I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 227 The Way of the Dragon 3 Prince's Death

Chapter 227 The Third Prince's Way of Death

"Yang Gang."

A roar rose from the sea.

Wow~~Thousands of sea waves are churning, and a huge snow-white head with scales and armor emerges from the sea surface. Its horns are like a deer, its head is like a camel, its eyes are like a rabbit, and its neck is like a snake.

"I am the third prince of the East China Sea Dragon Palace——Ao Bing."

"Ao Bing?"

Yang Gang smiled, "A, B, C, you are the third child, so you are called Ao Bing? Wait, what's your name?" His expression suddenly changed, and he asked again.

"I am the third prince of the East Sea Dragon Palace, so is Ao Bing!"

"Ao Bing..."

Yang Gang stared at the white dragon carefully and fell into a long silence.

This battle in the East China Sea, which opened the prelude to the catastrophe, is destined to be tragic and bloody.

"The third prince of the East China Sea, where did he go?"

Immortal light filled the sky, and blood rained pouring down.

Yang Gang closed his eyes and let out a long sigh.

A cold hum.

"You are not worthy of my father's appearance. I am here today to represent the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea!"

It was as if the lives of millions of creatures in the East China Sea were like ants and duckweed in his eyes.

He represents the emperor of heaven, the orthodoxy of the authority of mountains, seas and heaven.

Yang Gang opened his eyes slightly, and continued: "Is there news from 'Anzi'?"

Ao Bing raised his head and let out a long 'ang', his figure suddenly rose from the sea, thousands of feet long, covered in white scales.The length of a dragon's body can be compared with a thousand-foot fairy boat.

"Yang Gang, shoot me!"

If this kind of battle is to be fought by him, the coach who has experienced the "Battle of Zhuolu" and "The Tribulation of Demons in the Realm" in the mountains and seas.The gods and gods that Da Zhou has carefully cultivated over the years... can go to reincarnation by themselves!

Da Zhou has prepared for this battle for an unknown number of years.

The overwhelming sound of shouting resounded across the sea and sky.

Yang Gang suddenly shouted heavily.

Giving them a month... is too small for them!



Yang Gang asked suddenly.

A God General of the Doubu flew out, holding a pair of knives, and fought with the White Dragon Third Prince.

Neat voices responded.

There was a bang behind him.

It seems that the destruction of the East China Sea is only a matter of time.

"Give me—kill!" He waved his hand violently, his eyes were as deep as water, and murderous intent surged.

Who will Da Zhou's butcher knife point at?
a day later.

a time.

Jiang Jiang and Han Xiang stood beside him, one holding a spear in his hand, with a stern face, and the other empty-handed, with a command flag hanging above his head.

Numerous fairy lights and spells emerged together.

A white dragon suddenly turned into a human form, rode a water-avoiding beast, and came straight to Yang Gang.

On the ten fairy boats of the Great Zhou Dynasty, all the gods and heavenly soldiers couldn't help laughing silently.

She bowed and replied: "The 360 ​​Commander monitored the battlefield and recorded that the third prince of the East China Sea had returned to the bottom of the sea a day ago. Supervising Tiansi observed that he had entered a mysterious place in the deep sea and could not be pursued."

It made the hearts of countless fighting immortals, gods and soldiers of the Great Zhou tremble slightly.

All the great generals of the Doubu and the generals of the Ministry of War were aroused by Yang Gang's words to fight in their hearts.


Yang Gang sat upright on the stage, his expression indifferent, and he closed his eyes to rest his mind.


Yang Gang's record and strength are beyond doubt.

When they reacted, Da Zhou had already adjusted his formation under the command of the great generals, and started a new round of onslaught.

at that time.

Life and death have been left behind.

a month?

Compared with that year, the Battle of the East China Sea is like the difference between fireflies and the sun and the moon.

Sighs resounded from all over the Three Realms.

"As expected of the third prince of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, he is so arrogant that he takes death. It seems that you can't wait for your destiny... that person. All the soldiers of the Great Zhou obey orders!"

Earth Immortal Realm, Ao Bing, the Third Prince of the East China Sea...

an hour.

This is just a mere earth fairy.

But when this sentence falls.

Yang Gang turned around and landed on the general platform on top of a fairy boat.

A hundred thousand voices shouted in unison.

The East China Sea is destroyed.

He represents the majesty of the Great Zhou.

"Back to the coach."


There are already millions of corpses floating on the East China Sea, and the tens of thousands of miles of sea are dyed red with blood, like a gloomy sea of ​​blood.

Suddenly the sky fell apart and the tsunami surged.

"Where's your father? Donghai will send you out?" Yang Gang continued.

The tens of thousands of years of Dazhou's foundation, only the strength of the Doubu and the Ministry of War crushed the strength of Donghai's entire clan.

two hours.

If the East China Sea Dragon Palace is not careful today, it will be in danger of extermination!

For a moment, I felt that my hands were soft and my feet were soft, and I couldn't keep up with the speed of Da Zhou Tianbing's transformation.

Corpses fell on the East China Sea, Dao Yun roared, and countless mourning souls fell into the cycle of reincarnation like tides.

"All the ministries fight against the stars in the south and fight independently. I will give you a month to clear the East China Sea and fill up the Dragon Palace." Yang Gang's majestic voice spread throughout the East China Sea, "If you deal with this group of shrimp soldiers and crabs, you will not be able to take it down for a month... Humph!"

The [-] great Zhou Tianbing retreated for the time being, and changed their formation in an orderly manner, handing over from front to back.

this moment.

But his ability to command troops in battle has never been demonstrated in the Three Realms.


"It seems that if you want to end the battle as soon as possible...you need to find a helper."

"Donghai is about to lose."


"That's their lair."

Han Xiang looked at Yang Gang's face, felt the majesty of him, and felt a little cautious and awed in her heart.

The fighting went on endlessly.

Everyone felt a powerful majesty, a majesty that belonged to the invincible God of War in ancient mountain and sea myths.

The battle was presented in front of the three sides at the beginning, and it was a one-sided situation.

And this time.

clang clang~~
A melodious sound of gold and iron clashing resounded across the sea and sky.

"Stop the battle for three moments, and rotate the formation. The vanguard will become an assistant, and the backup will fill the position of the vanguard." Holding the command flag, Han Xiang flew high into the sky and conveyed Yang Gang's order to the three armies.

"The Great Zhou has arranged for many years, and broke into 36 secrets in the secret realm of the East China Sea Dragon Palace. But when the war started, the East China Sea Dragon Palace was completely closed, and no news has come out so far."

"A mere little dragon from the East China Sea dares to invite the commander-in-chief of our army? Stop!"

"And then..."

What is being conquered is the demon realm, the emperor of the land.

Yang Gang sat quietly on the handsome chair, watching the battle above the sea and sky, expressionless.

Hundreds of thousands against tens of millions, they have the illusion that they can't breathe.

A tragic battle officially kicked off.

This made many forces in the world's fairy mountains and blessed land and caves who were secretly observing feel a little uneasy.

The advantage in quantity, at the level of Yuanshen and even the fairyland, is completely unable to make up for the gap in quality.

One hundred thousand versus one million, or even tens of millions of creatures.The soldiers of the Great Zhou slaughtered the Donghai aquarium that rushed up in a destructive gesture.

The surrounding aquariums looked at each other in blank dismay.

Yang Gang tapped the handrail lightly with his fingers, looking thoughtful.

Han Xiang got up and straightened her chest, and continued to stand beside him, looking at the chaotic East China Sea battlefield in the distance.


Jiang Jiang suddenly made a sound.

(End of this chapter)

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