I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 228 The Mystery of the Broken Three-Pointed and Two-Edged Knife

Chapter 228 The Mystery of the Broken Three-pointed Two-edged Knife

Yang Gang said.

"The woman in Zhenbao Pavilion woke up last night." Jiang Jiang said quietly.

"What did she say?"

Yang Gang asked quietly, without looking back.

"She didn't say anything. She seems to have...some memory problems." Jiang Jiang replied.

"Memory problem?"

Yang Gang frowned slightly.

After a while, he finally said nothing.

Another day and night.

The figure of the ancient dragon gradually shrunk and turned into a majestic man wearing a dragon robe, standing above the sea, at the same height as Yang Gang.

"Donghai is willing to hang up the card of avoiding the battle, please the Great Zhou Sage, please the real king... Let me live in Donghai."


Suddenly, a golden token flew up in his hand, floating in the air.

Suddenly he laughed outrageously.

"Let you go?"

"Dragon King Ao Guang of the East China Sea, please see Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun." A divine dragon rose from the return center, with a vast body, winding and entangled, and the terrifying aura of the immortal monarch shocked the world.

Han Xiang said softly.



The corners of Yang Gang's mouth gradually curled up, revealing an amused expression.

Yang Gang leaned forward, slightly bowed his head and said.

"He... Could it be that he sensed my thoughts... No, it's impossible, I've never shown it... Could it be that he has his own thoughts... Yang Gang, I'm your aunt, you can do this... think……"

"it's dark."

The Dragon King smiled all over his face, "I am the Lord of the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea, the Pillar of the Four Seas, and I was named the Dragon King in ancient times."

Among the Three Realms, what else can match the three-pointed and two-edged sword?
The night gradually passed.

"Boss, do you want to pursue?"

As if - from ancient times.

Looking at the sea area behind the Dragon King of the East China Sea, countless powerful figures rose from the sea, as if they had been dormant for tens of thousands of years, returning from ancient times.

The scenes of the waning moon and ice crystals in the previous life flashed in Hanxiang's mind.

The figures of countless Donghai aquariums appeared silently from the surface of the water again.

At first I thought it was a sky eye pendant, but later it turned into a three-pointed two-edged knife, but what is the source of its power, and why can it stimulate the power within it with a firm will...

Yang Gang rubbed between his brows and closed his eyes.

The crescent moon in the sky revealed a corner shyly.

"You said, if it is destined to happen, it is destined to have an irreversible ending. Are we...do we still have to fight?" Yang Gang continued on his own.

Another day and night.

The god of war in silver armor faces hundreds of millions of enemies who look down on him alone, looking up to the nine heavens.


Shine the moonlight on the two of them.

And many forces in the entire Three Realms were also shocked by the strength of the Great Zhou army.

He took the initiative to salute Yang Gang.

Han Xiang turned her head slightly, looking at Yang Gang's handsome profile.

Millions of aquariums receded like tides, leaving only pieces of corpses piled up on the sea surface.

The powerful aura gathered into one strand to contend with the coercive chamber of one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers.

He looked up at the sky, his face under the moonlight was unexpectedly a bit dazed.

"That thing, you...do you really want to do it?"

"Come—to fight!"

"Besides, this must be the ultimate collision of force and force. Otherwise, even a treasure of the same level would not be able to achieve this step." Yang Gang meditated silently, frowning.

He tightly held the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand.

"Why do you ask?"

"hold head high--"

"Rest and recuperate. One day later, continue to invite the battle!"

One thought is as cold as the moonlight, and the other is as hot as the ancient sun.

The Dragon Clan of the East China Sea finally understood the final hole card.

at the same time.


Yang Gang suddenly opened his eyes and looked into the depths of the sea.

this battle.

I only feel that there is a power in the dark, which cuts off its connection with the heaven and earth, and also cuts off the connection between the three realms and a certain power...

"So what if the whole world is an enemy? I, Yang Jian, am not afraid of the Three Realms!"

Yang Gang tightly held the magic weapon in his hand.

The creatures of the Donghai tribe are endless like moths to a flame, and the shouts of killing above the sea and sky have not stopped for a moment.

What he said...could it be...

A series of broken memory images suddenly came from somewhere.


The Dragon King of the East China Sea sighed slightly.

Han Xiang's expression moved slightly, wondering why Yang Gang suddenly called out such an intimate name.

The Three Realms seemed to have fallen into silence in an instant.

he said.

Still on the battlefield at this time.

He really wanted to know if only a mere [-] heavenly soldiers could suppress the East China Sea, which had a combat power of tens of millions.

Yang Gang and Han Xiang suddenly fell into a long silence.

"Dragon King of the East China Sea?"

"In the ancient times, what kind of battle was it that could completely smash the three-pointed and two-edged knife, a magic weapon?"

One recalls ancient times, and the other recalls ancient times.

He... what did he imply?
The doomed ending...the thing I've always wanted to fight for...



Yang Gang looked at the sky gradually revealing a trace of the moon with sharp corners, and suddenly said something inexplicable.

A brilliant golden light flashed.

This, perhaps, is the biggest secret between heaven and earth after the ancient mountains and seas collapsed!

above the East China Sea.

Yang Gang's voice was very firm.

after all.

An angry shout that didn't dare came from the bottom of the sea.

The world was dark.

The moonlight was hidden in the dark clouds, as if it didn't dare to illuminate the bloody sea.

"There is one thing that I have always, always wanted to fight for, but now I am doubting myself... can I really do it?"

Facing Yang Gang and in the direction of Da Zhou, he bowed deeply.

I just feel that Yang Gang seems to have something to say.

Not only is Da Zhou's test for him, but also his test for Da Zhou's heavenly soldiers.

Yang Gang supervised the army in the battle, and continued to issue orders one after another.

"The name of Erlang God, the old dragon also vaguely heard it in ancient times. He must be an extremely powerful ancient god of war. Now that you and I have also come here, I hope that God of War will let me go because of the same origin. East China Sea Dragon Clan."

At the same time, he was also amazed at Yang Gang's ability to command troops.

"I have always believed in the saying 'my life is up to me, not up to God'. Along the way, many things I encountered, even if my body was broken, I persisted with firm belief. But..."

In front of a heavenly mountain.

Ming Chan falls to the west.

With a clear cry, the golden crow spewed out from the hibiscus.

As long as you study the secret of the three-pointed double-edged knife, you can understand the essence of that power.

After three days and three nights of fighting, both sides were exhausted.

The shrill sound of the horn spread throughout the East China Sea.

Yang Gang quietly looked at the deep sea in the night, and suddenly asked, "Did Jiang Jiang go to see Su Ji?"


Yang Gang felt a little puzzled in his heart.


An ancient and boundless dragon chant resounded from the depths of the sea.

"What... do you want to do?" Han Xiang quietly looked at Yang Gang's serious expression, and suddenly felt a little hot on her face.

There is only one other ancient divine weapon.

The night was as dark as water, covered with dark clouds.

this moment.

And being able to break this piece of broken ancient magic weapon...

He still doesn't know the true face of this ancient divine weapon.

"Uh..." Han Xiang looked confused.

"But... I obviously haven't experienced that catastrophe. Why, there is that broken memory in the three-pointed two-edged knife."

Yang Gang still couldn't figure it out.

After he finished speaking, his figure suddenly fell down deeply.


"You said... the moon has its ups and downs, and people have their fortunes and misfortunes. Are there some things that were predestined a long time ago?"

A God General of Doubu fell from the sky, clasped his fists with a weapon in his hand and asked.

The woman bathed in the moonlight suddenly had a faint blush on her face.

All eyes were on Yang Gang.

Waiting for his - decision.

It is war and peace.

Everything today will be dominated by him.

(End of this chapter)

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