Chapter 257

The God of Mountains and Seas, God of Judiciary, Erlang Xianshengzhenjun... Yang Gang, back to Beijing!
This news swept through Shengjing like a tide, attracting the attention of countless people.

But Yang Gang went back to the capital alone first with the big troops, and immediately declared retreat, he didn't even go to Xianting, and no one dared to bother him.

Changting Street Courtyard.

Yang Gang sat cross-legged, and in front of him was an illusory figure, exactly the same as him in ancient times.

But it is somewhat different from his Shinto body in Jiangnan.

"Isn't it a clone?"

Yang Gang's eyes were strange, looking at his phantom in front of him.

In the past few days, he has studied for a long time, but there is nothing to gain, and finally moved it to the Longtai Faxiang helplessly.

That is at this moment.

The platform shook leisurely.

An inexplicable suction was introduced into the void and floated into the sky.


over nine days.

A round of the sun was suspended on the hibiscus tree, and suddenly there was a sudden shock, and a wisp of 'flame' obediently sprinkled into the distance.

Sheng Jing.

Yang Gang stared at the void in amazement, a ray of pure real fire of the sun traveled through countless spaces and hung in front of him.

"It's such a pure sun fire, it's not an exaggeration to say it's the essence of the sun."

"The role of the mythical body is so... What is the use of this thing?"

As soon as the words fell, the real fire of the sun in front of him suddenly turned into a small sun, scattering hundreds of millions of sparks, pouring in from all the limbs and bones of Yang Gang.


A warm temperature rose from his whole body, Yang Gang only felt more comfortable than in the gossip furnace...

"This is Fire Tribulation!"

"The role of the body of the divine way is to be able to receive the real fire of the sun above the nine heavens!"

On the dragon platform.

Yang Gang's soul shook for a while, and gradually overlapped with the mythical body.

next moment.

A thought came.

Yang Gang suddenly understood that the mythical body he obtained was related to the life of the sun because of the fate of all sentient beings.

From now on, every day, he can get a ray of the sun's true fire from the sun.

A gleam of joy flashed across Yang Gang's face.

However, the real surprise is yet to come.

At that time, the sun had just set in the west.

A bright moon rises along the trend, as bright and flawless as a jade plate.

At this very moment.

Lunar anchor.

A ray of pure power of moonlight descended from the sky, shining on Yang Gang's body, penetrating into his limbs and bones little by little, as if revealing the eternal and deep attachment.

He instantly felt refreshed after bathing in the rain.

"The sun is bound to me because the mythical body once shot the sun. Why did this lunar star bind me? And what anchors my body..."

Yang Gang raised his head in a daze.

Looking at the moon outside the sky, there is a puzzled look in his eyes.

at the same time.

Jiang Jiang, who was in Jiangfu, and Hanxiang, who was in Doubu, both felt this strange change.

The strong moonlight power shrouded them, rapidly improving their cultivation.

this moment.

I don't know how many powers in the Three Realms raised their heads and looked at the moon in the sky.

Many people in Shengjing also discovered the abnormality of the three moonlights falling into Shengjing.


For this opportunity, they dare not snatch it.

Who is Yang Gang?

The most popular figure in the Three Realms today.

Even with their ten guts, they dare not take away the opportunity!

"It's not easy for the Judicial God to make such a commotion as soon as he came back! You said that he has always denied that he is Hou Yi. Is this statement credible?"

"It's hard to say. If I get such great merit, I won't deny it anyway!"

"Hey... I really look forward to the moment when he takes charge of the judiciary and takes the knife against the laws of the world."

Because of Yang Gang's return, Shengjing once again had an undercurrent.

At this time, Yang Gang was still amazed by the changes in his body.

The real fire of the sun poured in, strengthening his physical foundation.The addition of the power of the sun completely made the two forces blend together, triggering a qualitative change!
Yang Gang's body was surrounded by an illusory halo.

The power of water and fire intertwined layer by layer, as if there was a roar of a grand bell.

It seems that every cell is gradually condensing into a world of water, fire, yin and yang.


He reached out a hand and squeezed lightly.

The void in front of him collapsed in an instant, and it seemed that he could see the endless scene of nine secluded worlds.

"Hiss... so fierce! My physical body, without relying on the three-pointed two-edged sword, can I fight against the fairyland?"

Yang Gang gasped.

After being promoted to Earth Immortal, his mana increased several times.Coupled with the fusion of water, fire, and yin and yang energy in the physical body, the foundation instantly soared tenfold.

It is no exaggeration to say.

He who has become an earth immortal with the power of nine lives may really be able to fight some "false saints" who have become enlightened by external forces.

"The physical body will suffer from fire and water forever..."

Yang Gang raised his head and looked out the window with burning eyes, "It seems that the 'curse' of the little fox has come true!"

"In this way, the deduction of the nine-kalpa sanctification of the physical body will be accomplished in the second kalpa of the water and fire melting furnace? I can't think of things that I haven't done in the mountains and seas, but in reality I will be one step ahead..."

"In the future... if every flesh and blood cell is transformed into a small world, fused with the power of endless water, fire, yin and yang, then how powerful... will I be?"

Three days passed in a row.

Yang Gang didn't even take a step away from the room, just like the outside rumors, he was indeed consolidating his realm.

Longtai Faxiang.

Carve your own supernatural powers into your life, and sway them freely, like swaying your arms.

This dragon platform is the Dao platform.

It is the embodiment of the Sea of ​​Consciousness Lingtai, where the soul and true spirit support the original life.

An ordinary fairyland has just become a fairy.

The dragon platform has a radius of one foot, one foot and one inch.

Every ten times is a realm.

It can be said that by the time of the Nine Realms of the Earth Immortal, the World Dragon Terrace in the Sea of ​​Consciousness already has infinite size.

Only the infinite sea of ​​knowledge can bear the true avenue and be promoted to the immortal king!

The supernatural inscriptions in the realm of Longtai Dharma are all prepared for the future achievement of immortal monarchs and accommodating thousands of miles.

Some of their own background, or their comprehension is not enough, or their lifespan is insufficient, so they have to rely on external forces to forcibly carry the Dao, in order to get rid of the pain of reincarnation and continue to search for the authenticity of the Dao.

But Yang Gang's dragon platform is nine feet nine feet nine inches.

This is the foundation brought by the power of the Nine Worlds, the supreme foundation built.

When the third day.

When Yang Gang expanded the dragon platform to twelve feet, three feet and seven inches

The [-] heavenly soldiers who conquered the East China Sea in the Great Zhou Dynasty finally returned in triumph.

All the people cheered and lined the streets to greet and celebrate the prosperity of the country.

As the commander-in-chief of this army, Yang Gang had no choice but to leave the city, and personally led the army to stop in front of the city gate to win the hearts of the people for Da Zhou.

An hour later.

He led a bodyguard team, together with the main generals of the Doubu, Shuibu, and Bingbu, to the Dazhou Immortal Court to meet the Holy King and receive the reward.

for a long time.

This busy day is finally over.

Yang Gang got five 3000-year-old flat peaches, one Xuantian fairy vine, some mortal silver taels, and three manors outside Shengjing.

However, he did not have all the hereditary fiefdoms of other low-level generals.

at this point.

Many people don't understand.

Yang Gang is very clear.

Some time ago, the reform plan he discussed with the All Saints of the All Saints Academy has been submitted to the Saint King.

It is a signal that he did not get the fief today.

When he clarifies the judiciary of the Great Zhou, he will start to reform a bright universe.

This is the wish of the Holy King.

It is also the wish of the people of Liming all over the world and the saints of the All Saints Academy!
Yang Gang's plan is very good.

When the interests of the three parties are no longer in conflict, and even have the same purpose, in this mythical world where great power is gathered in one body, reform... will be unstoppable like a torrent!
Walking out of the Great Zhou Immortal Court, he declined the invitations of many fellow Immortal Officials.

Yang Gang let out a long breath.

His temporary title of 'Mountain and Sea Demon God General' has finally resigned, and now the only thing left is himself who is still conquering the land in the mountains and seas.

"Boss, Hu Meizi from Zhenbao Pavilion has woken up."

As soon as Yang Gang returned to the Hongchen Diaoyu shop, the shopkeeper Hongye came forward to report.

"Oh? Wake up."

There was a gleam in Yang Gang's eyes.

"The proprietress has already gone, and that big black dog..."

(End of this chapter)

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