I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 187 Life and death sadomasochism, eternal love calamity

Chapter 187 Life and death sadomasochism, eternal love calamity

Time flies, and the land is desolate.

Yang Gang was walking alone on the Zuo Wang Road.

A little fox followed behind him, bouncing up and down on his feet from time to time.And then kicked away...

"Daddy, daddy...hehehe"

The little fox smiled crisply, and continued to be obsessed with it.

Yang Gang had a helpless expression, and his face was full of disgust.

Then move on, looking determined.

"Zuo Wang Dao, this is Li Zuo Wang Dao. My name is Yang Jian, Erlang God Yang Jian... I must not forget!" He kept reminding himself to pick up a piece of memory that was lost from time to time.

But he completely forgot that he should be called Yang Gang.

The little fox is still obsessed with Yang Gang.

at this moment.


Yang Gang walked forward alone.

"Huh? What am I here for?"

"A... dog sitting on the road?"

Yang Gang glanced at it, finally shook his head slightly, and continued on his way.

"Strange, what is this place? Why are there no creatures?"

Yang Gang took a closer look.

It seems like a long time has passed.

Night falls.


It was just getting brighter.

Yang Gang said coldly: "Stop pretending, you... have already remembered everything like me, right? Qingqiu Fox Immortal...Su Daji!"

Looking down, a little black dog was licking his feet flatteringly.

And the little fox...had already forgotten everything.

This point is completely different from the little fox.

He felt like he had forgotten something.

Along the way, Yang Gang began to meet all kinds of creatures, including dogs, pigs, monkeys, horses, and even dragons, phoenixes, and unicorns, and strange beasts from mountains and seas.

There was a low howl.

"Little black dog?"


one morning.

Although at this time, they have already forgotten each other's identities.

"Well. Who are you?" Yang Gang looked blank.

The puppy looked at him pitifully, as if asking for help.

He smiled silently.

The world suddenly changed again.

An ancient temple slowly rises from the land ahead.

For these creatures, Yang Gang ignored them all and just kept moving forward.

"Okay, the little fox has a name! The little fox has a name! My name is Su Daji, and I will be called Su Daji!"

"go with!"

Just when Yang Gang was slightly stunned.

for a long time.

Yang Gang nodded calmly, completely forgetting everything.

Everything in front of him was like a mirror, instantly shattered.

On the contrary, they are the simple-minded, innocent and romantic little fox and little black dog, carefree, as long as they are by his side is the greatest happiness.

The earth rumbled, and there seemed to be a large number of creatures rushing.

The little black dog in front of him was holding a bloody lame leg, but he couldn't run anymore. He lay on the ground and whined and looked at him, as if he was asking for help.

A little fox ran over and jumped into his arms.

Run Tianyantong, and shouted: "Break!"

But this time.

Yang Gang woke up again.

Yang Gang stepped forward with a figure like lightning, and instantly kicked away a few hungry wolves, saving the little black dog.

Yang Gang didn't understand why, it seemed that he was a little... special in this place?
Cutting heart formula?Or is it a river of fate?
he does not know.

Yang Gang, like a mortal, settles down in a mountain depression, and he has to lie down and rest after finding dry firewood.

He opened his eyes and saw that the little fox was fighting with the little black dog.

"Hey~~Daddy is bullying!" The little fox persisted, giggling.

Suddenly he stretched out his hand and pointed forward.

Yang Gang kicked instinctively, and the little fox took off again.

Yang Gang kicked up.

"Daddy, you're awake!"


Right now.

But behind him besides the little fox, there was another small figure.

"It turns out that I am me, I am still... me."

He dragged his chin in thought.

"Both of you... get lost!"


Yang Gang only felt his feet wet.

It feels like there are two animals fighting for territory on the two feet.



Continue on the road.

"Daddy, daddy, what about me? What's my name?" The little fox bumped away from the roaring dog, glanced at the feet it had licked, and immediately revealed a look of disgust.

Opening his eyes, he saw a little fox with its upturned butt facing him, sticking out its little tongue and licking it hissingly...

He has already forgotten that he is a fairy, he does not need to eat, drink and rest, and he feels very tired every night.

He raised his head and looked eagerly at Yang Gang.

The little black dog saw someone in front of him, so he ran away and changed.

I just remind myself every day that I must, must not forget everything. Forgetting here is called sitting and forgetting the Tao.

Just remember...it seems to be called sitting and forgetting here.

"Daddy, sleep!"

The world suddenly became alive.

Yang Gang was slightly taken aback.

Although one person and one fox gradually forgot everything, their own feelings have not been forgotten.

Yang Gang in his sleep suddenly felt a little itchy on his feet.

Suddenly the world changes in front of us, cows, sheep, horses, dogs, tigers... all kinds of creatures emerge on the earth, living freely.

Yang Gang exploded in anger, and kicked two stupid and cute followers away.


the next day.

"I'm a little fox! Daddy~~~" the little fox smiled.

The little fox rubbed his eyes dimly, and hugged him.

The little fox blinked, revealing a quirky look.


"Su... Daji?"

There was a bang in his mind, as if another long river of starlight was passing by, with countless colorful small fish swimming in it.

"Wow~~" The little black dog wagged its tail happily.

It turned out to be a lame little black dog running away crazily.Behind it was chasing a group of wild wolves, fierce and fierce, with cold and ruthless eyes, like clay sculptures.

No matter how he drives it away, it won't go away.

Everything that happened on Zuo Wang Dao had nothing to do with him.

Another day.

Forgot everything again.

The thought just fell.

Yang Gang meditated silently, as if he was thinking about something.



Yang Gang chuckled, "Your name should be... Su Daji, right?"

A shrill roar.

And Yang Gang was still eager to dislike her emotions.

No lights flickered.

Time flies.

Yang Gangfu came to his heart, and silently took out a piece of rag from his arms, with only two words written on it - Wangchen.

Together with the little fox, the little black dog followed his footsteps like two little tails that could not be shaken off.


Yang Gang had already forgotten how long he had been sitting here.

"No? Then from now on, you will be called Xiaotiangou!" Yang Gang said with a smile.

The pitiful little black dog had been crushed and beaten all the time, but still refused to give up imitating the little fox, sticking out its tongue, as if salivating at Yang Gang's feet.

A hand grabbed her neck.

He remembered everything.


Yang Gang has completely forgotten everything, only the persistence in his heart is left, which makes him move forward in a daze.

This power to transform into mortals by sitting and forgetting the Tao can be seen to be evil.

Yang Gang suddenly stood up and sat up.


There was a faint smile on the corner of Yang Gang's mouth.

How can we pass the way of sitting and forgetting?

"So that's it, it's fake...everything is fake..."

After this day.

The aura of the ancient wildness is like a wave of heaven and earth, blowing towards the face.

They... seem to be creatures who have once stepped into the realm of forgetfulness, and have forgotten everything here, living carefreely.

The little black dog tilted his head, not knowing why.

He finally said, "Puppy, do you have a name?"

Yang Gang stared blankly at everything in front of him.

At this moment, Mingjie Changhe actually issued a reminder.

[Wangchen Second World—Open. 】

[Currently you can enter the robbery chapter: Wangchen Simulation I.Sadomasochism between life and death, eternal love. 】

 Going for a massage at night to recuperate the pain of the body, I will update 5000 today
(End of this chapter)

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