I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 206 The monkey king was born, eat my grandson 1 stick! [7000 words updated today]

Chapter 206 The Monkey King is Born, Eat My Grandson! [7000 words updated today]

"How did you come?"

Yang Gang looked at the woman in front of him in astonishment.

"I... miss you." A miss is worth a thousand words.Yang Gang didn't know what to say for a while.

for a long time.

He responded, "Who was that just now?"

"It's Doumu Shenjun, and... Huode Shenjun." Jiang Jiang lightly landed beside Yang Gang, his cold eyes were already full of tears.

Although... despite her premonition, Yang Gang did not die.

But during this period of time, the worry in my heart has never been less than one point.

"The two gods are here too?"

Looking at him, it was like looking at a fool.

How could he not believe Yang Gang.

Only the next sentence.

Seeing that his strength was insufficient, this Lord of the Fire Department was so decisive.

"My old grandson is here... isn't it a bit redundant?" The Stone Monkey King scratched his ears and felt uncomfortable all over.

He couldn't help but took Jiang Jiang's hand, wrapped his fingers around her palm, and held it tightly.

"It's understandable that Lord Doumu is here. It should be Yuan Tianshi who asked to move. But Lord Huode...why is he here? Is the overall situation really that simple?"

And this time.

"Brother Monkey?"

It seems that the victory has been decided.

The Stone Monkey King's heart skipped a beat, instinctively feeling something was wrong.

Only Yang Gang and Qingyun Pavilion were left in the field.


"I... will never be a burden! But you must also wait for me..." Jiang Jiang walked forward silently, a strange picture of his previous life flashed in his mind, but was quickly forgotten.


In my life... I must never let her down again!

The terrifying breath seemed to shake the entire Demon Realm.


She hugged her tightly, tightly, and seemed reluctant to let go for a moment.

is anyone!

Doumu Shenjun glanced at Huode Shenjun, his expression changed slightly.Suddenly grabbing Jiang Jiang's arm, his figure turned into a streamer.

All eyes focused on Yang Gang again, waiting for his choice.

This hug seems to be eternity.

"it is good!"

"Then today, we brothers, we will live and die together!"

"Brother Monkey, trust me."

Lord Huode turned his eyes to look at Yang Gang, and suddenly scolded: "Yang Gang, this is the end of the matter, why don't you take out the Qiankun bracelet? Quickly took the Heaven-reaching God Iron in the brain of the stone monkey, and returned to the university with me." Week to go..."


Yang Gang and Jiang Jiang embraced each other tightly, as if there were only two of them left in the world.


Even Yuan Tianshi, who was about to leave Yang Gang and gave up Yang Gang, and Huode Shenjun, who flew to the sky, couldn't help turning his head back, completely unable to understand Yang Gang's actions.

"Yang Gang, hurry up!"

Lord Huode snorted coldly, and glanced back at the Demon Emperor's envoy who had almost arrived at Liangjie Mountain.

There were two loud bangs.

The eyes of everyone looked around.

Looking at the stunningly beautiful woman in her arms whose cheeks and even neck were already blushing, she couldn't help but nodded heavily.

In his last life in Beidi, Jiang Jiang knew what kind of person Yang Gang was.

"Ah—" Even though the Stone Monkey King had been prepared for a long time, he never thought that Yang Gang would kick his ass on him.

The Stone Monkey King was about to speak.

"Since you want to die, you can stay by yourself. People of Qingyun Pavilion, follow me!"

There was a loud bang in the sky.

Yang Gang smiled slightly, and said relaxedly: "One person, two brothers. Have I ever wanted to harm you?"

The only sacrifice was the Stone Monkey King.

I saw a command talisman rising suddenly, emitting dazzling brilliance towards the sky and turning into a huge Hong Zhong.

She understood that a previous life of hers was about to awaken.


Slowly took out a metal bracelet from his arms.


"This catastrophe has changed. The Demon Emperor's envoy is the reincarnation of the ancient Xiangliu, and he came with the power of the Eastern Emperor Bell. It is unstoppable, retreat quickly!"

"Yang Gang..." There was a whisper full of enthusiasm.


this moment.

Yang Gang was silent for a while, and finally understood what the Stone Monkey King meant.


The two camps in front of the two mountains fell into a temporary confrontation.

At the foot of the Two Worlds Mountain.

"I said, I don't believe you. You... Hurry up and leave! Get lost!" The Stone Monkey King turned his head away, deliberately not taking Yang Gang's gaze away.

Huode Xingjun grabbed the falling Doumu Shenjun, his figure suddenly turned into a cloud of fire, and flew from the sky to the front of the Two Realms Mountains.

It took a lot of courage for Jiang Jiang to say this.

Jiang Jiang asked.

The quiet scene was finally broken by a loud bang from the distant sky.

Jiang Jiang put on his mask slowly, ignoring the terrifying majesty, and walked in front of Doumu Shenjun.

for a long time.


Without waiting for others to speak.


He said to the Stone Monkey King, "Brother Monkey."

The person I love is a hero who stands up to the sky.

"Brother Monkey, I'll leave it to you!"

Jiang Jiang stood tall and tall, clutching the Qiankun bracelet tightly, turned around and left resolutely.

Why did he do this?
Do you really think that if you release a stone monkey king and endure the suppression of Liangjie Mountain yourself, the situation today will be changed?
How did your performance before, Yang Gang, be worse than that of the Stone Monkey King?
But it's not that he was besieged by thousands of monsters and needed the help of the immortals of the Great Zhou.

With a bang.

He just felt that he was more redundant than anyone else.

He gave Yang Gang a hard look, turned around and left.

Yang Gang ignored them.

"...Okay." Yang Gang couldn't help lowering his head.

"Ginger Jiang..."

a time.


As for the Stone Monkey King beside him...

"Who said... I'm going to die with you?" Yang Gang suddenly laughed and approached the Stone Monkey King step by step.

The Stone Monkey King turned around suddenly, his eyes were red.

"You guys... good, good! Hmph!"

Emotion is a terrible force.

"Wait, I'm out?"


Doumu Shenjun and Huode Shenjun, two eight-part gods who have practiced for many years, were directly shot down into the void by two golden lights.

He is the Stone Monkey King, standing up to the sky... He never wants to implicate anyone.

"give me."

He is the head of Qingyun Pavilion, and he is responsible for everyone.

Shaking his head slightly, he also planned to leave.Otherwise, as soon as the Demon Emperor's talisman arrives, if His Majesty the Holy Monarch does not act, the entire Qingyun Pavilion will be buried here.

Hearing this voice, Yang Gang did not move.

Don't blame him for being suspicious, it's because during this period of time, among the catastrophes he has experienced, there are too many scams.

Yang Gang suddenly raised his head and roared to the sky.

A loud bang.


The Huode Shenjun looked stern and his voice was extremely domineering.

Under the complicated eyes of everyone, it was handed over to...Jiang Jiang.

Watching a figure suddenly burst into golden light, he took out a long stick from his ear and stretched it slowly.

A decisive sigh.

At this time, Yang Gang raised his hands high, and a bright brilliance erupted all over his body.A jade pendant on his chest shone with light, changing his aura to become almost exactly the same as the Stone Monkey King.

However, the power from Qingyun Pavilion is not weak at all, not to mention the unpredictable Yuan Tianshi, that Fengbo Yushi is the best among the immortals.There is also a Tianjiao who has been scattered in the Three Realms in Qingyun Pavilion.

Can a stone monkey king fight against demons all over the sky?Can he fight against the reincarnated body of the nine-headed Xiangliu who came with the Demon Emperor's Token Talisman?
"Go, go! Brother Monkey, sweep away the chaos with one stick... Let everyone in the Three Realms see how powerful you are!"

There was a demon light outside the sky, surrounded by two divine lights, constantly fighting.

The Liangjie Mountains vibrated with a bang, and golden lights fell from the sky.

In the long river of fate.

A strong, strong past life.

When the time comes... I will protect you!
"give me."

this moment.

Watching this scene, Yuan Tianshi couldn't help but smile wryly.

It was a proud smile.

No one could have imagined that the good situation suddenly took a turn for the worse.Two mighty Great Zhou God Sovereigns.Facing the power of the Eastern Emperor's Bell hidden in the Demon Emperor's Order Talisman, just one blow... and he was defeated!

It seemed that he wanted to rub his body... completely into his arms.



"Huh? What are you doing?"

If he believed it, Yang Gang would definitely decide to stay.

The gazes of all the people in the three realms fell on that tender couple.

However, there is a scalding warm current in my heart, which seems to turn into a little scorching liquid and overflow from my eyes.

"It's ok."

Suddenly his expression changed.


The two gods with advanced cultivation immediately caught up.

The other party was carrying Liangjie Mountain, and was looking at Yang Gang with a shocked look.

He will be suppressed under the Mountain of Two Realms, and will never be freed from it.

A strange smile appeared on his face.

Can not help but fell into contemplation.

If he took out the Qiankun bracelet and hit the Stone Monkey King on the head.

The focus of the battle shifted to the battle between the two gods in the distance and the emissary of the Demon Emperor.

After experiencing this parting, even with Jiang Jiang's resolute temperament, he was completely overwhelmed by the strong emotions in his heart.

The Huode Shenjun repeated it, and a wave of divine power suddenly fell on Jiang Jiang.

It's a pity that he was trapped at the foot of Liangjie Mountain. With Yang Gang letting go, he could only bow his waist alone, supporting the boundless and heavy weight of Liangjie Mountain with both hands.Become a super bright light bulb, witnessing a couple's emotional further.

A trembling sound.

"Good brother, you..."

The Stone Monkey King suddenly said: "I don't believe you, you can go."

Yang Gang looked into the distance, with golden eyes shining on his forehead.

Today, everyone can leave safely, including him.

"Decided?" The Stone Monkey King didn't turn his head, his voice seemed to tremble a little.

Yang Gang, Qingyun Pavilion and others just showed joy.

Yang Gang raised his head and looked at the God of Fire, and said firmly, "Stay here."

Yang Gang lifted his foot and kicked the Stone Monkey King's butt.


And the Stone Monkey King, who was driven into a desperate situation and fell into madness... What kind of shock will it bring to all beings in the Three Realms?
And this time.


"From now on... I will never leave you again." A thin mosquito's voice sounded in Yang Gang's arms.

There are nine demon saints and 72 cave demon kings in the demon tribe, but two of them have temporarily lost their fighting power.

But if Yang Gang is unwilling...

Yang Gang looked up at the sky.

He turned his head abruptly, and suddenly his eyes were tearing apart.

Yang Gang was slightly taken aback.

A hand suddenly appeared in front of Jiang Jiang.

He let go of Jiang Jiang's embrace, and turned to look at the Stone Monkey King beside him.

"Monkey brother."

Do your best to give him the greatest tolerance.

"I choose……"

"I'm sorry, I just promised you. I... I'm going to break my promise."

The extremely heavy Liangjie Mountain hit his hands heavily, and Yang Gang's hands were bent suddenly, and his bones were broken.Hearing another bang, his body sank suddenly, and the Two Boundaries Mountain was firmly pressed against his shoulders.

Doumu Shenjun and Huode Shenjun fought with the emissary of the Demon Emperor who was in status!

Yang Gang subconsciously frowned, and then saw the red eyes of the woman in front of him, and couldn't help but temporarily put everything behind him.

Powerful enemies are all around, and immortals are watching.

Everyone was shocked.

Yang Gang stared into the eyes of the Stone Monkey King, speaking solemnly.

The figure turned into a streamer and rolled down the Liangjie Mountain.

"Brother Monkey..."

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

He... how dare he!how could he...

After a while.

Jiang Jiang couldn't restrain the emotions in his heart any longer, and threw himself into Yang Gang's arms, hugging his waist tightly.

Even though her back was facing Yang Gang, she clutched her heart tightly, feeling a heart-piercing pain.But she decided to...leave this place, so as not to distract her beloved and drag him down.

That brilliant demon light, like the sun falling, fell to the ground precariously.

Everyone's expressions changed.

Yang Gang nodded heavily.

The Stone Monkey King couldn't help hesitating.

Jiang Jiang took off the fierce mask from his face, and suddenly a beautiful face appeared in front of the world.A smile curled up on that cold, world-weary face.

"Is this the purpose of your coming today?"

The God of Fire Virtue shouted angrily.


Why did she stop it?

But there was a streak of white luck burning crazily, setting off layers of storms.

Such out of phase.

In the long river of fate, this is the first time it has appeared!
"Ahhh, evildoer! Give me a stick from my grandson!" An unruly roar suddenly resounded through the world.

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(End of this chapter)

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