I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 207 White Chance: Ultimate Strength

Chapter 207 White Chance: Ultimate Strength

Don't lose, don't forget, immortal longevity Hengchang.

In the long river of fate, a ray of white opportunity completely burned.When Yang Gang used the fairy jade pendant to imitate the breath of the Stone Monkey King, he was suppressed at the foot of the Liangjie Mountain instead of him.

this moment.

The fairy jade pendant on Yang Gang's chest actually manifested this line of writing just like in his previous life.

This is the so-called reward for giving, and this is the entanglement between cause and effect!
Yang Gang's eyes blurred.

It seems to see a dark world again, it is the nether world, it is reincarnation... it is the ultimate destination of life.Full of infinite dead silence, but also full of infinite hope.

it's here.

Yang Gang saw a stone, which seemed to connect his past and present lives.

That three-life stone filled with immortal light became the only light in this dark world.

However, Yang Gang was still a little puzzled.

The Sansheng Stone possessed him, and the Stone Monkey King taught by precept and deed, and experienced the use of every ounce of power to the peak, which is clearer than any master's teaching in this world.


Yang Gang 'possessed' the perspective of the Stone Monkey King, a sense of bewilderment appeared on his face.

After a battle with the two top powers of the Zhou Dynasty, Doumu Shenjun and Huode Shenjun, the nine-headed Xiangliu's body was broken, and the power of stars and fire flickered in the wound from time to time, and he seemed to have little fighting power left.
It is conceivable that although the battle just now was short, it was very tragic.

Now, after half a year of practice under the pressure of Liangjie Mountain, he awakened his previous life, and his cultivation base was directly promoted to the realm of the earth fairy, which has undergone earth-shaking changes.His strength has improved by leaps and bounds.

The envoy of the Demon Emperor has finally arrived.

His situation at this time does not seem to be very good.

The Stone Monkey King... so fierce?
When he was suppressed at the foot of the Two Realms Mountain that day, he had just entered the fairyland and not long after he condensed into the sixth heaven of the Shenqiao, a demon saint chased him to the sky without a way to go down to the ground.

a time.

a time.

"Ah, ah, if you dare to bully my brothers, you will all die to my grandson!" The current Stone Monkey King can be said to be full of evil spirits, wild and violent.

His hand suddenly swelled up and swept out.

This mighty power is really unbelievable.

Unexpectedly, he knocked away all the monsters including the Great Sage of Bones with one stick.

Little did he know that the Stone Monkey King at this time had already awakened most of his past life memories, except for Yang Gang...an odd number in the world.

It directly cleared the universe and shocked the Three Realms.

A loud cry resounded in all directions.

A majesty that seemed to come from ancient times awakened the Stone Monkey King who had fallen into a violent killing.

Yang Gang only felt his body move.

"Great God Xiangliu..."

Everyone in front of the Two Boundaries Mountain was shocked on the spot.

In his field of vision, there was another perspective.

Amidst the roar of the Stone Monkey King, he struck the phantom of the Eastern Emperor Bell with a stick.

On the top of the head of the nine-headed willow, a magnificent bronze bell suddenly appeared, turned around and fell straight to the top of the stone monkey king.

All the monster clans were killed all at once, crying for their fathers and mothers, majestic and majestic.

Eighteen eyes of the nine-headed demon saint also focused on the Stone Monkey King.

The voice fell.

Through the involvement of the Sansheng Stone, he personally experienced the use of power at this level, and the mysterious veil of physical supernatural powers, like a woman's faint skirt unfolded in front of his eyes for the first time.

With the Demon Emperor's Token Talisman in hand, it contains a trace of the supreme power of the Eastern Emperor Bell, and it is as easy as flipping the palm of the hand to suppress the Stone Monkey King today.

Nine-headed Xiangliu waited all day, calmly standing in front of the two mountains.

at the same time.

Heaven faintly responded.

Why can the two fairylands rival the Supreme Immortal?It would be too exaggerated to explain it with only two divine weapons.

He had vaguely experienced it when he stepped into the ultimate power of the world.

"So that's how it is... so this is the end of the earth... this is my... white chance!"

He directly traveled through endless time and space, through countless reincarnations, and changed his perspective from himself to 'another person'.Standing on the mountains of the two realms, holding a long gold-plated stick, a mighty and extraordinary body.

He struggled to lift the Liangjie Mountain, looking at the Stone Monkey King criss-crossing the sky, his eyes were a little confused.

A shrill scream sounded from outside the Liangjie Mountains.The bodies of monsters fluttered like rags.

At the foot of the Two Worlds Mountain.

The divine light splashed, and the avenue emerged.

There were actually two demon saints who fell under the gilded long staff, and their bodies turned into a puddle of flesh.

A suction came.

A ray of golden light fell from the sky and turned into an exquisite command talisman, suspended above the head of a nine-headed demon saint.


He slowly raised his head, his eyes bloodthirsty, looking at the figure in front of him.

His words revealed the confusion in everyone's mind today.

I believe that with his comprehension, he will soon be able to surpass the ultimate level and reach this level.


Nine-headed Xiangliu smiled coldly, eighteen eyes cast a strange look on the Demon Emperor's Token Talisman in his hand, and the phantom of the Eastern Emperor Bell stared more and more at once.

He is an outlier in this world, understandable.Because in ancient times, it was an anomaly to transform into three lives and reverse reincarnation.

And right now.

As soon as the Demon Emperor's Token Talisman came out, even the God Lord Doumu and the God Lord Huode could only drink their hatred.

What's more, the current Stone Monkey King?

He caused countless troubles in the demon realm in ancient times, and he has experienced hundreds of thousands of battles in his life. In terms of fighting ability, Yang Gang at that time could not compare with him.


"Because the world is different. In this world, it's like standing in the ancient world, controlling the way that ordinary people can't match. His supernatural power is naturally extraordinary. If you want to fight with them at the same level, unless... this world completely returns to the ancient world hour."

It seems that the words of the nine-headed Xiangliu have revealed the deepest secret in this world.

The Stone Monkey King bared his teeth suddenly and roared, already getting impatient.


The power can lift the sky and shatter the void.


Yang Gang's mind was devoted to it.


"Long long long—"

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, the clock wall of Donghuang Bell Xuying became thinner and thinner, more illusory and transparent.

Without personally experiencing the difference between ancient times and the present, it is natural to be unable to understand how different the 'Tao' of Yang Gang and the Stone Monkey King is from them.

This stick was ordinary, but it covered the nine heads of the Nine-headed Xiangliu.

a time.

"Heh~ The reason why you have the advantage is because you have awakened the memories of the ancient times. Now, the world is gradually recovering...the time for you to be arrogant is running out." Nine-headed Xiangliu and the Bone Great Sage talked like no one else, as if they were facing each other The Stone Monkey King is already in the bag.


In this world, he defected to the Demon Emperor, in exchange for awakening some ancient memories ahead of time, which is already a line faster than many great powers in the Three Realms.When the world ushers in a truly great change in the future, we will surely be able to win more opportunities.

What the Stone Monkey King performed in person was the peak of the ultimate power of the earth.



between a few breaths.

The golden light flickered wildly, and I saw that the gilded long staff turned into the god of iron in his hand swelled wildly, and the phantom of the Eastern Emperor Bell on the top of his head in the blink of an eye also kept growing.

At this time, he was the Stone Monkey King, and they were no longer able to match him.Just like Yang Gang before!

Nine-headed Xiangliu, the reincarnation of the ancient god.

The Bone Demon Saint flew to Xiangliu's side, and asked softly, "Why are the Stone Monkey King and Yang Gang so powerful? A fairyland, an earth fairy, can rival us, is it really just because of the magical weapons in their hands?" ?”

The gilded long staff in his hand suddenly swung out, turned into a pillar of support, and swept across the demon realm with one stick.


What's more, what the Stone Monkey King is about to face...is the power of the ancient Eastern Emperor Bell.

The name of Emperor Stone is astonishing in the past and the present.

At the foot of Liangjie Mountain, Yang Gang listened silently.

this stick.

Nine-headed Xiangliu suddenly shouted: "Town!"

The golden monkey made a great effort, and Yuyu clarified Wan Lie!

It is difficult to explain their current performance.

With a cry of 'Monster, eat my old grandson with a stick! ' resounded through the sky.

Thoughts have not come to an end.

Compared with that powerful aura, the nine-headed demon saint back then is simply...an ant!

Yang Gang was stunned for a moment, "Because I imitated the Stone Monkey King, I activated the mystery of the 'Three Lives Stone', and possessed the perspective of the Stone Monkey King through the shackles of reincarnation? What kind of chance is this..."

Most of the people present couldn't understand, they just looked blank.

He took heavy breaths, as rough as thunder.

No matter how thoroughly comprehend the supernatural powers of the ancient Dao, there is a limit.

"As expected of the strange number in this world, the strange number in the ancient mountains and seas. The Stone Monkey King, and...you." His eyes turned suddenly, and fell on Yang Gang at the foot of the two worlds.

It was the Stone Monkey King.

Order all the Yaozu to retreat together, unwilling to make fearless sacrifices.

A perspective hung on the Stone Monkey King, feeling the movement and changes of his physical strength, a sneer suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Except Yang Gang and the Stone Monkey King.

Such a price is completely acceptable.

But Nine-headed Xiangliu didn't care much.

But every time the stick fell, it seemed to surpass any magical powers, condensing the strength of his body to the extreme.

"Brother Monkey...how on earth did you do it?"

The same realm?

all of a sudden.

A melodious bell suddenly resounded in everyone's heart.

He opened his mouth and said:

This kind of feeling.

The Stone Monkey King held a magic stick and chased him wildly and bloodily.

Is it true that in ancient times, Shi Huang and I were two little dishes?
"Hey, is that enough?"

But Yang Gang... what's going on?

There seemed to be a hint of puzzlement in his eyes.

The Stone Monkey King grinned, and suddenly shouted: "Long!"

The Great Sage of Bones let out a shameful roar.

This kind of power came from the ancient demon emperor, and only he with the body of the nine-headed willow can control it.

"Ha ha ha ha"

Yang Gang possessed the perspective of the Stone Monkey King, as if he had hit the stick, and an unspeakable emotion surged in his chest.

In addition to relying on the indestructible strength of the gods of the gods, this is more of the power of the flesh, rather than borrowing the power of the gods like Yang Gang.

Boom boom boom!
He landed one stick after another, without any fanfare, without using any magical powers.

"Today's matter, this is the end!"

"Although the Tongtian Divine Iron in my hand is not the complete body of the ancient times. You, the Eastern Emperor Bell, have no real body. Fighting with my old grandson? Little Jiutou, you are still a little tender!"

The Stone Monkey King sneered.

In terms of knowledge and means, the Stone Monkey King, who has roamed the ancient mountains and seas for countless years, obviously surpassed Xiang Liu, who had only awakened part of his memory.

He suddenly shouted: "Break!"

(End of this chapter)

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