I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 182 The Death of Yang Gang

Chapter 182 The Death of Yang Gang
"Three... three thousand feet of dragon body?"

"Taunting the Demon Realm, and attracting the Demon Emperor himself to take action... This calamity is really killing me!"

"Entering the demon realm alone, beheading a hundred thousand demons, and even killing a demon saint... Treating all beings in the ancient demon realm as nothing, provoking the demon emperor. He must pay the price of death, hahaha!"


The corner of Yang Gang's mouth couldn't help twitching.

"Demon King?"

He stared at the three-thousand-foot dragon, and his scalp gradually felt numb.

Three thousand feet, do you know what this concept is?

With the eyesight of the fairyland, you can't see the end at a glance. It is commonly known as "the dragon sees the head but sees the tail" is this kind of feeling.

This power... definitely cannot be possessed by the Dragon King of All Saints!

Even in ancient times, Xing Tian and him could not achieve this level.

"No, no, this is... the power of heaven! This is the power of the Demon Emperor's Token!" Yang Gang stared at the dragon flying upside down, and suddenly his heart moved.

It was at this time.

The Stone Monkey King at the foot of the Liangjie Mountain suddenly let out a loud roar, and then slowly raised the sacred mountain on his body again.

"Brother, the Demon Emperor has used the power of the Liangjie Mountain Command Talisman, and the Liangjie Mountain has become lighter! Hurry up, go quickly and draw away the body of the Dragon King of the Ten Thousand Saints. When the Demon Emperor moves the Command Talisman, the farther you are from the Liangjie Mountain, The more chances I have of getting out."

"When I overturn the two mountains, I will come to help you!"

"Let's go! Let's go..." The roar spread all over the place.

Yang Gang turned his head slowly.

Looking at Liangjie Mountain, a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"Okay. Brother Hou, then I will... give you a helping hand at the end!"

All beings in the three realms came back to their senses in horror.

Watching in astonishment, Yang Gang's figure suddenly turned into a golden light, escaping into the depths of the Eternal Demon Realm.

"This... he actually escaped?"

"Nonsense! You are being chased by the demon emperor's power, why don't you run away?"

"But, why did he escape to the Eternal Demon Realm?"

"Uh... he fled to the Demon Realm?"

"Brother Yang, you are running in the wrong direction!" Li Chunyun shouted loudly.

However, Yang Gang, who had used the magical power of vertical golden light, was already as thin as smoke.

"Brother! Hold on, you must hold on!"

The voice of the Stone Monkey King spread thousands of miles and shook the Three Realms.I don't know if it has spread to Yang Gang's ears.

"hold head high--"

The Dragon King of Wansheng roared furiously, lost his mind and chased in the direction of Yang Gang, the speed was countless times faster than all the people present.

The power of the demon emperor, the power of heaven.


This is a boundless body of water.

A golden light suddenly fell.

Yang Gang stepped on the water, staggered and almost sank into the water.

A fairyland that is almost impossible to walk on water?It is conceivable to what extent his strength has been completely weakened after he exhausted his last strength to use the golden light.

At this moment.

I'm afraid that even the most common little demon could kill Yang Gang.

"here it is……"

Yang Gang raised his eyes and looked around, surrounded by blue waves, which seemed very familiar to him.

Countless aquarium dragons around looked at him with terrified eyes.

Yang Gang looked at the distant sky, and a bright light flew over, together with the boundless shadow of the three-thousand-foot dragon.

Can't help but smile.

"It seems that today I... will suffer from the boundless calamity of water!"

Tianshui Yaoyu, Bibotan.

This is actually the lair of the Dragon King of All Saints.

He chose a direction at random and flew to the place with the least obstacles, but in the end he flew to the lair of the Dragon King of All Saints, and was about to be caught by someone.

Yang Gang looked helplessly at the Shenlong getting closer, and could only smile wryly.

"Sword Demon Yang Gang...should die!"

The earth-shattering roar shook the waters of Bibotan thousands of miles away.

Immediately, the waves rolled, and countless dragons lay down on the ground, worshiping the three-thousand-foot dragon in the sky.

"Should die?"

Feeling the condition of his body, Yang Gang seemed to shatter into slag like tofu with the slightest movement.

It is no longer possible to have combat effectiveness.

Are you going to just... give up?

At least... I have created a chance for Brother Hou to get out of trouble.

A thought flashed through his mind.


There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

give up?

Of course it is-impossible!
The light flashed.

Three pieces of metal fragments fell down again, spreading and growing on the Blood Drinking Demon Knife, turning into the shape of a three-pointed and two-edged knife.

The stronger the will and the more hopeless this ancient weapon is, the stronger the ancient power that can be borrowed from him will be.What's more, the Blood Drinking Demon Knife is still a part of the spine of the god of war Xingtian, which can carry everything.


His current body couldn't take it anymore.

That shocking knife can never be repeated again!

"hold head high--"

The three-thousand-foot body of the Wansheng Dragon King has completely enveloped the sky over Bibotan.

A huge voice resounded across the thousands of miles of water, "Yang Gang, your physical body is on the verge of collapse. Let me see what you can rely on today!"


Yang Gang raised his head and looked at the huge shadow in the sky.

He said softly: "...I am at the end of my way today, and I have no chance of survival."

As if he had accepted his fate, he closed his eyes slightly.

But still tightly holding the weapon in his hand.

Although the god of war is dead, his ambition will not die.

"However, you are far away from the Two Boundaries Mountain, and your power... seems not as strong as before!"

Yang Gang suddenly opened his eyes.

Looking at the Wansheng Dragon King whose divine light was gradually dimming, a flame of fighting spirit suddenly ignited in his eyes, "I, Yang Gang, have been unyielding all my life, and never thought of relying on anyone."

"Since we can no longer rely on the magic weapon today, then for the last knife, I will... rely on myself!"

Anomalies emerged.

At this moment, a phantom of an ancient demon god appeared behind Yang Gang, standing against the Nine Nether Gates.

The body of the Demon God of Hundred Tribulations moved violently, his strength began to burn, his mana began to burn, and even Dao Yun and will, everything that could burn, began to burn.

Inject bit by bit into the three-pointed two-edged knife.

At last.

Even the indestructible will contained in the nine-kalpa sanctified flesh burned wildly, turned into a shining light, and threw it into the ancient divine weapon in his hand.

Fen Tian's fifth sword - transforming into a dragon and elephant, entering a demonic calamity.

"Yang Gang's last knife in this life is only on his own!" A roar of gritted teeth resounded through Bibotan.

In an instant.

The bright knife light pierced the sky.

In the astonished eyes of everyone, the body of the three-thousand-foot dragon is slashed into space.

"You are at the end of your battle! Even if you are far away from Liangjie Mountain, my three-thousand-foot dragon body can still kill you!"

A huge dragon roar.

The Halloween Dragon King finally used his supernatural powers.

all of a sudden.

Tianshui line.

The waves in the Bibotan waters surged, covering the sky and the sun, completely submerging everything.


A clear loud drink.

next moment.

A shattering golden light separated everything and completely opened up the path between Yang Gang and the Dragon King of All Saints.


Yang Gang flew up, bearing the power of the boundless water calamity, and suddenly cut out a thousand-foot sword light from his tiny figure.

Slashed down heavily.

"Ang—" The mournful dragon chant resounded through the heavens and the earth.

Dragon's blood filled the sky, scattered in the sky.

Like a heavy rain, the sky of Bibotan was dyed red.

Two thousand-foot-long dragon bodies fell tragically from the sky and crashed into the boundless waters.

A small figure was quietly bathed in the heavy rain of dragon blood, facing the sky and the earth, and stepping on the void.

Three realms, four directions, nine heavens and ten earths, countless great powers quietly watched this unexpected last knife.

A feeling of infinite regret suddenly rose in my heart.

After this slash, Yang Gang, the sword demon who is astonishingly talented and astounding in the past and the present.

Can you still live?

The waves surged violently, and the entire Bibotan waters were plunged into thousands of surges.

A calm voice sounded, "Even with the power of the Demon Emperor's Command Talisman, Wansheng Dragon King...you are still a bug."

Yang Gang looked at the two dragon bodies in the water and sneered.

Say it.

Suddenly there was a rattling sound.

His figure shattered little by little.

Like a piece of fragile porcelain, it is also a clay sculpture of a god, broken into countless pieces little by little, falling into the void and sinking into the boundless waters.


Countless sighs sounded from the void.

Everyone understands at this moment.

The sword demon Yang Gang, after slashing the most dazzling knife in his life, he can't live anymore.

"Hehe, hehehehe"

There was an inexplicable laugh.

Yang Gang took a deep look at the depths of the Eternal Demon Realm for the last time, his body shattered into countless pieces of flesh and blood, and fell into the Bibo Pool.

The violent waves came and wiped away all traces of Yang Gang's existence.

The dying dragon power of the Dragon King is still surging in Bibotan.

For at least a hundred years, no creature would dare to approach here.

Sword Demon Yang Gang is dead.

Entering the demon domain alone, after beheading a hundred thousand demons, he taunted the demon emperor... and was finally killed by himself.

Dead without a corpse.

This news spread like a flash of lightning across the Three Realms, Nine Heavens and Ten Directions.


A nine-tailed white fox was lying on the Conferred God Stage, and suddenly clutched its heart tightly, feeling an inexplicable heartache.

"Woooooo~~~ Why, why does my heart hurt when he dies? Shouldn't I be happy? Why...Could it be, did I forget something?"


A howl resounded through Qingqiu.

The nine-tailed white fox prostrated itself deeply on the ground, feeling an inexplicable sense of remorse in its heart.

Tears slipped down her eyes, but she didn't know it.

Cen Shan.

A black thin dog covered with scales suddenly looked at the sun and howled, with a voice that seemed to be joyful or sad.

Countless memories rolled in its mind, and it seemed that there were some unforgettable scenes that were about to wake up.However, he was firmly suppressed by the destiny of heaven and earth since ancient times.


It only saw a pair of warm eyes.

He couldn't help but lie down when he saw a pair of them, and opened his belly and coquettish eyes.



Sheng Jing.

Jiang Mansion on Changting Street.

Jiang Jiang sat cross-legged quietly, with a Hongchen long spear lying across his lap, and had not moved for three days and three nights.

"Ginger Jiang..."

Jiang He walked over cautiously, his eyes were red and swollen, and his expression was sad.

"What's up?"

Jiang Jiang did not open his eyes, and his voice was very calm.

Jiang He's lips trembled.

Slowly said: "He... died. Just like Sun Fan 500 years ago... died in the Eternal Demon Realm.".

"I know. I sensed it three days ago."

Jiang Jiang still had his eyes closed, and there was no wave in the ancient well.


Jiang He looked at her for a long time and rubbed his red and swollen eyes.

After all, I couldn't say any words of comfort.

It's just that after leaving the backyard, he leaned against the corner alone and watched silently.

He fears.

Afraid that Jiang Jiang would do something irrational.

The calmer she was, the more worried Jiang He became.

Stone forest in the backyard.

Jiang Jiang slowly opened his eyes, and his pupils were actually scarlet.

"I know, you're not dead, right? I can sense that you... definitely aren't dead. Isn't that right..." She slowly stroked the spear in her hand, and a peaceful smile gradually appeared on the corner of her mouth.

In the small courtyard on Changting Street, I took the initiative to kiss.

That night, Yang Gang was like a hooligan, holding her in his arms, hugging her legs and wantonly ravaging her.

Little by little came to mind.


A force of forgetfulness gradually covered up the infatuation in Jiang Jiang's eyes.

Suddenly, a murderous intent flashed in her eyes.

Like the way of heaven, cold and ruthless.

"If you really die, I will step into the demon realm and avenge you. I will make this world...not a single demon."

"Then... step into reincarnation. Life after life, waiting for your return in the world of mortals..."

(End of this chapter)

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