I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 180 Cen Shanlin, the dog king, must die

Chapter 180 Cen Shanlin, the dog king, must die

"Do you really think that you can do whatever you want after beheading the Daoist Daoist? Without the Daoist Daoist Demon Saint, my body can still kill you!" The nine-headed Demon Saint looked furious, and his body changed suddenly.

It turned into the body of a hydra like a willow, the great god of ancient times.

It's just that his six heads that are left alone look a little miserable and ridiculous.

But the Nine-Headed Demon Saint couldn't care about these things at this time, his body swelled extremely rapidly, and he used the supernatural powers of the sky and the earth, and he turned into a body of five hundred feet in the blink of an eye.

A powerful coercion came straight to Yang Gang.

"I said, today, I will kill you to relieve my hatred!"

The nine-headed demon saint looked at Yang Gang coldly, with a slightly smug expression on his face.

This is the background of the demon saint.

Without the Dao foundation of the spiritual platform, he can still easily crush the earth immortal and demon king with only his physical body.


When Yang Gang heard the words, he seemed to have heard the funniest words in the world.

"That's it? Use the supernatural powers of heaven and earth in front of me?"

Looking at the 'huge' body of the Nine-Headed Demon Saint, he couldn't help but sneer and said, "So what if you can't make a second cut? As I said, killing you...is like slaughtering a dog!"

"You... kill!"

The nine-headed demon sage was completely enraged, and with a roar, his five hundred-foot body was already killed.

"It's really... overestimating one's abilities!" Yang Gang suddenly took a deep breath.

this moment.

Countless inspirations from heaven and earth on Liangjie Mountain suddenly rolled back towards him like wind and clouds, and his figure swelled step by step in an instant.

in a blink.

It turned into a behemoth standing between heaven and earth, a huge gold-armored god of war.


The nine-headed demon saint with a body as high as five hundred feet raised his head blankly.Looking at Yang Gang, who towered into the clouds in front of him and was as big as a thousand feet, he was completely dumbfounded.

"Nine-headed worms..."

The magnificent voice came from the clouds.

A slight movement of Yang Gang's figure caused boundless disturbances.

He bent down, his eyes were as big as the sun, moon and stars, looking down at the 'tiny' nine-headed demon saint at his feet.

Majesticly said: "You want...to kill me?"


The nine-headed demon saint has six heads and twelve eyes with dull expressions, and the six mouths are tightly closed at this moment, not daring to answer.


Yang Gang suddenly shouted.

The sound descended from the nine heavens, setting off a boundless gust of wind, blowing countless little monsters in the Eternal Demon Territory.


The nine-headed demon saint was dumbfounded.

This Yang Gang not only awakened to the sixth life stage, but also cultivated such a terrifying supernatural power of the physical body, reaching a full thousand feet after the law of heaven and earth.

How many years has he practiced?

Even with endless resources, how terrifyingly talented and savvy would it take to get to this point?
this moment.

Yang Gang turned into a body of thousands of feet, as if he came from an ancient myth, and became the center of the world.

At the foot of Liangjie Mountain, the Stone Monkey King raised his head blankly.

"My brother...is worthy of being the brother who lives with me! My old grandson is ashamed...he can't be surpassed!"

At this time, the nine-headed demon saint was still in a daze.

"not talking?"

Yang Gang's voice buzzed and shook the world.

Suddenly, a giant hand that held up to the sky fell from the sky and grabbed the body of the nine-headed demon saint.

"If you don't speak, then die!"

"Rao~~~" A voice stopped abruptly.

With a violent throw, Yang Gang smashed the nine-headed demon saint's five-hundred-foot body to the ground.

The earth trembled, cracking huge ravines one after another.

The nine-headed demon saint's five-hundred-foot body crashed down dozens of miles away, smashing a big hole in the ground, his body sank into the ground, and his six heads vomited blood crazily.

This scene was so tragic that it was shocking.

On this day today, Yang Gang has brought too many shocks to the sentient beings in the three realms, nine heavens and ten places.

After all, this is the nine-headed demon saint in the realm of the fairy king!


They were all numb from shock.

What is that magical weapon in his hand?
Yang Gang raised his footsteps, and in the blink of an eye, he covered a distance of tens of miles.

He bent down again and grabbed the tail of the nine-headed demon saint, and slammed it on the ground.

Boom! !

The sky fell apart, and the mountains and seas trembled.

The terrifying scene made countless demons near Liangjie Mountain stunned.

At this moment, they seem to have returned to ancient times.

I saw a great ancient god, slaughtering strange beasts in the mountains and seas.

Boom boom boom!
Grabbed again and again, smashed down again and again.

"Ah - Rao"

"Ah - Rao"

"Ah - please forgive me!"

The screams of the nine-headed demon saint resounded through the eternal demon realm.

Everyone was shocked by Yang Gang's ferocity, no matter whether it was the big demon or the demon king who heard the news, they dared not step forward to help.

But for a moment.

The nine-headed demon saint was already on the verge of death, and was thrown thousands of miles away by Yang Gang like a ball. Yang Gang violently picked off his heads one by one, and kicked them far away.

"Hahahaha, after today, the name of the nine-headed worm will be known as the ball, and it should be passed down through the ages!" Yang Ganglang laughed, looking at the nine-headed demon saint who had only his last head left.

The nine-headed demon saint was lying on the ground, and his figure suddenly shrunk a little bit.

With a miserable smile: "Yang Gang, you dare to kill me...I curse you! I curse you to die!"

"Really? There are too many people cursing me, and you're not missing one!"

A strong murderous intent flashed across Yang Gang's eyes, he raised his foot, and lifted it viciously towards his only remaining head.


The Wansheng Dragon King finally couldn't bear it anymore and shouted angrily.

"Where is the old Dragon King going?" Li Chunyun stopped in front of him, the Immortal Sword in one hand was as pure as water, revealing a dangerous aura faintly.

He said playfully: "Your son-in-law has committed countless crimes in his life, and today he should have this calamity."

"Sword Demon Yang Gang! Erlang God Yang Jian!"

The Dragon King of Wansheng shouted anxiously: "Are you really going to do such a great job? Don't forget, this is the Eternal Demon Realm. My powerful demon realm will arrive soon. If you dare to kill him, today will be a difficult day!"


Yang Gang's feet, which were tens of feet long, paused slightly, and then continued to step on them with a bang.


In the distant sky, two streamers of light suddenly appeared.

The two demon saint foxes from Qingqiu finally arrived.

Two powerful auras were far on Yang Gang's body, even stronger than the Nine-Headed Demon Saint.

Yang Gang's expression changed slightly.

These two fox spirits, who have been protected by the Qingqiu fox fairy for countless years, used to crawl around innocently on him before, but they never thought that after being revived together with the Qingqiu fox fairy... they would be so powerful.


Want to stop Yang Gang from killing him?
A sneer appeared on Yang Gang's face.

After six lifetimes, even in the presence of Chi Man, the demon lord of the Nine Netherworlds, he also beheaded Xing Tian under the attention of all beings in the mountains and seas.

What's more, you little foxes!
Bigfoot resolutely stepped down heavily.

"Ah—" Nine-headed Demon Saint let out a short scream.

When Yang Gang lifted his big foot, there was a deep hole in the ground, and there was only a puddle of soft meat.

A fairy king and a demon saint really died in the hands of a mortal fairy.

At the foot of the Two Boundaries Mountain, there was silence between heaven and earth.

Looking at the messy scene, Li Chunyun couldn't help frowning deeply.

"Strong enemies are around, this round is dangerous! I only have one person, but I can't protect this troublemaker!" He couldn't help but glanced in Da Zhou's direction, as if he could see countless immortals rushing towards him.


The hinterland of Dazhou is hundreds of millions of miles away, and when they arrive, I'm afraid they will have to collect Yang Gang's body.

Unless...he still has the ability to cut out that knife just now.

At this time.

But Yang Gang turned his head and said: "Brother Li, today's catastrophe is all because of me. You have helped me a lot all the way, and you have never had time to thank you. Today... Yang Gang thank you here."

Say it.

He actually bowed deeply to Li Chunyun.

Li Chunyun's expression changed suddenly, and a bad feeling rose in his heart.

Listening to this...however, it sounds like a last word.

Could it be that he really couldn't cut that knife again?

"No." Li Chunyun said resolutely: "500 years ago, I watched that child Sun Fan enter the demon realm and be devoured to death by thousands of demons. Today... I will never let the tragedy of that year happen again."

"Brother Li..."

Yang Gang looked at Li Chunyun who was thousands of miles away, his expression moved.

"do not talk."

Li Chunyun's face was full of determination, "You have your way. I, Li Chunyun, also have my way to stick to it. If I let you ignore it today, then I have practiced for thousands of years... I might as well feed it to the dog!"

After all, countless sword lights suddenly bloomed all over his body, and immortal swords burst out from his body, as if he was going to desperately.

However at this time.

His expression changed again.

Suddenly a strong aura flew in the sky, which seemed to be much stronger than the auras of Li Chunyun, Wansheng Dragon King, and the two fox demon saints present.


A mournful long chant sounded like a dog roaring at the sun, full of evil aura.

next moment.

The sun in the sky seemed to dim suddenly.

"The supernatural power of roaring sun... This is the dog king Cen Shanlin!"

The Wansheng Dragon King, Qingqiu Fox Demon, and the countless monsters on the mountains of the Two Realms all showed joy on their faces.

The dog is really here!

Moreover, it is also a dog king Cen Shanlin who has traversed the demon realm for thousands of years, and it is rumored that he has even awakened some of the life ranks of the ancient past.

this moment.

The expression on Li Chunyun's face completely changed.


But he clenched the fairy sword in his hand more and more, his eyes were extremely firm, "The tragedy of 500 years ago, I absolutely...will not let him repeat itself! Absolutely!"

It's just that he was about to move.

The Wansheng Dragon King suddenly appeared in front of him, blocked Li Chunyun's way, and said coldly: "You stopped me just now, didn't you expect that today...you will be blocked by me?"

"Li Chunyun, today, Yang Gang will definitely die!"


Li Chunyun's expression became completely gloomy and murderous.




Two fox demons, Cen Shanlin Dog King, and three extremely powerful auras faintly surrounded Yang Gang, who was thousands of miles away from the Two Boundary Mountains, from three directions.


Yang Gang raised his head, and the three-pointed two-edged knife on his neck melted into his hand again.

Looking at Li Chunyun in the distance, he sighed and said softly, "Don't worry, Brother Li, I won't implicate you..."

Boom boom boom!
Suddenly, Liangjie Mountain shook and rocks flew.

"Get up! Get up! Get up!"

"Give me—get up!"

The Stone Monkey King roared suddenly, and he lifted his back up the mountain of ten thousand zhang.The body is bit by bit, bit by bit... Boom!A golden light suddenly fell from the Demon Emperor's Token Talisman, easily suppressing him.

The Stone Monkey King let out a 'puchi' sound, spurting out countless blood froth from his mouth, his internal organs were severely injured again, and his face was covered with blood.


He seems like he hasn't been seen.

He just stared at Yang Gang who was about to be surrounded by three demon saints.

Looking up to the sky, he roared angrily: "Old Demon Emperor, if you dare to hurt my brother today! My old grandson will definitely kill you forever in the future! Even if this world is overthrown, and that reincarnation is overthrown, I will kill you...... !"

"Ah! Ah ah ah!"

An angry roar resounded through the world.

They all wanted to save Yang Gang.

Unfortunately, nothing can be done.

Faced with such a desperate situation, who can save Yang Gang today?
The answer is - no one.


A calm voice sounded in the void.

"I, Yang Gang, have experienced six lifetimes in my life, and I have no regrets in a hundred deaths." Yang Gang stood above the sky, wearing a golden armor and flying black hair, facing the three demon saints who were getting closer.

He slowly raised the three-pointed two-edged knife.

The direction of the blade is overwhelming.

"Today, even if it is beyond redemption, why do you need help?"

"Kill—" he roared violently, shaking the world.

A great sun suddenly rose from the earth.

The great sun above the sky suddenly descended a peerless true fire of the sun.

It's like... the ancient calamity, the sun burning the sky!

(End of this chapter)

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