I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 258 Underworld, Wheel Chapter

Chapter 258 Underworld, reincarnation

"Let me go! Let me out!"

"I beg you, I really don't remember anything, I don't remember anything..." A pitiful pleading came.

Yang Gang pushed the door open and entered, all eyes were on him.

"It's all there!"

Yang Gang smiled, his eyes skipped over Lan Caiyi, Jiang Jiang, Hanxiang, Xiaotiangou, and even the boss of Zhenbao Pavilion who bowed and knelt, and finally fell on 'Su Ji' who was covering her face like a white lotus and weeping. body.

With the arrival of Yang Gang.

Su Ji stopped crying, then turned her head and continued to cry.

"Go ahead."

Yang Gang sat down at the side, and said softly: "What is your purpose for approaching me? It just so happens that the boss of Zhenbao Pavilion is here today, and he explained everything clearly so that everyone will not be embarrassed in the future."

There was a sense of majesty in the plain voice, pressing down on the hearts of everyone in the room.

The owner of Zhenbao Pavilion quickly waved his hand, bowed and said: "Where is it, I dare not be a small one. Thank you, sir, for helping my wife... Uh, thank you, thank you!"


Yang Gang turned his gaze to him, and a golden light flashed on his forehead.

The owner of Zhenbao Pavilion froze in place, dripping with cold sweat, lowered his head and dared not speak again.


Yang Gang's voice sank.

The pressure was overwhelming.

After experiencing the battle of Zhuolu in ancient times, the battle of mountains and seas, the catastrophe of shooting the sun in ancient times, and the battle of the East China Sea, he has cultivated a domineering majesty.

this moment.

Even Jiang Jiang and Han Xiang were silent, feeling a little scared.But a pair of eyes seemed to be attracted by his figure.

There is only one person.

"You child, don't be so fierce. You scared Aunt Ni and Jiang Jiang!"

Lan Caiyi patted Yang Gang's shoulder, and glanced at Jiang Jiang Hanxiang's expression, "Also, Boss Liu has helped us a lot during this time, please respect him."

"Yes, mother."

Yang Gang reluctantly responded, his tone slowing down.

Continue to stare at Su Ji on the bedside.

"I... I really forgot."

Su Ji's eyes were full of tears, her arms crossed her shoulders, and she looked at Yang Gang's face pitifully.

Just that moment.

She almost peed in fright... oh no, she was so scared that she almost told Yang Gang everything.

Fortunately, Yang Gang's mother helped her out.

This gentle aunt is really a kind person!

The little fox, who was already tens of thousands of years old, thought shamelessly in his heart.

She lowered her head and looked around.

Then he took a quick glance at Lan Caiyi, as if he had thought of something.

Yang Gang frowned suddenly.

After pondering for a moment, he said, "Since you can't remember it, go back."

"Yes, thank you sir!"

The owner of Zhenbao Pavilion immediately showed joy, and carefully tried to help Su Ji.

"I'll go by myself."

The little fox withdrew his hand like lightning, refusing to let him touch him.

Then subconsciously glanced at Yang Gang.

He bowed his head and walked out step by step, quite reluctant to part.

"Just let her go?"

Jiang Jiang asked from the side.

"How can that be?"

Yang Gang shook his head and said, "I can't find any evidence that she bewitched Boss Liu, and she offered the fragments of the three-pointed double-edged sword in public... Now that the magic soldier is back, I can only accept this invitation."

"However, the days are still long! Whether it's a fox or a dog, they will always show their tails! I can't take off her clothes to see what she really is, can I?"

The possibility of Su Ji being Qingqiu's Fox Immortal was not unthought of by Yang Gang.

But that little fox was trapped in the Conferred God Stage for tens of thousands of years, how could it be easily unblocked?He has asked someone to go to Qingqiu to find out, and he believes that he will know the answer in a few days.

"It's not impossible." Hong Ye, who came in behind Yang Gang, muttered.

It immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"I didn't say anything, I went to sell fish!"

Hongye was startled, and hurriedly trotted out of the guest room.

And the other side.

When the little fox returned to Zhenbao Pavilion in Bai Huaxian's body, he blew a sigh of relief at Boss Liu who was following him.

He immediately yawned and went to bed to rest in a daze.

"I'm finally back. I pretended to sleep for more than ten days. I'm so tired..." The little fox let out a long breath, patting his chest with his small hands.

Immediately thinking of Yang Gang, he couldn't help scratching his hair in distress.

At the same time, there was an inexplicable sadness in my heart.

During this period of time, whenever she thought of Yang Gang, she couldn't help crying.

Every time, I can't wait to wake up and tell Yang Gang all the distress in my heart.

"Wuwuwu, brother Erlangshen, the little fox really seems to be confessing everything to you. I will dedicate everything to you... But, but I am really afraid! I am afraid that you don't want me... I am so afraid that you hate me..."

"What to do, empress, can you teach the little fox?"

The little fox knelt on the ground and prayed devoutly to the sky.

A round of bright moon gradually rose to the treetops, quietly watching the common people on the earth.

But the two empresses on the lunar star are not the ancient Wangchen I.Naturally, he would not recognize her as a little fox, and would not respond.

The world remains the same.

The time to return to ancient times has not yet come, and the lunar star will not explode at this time.

And this period of time.

Yang Gang is working hard to improve himself silently, and some top powers in the world are also working hard silently, trying to create a new order of their own when the world returns to ancient times.

A new order and new rules that can control the operation of the world under the ancient rules of the world!

Two days passed leisurely.

The life of Yang Gang's family is very peaceful and happy.

And the little fox living beside was very distressed.

every day.

That nasty roaring dog would come and walk around in front of her, as if showing off, but also as if taking revenge for what she had done before.

The little fox was very frantic, and his heart was almost overflowing with jealousy.

Get angry for the last time.

He sent the boss of Zhenbao Pavilion who was swaying in front of his eyes from time to time to Qingqiu, intending to give him a gentle home and allow him to be a real vixen as his wife.


Su Ji became the real boss of Zhenbao Pavilion.

In fact, the background of Zhenbao Pavilion is not without the background of princes and nobles, and many wealthy families and families are involved.

But everyone heard that the vicious lady seemed to have some entanglements with Yang Gang, and was even taken to the East China Sea, so they didn't dare to act rashly and could only choose to wait and see temporarily.

this day.

Just as Yang Gang was about to continue his journey in the mountains and seas, to unravel the last secret of the hidden power of the three-pointed and double-edged sword.

An uninvited guest from the Immortal Court came to Hongchen Diaoyu.

"The little old man has seen the God of Justice."

Taibai Xingjun saluted with a smile, and he didn't see the heartache that he suffered in the East China Sea before.

"I've seen Mr. Xing, please sit down."

Yang Gang returned the gift and invited Taibai Xingjun to take his seat, and asked casually: "I don't know if Xingjun came here, but he brought the holy intention?"

"There is no holy will, but I came to inform the gods in advance, and it would be good to sell one. The next goal of Dazhou has been decided. But this time the coach has not been decided, and it may not be you, the gods!"

Mr. Taibai Xing smiled authentically.


Yang Gang stared fixedly, "Where are we going to fight this time?"

"Northern Cold Sky Territory, Nine Nether Survivors."

Taibai Xingjun's face was serious, and he said every word.


Yang Gang's face suddenly became heavy.

Are you going to face the Jiuyou clan so soon?
Nine Nether Survivors.

It is different from the giant god survivors in the Northland.

The descendants of Jiuyou left behind by the ancient Jiuyou tribe are not so easy to deal with!

"This time the battle is a major event concerning all living beings in the Three Realms, changing places." Lord Taibai Xing took a breath.

Yang Gang found that his expression was even more dignified than before.

"what's up?"

Yang Gang showed a curious look.

"Hell, reincarnation..."

(End of this chapter)

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