I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 229 Yang Gang, You Are So Ruthless!

Chapter 229 Yang Gang, You Are So Ruthless!

In the eyes of millions of East China Sea aquariums.

Yang Gang stared ahead without a trace of expression on his face.

He didn't seem to have glanced at the Dragon King of the East China Sea, nor at the exemption card hanging high in the sky.

half an hour.

He said in a concentrated voice: "Donghai Dragon Palace has repeatedly persuaded and refused to surrender, despised the Great Zhou, and disrespected the Holy King. The crime——should be punished!"

"Shut up!"

"Shut up!"

"Shut up!"

One hundred thousand heavenly soldiers shouted angrily, resounding in all directions.

this moment.

The expression on the face of the Dragon King of the East China Sea completely changed.

"Nandou Si ordered Xingjun to obey the order."


"The Immortal Formation of Qitian Mansion, attack the north!"


With Yang Gang's order, a celestial spirit rises from the [-]-strong army, and a floating celestial boat glows with thousands of celestial lights, heading north.

"Nandou Sijun Lu Xing listens to the order, ordering you to attack the south with the Celestial Immortal Formation."

"Subordinates take orders."

Following the second order, an endless bloodbath broke out on the East China Sea.

"Nandou Yanshou Xingjun listened to the order and attacked the east with the Tianliang Immortal Formation."

"Nandou Yisuan Xingjun listened to the order, and attacked the west with the Heavenly Immortal Formation."

"Du'er Xingjun and Shangsheng Xingjun listened to the order, and used Tianshu and Tianji to attack underwater, and those who stand in the way-kill without mercy!"

Five orders in a row.

Like five slaps, the face of the Dragon King of the East China Sea was slapped loudly.

Yang Gang stood up on the general platform, with a knife in one hand leaning on the ground, and the other behind his back.

With a stern face, he said: "The remaining [-] troops are in the middle to support. Today, if there are any reinforcements...even if they are far away, they will be killed!"


A sound echoed, hitting everyone's hearts like beating a drum.

The majesty of the Great Zhou will show its ferocious fangs in front of all beings in the Three Realms through this battle.It also severely frightened many existences in the dark that were about to move.

"Yang Gang, you,, you deceive people too much!"

Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, smiled angrily, his eyes were icy cold.

"is it?"

Yang Gang's eyes finally fell on him, but he said calmly: "You put up the card to avoid the battle, and you think you can stop this killing? Who do you think you are?"

"The Demon Lord of the Nine Serenities in the Battle of Zhuolu in ancient times, or one of the three kings of heaven, earth and man, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi?"


Ao Guang was startled.

"You, do you have the qualifications?" Yang Gang leaned forward and paused every word.


Ao Guang opened his mouth, but was speechless.

With the aura of a fairy, he was suppressed by Yang Gang like a pawn in a fairyland.

His complexion was gray and defeated.

To take the initiative to surrender, you must also be qualified.

The eyes of the three realms are all watching here, Da Zhou wants to show his majesty today, if Dong Hai doesn't pay a certain price...the other party will definitely not easily stop.

"Father, we will fight with them!"

Ao Bing, the Third Prince of the Dragon, flew over and landed beside Ao Guang, holding a long spear, staring at Yang Gang.


But he didn't even look at the father and son.

Sit down again and close your eyes.

A thought flashed in my mind, "The Holy Monarch's determination to unify the Three Realms is too strong, too strong! I must work hard to improve myself! Only in this way can I protect everything I cherish in the future."

"Donghai Dragon Palace can't choose, I can."

"I will not give the right to choose to anyone!"

A war that was several times more tragic than before kicked off on the East China Sea.

The six fairy boats were activated, like six terrifying arms, tearing the defense formation of the Donghai aquarium into pieces.


The sea was broken into abysses and vortexes by the immortal method, and the two immortal boats went straight into the sea and started a battle.

"Kill kill!"

"How dare you enter my waters and leave them all in the water!"

Winding dragon shadows emerged from the deep sea, accompanied by countless shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

The Dragon Palace of the East China Sea actually has hidden powers under the water.


"Zixiao Divine Thunder Formation, release!" A loud voice sounded from the two fairy boats.

A mass of incomparably solid purple thunder suddenly bloomed in the sea water.The terrifying purple thunder light spread along the sea water, turning hundreds of thousands of shrimp, soldiers and crabs into coke.

"Kill, kill, kill! Don't be afraid, follow me to kill!" The third prince Long came first and killed Xianzhou.

The Donghai tribe has nothing else, their terrifying reproductive ability makes them not afraid of the death or injury of small soldiers, and they are big enough to kill Zhou Tianbing.

"The 36 generals of the Ministry of Water led the army to help out underwater."

Yang Gang gave an order.

Suddenly 36 figures flew into the water to face the direct descendants of the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

at the same time.

The decks of the remaining four fairy boats above the sea and the sky opened up, and the figures of water soldiers emerged, holding water diversion forks, and brazenly plunged into the water with their respective commanders.

In the army composed of Doubu and Bingbu, some of the righteous gods of Shuibu were hidden.

The Dragon Clan of the East China Sea has its own hidden power.

The military power declared by Da Zhou is naturally not as simple as it appears on the surface.

The battle continues.

This killing took another three days and nights.

The strength of the Donghai tribe finally gradually began to collapse, unable to form an effective defense, and finally retreated from the sea.

Yang Gang commanded the battle formation, and the six fairy boats entered the depths of the water all the way.

One hundred miles deep, three hundred miles deep, one thousand miles deep...

The depth of the East China Sea is beyond the imagination of many people. Even though the Heavenly Soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty have the protection of immortals, they gradually feel uncomfortable.

After reaching the deep sea of ​​a thousand miles, the combat effectiveness began to gradually decline.


A command officer rose from the water and knelt in front of Yang Gang on one knee.


Yang Gang said calmly.

"Report to the commander, the six armies of the Doubu Nandou have all entered the deep sea, and the Donghai aquarium is retreating steadily, unable to form an effective defense. However, the brothers are gradually feeling uncomfortable, and the main attack vanguard has been handed over to the [-] hidden water Department of righteousness."

"Explore again, report again."

Yang Gang said calmly.


Another day later.


"There was another hidden force in the East China Sea ambushing them, and they were all defeated by the [-]-strong army of the Ministry of Water. Now the six immortal boats have attacked a mysterious water area. The monitoring of the immortal master must be where the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea is located."

'Knock, knock, knock'

There was a crisp knocking sound on the armrest.

Yang Gang pondered quietly.

He raised his head suddenly, and said in a deep voice: "Pass my order, the whole army enters the sea - capture the Dragon Palace!"

"The whole army enters the sea and captures the Dragon Palace!"

Han Xiang's figure flew into the air, and the flag above her head waved.

all of a sudden.

The four floating fairy boats on the surface of the sea glowed with a shocking divine light, crashed into the sea, and headed straight to the seabed at a depth of thousands of miles.

At this moment, the gazes of many beings in the Three Realms followed Yang Gang and his party into the sea.

On the surface of the sea, mysterious figures emerged one by one.

The light gradually dimmed.

The surrounding temperature is getting lower and lower.

Gradually, some bizarre and strange colors emerged.

The four fairy boats seem to have entered a magnificent underwater world and encountered countless strange races.

However, what caught everyone's eyes along the way were broken corpses.

seven days.

Tens of millions of living beings have fallen into reincarnation, and this time of boundless slaughter is long overdue.

This is the catastrophe of heaven and earth.

A prelude to a catastrophe of the gods that is destined to cause endless murder.

In the future, there will be countless such wars.

If there is Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in this world, I don't know if he would dare to make the great wish of "Hell is not empty, I will never become a Buddha"?
An hour later.

Yang Gang led four fairy boats and rushed to the gate of the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea.

At this time, the fighting here has temporarily stopped.

Six fairy boats and an army of [-] from the Ministry of Water stayed quietly in front of the mysterious and gloomy waters.

There are countless corpses floating in the sea.

There are righteous gods from the Doubu, heavenly soldiers from the Ministry of War, and generals from the Ministry of Water, but most of them are wrecks belonging to the Donghai tribe.

"Stop fighting for three minutes, count the damage of each department."

Yang Gang's voice spread throughout the deep sea.

Also like a sharp arrow, it was introduced into the dark waters.

Three quarters.

He only gave Donghai Dragon Palace three quarters of breathing time.

"Yang Gang, you are so ruthless! You are so ruthless! You slaughtered thousands of souls in the East China Sea, you...you will die!" An angry reprimand came from the deep sea.

(End of this chapter)

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