I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 181 Fighting Heaven and Earth, Invincible God of War!

Chapter 181 Fighting Heaven and Earth, Invincible God of War!
"This... this supernatural power..."

"What realm is he, that he has comprehended the Dao so far? If he advances to the realm of the immortal king in the future... then it's okay?"

A big sun that covers the sky rises from the flat ground, and it shines with the sun in the sky, which actually arouses the brilliance of the big sun to drop down a stream of pure sun and real fire.

This scene...

In the human world, at the extremes of the earth and at the peak of immortals, there are three realms and nine calamities in practice.

Not to mention that people today have never seen it, even in ancient times it never happened.

"Cen Shan Lin Dog King, come to fight!"

Yang Gang held a three-pointed and two-edged knife, and suddenly took the initiative to meet the front, the dog king Cen Shanlin whose aura surpassed the realm of ordinary immortals.


With a mournful long cry, the dog king Cen Shanlin in the distance seemed to be furious.

"At the order of the Demon Emperor, come to capture the ancient god, Erlang God—Yang Jian!"

all of a sudden.

In the ten-thousand-mile territory near Liangjie Mountain, countless avenues of inspiration manifested out of thin air. This is a powerful manifestation of a peerless supernatural power.

Above the sky, a phantom of a huge tengu suddenly appeared.

It opened its huge mouth and swallowed the sun from the sky in one gulp.

a time.

Sand and rocks flew between the sky and the earth, all spirits went into convulsions, and fell into complete darkness.

A group of people, immortals, and demons can only rely on their own mana to illuminate the whole body, and they can't even extend their perception.

Tengu eats the sun VS the big sun burns the sky.

The powerful Cen Shanlin dog king seemed to be even better.


However, this supernatural power seemed to take the initiative to bypass the two demon saints, the fox and the Wansheng dragon king, and gave them enough light.

"good chance!"

The Wansheng Dragon King was overjoyed immediately, and disappeared in front of Li Chunyun in a flash.


Li Chunyun was shocked, a sword light suddenly fell and chased after him, but it was like a mud cow entering the sea, and it had no effect.


Four tyrannical auras surrounded all of Yang Gang's paths from the four directions of east, west, south, and north.

a time.

His situation is even more dangerous.


Yang Gang's expression remained calm.

A round of big sun in the hand does not come out, condensed on the tip of the three-pointed and two-edged knife.

His gaze was fixed on a gigantic animal mouth in the void ahead.It seems to have the ability to devour the world, quietly waiting for his supernatural power.

The real confrontation between the two has not yet begun.

"Cen Shanlin Dog King?"

Yang Gang's calm voice resounded, stirring the heaven and the earth, arousing the Taoist rhyme of the whole body, magnificent like an ancient god.


Cen Shanlin replied subconsciously.

"In ancient times, when did you attain enlightenment?" Yang Gang's majestic voice sounded.

"It should be the catastrophe of conferring the gods."

The Dog King Cen Shanlin replied instinctively, he only awakened part of his memory, how could he know so clearly.


The memory of the ancient mythical mountains and seas period is only awakened, and it has countless benefits for the power of the fairy realm.

This is the difference between Cen Shanlin Dog King and other demon saints.Only dare to be called king, but not holy.Because it is very clear that in ancient times, it was just a weak scum!
"I see."

Yang Gang nodded, this dog king was born after the Great Tribulation of Conferring Gods, so he should not recognize himself.


Cen Shanlin the dog king shook his head, and then realized that he was obeying the order of a mortal fairy?

When reason returns to the brain.

He suddenly became furious, and opened his mouth wide to swallow Yang Gang: "You are a mortal fairy, how dare you ask me such a question?"

The surrounding void trembled.

The huge mouth that swallowed the sky suddenly opened, at an extremely slow speed, but it seemed to engulf the surrounding space for thousands of miles, and did not give Yang Gang any chance to escape.

Yang Gang looked at the huge mouth swallowing the sky above his head.

A faint smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Supernatural power to roar at the sun, Tiangou eats the sun? Who gave you the tone to dare to take such a name?"


Cen Shanlin, the dog king, couldn't help being startled.

The two foxes and the Wansheng Dragon King around were also slightly stunned, saying that other people speak loudly, but you yourself...

Right now.

Yang Gang held a three-pointed two-edged knife, and gently pushed the big sun on the blade forward.

"Look, this knife may be a long time in the future...I won't be able to cut it out. Don't blink!"

A round of big sun went straight into the sky-swallowing mouth of King Cen Shanlin.

It closed subconsciously.

this moment.

The world suddenly fell silent.

Yang Gang, the two fox demons, and the Dragon King of All Saints all stared at a monstrous giant dog that suddenly froze in place.

next moment.

It suddenly looked up to the sky and howled.


Endless true fire of the sun, brilliant light burst out from its mouth suddenly, shaking the world and shaking the world.

Near Liangjie Mountain, everyone felt a dazzling sun suddenly appeared in the world, and the world with a radius of thousands of miles was instantly illuminated by endless light.

Tengu eclipse day.

In the blink of an eye, it became a tengu spitting out the sun.


Everyone stared blankly at the sky, a thin dog held a huge sun in its mouth, frantically shaking its head and tail as if trying to throw the big sun out of its mouth.


This knife is the natural evolution of Yang Gang's view of the catastrophe of annihilation in ancient times. In the ancient mountains and seas, the golden crow rose and set, and the avenue of heaven and earth was naturally derived.

The Great Sun Burning the Sky, even if you swallow it in one gulp, how can you spit it out so easily?

The Cen Shanlin Dog King roared up to the sky, and there was a bang in his mouth, and the golden light filled the sky, covering the sky and covering the earth, drowning everyone's vision.

this moment.

It has infinite remorse in its heart.

It's too careless!How reckless!

If he is given another chance, he will never dare to underestimate this Erlang God Yang Jian again.


A roar resounded through the heavens and the earth.

Cen Shanlin Dog King understands that if he continues like this, his body will inevitably be exploded by the big sun in his mouth, destroying the Dao foundation of the Roaring Sun magical power, and will end up in a situation where he will explode and die!
But after all, it came from ancient times, and was reincarnated as an ancient great monster who awakened to the fate level.

Suddenly there was a long howl, and the endless Dao Yun around him surged crazily.

King Cen Shanlin tried his best to mobilize his magical powers, and once again used his supernatural powers to fight against the sun.

For a moment, the scene fell into a stalemate.

If at this time, Yang Gang had time to make up for it, it would naturally be a situation of death.


Yang Gang turned around silently and looked at the two demon saint foxes.

The three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand radiated endless sharpness again, shocking the two monsters on the spot, with a look of surprise.

"You villain, don't put on airs. The two consecutive slashes just now were borrowed from the power of the ancients. It is impossible for you to have spare power..."

The voice did not fall.

Yang Gang remained silent, and slowly slashed.

This knife.

The momentum is like mountains and seas, as if covering the endless vicissitudes of the mountains and seas, witnessing the origin of myths and legends.

After personally experiencing the ancient Shan Hai Ji, Yang Gang's Shan Hai Yi Dao has also entered the stage of being extremely strong.

With this knife cut out.

The two fox demon saints seem to be fixed in the air by a powerful force of stagnation.

Yang Gang's voice, as steady as a mountain and sea rock, rang in their ears, "At first, I also thought that I could only slash once."

"However, when you completely cut off my retreat and drove me to a dead end. When I decided to bear all this alone, I realized... the three-pointed double-edged knife, the ancient artifact, the will in my heart is strong enough , which means that it will become more and more powerful..."

"As long as my will is strong enough, I can borrow infinite power from this artifact. The infinite power once belonged to me. This may not be enough to deal with the real strong, but it is enough for you..."

Yang Gang raised his head suddenly and looked straight ahead.

Cut out decisively with one knife.

"Remember, the name of this knife is: Shan Hai... Ji!"

The sky collapsed, and the void seemed to collapse.

Before the two fox demons could show any supernatural powers, they were cut horizontally in front of their chests by this knife.

After a scream, his figure turned into a streamer and cast towards Qingqiu.


Yang Gang retracted the knife slowly, exhaling a foul breath.


His body trembled, and cracks appeared like eggshells, as if he was about to explode and die at any moment.


Yang Gang looked at his body and couldn't help sighing with regret.

Then look at the last enemy, the Halloween Dragon King.

After all, this is not in ancient times, and my body is not as good as the reincarnation of the fairy jade pendant, born of the blood of the goddess Yaoji.

Cutting out three swords that surpassed countless levels of realms one after another, even the physical body of the third calamity of the Nine Tribulations Sanctification, was also completely on the verge of collapse.

Don't look at the appearance as just a series of cracks, in fact, the internal muscles, tendons and bones have already been shattered into countless residues, and the fourth cut can no longer be made.

It was only because of his supernatural powers that he barely survived.

I saw wisps of miraculous will emerging at this moment, merging into the flesh and blood, coagulating and repairing Yang Gang's flesh and blood little by little like glue.

This is the power of the second catastrophe of nine catastrophes: rebirth of flesh and blood.

this moment.

For nine days and ten days, everyone who witnessed this great battle was shocked.

Yang Gang... Erlang God Yang Jian... What kind of ruthless person is this?Killed the nine-headed demon saint with one knife, wounded the dog king Cen Shanlin with one knife, and retreated two demon saints of the fox tribe with one knife...


in the sky.

A small dog suddenly swallowed the big sun in its mouth forcibly, turned around, and fled into the distance with its tail between its legs.

Yang Gang didn't chase after him.

Because at this moment, except for the aura of fighting everything, he can no longer arouse a trace of strength on his body.

At the foot of the Two Worlds Mountain.

An incomparably huge pressure shrouded the body of the Dragon King.


Wansheng Dragon King said shyly: "I don't believe it, you can still make the last knife."

Can he... still make a fourth cut?
Although at this time Yang Gang looked like it was absolutely impossible to make a fourth cut.

But his previous achievements have already left a deep imprint in the hearts of the world.

After all, they are the four demon saints!
One death, one injury and two retreats, with such a record, who would dare to underestimate him at this moment?
"Don't believe it? You can try."

Yang Gang suddenly took a step forward.


The Wanshi Dragon King screamed in surprise, turned around and fled like crazy.


this moment.

The whole world fell into silence.

With the Dragon King of all ages, he fled without a fight.

Yang Gang stopped, and slowly put down the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand.

Looking at the void, he said softly: "Dare to ask all the living beings in the Eternal Demon Realm, who else... dares to take my last knife!"

"..." The world was silent.

No one responded to Yang Gang's words.

Majestic, domineering!
At this moment, Yang Gang's body was filled with fighting spirit from ancient times, like an invincible god of war standing in the sky and earth, shining brightly, making people almost dare not look directly at him.

The last cut.

It must be a desperate knife.

Who dares to accept this knife?

At this moment, who dares to question whether he can make the last cut?


Yang Gang turned around and looked at Wangu Yaoyu, with a disdainful smile.

The breath on his body gradually faded away.

Everything is finally over.


Really...is that the end?

After all, this is the Eternal Demon Realm!


A majestic voice suddenly came from the depths of the Eternal Demon Realm.

A golden light shot out from the Demon Emperor's Token Talisman on the Mountain of Two Realms, and landed on the Wansheng Dragon King who was fleeing at top speed.


An earth-shattering long chant.

The figure of the Wansheng Dragon King changed involuntarily, and in the blink of an eye, he turned into a three-thousand-foot-long dragon.He turned his dragon head and looked at Yang Gang, his eyes were cold and ruthless, full of brutal murderous intent.

this moment.

It was as if he had completely lost his mind, and he was a completely different person.

(End of this chapter)

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