I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 177 Fighting 2 Boundary Mountains Again, Sitting and Killing the Demon Emperor's Envoy

Chapter 177 Fighting the Liangjie Mountains again and killing the demon emperor's envoy

"Burn you to death, I will burn you to death!"

Outside the Flame Mountain, the female fairy frantically shook the plantain fan, fanning the flames non-stop.

Inside the alchemy furnace, Yang Gang yelled indiscriminately.

It's just that every time he was dying, he would struggle to grab a pill and take it, and he would immediately come back to life, alive and well.

Yang Gang's acting skills are not bad, but the two people outside were blinded by their interests, and they didn't find it tricky for a while, but they worked harder to fan the wind, trying to refine Yang Gang thoroughly before the next batch of elixir was refined.

As for confronting him head-on, the two dare not!
"It hurts, it's so hot, I can't take it anymore!" Yang Gang fell into the alchemy furnace with a 'painful' expression on his face, but his body gradually felt like an addiction, and he didn't feel comfortable even if he wasn't tempered by the raging fire for a moment.

This feeling of obviously being able to feel the improvement of the physical body bit by bit is really fascinating.


Yang Gang could feel the three-eyed eyes between his brows, refined by the flames of the Eight Diagrams Furnace, as if a ray of golden light that would break the catastrophe would emerge from the mountains and seas.

This is a divine ability.

Even in the Shan Hai Ji, the world where the Dao manifested, it took him 14 years to finally complete it.

The person who controls the fire outside the alchemy furnace is really his great benefactor!

After going out, be sure to 'repay' him well!


49 days have passed.

Outside the Flame Mountain.

The female fairy and the bull demon sat on the ground bored, staring blankly at the bronze mirror in front of them.

After 49 days, they already had a little understanding of the strange man in the bronze mirror... Maybe he was playing tricks on them.

"Lao Niu, we may be parting today. We have been together for so many days, and I haven't asked your name yet?"

The fairy turned her head and said with a pretty face.

"My name is Niu."

The cow demon answered honestly.

Even though he knew that this fairy lady didn't really care about her name.

"A Niu, don't you have a surname?" The fairy was slightly taken aback.

"Does the surname... the cow count?" The bull demon scratched his head.

"Niu Niu?" The female fairy was speechless for a while.

"That fairy girl, what's your name?"

Hearing the cow demon's words, the female fairy shook her fan's hand and said, "My princess...my name is..."

Right now.

Suddenly, an earth-shattering golden light rose from the Flaming Mountain in front.

Inside the suspended bronze mirror, the picture suddenly blurred and the sky spun.

The female fairy and the cow demon all turned their heads to look at the Flaming Mountain, with horror on their faces.

"Not good! He is really going to overturn this pill furnace!"

a little while ago.

Yang Gang sat cross-legged in the alchemy furnace, all the materials around his body were almost consumed, a little golden light shone between his brows, and a fourth bridge of heaven and earth stretched out above his head.

The physical body has also undergone complete changes, far exceeding the degree of rebirth of severed limbs in the third kalpa.

But the distance from stepping into the fourth catastrophe completely, Yang Gang is still a little confused.

It seems that the eternal suffering of water and fire in the body is not the fourth of the nine eons of sanctification. This or two eons have surpassed the stage that he should practice now, so he cannot succeed.

"Forget it, it's time to go out!"

Yang Gang suddenly opened his eyes, raised his head and stared upwards.

Surrounded by golden light, his body gradually turned into a layer of golden battle armor, majestic and majestic, a burst of golden light burst out from the vertical eyes on his forehead, and hit the top of the alchemy furnace above his head with a bang.

The earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking.

The top cover of the huge alchemy furnace buzzed, and a gap opened.

There was another thunderous roar.

Then, under the horrified eyes of the female fairy and the bull demon, the figure of Yang Gang holding the alchemy top rose slowly from the Flame Mountain.


He threw it violently.

He straightly flipped the top cover of the alchemy furnace and flew out.

The fire from the sky splashed, the earth trembled and the mountains shook, and the female fairies and cow demons in front of the mountain couldn't stand still, and flew into the air, and their figures were reflected in Yang Gang's eyes.

One has the body of a bull head and the other holds a banana fan.

"The Bull Demon King, Princess Iron Fan?"

Yang Gang was refined in the Bagua Furnace for 49 days, and he was already full of anger.

Seeing the figures of the two, he blurted out without hesitation, "Okay, so it's you couple... dare to set a trap against me, today I, Yang, will definitely repay you!"

"Beat us?"

The cow demon and the female fairy gasped, stepped back a little bit, and suddenly turned around and fled.

The female fairy turned around and explained: "What kind of couple, you need to slander this princess's Qingbai! I am the country of Raksha... ah!" But a golden saber light came towards them, crashing into the backs of the two of them.

The two who had just stepped into the realm of the earth fairy after many years of practice, threw their bodies to the ground as soon as they met, and lay on the ground moaning and chirping.

"Today, I will teach you a harsh lesson!"

Yang Gang rubbed his fists and walked slowly in front of the two.

"Daxian spare your life!"

The bull demon plopped and knelt on the ground, his eyes flickering.

However, the female fairy with a fierce temperament was angered, and grabbed the bull demon, "Please forgive me, he thought we set a trap to assassinate him, and he will not spare our lives today!"

Say it.

The fairy sword in his hand suddenly flashed and hit Yang Gang.

Just hear a 'ding' sound.

Yang Gang scratched his chest, unharmed, and even felt a little itchy.

The cow demon and the female fairy were shocked on the spot, dumbfounded.

A heart gradually sinks into the abyss.

Facing Yang Gang who was walking step by step, he couldn't give birth to the slightest resistance.

After a while.

The two were captured by Yang Gang and obediently confessed everything.

Two months ago.

They accidentally met outside the Flame Mountain, fell into the Flame Mountain after a fight, and were almost burned to death by the pill furnace. Fortunately, the female fairy was pregnant with a treasure, and escaped to the sky at the moment when the pill furnace was closed.

It's just that the two of them didn't dare to step into the Flame Mountain again.

Just when Yang Gang appeared at this time, they wanted him to explore the way, but who knew that he was fulfilled, and all the benefits were left to him alone.

speak up.

Although their starting point was bad, they did help Yang Gang and saved him countless hours of refining resources.

Yang Gang knew very well that the ultimate reason for his suffering was the curse of the Qingqiu Fox Immortal.

"However, the death penalty can be avoided, and the living crime cannot be escaped."

Yang Gang smiled coldly, turned around and said.

"Since you want to refine me, let's go to the Eight Diagrams Furnace together, and I will let you out after 49 days. Whether you live or die at that time depends on your luck!"

The voice fell.

The two were horrified, and when they were about to struggle, Yang Gang grabbed his shoulders tightly and threw them into the furnace of the Flame Mountain Pill.

A raging flame burned, drowning the figures of the two.


Yang Gang flew up and kicked the top of the alchemy stove.

Suddenly there was a bang.

The alchemy furnace was tightly closed.

Even if the two of them cried and shouted inside, he couldn't hear them anymore.

But at the last critical moment, the female fairy slapped a plantain fan while struggling, and a strange breeze suddenly emerged, blowing down on Yang Gang at the last moment when the lid of the pill furnace was closed.

"what is this?"

Yang Gang's body remained motionless.

The flames of the Bagua Furnace could not refine his body after 49 days of refinement. Could it be that a mere breeze can do nothing to him?

Right now.

That strange breeze fell on his body and suddenly turned into an endless gust of wind.

A trace of astonishment flashed across Yang Gang's leisurely expression.

"Damn it! The plantain fan——"

next moment.

His figure suddenly turned into a stream of light, flying towards the distant sky.

And in the gossip furnace.

The cow demon and the female fairy called their father and mother, but they didn't see Yang Gang's response for a long time, and they didn't know that he had been blown thousands of miles away by his fan.

In desperation, the two had to save themselves.

After all, the female fairy is the princess of the Raksha Kingdom, and she is worth a lot of money. She took out the treasure that resisted the fire and water.

Shortly after.

A large group of Qingqiu fox demons appeared outside the Flame Mountain.

There are immortal kings and earth immortals in the team.

They were guided by Qingqiu's fox fairy's supernatural powers to find Yang Gang's hiding place, but they couldn't even find the source of the anomaly in the Flame Mountain after searching, so they had to return to Qingqiu in desperation.

49 days after July [-]th, Yang Gang still did not return to Huoyan Mountain.

One year later.

The female fairy's magic weapon was exhausted, and she could no longer resist the flame of the pill furnace.

The two 'like each other' in the alchemy furnace, and had no choice but to practice the method of joint cultivation, yin and yang complement each other, and change their own cultivation methods, in order to survive in the alchemy furnace.

As a result, the two gradually fell in love with each other and gave birth to a son.

He is born with supernatural power, can breathe out flames, and can come and go freely in the pill furnace.

The two got out of trouble.

But the female fairy was ashamed of this experience and never dared to go home again, so she, the bull demon and her own children built a cave on a verdant hilltop three hundred miles away from the Flame Mountain.

Under the aliases of Bull Demon King and Princess Iron Fan, she gradually gained a firm foothold.


Two Boundary Mountains.

"Let my old grandson go out... let my old grandson go out..."

The angry shout of the Stone Monkey King resounded through the sky.

He was covered with golden monkey hair, but was covered with various iron juices and copper water, and all kinds of stench all over his body, he was in an unprecedented embarrassment.

"Old dragon, old fox, nine-headed worm... When my old grandson goes out, you will surely die! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh") the stone monkey king stared at the three figures in front of him."

Nine demon saints with nine heads so red and purple, and a demon dragon with a monstrous body.

The last person is a humanoid.

His beard and hair are all white, and he looks like a kind old man, but he is actually an old fairy in the demon realm, a fox who has become enlightened.

500 years ago, he was the one who conspired to trick Sun Fan into the Eternal Demon Realm.

More than half a year ago, he was also the one who tricked the Stone Monkey King into the Two Realms Mountain, and suppressed him under the Two Realms Mountain with the Demon Emperor's Order Talisman.


The three of them are making plans, thinking about how to concoct the Stone Monkey King, so as to complete the task of the Demon Emperor and obliterate the Stone Monkey King's Dao Heart.

By the way...to solve the hatred between the Dragon King of Wansheng and the Nine-Headed Demon Saint.

Right now.

In the distant sky, a figure descended from the sky, danced and danced, and landed in front of the two mountains.

Yang Gang sat down on the ground, staring blankly at the three figures in front of him.

Stone Monkey King...Nine-headed Demon Saint...Eternal Dragon King...

However, their eyes were on the bottom of his buttocks in astonishment.


Only then did Yang Gang feel that he seemed to be sitting on something, he raised his butt in a daze, and immediately saw a pile of bloody meat paste.

Looking at the shape, it can be vaguely judged to be a gray fox.

"Sword Demon, Yang Gang."

The sound of the nine-headed demon saint gnashing his teeth sounded at this moment.

"You...how dare you kill the Demon Emperor's envoy?"

Wansheng Dragon King pointed at Yang Gang, his fingers trembling with anger and fear.

"Good bro, nice job!"

The Stone Monkey King smiled and gave Yang Gang a thumbs up.

The emissary of the Demon Emperor, who was unparalleled in resourcefulness and always hiding behind his back and calculating everything, was sat down to death by Yang Gang!What a relief!

When Yang Gang came to Liangjie Mountain again, everyone was completely shocked.

"Uh...Hi everyone! This..."

Yang Gang raised his head, showed an awkward smile and pointed at the old fox under his buttocks, "If I say, I didn't do it on purpose...do you believe it?"

"Believe it, why don't you believe it?"

Thousands of monsters under the mountains of the two worlds all looked 'trusting', eager to fight, and looked at Yang Gang fiercely.

all of a sudden.

The situation in the sky of Liangjie Mountain was changing, and the monstrous killing intent rushed to Yang Gang, shaking the surroundings.

(End of this chapter)

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