I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 205 Who Says Human Race....No Immortal Monarch?

Chapter 205 Who Says There Are No Immortals in the Human Race?

"What are you waiting for! Give it to me!"

The Great Sage of Bones half-kneeled on the ground, laughing angrily.

"At this time, you still want to hold up the Two Boundary Mountains and rescue the Stone Monkey King? Really think that so many of us demon saints don't exist..." His body made a 'click' sound, and he changed his shape in an instant.

The bones reorganized and turned into a massive sword of bones.


With a face full of unwillingness, he shouted angrily: "Yang Gang, I was careless just now. Now... the same thing happened to me, and I will never let it happen again."

"Everyone, come up with me, even if you have to spare your face today, you will kill this evil person in front of the two mountains!"


Immediately, the eight demon sages and the well-known demon king in Cave 72 all tried their best to kill Yang Gang.

However, there are still nine huge figures of demon saints left in the sky, the famous demon king in Cave 72, and some talented existences among the demon clan.

Yang Gang waved the long knife in his hand.

"Jie Jie Jie~~ No matter how strong you are alone? Relying on divine weapons, external forces cannot last forever."

All of them are huge, with the aura of the Dao manifested all over their bodies, resisting the mysterious seven-colored divine light.

where are they?
Can only rely on myself...

All the people from Qingyun Pavilion are here.

Yuan Tianshi's figure fell in front of the Two Realms Mountains, looking at Yang Gang who stood side by side with the Stone Monkey King, a complex look flashed in his eyes.

The sun was dim, and it seemed that only the huge and incomparably scorching sun was left in the eyes of everyone in this world.


He swarmed up with the six demon saints behind him, and said with a sneer, "You guys are so arrogant in my demon domain, look at those eggy fairy kings of your human race, dare to come to my two worlds mountain..."

Everyone seemed to be able to see that there was a powerful momentum coming from the distant weather.

A figure resplendent with celestial light appeared one after another from the clouds.

Li Chunyun is not Yang Gang after all.

But what?

Among them are middle-aged Taoist priests with ancient and clumsy faces, Jianghu knights with vicissitudes of life and long knives on their backs, beautiful celestial fairies, and old octogenarians who are old but still full of energy...

This battle has already surpassed personal grievances.

Suddenly, dark clouds billowed above the sky, and a huge phantom emerged from the dark clouds.


The monster light is still shining all over his body, instinctively forming a powerful defensive posture.With the physique and magic power of a demon saint, it may be very difficult to kill a demon saint in a short period of time!
And this time.

A phantom of a fairy god reappeared on the sky.

The other party groaned suddenly and staggered to the ground.

"Today, my demon clan came with 72 cave demon kings, nine demon saints, and a hundred thousand demons. After a long battle, you will surely die! Heh heh, if we really let you go today, we..."

Yang Gang sneered, with no fear on his face.

Every time the colorful light fell, a demon king fell into the void, his whole body was so weak that it was difficult to raise his fighting power for a while.

Its feathers are like a peacock, its body is like a deer, its head is horny, but it has a human face, its appearance is very strange.

Facing a rhinoceros demon saint with first-born hexagons.

Countless monsters were frightened on the spot, and there was no sound.

One by one, they are slowly approaching against the strong wind.

Endless demon clouds enveloped Li Chunyun's lonely figure.

"It seems that you really have no backup, so let's end everything."

Li Chunyun closed his eyes slightly, and his expression seemed to be enjoying it, feeling the mysterious power.

This shocking divine power is really terrifying!

"Master of Heaven..."

If you win, you win!
The Two Boundaries Mountain roared continuously.

Li Chunyun's figure suddenly softened, and he almost fell to the ground.

Yang Gang moved his lips, and finally all his words turned into a long sigh, "I, Yang Gang, owe Qingyun Pavilion a lot."

Yang Gang let go of the Stone Monkey King's shoulders, dragged the Liangjie Mountain with one hand, and held the three-pointed two-edged knife on the ground with the other.

There are frequent occurrences of different phases in the sky.

Shouted three times suddenly, and three colorful lights fell one after another.

As soon as the Demon Emperor's envoy arrives and the Supreme Order Talisman falls, even the sword demon Yang Gang will be suppressed under the Mountain of Two Realms today, and there will be no possibility of escape forever!
Li Chunyun looked miserable.

Li Chunyun's expression was already pale, as if he could no longer wave the colorful sacred tree in his hand.


A long river of water and air rolled down like the water of a great river, guarding around Yang Gang, Li Chunyun and others.

A shocking seven-color divine light pierced through the void and landed on a demon saint.

a time.

Yang Gang picked up the three-pointed two-edged knife again, his expression became firm.


"it is good!"

The demon emperor's command talisman from above dropped beams of radiance from the heavens and dao, which completely erupted with terrifying power, suppressing the bodies of Yang Gang and the Stone Monkey King.

His expression was extremely sad and indignant.

Yaozu has countless backups.

Above the nine heavens, there was a long and frightened cry faintly.

If Li Chunyun can't bear the mountain above his head, let him carry it.

"Brother Yang, is everything okay?"

By the time……

There are only nine monster saints left in the sky.

"Ha ha ha ha"

With the arrival of the immortals in Qingyun Pavilion, the front of the Two Realms Mountains fell into complete silence.


next moment.


What they need most now is time!
When the power of the Demon Emperor's Token Talisman erupts completely, it will no longer be able to suppress the two mountains.

They——are all from Qingyun Pavilion.

"I, Yang Gang, have never done anything for Qingyun Pavilion. You..."

Everyone's expressions changed wildly.

"Hahahaha, have you exhausted your strength? Let me see what else you can do!" The great voice of the Bone Great Sage spread across Liangjie Mountains, with a hint of complacency.

With a wry smile, he said, "Brother Yang, I... can't hold on any longer. You guys run away, quick! Quick!"

"Brother Li."


Yang Gang raised his head slowly, looked at the two figures in the sky, and couldn't help but think of the two figures in the Zhuolu Field tens of thousands of years ago, who used to sit with him in front of the Human Emperor, disturbing the wind and rain, and fighting against the Jiuyou tribe .

Li Chunyun held a seven-colored divine tree, as if holding a seven-colored divine sword.With a wave in the air, a series of colorful branches and leaves emerged from the void, brushing against the figure of 72 demon kings.

"so what?"

It smiled sullenly.

A steady voice suddenly sounded from the periphery.

Is he going to watch that scene 500 years ago happen again today?But myself...


One more wave.

"Not only us, but also someone else, you must really want to see." Yuan Tianshi's voice fell.

Why give up if you haven't reached the last step?

Li Chunyun stood empty, silent.

He turned back sharply.

The moment Yang Gang decided not to use the Qiankun Bracelet against the Stone Monkey King, they were doomed and no one would help them.

Li Chunyun waved his colorful divine light.

Dazhou Babu didn't want to come to rescue them, but Qingyun Pavilion was willing to come.

It was a strong man with a black beard who looked like a savage, holding a bowl in his left hand and holding a dragon in it. I saw his right hand swaying, and all the water in the sky suddenly poured into the bronze bowl in his hand.

"Fall! Fall! Fall!"

A gloomy face suddenly appeared on the giant bone sword transformed by the great sage of bones.

There are still eight demon saints ahead, watching them covetously.

With the supreme divine power of the two of them, they couldn't overthrow it for a while.


next moment.

"Next, I'll leave it to you! Give us... to fight for one hour and three minutes."

The demon sage yelled angrily, and immediately resisted with the inspiration of the Dao that he had practiced for many years.

Mustering up the last bit of strength, he waved the Seven-Colored Divine Tree in his hand violently.

Shouted angrily: "Fen Tian!"

A great sun rises from the tip of the gun, and flames are born in the void, burning blazingly.It seems to be able to penetrate the void and bring Liangjie Mountain into the ancient world.

Everyone subconsciously turned their heads.

If you can't even bear the Stone Monkey King, then...

But if there is any loss after a big battle, Shengjun... Yuan Tianshi may not be able to account for it.

Looking at the remaining seven powerful demon saints, his heart sank a little bit.Even though he has practiced for thousands of years and experienced countless hardships and dangers, facing the current situation, he still feels a powerless despair.

A stream of colorful light pierced the sky, and a long river of seven colors fell down, surrounding the entire Liangjie Mountain.

Yang Gang and the Stone Monkey King frowned, showing serious expressions.The Bone King and other monster races all looked overjoyed and beamed with joy.

The terrifying sound of the wind, as if the immortal monarch had crossed the catastrophe, and the aura of the Great Dao emerged.The gust of wind blows the figures of monsters around them flying upside down.

Since then.

When the sky fell to the ground, it was temporarily unable to raise the ability to fight.

After this hard blow.


Li Chunyun took a deep breath with a dignified expression.

"You...you really are shameless!"


A long rainbow flew from the sky, leaving behind a figure.

In the end, they were attacked by the water god Gonggong Zhu Qinglong and fell into reincarnation.

Although they won today, it is very disgraceful.

Finally, a blue cloud cut through the sky and landed in front of the Two Realms Mountains.

The person who made the sound first stepped slowly from the Qingyun, with a clear face and a steady breath, it was the head of the Qingyun Pavilion——Yuan Tianshi.

Yuan Tianshi shook his head slowly, with a complicated look on his face.

Say it.

"Brother Li, let them come here..." Yang Gang sighed.One hand quietly held the fairy jade pendant on his chest, white chance... this treasure, his last retreat...

And because his body couldn't bear such a powerful force, cracks began to appear on the surface inch by inch.


The Qingyun Pavilion is willing to save the person the Yaozu wants to kill!
Today, most of the immortals in the Qingyun Pavilion scattered in the Three Realms and living in seclusion have come.Even those old guys who lived in seclusion in Qingyun Pavilion on weekdays, those old guys who were approaching the end of their lifespan—all came.


I saw that he was holding a wheel in his left hand and a fan in his right hand, facing the sky.

The Great Sage of Bones smiled sullenly.

Stronger than all the demons present!
The new envoy of the Demon Emperor is rushing here with the Demon Emperor's talisman.

"Who says there is no fairy king in my human race?"

It uses the most insidious means in the world, as long as it can win, it will only be honored and rewarded in the future.

"Cough cough cough~~~"

With his magic power of a thousand years since he first joined the Immortal Monarch, it is already a good record to forcibly exchange an old demon saint who has practiced for many years.


Yang Gang suddenly chuckled.

"Uncle Feng, Master Yu..."

A soft sigh sounded.

Yang Gang looked at the solemn looking old guys in the sky, and couldn't help moistening his eyes.

"Let them come here?"

The magical power of the Great Sun landed on countless demons, and with all their strength, they blocked the nine demon saints, the 72 cave demon kings, and countless demons all at once.

With a pale halo all over his body, and his supernatural power hidden, he led the six demon saints behind him, and finally walked in front of Li Chunyun against the seven-colored wind.

The Great Sage of Bones waved his hand.

"Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful!"

The six-horned rhinoceros monster groaned suddenly.

"By the order of the Demon Emperor, hold the Demon Emperor's order talisman, and forever guard the Stone Monkey King, Yang Gang, and the mountains of the two worlds!" An ethereal voice came from hundreds of millions of miles away from the depths of the Demon Realm.

People from Da Zhou... have actually arrived?
Then they...

Although they are detached and do not belong to the Eight Heavenly Divisions, their participation in this matter must be a private matter.

All of a sudden, the wind swept away, and the two mountains and thousands of miles showed a clear sky.

Yang Gang stared at the sky, gritted his teeth.

A vertical eye on the forehead flickered with golden light, and suddenly looked out of the sky.

"Why, don't you have any strength?"

A hearty long drink suddenly sounded from the sky.


Yang Gang frowned suddenly.

Looking at the woman in a red and white double-breasted dress, holding a red-tasseled spear, she walked towards him step by step.

And in the sky.

That long rainbow suddenly flew into the distance, heading straight for the demon emperor's envoy.

(End of this chapter)

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