I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 236 The Monkey King Cultivation Plan

Chapter 236 The Monkey King Cultivation Plan

"As one wishes……"

Yang Gang's lips parted slightly, and he spit out two words soundlessly.

'Zi La, Zi La~~~'

A little bit of golden light splashed like a flame, and a few iron filings fell, and then the golden light slowly extinguished.

The two couldn't help but froze.

Looking at a line of golden characters on the Tongtian Divine Pillar, sometimes it turned into seven-character prototypes, and sometimes it turned into five-character prototypes, as if two forces were vying for the name of this treasure.

But that name just couldn't be revealed for a long time.

"Why is this happening?" The Stone Monkey King looked confused.

I always feel that there are memories in my mind that want to emerge, but I can't remember them.

Yang Gang on the side rubbed his chin, also lost in thought.

"It seems that it's time to take a trip to the mountains and seas... My three-pointed two-edged sword has been concealed by an inexplicable power. The core ability is hidden. The golden cudgel can't reveal its real name... What is the reason?"

he thought to himself.

Planning to end the trip to the East China Sea, he entered the mountains and seas to complete the last catastrophe.

It's time to reveal the final secret of this world's evolution!
a day later.

The Stone Monkey King stood outside the Crystal Palace carrying a [-]-foot-tall Heaven-reaching Divine Pillar, watching the dragons being escorted into the palace one by one, bared his teeth from time to time, and frightened all the dragons.

Yesterday's shocking stick that broke the curtain of the East Sea had already left a huge shadow in their hearts.

Inside the Crystal Palace.

Today is destined to be a day of shame for the proud Dragon Clan of the East China Sea.

Yang Gang is dressed in silver armor, representing the Great Zhou and sitting on the throne of the Dragon King, awe-inspiring.

Kneeling below is a row of dragons from the East China Sea, including fairyland real dragons, earth fairy dragons, fairy king dragon ancestors...all of them took human form, drooping their heads, looking like a defeated general.

at the same time.

The sky above the East China Sea shines brightly, throwing the image in the Crystal Palace into the sky, and showing it to the eyes of all beings in the three realms.

In the Crystal Palace.

A commanding officer stepped forward and shouted loudly: "Please surrender!"

The hall was silent.

for a long time.

"Dragon Clan of the East China Sea...please surrender."

Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the Eastern Sea, got up and took two steps forward, then knelt down again, holding up a scroll of surrender with both hands.

With humiliation and sadness on his face, he unfolded the letter and read slowly:
"Today, there are dragons in the East China Sea who have committed crimes against the heavens. They disrespected the Great Zhou and disrespected the sage. They deserve what they deserve. The sage is in command of the three realms, and all living beings submit to him. From now on, the dragons of the East China Sea wish to be ministers for generations, to be attached to the rule of the Great Zhou, and to never rebel!"

"Heavenly testifies, if you violate this oath, the whole family will be wiped out!"

A drop of tear fell from the eye socket.

Ao Guang raised his head abruptly, and shouted loudly: "Please accept the surrender of my dragon clan!"

"Please accept the surrender of my dragon clan!"

All the dragons below bowed their heads and knelt down and shouted in unison.

a time.

A desolate atmosphere filled the Crystal Palace.


Many powers and forces in the Three Realms also gave birth to a feeling of sorrow for the death of the rabbit and the fox.

King and loser.

This is the fate of defeat!

There is no room for mercy in the struggle between life and death.

It can only be said that Yang Gang played this battle beautifully!It completely defeated the spirit of the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea, and also demonstrated an artistic conquest to many hidden forces in the Three Realms.

Not only does he want to kill, but he also wants to kill people!

"The Dragon Clan of the East China Sea sincerely surrenders, then I will take over the letter of surrender on behalf of the Holy King."

Yang Gang smiled.

He took the volume of Jiang Shu from Ao Guang's hand, and patted Ao Guang's shoulder lightly.

The light curtain above the East China Sea shattered.

In the Crystal Palace.

Yang Gang ordered: "After today, the Dragon Clan in the East China Sea will be divided into three parts, one part will be under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Water, and one part will belong to the Ministry of Dou. The rest are stationed in the East China Sea. They are not allowed to step out of the East China Sea until they have received the Holy Order of the Great Zhou."


All the dragon clan responded in unison, and a hanging heart was finally let go.

Their lives were saved.


Ao Guang's voice sounded.

"What else?" Yang Gang asked.

"Thank you God for forgiving my sins and protecting the lives of the entire East China Sea Dragon Clan. Xiaolong is willing to present ten sets of precious armor, ten pieces of immortal weapons, one response of elixir and fairy fruit, and one hundred mussel girls to repay God's kindness!"

Ao Guang said respectfully, and waved down.

Immediately, there were rows of clam girls dressed in carapaces, holding jade plates in their hands, offering bottles of elixir, celestial fruit, special products of the East China Sea.

At the same time, there was a tidy shout outside the Crystal Palace.

A group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals came from outside the hall carrying immortal soldiers and armors.


Wisps of immortality filled the hall, and the eyes were covered by the dazzling light.

"Yes, dear."

Yang Gang gave a compliment, but he didn't have any intention of being tempted.

"However, as the commander of the army, I cannot accept bribes. These things... take them back."


Ao Guang was stunned for a moment, feeling uneasy.


All the Dragon Clan in the hall were discussing a lot, but they all looked terrified.

It can be seen that in this battle, Yang Gang really broke the pride in their hearts.

"No, no, God please accept it!"

Ao Guang pleaded.

"I said, take it back." Yang Gang's voice sank.

Ao Guang and the dragon clan stopped talking immediately, trembling in their hearts.


He changed his voice and said again: "I do have something to trouble the Dragon King."

"God, please speak!"

Ao Guang suddenly looked happy.

"I have an inner armor here, which was given by the Holy King."

Yang Gang reached out and stroked his upper body.

A fairy-level inner armor appeared in his hand exuding fairy light.

"This is the inner armor of the immortal monarch. However, I am physically strong, so I can hardly use this treasure. But every time I cast the law, the outer armor is always broken."

"I've heard that there are countless treasures hidden in the Dragon Palace of the Eastern Sea, and there are many skilled craftsmen. Therefore, I would like to ask the Dragon King to forge an outer armor for me in exchange for the inner armor... I wonder if it is possible?"

"Ke Ke Ke, it's amazing! Thank God!"

Ao Guang quickly agreed, with a happy expression on his face.

Yang Gang refused to accept his gift, but instead made him flustered, worrying that there would be embarrassment in the future.

Now these words made the old dragon king feel at ease.

"So, take it!"

With a wave of his hand, Yang Gang threw the inner armor to Ao Guang.

"Where do you dare to accept Zhenjun's treasures, no need, no need!" Ao Guang hurriedly waved his hands, wanting to send the inner armor back.

Yang Gang's face darkened.

An aura of calmness and prestige emerged spontaneously, holding back all Ao Guang's words in his throat.

A heart began to panic again.

"Look at your timid look."

Yang Gang smiled disdainfully and said, "Well, I won't make things difficult for you. I have a brother who has helped me a lot this time. If you want to thank him, thank him!"

As he spoke, he pointed to the stone monkey king outside the hall, who was carrying a hundred-foot golden cudgel and was grinning loudly.

"This... is fine."

Ao Guang had a constipated smile on his face, which was very ugly.

This time it can be said to be murderous.

Let him thank the culprit who pierced the curtain of the East Sea with a stick, as you, Yang Gang, can think of!
He did not know.

Yang Gang never thought about it in his heart.

May I ask, besides the golden cudgel, what else did the stone monkeys get when they made trouble in the East China Sea Dragon Palace?
Without this experience, how would he get the title of the Monkey King?

After a while.

The Stone Monkey King stood in the hall, wearing golden armor with chains, walking on cloud shoes with lotus root silk on his feet, a purple gold crown with phoenix wings on his head, and two red phoenix wings standing upright in the sky, looking majestic and handsome!
"Besides, Dragon Palace is willing to give the Heavenly God Iron to the Stone Monkey King, and from now on... I will never regret it in the future!" Ao Guang made up his mind and made up his mind.

"good good good good!"

The Stone Monkey King kept fiddling with the equipment on his body, laughing out loud with complacency on his face.

"Monkey brother."

Yang Gang suddenly said: "I think you are so handsome, you are really the most beautiful monkey in the Three Realms! The title of Stone Monkey King is no longer worthy of you, how about... how about we change our name?"

"Oh, change your name? Change what?"

A series of question marks appeared above the Stone Monkey King's head.

"Just call it the Monkey King, how about it?"

"Beautiful...Monkey...King..." The Stone Monkey King stared blankly at the image of a handsome monkey emerging from the water mirror in front of him, and was infatuated for a moment.

this moment.

His heart was beating wildly.

I just feel that this name is my destiny for myself!

Suddenly an officer came to report from outside the hall.

"what's up?"

Yang Gang asked.

"Return to the commander, there is a black god dog riding the waves on the East China Sea, and it has gone to the place where the sun rises in the east!"

(End of this chapter)

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