I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 176 Can He Overturn This Pill Stove and Blow Our Heads?

Chapter 176 Can He Overturn This Pill Stove and Blow Our Heads?

Flames fell on Yang Gang, who was in deep thought.

But it was like waves hitting the rocks, unable to cause any harm.

A divine bridge evolved again above his head, reaching the third level of the divine bridge of heaven and earth.Then an immortal will merged into his whole body, and his physical body gradually entered the state of rebirth of severed limbs.


Yang Gang's aura soared, reaching an unprecedented height in this world.

But the golden pill in the pill furnace has already been digested by him.

The resources that were originally enough for ten people to be promoted to the third level of Shenqiao were only enough for him alone.

"It's gone? What fire and water calamity? That's all!"

Yang Gang looked a little disappointed.

The mana in the body circulated, and suddenly countless pure yang breaths seemed to flow in the body as "yang" characters, but it also made a trace of violence in the heart out of thin air.

"A solitary yin does not grow, and a solitary yang does not grow."

"The calamity of fire corresponds to yang, and the calamity of water corresponds to yin. If I can 'install' two calamities of water and fire on my body to temper my body all the time, wouldn't it be possible to achieve a state of endless power?"

"Will this be one of the follow-up Nine Tribulation Sanctifications?"

"Now that I have faced the calamity of fire here, what about my calamity of water? Could it be fulfilled only after I go to the East China Sea?" Yang Gang thought of this, and he was looking forward to the possible calamity of water in the future.

Yang Gang felt like a fish in water in the Flame Mountain, and he was looking forward to it.

Little did they know that at this moment, outside the alchemy furnace of Huoyan Mountain, there were two figures who were already red-eyed.

A bronze mirror was suspended in front of them.

This mirror is very miraculous, it seems to be able to observe the scene in the alchemy furnace of the Flame Mountain at any time, and it is a magic weapon that cooperates with the alchemy furnace.

At this time, the scene of Yang Gang swallowing the golden elixir at will is emerging in the bronze mirror.

"It's all your fault, tauren!"

The one who spoke was a beautiful fairy, holding a plantain fan and a fairy sword.Angrily staring at his eyes, he said angrily: "I said that the pill furnace has no risk, but you didn't listen, and kept saying to wait, wait, let others find the way."

"It's all right now, the benefits are all for others! Hmph~~ I'm so mad at this princess!"

She was born beautiful and handsome, but her temper was very hot, and she looked like a hot-tempered person.

On the other hand, the Minotaur monster on the other side bowed his head obediently.

He took a careful look at the female fairy's appearance, his face flushed red, "Well, this little fairy lady, I am not acting cautiously, old cow?"

"Why be cautious! Now the benefits are gone, be careful of your size! Stinky minotaur!" The female fairy was so angry that her chest swelled, she pointed at the bull's nose and cursed.

Wuzi was still angry, and said: "I told you that I will cooperate with you, and this fairy will share half of the benefits with you. It's all right now, it's all right now...there's nothing left!"

Say it.

Angrily, she waved her fan, turned around and left.

Unexpectedly, there was a 'huh'.

The fan set off a strange breeze, which suddenly turned into an endless gust of wind, blowing the flames of the Huoyan Mountain into a sizzling sound, and the fire exploded wildly.

Just listen to 'oops'.

The alchemy furnace in the bronze mirror also exploded in flames, and Yang Gang's figure was burned up and jumped up, screaming and slapping his ass.


The female fairy stopped and looked at the cow demon.

With one voice: "Could it be that..."

A fairy and a demon looked at each other one after another, with a tacit smile on their faces.

The female fairy said: "It turns out that the two treasures we just obtained can cooperate with this pill furnace. Your bronze mirror can observe the situation inside the pill furnace, and my plantain fan can boost the fire and refine the pill."

"So, isn't it God helping me?"

The two turned their heads together and looked at Yang Gang in the alchemy furnace.

With red eyes, they said in unison: "Refine him!"

"Yes, he was refined! This strange man contains countless pills and spiritual power. If he can be refined into a pill, it will definitely be better than anything else! We... are about to develop!" The female fairy was ecstatic.

Suddenly he looked at the bull demon with vigilance: "When the time comes, we will each have half of the pills, so you don't have to be greedy to compete with me!"

"Don't worry, lady fairy, I am the most simple and honest old cow."

The cow demon lowered his head, a strange color flashed in his eyes.

The two have never met each other, but there is only one elixir, and the effect of sharing and eating will be greatly halved.You fairy looks beautiful, but you also want to be more beautiful, how naive!

However, the female fairy who turned around had a shrewd brilliance in her eyes.

"This minotaur is stupid, but he still wants to covet the beauty of this female fairy? Huh~~~ When I get the benefits of the elixir, I will make you look good!"

At this moment, Yang Gang was still screaming.

The Flaming Mountain Pill Stove was slapped by the banana fan, and its power seemed to have skyrocketed ten times, even his physical body at this time was a little unbearable.

"What's the situation? Why did the flame suddenly explode, could it be...someone manipulated it outside?"

Yang Gang rolled his eyes.

There is already some understanding in my heart.

But still pretending to be anxious, secretly absorbing the pure yang fire of the pill furnace, waiting for someone outside to open the pill furnace, waiting for the opportunity to break the seal and come out in one fell swoop.

Unexpectedly, after a long time, there was still no movement from the people outside.

"I'm so patient!"

Yang Gang rolled his eyes again, and suddenly stretched out his hand to swipe in front of his eyes.


Countless rare treasures, celestial grasses, and spiritual liquids appeared in front of my eyes.

But it was the resources looted in Bibotan Dragon Palace before.

He just raised his hand and threw a few treasures.

Immediately, countless golden flames entangled automatically, as if they wanted to refine those rare treasures into precious elixirs.

"This Bibotan Dragon Palace is really rich!"

Yang Gang showed a satisfied expression, then picked up a elixir and swallowed it to resist the burning flames around his body, and his breath became stable again.

Outside the Flame Mountain.

"This is... the art of the universe in the sleeve?" The female fairy and the bull demon looked at each other, their expressions became a little dignified.

"This strange talent is in the fairyland, but he has the strength comparable to that of the earth fairy, and even has such magical powers as the inheritance of the art of the universe..." The female fairy seemed to shrink back, and said: "Did we... offend that one?" A powerful descendant of the Immortal Family."

"Lao Niu, shall we forget it?"

"What are you afraid of! Could he still overturn this alchemy furnace and run out to blow our heads?" The bull demon snorted coldly, his eyes were red and he looked at the countless rare treasures in front of Yang Gang.

The bull's face was full of greed.

"These treasures are ten times more precious than those pills, don't you want them?"

"miss you!"

When the female fairy heard the words, she couldn't help but become red-eyed when she saw the countless treasures.

She gritted her teeth fiercely, raised her fan, and fanned wildly at the Flame Mountain.

"I'll slap you to death, I'll slap you to death! Take my elixir, I'll slap you to death..."

Yang Gang only felt the temperature in the pill furnace soared, and the countless rhyme lines in the furnace wall manifested out of thin air, quickly refining the resources he threw into pills, and at the same time refining his physical body thoroughly.

"Oh, it's so hot, it's so hot, I can't take it anymore!" Yang Gang roared, his face full of 'pain' and he fell into the pill furnace and struggled frantically, but his eyes were on the pills that were about to be refined.

Outside the alchemy furnace.

The female fairy and the cow demon looked at each other, and they all showed joy.



Brothers, I'm back!

Even though I was sweating coldly in pain and knelt on the ground to type, I gritted my teeth and completed today's two shifts.

Perhaps, this is the persistence of the man!

Just like when I open the browser, every time it reminds me that there is a risk, but I still insist on visiting every time!

Just like when I went for a massage today, the regular store happened to have an annual meeting.As a last resort, I had to go to an informal store that I don't often go to... At the critical moment, the hand of the No. 68 technician crossed my front crack line and went all the way up.

I suddenly grabbed her wrist firmly, and said domineeringly: "Today, no! I must hurry back and update for my readers' fathers!"

Perhaps this...is the persistence of the man!
So, can everyone give me a monthly ticket, reward and encourage me?I really can't bear it anymore, I almost lost half my life today because of these two chapters, and slipped away for tomorrow's update... Thank you my readers, dads!

(End of this chapter)

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