I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 189 Anniversary in the Bridal Chamber, Wrath of Wangchen

Chapter 189 Anniversary in the Bridal Chamber, Wrath of Wangchen

"Uh... lady." A thought slowly condensed from countless flesh and blood.

Hearing this, Yang Gang felt the look of anticipation under the red hijab.

Can't help but gritted his teeth hard.

It's done!

In the past and present lives, they are all their own people anyway, so this is not considered a transgression, right?
The previous life came first, Jiang Jiang should... can't blame me!

After thinking about it.

Yang Gang finally made up his mind and lifted the red hijab on Bai Linger's head.

With the hijab slowly falling.

A peerless face that is either joyful or angry suddenly appeared in front of her.


His strength seems to be much, much worse... It's a kind of gap between heaven and earth.


On the vast land, a figure slowly walked.

Yang Gang opened his eyes suddenly, his eyes were shocked.

Unable to exert his magical powers and supernatural powers, he was instantly torn apart and died tragically on the spot.

'Human Emperor Xin' snorted coldly, looked at Yang Gang's corpse on the ground with cold eyes, sensed a breath coming out of Nuwa Temple, and turned around to leave immediately.

Bai Linger's beautiful eyes were slightly closed, and under Yang Gang's fiery gaze, her eyelashes trembled slightly.

"problem occurs!"

There seemed to be a pair of cold eyes looking over from the Nuwa Temple.


If Wangchen can accept just a single story, it will not be his turn for tens of thousands of years.

"Oh, oh, good!"

Yang Gang stared at the approaching figure in astonishment.

"What does he want to do here?"

and many more.

Yang Gang finally kissed Bai Linger's red lips.

at the same time.

"My lady, please."

The smell of alcohol rushed to his cheeks in an instant.

Is he...

a long time.

The heads of the two got closer and closer, and gradually overlapped.

"Human Emperor, Di Xin?"

Yang Gang gradually calmed down from the shock and panic at the beginning.

There are countless traces of the Dao in the Nuwa Temple. It seems that there are two great powers fighting fiercely in it, and the Dao roars.

Outside the Nuwa Temple.

Subconsciously covering her face, she looked at the Nuwa Temple, her cheeks were actually aching.

At this time, how could the human emperor Xin come to the Nuwa Temple.

An unspeakable pressure enveloped Yang Gang, making him afraid to move.

In front of Nuwa Temple.

"He...was injured? What about Wangchen? Was he also injured?"

"No wonder you were able to deceive that little fox's feelings, it really is a special 'person'..." Wang Chen brushed his lips subconsciously with his fingers, and pursed his lips slightly.Seeing Yang Gang close his eyes again, he seemed to be sinking into his previous life again.

"Human Emperor, Di Xin."

Slowly moved his head up.

just now……


for a long time.

Wangchen's expression changed suddenly, and he looked into the distance.

Surrounded by the avenues, there is a supreme and noble aura, as if controlling the power of heaven in this world.

After a while.

The Nuwa Temple opened suddenly.

a time.

It is ruthless and cold like the way of heaven.

"Could it be..." Yang Gang suddenly opened his eyes wide, staring at the back of the 'Human Emperor Xin', subconsciously opened his mouth: "Hao..."

With such power, is it really Emperor Xin who controls the authority of heaven?

With their arms intertwined, the two raised their heads at the same time and drank the fiery spirits.

Yang Gang came back to his senses.

A majestic figure slowly stepped out of it.

"Is this human emperor Xin the real human emperor? Are the things in his hand the five-colored stones he snatched from Wangchen? If he is not the human emperor Xin, who in this world can get it from Wangchen?" Steal the five-colored stone?"

Yang Gang sat down beside her and took Bai Ling'er's slender hand.

A big hand quietly crawled on Bai Ling'er's long legs. The familiar feeling made Yang Gang sure that such superb long legs belonged to Jiang Jiang's previous life, so it should be true...

For a while, the new house was filled with an ambiguous atmosphere.

It was the first one that made her so emotionally volatile.


The majesty on his body is still the same, but he walks very, very slowly.

"Lady, beautiful scenery on a good day..."

for a long time.

This is a strong man comparable to Renhuang and Haotian.

Compared with Wangchen I.

"Uh... broken!" Yang Gang covered his face with embarrassment.

Killing intent, anger, and all kinds of emotions surged in his eyes.

A woman in a moon-white robe quietly appeared in front of the Nuwa Temple.

Yang Gang looked over immediately.

Yang Gang's thoughts did not come to fruition.

"Xianggong~~~" With a soft call, Bai Ling'er blushed and put a finger on Yang Gang's lips, "We...we haven't had a cup of wine yet!"

"Or, what's special about me? Wait, Wangchen forgets everything in the simulation and immerses his mind in it. In fact, I should also forget everything. But why..."

The human emperor Xin had already passed by his side, ignoring Yang Gang's existence, and stepped into the Nuwa Temple.

"Who wins? Human Emperor Xin, or Wangchen I? Hmm... in his hand?" Yang Gang looked at the palm of Human Emperor Xin, holding five spirit beads of different colors, and walked out step by step.

In the dark.

No wonder God Haotian was so afraid that he dared to start planning after a hundred years of preparation.

boom! !

Otherwise, how could they compete like this with Wangchen I in the home court of Nuwa Temple.

There is still no movement in Nuwa Temple.

The figure in front of him turned his head suddenly, and Yang Gang only felt a divine light flash in front of his eyes.

The minds of the two exploded.

But in the simulated life, he started talking and kissing, and finally awakened the real memory, causing all success to fall short.

In Yang Gang's stunned gaze, this palm covered the sky and the sun, as if the earth and the sky were under the tent, and even the Dao seemed to be obliterated.

Could it be that the person who blasphemed Nuwa and offended Wangchen was actually me?

A murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

And under the palm of his hand...

Wangchen's vermilion lips parted slightly, staring at that figure.

The world was silent.

I don't know how the woman in the Nuwa Temple reacted now?

The big hand goes up skillfully all the way.

"Don't you still want to enter the world of Huafan and be frivolous to me? Hmph—"

Sitting in front of the Nuwa Temple, Yang Gang couldn't help hesitating again.

Yang Gang was in deep thought.

He knew things, and it really wasn't that simple.

"Strange, if it is said that whenever someone touches the red line, a thunderstorm will cause Wangchen I to wake up from the immersion, then who can help her complete this life?"

Start thinking in your head.

The monstrous murderous intent was about to pour out.


"Besides, as a descendant of Nuwa and the reincarnation of Emperor Yuetian, with such a high status, will she be easily underestimated?"

Yang Gang couldn't help but be astonished.

He didn't know that in the Nuwa Temple, a pair of cold eyes stared at him for a long, long time.


He hurriedly went to the table to get a wine glass, and handed one to Bai Ling'er.

this moment.

She slammed it down with a slap.

tens of thousands of years.

Yang Gang felt that the breath in the Nuwa Temple seemed to be a little chaotic, but it was not serious.

"How dare you—" Bai Ling'er suddenly opened her eyes, with a cold look in them.

Quietly looking at the mutilated corpse on the ground.

He sighed faintly, "This catastrophe really came true... It's a pity that you were involved innocently."

the strange thing is.

There seemed to be no trace of anger on her cold and indifferent face.

(End of this chapter)

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