I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 183 Conferred Gods Great Tribulation——Open!

Chapter 183 Conferred Gods Great Tribulation——Open!
In the boundless waters, the waves are turbulent.

The blood of countless dragon stumps mixed together, dyed the water of Bibotan a dark color.

The magic power of the water system formed by the Dragon King with the help of the power of the Demon King turned this originally comfortable water area into a dangerous place.

deep waters.

Pieces of flesh and blood full of spirituality seem to automatically gather together like wisdom, trying to condense together.But it was washed away and scattered by the power of the boundless water calamity time and time again.

There are several items there, exuding a strong divine light.

The fairy jade pendant, the blood-drinking magic knife, three metal fragments, a metal bracelet...

And what triggered all of this was naturally the fairy jade pendant from Yang Gang's previous life.


A thought emerged from the water.

"I'm not dead yet... Yes, I'm not dead. There's something wrong with Qingqiu Fox Immortal's curse, and my body will suffer from fire and water forever. It's not harming me... but helping me!"

"I can feel that there must be a calamity of water and fire in the next few calamities after the Nine Tribulations of Sanctification. It just corresponds to the god of fire—the Red Lotus Underlord, and the god of water—Zhu Qinglong."

"This can be described as the entanglement of cause and effect, corresponding to the previous life."

"But... my current situation is worse than Xing Tian's. My whole body and even my head are broken into countless pieces. Why can I be reborn? Is it because of... the long river of life? Or is it because of the fairy jade pendant?"

Yang Gang's wisps of indestructible will still exist in scattered pieces of flesh and blood.

If people saw this situation, their eyes would pop out.

Who would have thought that all the people in the world practice the Dao of Yuanshen and become immortals on the Lingtai, but some people go against it and practice the method of becoming a saint in the flesh?
From the depths of each piece of flesh and blood, wisps of pure yang aura overflowed, as if to fight against the power of boundless water calamity.

The supernatural power of the water catastrophe in the boundless waters seems to have retained the obsession of the Dragon King before his death. As soon as he felt Yang Gang's breath, he rushed in like a madman, trying to put him to death.

The flesh and blood gathered again and again, and were washed away by the power of the water calamity time and time again.

As expected, Yang Gang's body will suffer from fire and water forever, as said in the curse.

The pain that went deep into his soul made him want to give up everything and just reincarnate like this.


Who is Yang Gang?

Contained in the depths of the flesh and blood, strands of indomitable will and indestructible will suddenly emerged crazily.

at last.

Thousands of flesh and blood slowly gathered together, turning into a 'meat slag' with almost no human shape.

Right now.

"I can feel it! This is... the power of water!" Yang Gang suddenly regained his perception.

He could only feel a wave of endless power constantly washing over his body, bringing a feeling completely different from the violence of pure yang and real fire.

all of a sudden.

Yang Gang only felt that his physical body was inexplicably nourished.

Like milk and water, like a bull in a muddy socket...

"I see?"

A sense of enlightenment suddenly appeared in his heart.

"I was so decisive and impulsive in the battle in Liangjie Mountain before, but I was affected by the fire disaster on the 49th."

"The body is full of fire...it will not work after all. Water moistens all things, and yin and yang complement each other, which is the way to survive forever!"

"Qingqiu Fox Immortal 'wishes' that my physical body will suffer from fire and water forever. In the future... I will definitely thank her and let her lick my feet hard!"

"There is a long river of fate, and the cycle of cause and effect, there must be an effect after a cause. It seems that in the Conferred God, she and I also have an unresolved 'tribulation'. So... why don't you go to the Conferred God Calamity to see!"

Yang Gang thought in his heart.

Anyway, he wanted to restore his physical body, and it would take at least dozens of days, or even half a year, for his flesh and blood to restore his original body.

"Moreover... my current state is more suitable for advancing to the fourth calamity of the Nine Tribulations of Sanctification - the realm of eternal consciousness. As long as... I can control the Conferred God Platform in that green hill in the future, I will be granted the title for this purpose." The power of heaven and earth, the god of the world, is strong enough!"

Therefore, now that he has entered the Conferred God Tribulation, he will not waste any time at all.

Thoughts fell.

A bright galaxy flashed across Yang Gang's soul.

Red dust fish swim freely in it, white, blue, blue, purple, gold, three colors...

Yang Gang thought about it.

Shihuang, Lan Caiyi, Qingqiu Huxian and other mortal fish swam over immediately.

[Currently you can enter the robbery chapter: Conferred God Great Tribulation. 】

[Related previous life (Qingqiu fox fairy) has been activated]

[Related past life (Wang Chen's first life) has not been activated.The cause and effect are very large, please contact with caution. 】

[When the sun is shining, the mountains and seas mark the year.The five heavenly emperors ruled the five directions of east, west, north, south, and middle, and emptied Haotian's power of heaven.Haotian had no choice but to rule the sky above, and he was called Haotian God. 】

[A human emperor has worked so hard and consumed his lifespan, so he appears to have a short lifespan.In the end, they all walked into Xuanyuan Hill and followed the Dao of Reincarnation of Heaven and Earth. 】

[The position of the new emperor will eventually be passed on to 'Emperor Xin'. 】

[At this time, the human emperor Xin is in his prime of life. He inherited the ambition of the emperors of the past dynasties. He felt that the way of heaven was unstable, so he worked harder to manage the mountains, seas and land, and established laws.Make the earth sing and dance peacefully, and humans and gods live together without interfering with each other. 】

[At this time, the earth is so solid that the heaven and the earth are connected, and the inspiration of the heaven and the earth is gradually disappearing.Because of its uniqueness, the ancient Tao of immortality began to spread across the mountains and seas, and everyone can practice it. The mountains, seas and land are a prosperous scene. 】

【However, behind the prosperity, it seems like a raging fire cooking oil, hiding endless murderous intentions. 】

[Haotian's heart to control the power of heaven and power is immortal, planning for a hundred years, sneaking messengers to the outside of Nuwa Temple, preparing to offend the descendants of Nuwa who have gone through a lot of calamities in the world of mortals, the first generation of Wangchen...]

[The catastrophe is approaching, and the luck of humanity is about to flourish and decline. 】

[You have a feeling in your heart, walk out of Guanjiang Estuary, and walk to a fork in the road. 】

[[-]. Go north, go retrograde from Guanjiangkou, go to the Nuwa Temple, and stop the Hao Angel from angering Wangchen I.The cause and effect of this catastrophe is huge, be careful, be careful! 】

[[-]. Go south, go down the river from Guanjiang Estuary, go to Qingqiu, and get in touch with the fox fairy in Qingqiu in advance.The cause and effect of this calamity will affect all generations, it can be obtained, and it is irreversible. 】

Drain the estuary.

Yang Gang opened his eyes, only to feel the turbulent waves in front of him, the avenue looming, and the whole person had a feeling of a world away.

He couldn't help but move his body and let out a comfortable breath.

"It feels good to have a body!"

Yang Gang felt the current world carefully.

Sure enough, it is different from before Jue Tian Di Tong.

He only felt that at this time, the Dao of Heaven and Earth, and inspirations, one was floating and the other was sinking.

No matter how difficult it is for ordinary creatures to comprehend the Dao, it is easier to absorb inspiration and embark on the road of practice.

"The world will be different. No wonder the law of immortality prevails, and everyone can practice it."

Yang Gang frowned slightly, and he couldn't tell whether such a change was good or bad.

"The current world is somewhat similar to the future after the collapse of mountains and seas. Practitioners on the earth have begun to embark on the path of seeking power. Only after the practice has deepened can they touch the Dao, such as the realm of the immortal..."

"The current Earth Immortal is fine. I am afraid that it is difficult to touch the Dao in ordinary fairyland. Practicing supernatural powers is like scratching an itch, and everything depends on inheritance."

"Is this the result of the great powers fighting for the power of heaven? And the future world... will be even more difficult!" Yang Gang sighed.


lost in thought again.

After all, he has practiced the Dao for 3000 years, and his understanding of the Dao and the accumulation of strength have reached an unprecedented level.

This little change is insignificant.

But the two choices we are currently facing are related to the future.

He came to the mountains and seas here to enshrine the gods.Practice nine kalpas to become holy and the fourth kalpa: the realm of eternal consciousness.

What is the eternal existence of spiritual consciousness?

That is, the physical body collapses, and the spiritual consciousness is sent to the heavens and the earth to remain immortal.

It is somewhat similar to the situation where his physical body collapsed in the outside world, but it is more absolute.

To reach that level, conferring gods is not enough.

You still need to control a trace of the power of heaven!
"Going to Qingqiu is going down the river and in accordance with the time of day. Naturally, I can get in touch with the fox fairy in Qingqiu in advance, so that I can feel like a fish in water in the Great Tribulation of Conferring Gods, and compete for a trace of heavenly authority when Haotian and the Emperor compete for luck. ..."

"When the Great Tribulation of Conferring Gods ends in the future, you will definitely be able to obtain the position of Conferred Gods, and secretly hide a ray of heavenly authority, so that your spiritual consciousness will last forever." For some reason, Yang Gang thought of the Conferred Gods Platform in the land of Qingqiu inexplicably in his mind.

"When you go to the Nuwa Temple, you go against the current and go against the sky. But the benefits... I'm afraid it's not small! The descendants of Nuwa, Wangchen's background is amazing, and the previous life is not small. Even Haotian has to plan for a hundred years Only then did he dare to sneak into the Nuwa Temple to frame the Emperor."

thought here.

Yang Gang frowned suddenly.

But he remembered that he hadn't helped Jiang Jiang yet, and awakened Wangchen's second life.

In this way, wouldn't it be impossible to connect with Wangchen's first life, adding a lot of variables?
I don't know if quitting now will have any impact?
"Forget it, don't take risks! If I can forget, I'm afraid it's still affected by the power of sitting and forgetting. Now that I think about it, it's probably also a kind of supernatural power that goes deep into the Dao."

Yang Gang thought silently in his heart, "It's just that going to Qingqiu is really in accordance with the time of day? If you want to have both...is it okay?"

It feels like choosing a wife.

One is a concubine who is as beautiful as a flower and is easily available.One is from a famous family, who needs to go through three disasters and nine disasters to be the official wife that the media can marry.

As a man, I naturally want to have both.

But this kind of opportunity, getting one is a blessing from heaven, how can it be so easy to bloom on both sides?

Think for a long time.

Yang Gang still couldn't make up his mind.

And at this time the ancient Qingqiu land.

A woman with an enchanting figure and a soft figure is lying in the grass.

She held a book in both hands and read it leisurely.

A pair of smooth jade legs are upturned, and the bare feet are like snow.

The nine snow-white tails behind the buttocks seem to have their own intelligence, intertwining and teasing each other.

Sometimes she turned into a handsome scholar, sometimes she herself, and sometimes turned the scholar into a majestic silver-armored god of war, holding a magic weapon, fighting the sky and the earth, and shaking the mountains and seas.

If someone who is familiar with him is here, he will definitely find the image of the God of War, that is, the God of Fighting and War who was once famous and famous in the mountains and seas—Erlang God, Yang Jian.


The two tails were tightly entangled, one turned into a woman, and the other turned into Yang Jian dressed as a scholar. The two hugged each other, their bodies gradually pressed together, and their lips got closer and closer.


Qingqiu Fox Immortal suddenly dropped the book in his hands, holding his hot cheeks in his hands, his pretty face blushed, his eyes sparkling
"No, I can't think about it anymore! But... but Brother Erlangshen, he is really handsome!" She stared at the books on the floor, reluctant to move them away.I saw that all of them were Yang Gang's heroic deeds in the mountains and seas.

Guanjiangkou kills the gods and saves his mother, slays Xingtian in the battle of Zhuolu, travels all over the mountains and seas and is praised by all living beings...

The little fox's eyes were full of deep admiration.

It turns out that the various images manifested by her nine tails are all fantasies in her mind.


Qingqiu Fox Immortal suddenly sighed.

Lying on the ground, he said disappointedly: "It's a pity that the little fox is not good enough for Brother Erlang God... I really want to be by my brother's side, to enjoy the bustling scenery with him, to see the mountains and seas all the way, to see his heroic figure and the great gods from all walks of life. Great War..."

"Even...even if it's like back then..."

"I can follow him like a puppy, lick his feet, and make him happy... the little fox is also willing!"

The little fox raised his head, looked at the sky and begged pitifully: "Mother, the little fox's luck and supernatural powers will soon be cultivated. When will you be able to let the little fox go out to play..."

 There are many things today, plus physical discomfort...

  Forget it, no reason.

  But my physical condition has become clear to everyone recently.Feel sorry.I hope everyone can understand, I really want to code words!
  I wish you all a happy new year and good health!After experiencing many things, I know that only being healthy is true!I hope everyone can be healthy and happy!
(End of this chapter)

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