I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 235 1 Determining Life and Death

Chapter 235

Crystal Palace.

The sky was full of blood and rain.

Listening to Yang Gang's words like a spring breeze, the smile on Taibai Xingjun's face gradually froze, and the hearts of the dragons who were escorted into the Crystal Palace were icy cold.

Mr. Taibaixing subconsciously held an item in his sleeve.

After a long time, he sighed and said, "This old man is here to congratulate Zhenjun for his great victory and to win a piece of treasure land for my Great Zhou!"


Yang Gang smiled playfully.

"Hurry up, hurry up and bring a chair for Taibai Xingjun!"

"Oh, no, no need."

Lord Taibai Xing hurriedly waved his hand, "You don't need to sit down, this old man has something else to do here, I want to ask Zhenjun for help."

"You said."

Yang Gang cherished his words like gold, and there seemed to be some undercurrents in his calm voice.


Lord Taibai Xing shook his head and sighed, as if he regretted wading in this muddy water, and said with a wry smile: "When I was in the mountains and seas, I made good friends and made friends all over the three worlds. I once had a friend in the East China Sea, and I owed him a favor."

"Today, the Dragon Clan in the East China Sea is in trouble, and their descendants have come to ask for help, so they have no choice but to help. Please, Zhenjun, raise your hands high and leave some blood for Donghai!"


Yang Gang agreed very easily.

Immediately, everyone was stunned.

After wasting so much effort, to put the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea to death, is it just because Taibai Xingjun said lightly and put it down?


The hearts of all the dragons of the East China Sea rose again.

Just listen to Yang Gang said: "I want to know, is this the will of the Holy King, or Taibai Xingjun's own idea."

"Of course... myself."

Taibai Xingjun's expression changed for a while, and he gritted his teeth and said.

The crowd didn't understand, so it felt like the two of them were playing charades.

"Okay, then I will release the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea. Dragon King Ao Guang, come out..." Yang Gang stared at Taibai Xingjun for a while, and agreed directly, and then shouted loudly outside the hall.

"Ao Guang, here."

A real dragon snaked its body, fell into the palace and turned into a middle-aged man in a dragon robe.

Said to Yang Gang:
"Dragon King Ao Guang of the East China Sea, has met Xiansheng Zhenjun. In this battle, Donghai was convinced. From now on, he will surrender to Dazhou and dare not have any dissent. On behalf of the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea... Please surrender!"

Say it.

He knelt down slowly, looking downcast.

The word 'please' almost popped out through gritted teeth.

From now on, the East China Sea no longer has the ability to be independent in the Three Realms, and has become a subordinate territory of the Supreme Immortal Dynasty of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

But in the eyes of many people in Dazhou.

All of this is the fault of the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea.

Just based on the fact that five dragons entered Shengjing to deliver the letter of war to Yang Gang on that day, it can be seen that Donghai did not pay much attention to Da Zhou in the past.

Without even this bit of vision, it's no wonder that it will become the whetstone of Da Zhou's first battle to deter the Three Realms.

However, they were still somewhat puzzled by Yang Gang's decision.

"Everyone go down first."

Yang Gang said softly.


Everyone responded and detained the people in Dragon Palace one by one.

Only Yang Gang and Taibai Xingjun were left in the main hall.

A smile suddenly appeared on Yang Gang's face.

Lord Taibai Xing also laughed, and said: "The true master is unparalleled in wisdom and planning, but have you already guessed it?"

"Take it out."

Yang Gang nodded, looking at Taibai Xingjun's sleeve.

"it is good."

Taibaixing Lord looked solemn, took out a scroll from his sleeve, unfolded it and said in a deep voice: "The Demon God of Mountain and Sea Dang will obey the order."


Yang Gang stood up from the dragon king's throne and stood in front of Taibai.

Calling him by the name of Shanhaidang Demon God General shows that this purpose is for this battle.

"The sage has ordered that this expedition to the East China Sea should not be done in a hurry. God has the virtue of being good at life, and the way of heaven leaves a glimmer of life..." After reading a lengthy and high-sounding sentence.

"Zhenjun, accept the order!"

Lord Taibaixing handed over the imperial decree to Yang Gang.

"Yang Gang, obey the order."

Yang Gang held the imperial decree in both hands, and responded with a deep voice.

"In this way, the old man will not bother Zhenjun to clean up the battlefield." Taibai smiled slightly.

"Mr. Xing, please."

Yang Gang stretched out his hand to lead, and took the initiative to send Taibai Xingjun out of the Crystal Palace.

Looking at his back as he flew away, he couldn't help being silent for a long time.

Although they didn't say anything, they understood everything.

this battle.

The holy king wants to kill chickens and monkeys, not kill them all.If every battle is an extermination of the clan, everyone in the three realms will be terrified, and the future battles of the Great Zhou will be very difficult.

Yang Gang had already guessed this point.

So he had to sing the white face in the catastrophe of the East China Sea, while Taibai Xingjun and Shengjun sang the red face.

The two sides have a good understanding.

A big drama was staged in front of all living beings in the Three Realms, and a single word determined the life and death of thousands of dragons in the East China Sea.

And Taibai Xingjun and Donghai have old words...

"Worthy of being Taibai Xingjun, an old fox who enjoys everything in the Three Realms and can eat everywhere." Yang Gang sighed softly.

Lord Taibaixing had the imperial decree, but he didn't show it in public, which gave Yang Gang enough face, and returned Dong Hai's favor, and even made them owe a sum.

It can be described as a genius!

And Yang Gang gave a disarm at the beginning, which also means that he is not someone who can be easily manipulated.The last sentence, "Is this the will of the sage, or is it the idea of ​​Xingjun himself", called the name and I had already guessed it.

He forced Taibai to owe him a favor.


If Yang Gang really wants to deal with the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea, there are many ways to do it.

As the commander-in-chief of an army, how could it be restricted by an imperial edict.

"Clean the battlefield, count the gains and losses. One day later, take Donghai's cronies to the Crystal Palace, and I will interrogate them myself." Yang Gang's voice spread throughout the Dragon Palace, and then his figure flashed and flew towards the Stone Monkey King.

"Monkey brother."

Yang Gang landed next to the Stone Monkey King, looking at his swaying figure with a smile.

"Brother, help me, I can't carry it anymore, I can't carry it anymore! This baby, it's so heavy..." The Stone Monkey King struggled to hold the Heavenly Pillar, wobbling and unable to control his steps.

Ask Yang Gang for help.

But Yang Gang took a step back.

He waved his hand and said, "Don't, don't, I can't handle you baby!"

"What nonsense, you can even carry the Two Boundary Mountains, how can you not carry this thing!" The Stone Monkey King looked disbelieving.

"This treasure is light in your hands, but in my hands it is comparable to the Buzhou Mountain. Brother Hou, don't embarrass me!" Yang Gang said with a smile.


The Stone Monkey King hugged the Heavenly Pillar with a blank expression on his face.

Yang Gang didn't explain, just looked at him with a smile.

"I see, you must have a way to subdue this baby, right? Come on, tell me!" The Stone Monkey King suddenly understood when he saw the expression on his face.


Yang Gang laughed, and tried to say: "Brother Monkey, why don't you try saying 'little'?"


The Stone Monkey King looked puzzled.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, the Divine Light of Tongtian Divine Pillar suddenly shone brightly, and the whole shrank instantly.

"It's really useful?"

The Stone Monkey King was dumbfounded.

"Small, small, small... small for me!"

The Stone Monkey King was full of excitement and shouted loudly.

The golden pillar of Tongtian God gradually became smaller and gradually disappeared from everyone's sight, and finally turned into a golden stick with a length of one hundred feet.


A golden light flashed in the Stone Monkey King's ears, and a gold-plated iron rod turned into a piece of golden water and landed on the dragon pattern on the surface of the rod.

In an instant.

A line of golden text slowly emerged on the stick.

Yang Gang and the Stone Monkey King looked at the golden stick with anticipation in their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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