon body turned into a mountain, and a ray of indestructible remnant soul will enveloped this piece of heaven and earth all year round, until the mountains and seas collapsed, and the heaven and earth were completely connected.Tens of thousands of years later, the Northern Desolation turned into the Northern Land, and Xing Tian's corpse crawled under the glacier... A spine turned into a magic knife, refined by you.It can be described as a causal cycle, one drink and one peck. 】

[The tenth year.You retreat and practice, and your mana will greatly improve.The new Emperor Zhuanxu noticed Haotian's actions and began to lay out the mountains and seas.It is different from the rule of benevolence and morality implemented by Xuanyuan Shenghuang. It is radical and takes ten years to directly wipe out all the tentacles of Haotian God on the earth. 】

[Then 50 years.The Zhuanxu family established the imperial city with Buzhou Mountain as the pillar of heaven.And you are still retreating at Guanjiangkou, practicing silently, as if you are waiting for something. 】

[The 200th year.The emperor Zhuanxu made great efforts to govern and divided the world into four seas. The son of the Yellow Emperor, Yu Yi, was granted the title of Sea God of the East Sea; Yu Jiang, the son of Yu Yi, was named the Sea God of the North Sea; 】

[God Haotian keeps recruiting ancient immortals and great gods, and there are immortals and gods ascending in the heavens one after another.The power of the emperor is increasing day by day, and half of the way of heaven has belonged to Haotian. 】

[The 500th year.Received the conferment of the Emperor of Heaven, Xuanyuan Holy Emperor, a god, walked out of Xuanyuan Hill, rode a dragon to enter the heavenly realm, ruled the central Yellow Heaven, and was called the Central Yellow Emperor.Julong is its god, and Huanglong is its beast. 】

[Zhuanxu also ordered 'Chong' to support the sky to lift up, and ordered 'Li' to press down on the ground.made the sky extremely high, and the earth extremely deep. 】

[Historically known as the Absolute Heaven and Earth Communication. 】

[Since then, people can't go up again, and gods can't go down indiscriminately. 】

[In the end, it took 300 years. The human emperor Zhuanxu took Buzhou Mountain as the pillar of heaven, fixed the sun, moon and stars in Beiwei, and placed the mountains and rivers of the land in Pingchuan... separated the heaven from the human, and tried to lock the way of heaven in the human world forever. 】

[The first thousand and eight hundred years.Human Emperor Zhuanxu was old, and he was said to be located in Diku. He walked into Xuanyuan Hill alone and followed the Dao of Reincarnation. 800 years later, Zhuanxu's deity entered the heavenly realm and ruled the northern Xuantian, so he was called Northern Xuandi.Yujiang is its god, and the black dragon is its beast. 】

[Thousands of years later, the blue emperor Taihao in the east, the red emperor Shennong in the south, and the white emperor Shaohao in the west... walked out of Xuanyuan Hill one after another and ascended to the heavens.So far, the five heavenly emperors have all returned to their thrones.Haotian God was completely emptied.It is the sky that rules above, and it is called Haotian God, and the human emperor Ku continues to hold the power of heaven. 】


Yang Gang took a long breath.

This new emperor Zhuanxu is really a ruthless person!
After Jue Tian Di Tong, it was not enough to completely seal off the heavens, and even took the "family" to ascend, and directly entered the heavens to become the five heavenly emperors, and completely emptied the authority of Haotian's emperor.

[The second thousand and eight hundred years.You have finally broken through, your cultivation base has greatly improved, and you have stepped into the realm of the consummation of the Earth Immortal. Your mana is extremely strong, and your body's mana and supernatural power gradually enter an inconceivable state.In the past 800 years, you have also thoroughly understood the follow-up of the nine-kalpa sanctification, and you can step into the fourth kalpa of physical sanctification-the realm of eternal consciousness only after the great kalpa of conferring gods begins. 】

[At this time, the earth is singing and dancing, and humans and gods live together.Because the connection between heaven and earth is solid, the inspiration of heaven and earth gradually disappears.Because of its uniqueness, the ancient way of immortality began to spread across the mountains and seas, and everyone can practice it. 】

[The position of Emperor Ren has been passed down from generation to generation, and the virtuous live in it, and it will eventually be passed on to the Emperor 'Di Xin'. 】

[The new emperor succeeds to the throne, and the road is unstable.Haotian finally couldn't bear it any longer, and the secret agent offended the descendant of Nuwa who had gone through a lot of calamities in the world of mortals, Wangchen's first life.Make it order Qingqiu Fox Immortal to destroy humanity and mortal luck. 】

[The luck of humanity has finally flourished and declined. 】

[The 3000th year.You heard that Emperor Xin succeeded to the throne and finally walked out of Guanjiang Estuary.You know in your heart that the opportunity you have been waiting for for 3000 years is finally coming! 】

[The Conferred God Tribulation——is about to start. 】

[This catastrophe that swept people, gods, and immortals in the three realms will have a profound impact on future generations, and fortune and misfortune are unpredictable. 】

"Wangchen's first life, descendant of Nuwa? Qingqiu Fox Immortal, Conferred God Great Tribulation..." Yang Gang walked out of Qingqiu's cave, staring at the incomplete Conferred God Altar in the valley.

For a moment, my heart was surging, and my thoughts were full of thoughts.

"My dear Jiang Jiang, what is your identity!"

(End of this chapter)

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