I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 188 Yuetian Emperor sits and forgets the world of mortals, just waiting for the king to retu

Chapter 188 Yuetian Emperor sits and forgets the world of mortals, just waiting for the king to return
A mortal world between nothingness and confusion.

Yang Gang stared blankly at the reminder of Mingjie Changhe in front of him, completely confused about the Nuwa Temple that came from ancient times.

"Life and death sadomasochism, eternal love?"

"and then?"

Mingjie Changhe didn't give any hints, and there wasn't any Hongchen fish entrance.

Yang Gang had tried countless times before, but when he crossed the river of life ranks, he couldn't enter other people's past life ranks.

But now.

He actually activated Wangchen Second World in front of Nuwa Temple.

"Actually, this life is still not a real life. It's Wang Chen's simulated life... Could it be that Wang Chen's second life is a simulated life she constructed for herself?"

"Why would she do this?"

"Interesting. This person can actually create such a real world. I hope your story is the same as what I have in my heart." After finishing speaking, Wangchen Yishi closed his eyes and gradually sank into that strange world.

"It turned out that Wangchen's first life was here to be forgotten and become a world of mortals. She wanted to take that story and exile herself in the cycle of reincarnation forever."

[Wangchen's first life wants to be forgotten, and enter the world of mortals.Therefore, imitating the first life, reliving the eternal love calamity.The current world can build a virtual life order by itself, turning the false into the real, and making the consciousness go through reincarnation and be eternal. 】

The background of the story is a little white snake who practiced in the mountains and was rescued by a little shepherd boy 1000 years ago.

Yang Gang suddenly had an idea.

His appearance and aura are exactly the same as that of Emperor Xin.

Yang Gang already knew this when he entered this world.Although he didn't understand why Wangchen was so obsessed with his name, he could only do as she wanted.

This is the way of forgetting the dust.

We meet again on the Broken Bridge.

At this time.

"Why did she create a sadomasochism for herself..."

"Will she really let me...touch her?"

The rest of the story went well.

And the theme of this story must conform to four words - sadomasochism in life and death, eternal love.

Could it be that this descendant of Nuwa was reincarnated, completely out of the vicissitudes of life in the unexpected world?
Then how do I enter Wangchen's second life, and what about the first life that she actively simulated?

"Also, after Wangchen 'wakes up', he won't become angry and kill me?"



Somehow, she has taken the initiative to forget everything about the past.

A magnificent world evolves before your eyes.

Some people love each other with gods, forever separated by the galaxy.

Jiangnan water town, love network in the world of mortals, Leifeng Pagoda, thousand-year-old white snake...

"In ancient times, what happened? What is she 'reminiscing'? Who is she looking for? What kind of experience made her... nostalgic? Persevering?"

There are famous actors in brothels, talented men and beautiful women.

Yang Gang got up suddenly and walked out of the boat tent.

"If I can succeed and make her build a second life, can she make her consciousness immortal and fall into reincarnation forever? And I... can also obtain a ray of immortal will that cannot be extinguished by reincarnation!"

The outstretched hand was fixed in mid-air.

In this magical space, countless worlds are constantly evolving.

[Emperor Yuetian came here as a descendant of Nuwa, and exiled himself eternally in the world of mortals, just to wait for one person in the world of mortals. 】

With a flash of his eyes, he took the initiative to put his thoughts into the Hongchen fish gathered by Mingjie Changhe.


At this time, a woman named Bai Ling'er deliberately left a piece of gold hairpin, and the fate between the two was finally forged.

There are children of the rivers and lakes, life and death love.

However, at this point, Yang Gang hesitated.

This is Mingjie Changhe helping him... to cheat!
"So, what story should we choose?"

There was only one voice left in my heart, "You...will you be the one I'm waiting for?"

A 'blank' red dust fish automatically swam in front of Yang Gang, as if quietly waiting for him to 'paint' and construct a brand new story.

The white snake in this life is not called Bai Suzhen, but Bai Ling'er.

After experiencing various hardships, it was not until the West Lake dried up and the Leifeng Pagoda collapsed that it was finally achieved.

These scenes are like small scripts. Yang Gang can't feel the existence of his body at all, so he can't help but throw himself into a world at will.

There are sadomasochistic love between good and evil, and countless love disasters.

[The ancient times destroyed the world, and the great sun burned the sky. 】


The fiery red candles are burning.

Yang Gang stroked his chin, lost in thought.

Countless thoughts of Wangchen's first life sank into it at the same time.

However, even she herself forgot what kind of story she wanted.

Yang Gang pondered for a long time outside the Nuwa Temple.

"Emperor Yuetian...Wangchen's previous life was actually Emperor Yuetian, Hanxiang's previous master, the ancient power who controlled the Lunar Star—Emperor Yuetian?"

Hong Luan is in the warm tent.

Right now.

This makes people a little confused.


In Nuwa Temple.

All she knew was that when that story appeared, she would naturally remember it.

"The beauty of the West Lake... God in March... the spring rain is like wine... Liu Ruyan..."

Under the pre-arranged plot, Yang Gang and Bai Ling'er are married, and they are about to spend weddings in their bridal chamber.

Yang Gang sat quietly, dressed like a frail scholar.

Guaranteed to make Wangchen satisfied, and torture her to death!

Just when Yang Gang and Wang Chen were quietly in the story of sadomasochism between life and death, a figure also stepped into the world of Huafan.


Yang Gang had a faint feeling in his heart that as long as he put his own thoughts into it, Fate Changhe would automatically evolve a real world for him.

The woman in the ancient temple didn't make any movement, it seemed that the Wangchen I didn't mean to see him and the little fox.

A bright river of starlight streaked across the sky.

"The Leifeng Pagoda has fallen, and the West Lake has dried up. Isn't that cruel enough?"

He looked at the unparalleled woman in the red hijab, and smelled the deodorant that was constantly emanating from her body.

Numerous strange images flashed before Yang Gang's eyes.

In the canopy.

"I have a relationship with Wangchen in this world... Is it really good? Why do I feel sorry for someone..."

"Could it be... sleep?"

Yang Gang stood alone in the long river of fate, looking at the reminder in front of him again.

On the banks of the West Lake.

Miao Zhu, who was wearing a moon white robe, suddenly raised his head and glanced at Yang Gang outside, his calm expression changed slightly.

Seeing a stunning woman in a white dress on the shore, he couldn't help smiling.

More than 1000 years later, the white snake shed all its body and turned into a human.Came to West Lake to look for Xu Xian, the savior in his previous life, offered to give it for nothing, and formed a fairy couple with him.

A flat boat pierced the water, and the old boatman held the oars, and the melodious singing spread across the water bank.

This is a story of a man and a demon falling in love, and the true emotions move the world.


Yang Gang had thousands of thoughts in his mind, each thought rising and falling.

One of them was on the shore and the other was on the boat, but they passed each other like two parallel lines.

"It's fate to meet thousands of miles away, but it's hard to hold hands if you don't have the fate..." A soft voice came faintly from the wind.

The little fox and the little black dog crawled at his feet, sleeping soundly, as if experiencing the ups and downs of eternity in a dream, their expressions kept changing.

Connect countless story scripts together and turn it into a sky full of stars, illuminating the night sky.

And this moment.

this moment.

Leaning his body against the stone pillar in front of Nuwa Temple, he slowly closed his eyes.

Yang Gang looked at Bai Linger's enchanting figure wrapped under the fiery red wedding dress, and did not move for a long while.

for a long time.

Under the red hijab, Bai Ling'er raised a beautiful face.

He asked timidly, "Master, why don't you take off the hijab?"

(End of this chapter)

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