I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 204 Disregarding the three worlds, the demon emperor lowered his eyes

Chapter 204 Disregarding the Three Realms, the Demon Emperor lowered his eyes

"My whole life, Yang Gang, have I ever been afraid of anyone?" The resolute voice echoed in front of the two mountains.

a time.

All the monsters were shocked by that indomitable momentum.

The scene suddenly fell into silence.

Everyone's eyes seemed to be focused on Yang Gang, on the brilliant platinum three-pointed double-edged knife in his hand.

The shape of this magic weapon needs no description.

But the power it exudes makes the eyes cast by the Three Realms fall into contemplation.

in their eyes.

This is a magical weapon that allows people to surpass their own strength, borrow the power of the previous life, and leapfrog to kill powerful enemies.

Can be imagined.

How strong and terrifying was the legendary Erlang God Yang Jian in ancient times.

If Yang Gang's cultivation level goes a step further, recovering a bit or two of the ancient power...

"Today, never let him get away."

The Bone Great Sage looked completely dignified, and suddenly let out a loud shout.

Yang Gang has been designated in his heart as a more dangerous figure than the Stone Monkey King!

Countless echoes resounded through the sky.

"If you want to kill me, then take your life!"

A bright white-gold knife light cut through the void, and slashed towards the Bone Sage at an incredible speed.

Facing such a powerful enemy, Yang Gang took the lead in attacking!

The Great Sage of Bones snorted coldly.

Stretching out his hand again, the bone claws that can capture mountains and mountains instantly grasped the bright light of the knife in the palm of his hand.

Bursts of golden light flickered, and the palm of the Bone Great Sage seemed to form a dark void, which was enveloped in the brilliance of the sun.

Yang Gang's burning sword was the rare first time that he returned without success.

"The supernatural power of the ancient demon god?"

Yang Gang frowned slightly.


He has not yet used the power of the three-pointed two-edged sword for this knife, so he is not surprised by the result.

Right now.

The Great Sage of Bones shouted angrily, and the bone spurs on his back grew in reverse, as if two huge wings spread out.Suddenly, a great avenue of brilliance was extended, extending five thousand miles to the void above the head.

The five-thousand-mile avenue is actually as real as it is.

"It's me!"

The Great Sage of Bone made a violent move with both hands, and thousands of bone spurs gathered in the air, aiming at Yang Gang's figure.

He shouted: "Try this trick of mine, Jiuyou Bone Forest!"

"not good!"

Li Chunyun, who was hiding in the dark, changed his expression wildly at this moment, looking at Yang Gang who was still in motion.

Hastily transmitted the voice: "This is the supernatural power of the Bone Great Sage, hurry up and hide!"


Yang Gang looked up at the huge bone body, and strands of deep aura automatically emerged from the void around him, locking his figure completely.

Faced with this magical power that must hit the formula.

Where can I hide?
Yang Gang lowered his head.

Looking at the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand.

He murmured: "The supernatural powers of the ancient Nine Nether Demon Clan were... really powerful at that time. But you don't seem to know, but later they... are completely outdated!"

A ray of divine light enveloped Yang Gang's figure like covering the sky and covering the sun.

next moment.

A huge silver-armored god of war suddenly stepped out of the divine light.He took a long step, and the shackles of the dark power that seemed to be reincarnated around him seemed to have no effect on him at all.


Yang Gang showed an angry face, and his body was like an ancient god of war. The three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand slashed into thousands of thorns and bone spurs in front of him, and slashed on the body of the Bone King.


In countless unbelievable gazes.

The Great Bone Sage let out a miserable snort, and slammed his body on the Liangjie Mountain, splashing countless flying stones and dust.

Pieces of rubble rolled down, and the Liangjie Mountains trembled.

The Stone Monkey King raised his head slowly, the pebbles in his eyes rained like rain.

He looked at the majestic and seemingly invincible God of War in the sky, and couldn't help being stunned.

Everyone present couldn't help being stunned.

All the gods and great powers who watched the battle in secret were stunned.

At this moment, the three realms seem to have fallen into silence.

The Great Sage of Bone Bone, who was still invincible just now, was blasted into the Two Realms Mountain by Yang Gang because of a carelessness?
is this real?
There is a feeling of unreality in everyone's heart.

"What is the relationship between his previous life and that magical weapon...?"

No one can answer this question.

At this time, the Three Realms experienced a calamity of mountains and seas collapsing.

The great powers that can survive are all in a strange state, such as the Qingqiu fox fairy.

According to Yang Gang's estimation of that catastrophe, it was no longer an ordinary master of heaven and earth.

Even an existence like Haotian... I am afraid that it will also disappear.


The Three Realms is by no means what it is today!

Yang Gang's body was transformed into a three-hundred-foot-high void, and the weapon in his hand buzzed and trembled, as if excited, and a desire to fight came to him.

not enough.

Far from enough!

An opponent like the Great Sage of Bones is far from enough for a three-pointed double-edged knife, a magical weapon that has fought against countless strong men in ancient times!

A golden light shot out from the three-pointed two-edged knife and went straight to the nine heavens.

At this moment, the three-pointed two-edged knife seems to have completely restored its power in ancient times.

A strong fighting spirit belonging to the body of fighting is constantly spreading towards this side of the world.

It seems to be... calling for a fight!
Invite all the powers in the Three Realms who are qualified to be opponents... to fight!

a time.

Many people are secretly angry because of certain things that have been hidden for many years.

Yang Gang, the sword demon, is too clueless.

Do you really think that you can ignore the people of the world with an ancient magic weapon?


Looking at Yang Gang's figure, Li Chunyun couldn't help feeling a little worried.Being so arrogant, I'm afraid it will offend some powerful people, right?


Yang Gang raised his head and laughed heartily.

I have been aggrieved in the demon realm for so long.

So what if I let myself go for a while today?

He, Yang Gang, was under the command of the "Human Emperor" when he was in the mountains and seas, an invincible god of fighting.

Have you ever been afraid of anyone?

"If you want to fight, I will fight!"

The long knife suddenly pointed at the huge pit made by the Bone Sage in the two mountains.

This roar.

It seems to be sent to the great sage of bones, and it seems to announce to the whole world.

Erlang God Yang Jian's body is indomitable, so why be afraid of anyone?

a time.

Everyone fell silent.

Only because the current Yang Gang does have such qualifications.


There was a terrified roar.

The three-hundred-foot bone body of the Great Sage of Bone Bone suddenly shot out from the deep pit, as fast as lightning, and slammed into Yang Gang.

"Burning the sky!"

"Mountains and seas!"

"Demon... Tribulation!"

Yang Gang is not afraid.

Three streaks of saber light in a row seemed to be able to cut through the heavens and the earth and divide Yin and Yang.

One after another cut on the body of the Great Sage of Bones.

"Ah~~~" It screamed one after another, the bone powder of its body fell down, and it backed up step by step.

Yang Gang transformed himself into three hundred feet, holding a unparalleled magic weapon, and turned into an invincible god of war. He moved forward step by step, and fell with a knife.



He laughed loudly and shook the sky.

An unparalleled aura shocked all the monster races around on the spot.

The Great Sage of Bones who comprehended the path of five thousand miles was no match for him at all!
Yang Gang at this moment.

It seems to have really returned to the ancient times, that period of invincible and extraordinary years.

Become that invincible god of war, armed with invincible magic weapons, and Megatron the Three Realms!
"Brother Monkey, I'm coming!"

Yang Gang slashed down the Great Sage of Bones with one blow.

The Great Sage of Bones groaned miserably and staggered, unable to bear the violent supernatural power any longer, he half-kneeled on the ground with a miserable look on his face.

And Yang Gang.

But it directly broke through the siege and landed at the foot of the Two Realms Mountain.

He stuck the three-pointed two-edged knife into the ground.

Holding the arm of the Stone Monkey King with one hand, and supporting the majestic Liangjie Mountain with the other.

Shouted: "Get up!"


The Stone Monkey King raised his head and looked at Yang Gang beside him with agitated expression.

"No need to say more."

Yang Gang held the stone monkey king's arm, exerted force with both hands, and shouted angrily: "Today, our brothers worked together and overturned these two mountains!"

"Good! Hahahaha, good..."

The Stone Monkey King raised his head and laughed loudly, "Today, together, our brothers overturned these two mountains! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

A violent vibration resounded through the Eternal Demon Realm.

this moment.

In the demon palace.

A noble existence could not help but raise his head slowly.

 Isn't it written like this?Very watery?
  Then I'll just skip this part of the fighting plot, alas... I want to explain the difference in combat power, why Yang Gang can fight the current Xianjun and Yaosheng.

  But it cannot be set directly.

  If you want to blend into the battle, you can't understand.

  It's really a headache, and I feel so sad... You can just give the monthly pass, it doesn't matter.

(End of this chapter)

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